Well, here we meet again, dear, dear
Americans; and others who seem to have joined in the discussion. We're
all in this together.
First, let's update.
Overall, I think we're doing pretty good considering we can't see and
hear each other. Over 26,000 seem to have read the letter, not bad for
only having sent the link to ONE person. I am getting a fair amount of
email, about 95% positive. There has been very little name calling, and
I must confess, I did call someone a name, nobody's perfect. It did take
me quite a few email exchanges to get to that point, but at some point,
enough is enough!
Only two emails from
Major Assholes, which is a very good
sign, one of them was the one that got my goat. I won't be reading
anything more from him. I only saw one place where it was posted that I
was a kook. That's not a bad average for me.
I've met some REALLY nice and very
interesting people. I'm hearing a lot of the same concern for what is
happening to the people of our nation, as well as all the people of the
world to whom we are connected. I am hearing anger, as we all have; but
it is not directed inappropriately, and when it was, it has been
recognized, and apologized for after mutual communication took place.
Wouldn't it be nice if it worked so easily
out in the real world? Or, is this the real world, too? I'll share some
of the comments later, like before.
I'm relieved because not too many people have been jumping off target
and complaining that the first
idea sucked, and that I was lame to
even suggest it, therefore all is lost. To them I say, hey, I had to
come up with a good one, fast. I think I did. There will be no handy,
dandy, one-size-fits-all, except
AIG, idea that ANY of us can come
up with in 48 hours that will fix this mess.
I don't care how much it's super-sized.
Not even
another stimulus bill.

I know there have been plants obtained and
seeds planted, because many of you
wrote and told me you did it. Even though I can't see you, I trust you
were telling me the truth.
I also know that there is, for sure, a
tangerine tree and
lemon tree that are very happy because
one reader bought them, got them out of their pots, and planted them
into dirt. I wonder how many who said the idea was lame didn't do it?
Probably all of them. Oh well, their choices, their loss. We'll be
eating our goodies, and they won't. It's all just a start, and that's
good enough for the rest of us for now, so there! This isn't over yet!
So... let's get on to the next idea, shall we?
The Internet is an amazing thing. No wonder
they want to control it, or even shut it down. One can
communicate almost instantly with someone on the other side of the
planet, or right down the street. It can
get pretty busy. Information can be
found that one would have a very hard time obtaining otherwise. Friends
can be made, enemies as well. Ideas can be shared, questions asked,
answers sometimes found, sometimes not.
The Internet is a BIG place, as you can see by this current map.

Posting on the Internet is a very
interesting topic unto itself.
Put something up there, and it could be read
by anyone, anywhere, any time. I'm getting questions about pages on my
site I haven't looked at myself in over 10 years. Makes me realize that
I need to update and organize my own site a bit.
Web pages and posts could be written by anyone. It's real easy to make
up a false self on the Internet. It's easy to make up a lot of false
selves. In fact, I remember "back in the day" of early research
regarding illegal aerosol operations such weirdness went on.
There was actually a group of people who
posted all under the same name in different places, on different forums,
to debunk the issue and attack the investigators. Those kinds of
instances highlight the disadvantage of not being able to see each other
as we communicate over the net. It can become a trust issue. (Yes, I
know about webcams and Skype, but most people don't use them and do
things the old fashioned way...they read.)
So what does all that have to do with the next idea and Truth,
Half-Truths, Lies and Cowards? It's coming, please be patient. We're
all learning here.
We can't sound-byte this stuff.

I am finding out that my using my real name,
being honest about who I am and what I feel and believe, is something
some people on the net don't do a whole lot.
It's easy to hide behind a nickname. I know
people who do it in real life. It's a nice, shallow, sort of safe way to
live, I suppose, until it blows up, which it always does eventually. The
mask of the nickname doesn't require much of anything, being fake is all
that is required. Being fake is generally pretty easy. If we look
honestly at ourselves, we'll find we all do the mask thing to one degree
or the other. It's our job to figure it out and fix it in ourselves.
That's easier said, than done.
If one chooses the mask life style, then they can't focus on reality,
they have to try and manipulate it. The main job is to keep perfecting
the mask so as not to reveal, or deal, with the real person underneath;
and the consequences of their true beliefs and actions.
Meanwhile, the Half-Truth life that is
lived, as it were, creates havoc for those who try to be in honest
relationship with such a person because the person they think they are
in relationship with, doesn't exist. Eventually the situation comes to a
head. If what is
under the mask becomes revealed, when
the truth is out, that's when all the pain starts. That's when people
start getting hurt.
The pain starts because the mask must be protected at all costs, even if
it means the destruction of relationships that would, in a healthy mind,
be of great value. It's an easy way out of real life for the masked one,
but it's not the truth. They often will just bolt to avoid the reality
of their situation.
Out of sight, out of mind, oh, SO out of
mind. It is a very self-destructive way to live, and it hurts other
people a heck of a lot, too. There is no respect there; not for the self
or for others. It is betrayal as well for both. It is the act of a
coward, and/or someone who is not quite right in the head, so to speak.
Anyway, I y'am who I y'am. I have been told that my presenting myself in
this manner is dangerous to myself and my family. I disagree. I'm not
saying we don't need to be careful. However, I do not have a problem
with the truth.
(May I add here, for the record, suicide
would never be a choice for me, no matter how bad things get around
here. I am not on any SSRIs; been there, survived that, it's so 90's. I
have a family and friends to love and support. I am there for the people
I love. Even for people that don't love me back. I'm tenacious, ask
anyone who knows me well. Tenacious people with working hearts don't off
I think honesty is the best policy, on the net, or off the net. I find
in both places lying serves no one well. Not the liar, and especially
not the one being lied to. It's a lose/lose proposition for everyone in
the long run. Why go there unless one is a coward or a sociopath? They
say the "truth hurts" and it sure has it's moments, but real pain comes
from lies.
Lies come from COWARDS. Sociopaths are just
sick in the head (and heart).
That's what makes it so hard, there's so
many cowards and sociopaths and disordered people running around. Their
hearts are not in working order either; which is generally why they are
cowards, and sociopaths, and disordered people in the first place. It
gets harder. They aren't always easy to spot. I have said for years that
when the SHTF discernment is going to be our most important survival
It's especially hard dealing with narcissists and other sociopaths. They
can be very charming, as a verb, not an adjective. Since their main goal
is to get what they want from someone, they at first say and do all the
"right" things. They crank up the Mask, put on the show, and it works,
for a while.
The old saying about if it seems too good to
be true, it probably is...that is what happens in the beginning. It is
often the first red flag indicating something is just not right about
the whole thing.

To thine own self be true, and it
must follow,
as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.
William Shakespeare
So, let's talk about half truths. Half
truths are things that can be very insidious.
Just enough truth in there to believe the
rest, which is a lie. That is exactly how the disinfo/misinfo world of
so called main stream media works. Then there's the lie of omission.
Lies of commission (telling a lie) and lies of omission (withholding the
truth) are both still lies. Sometimes the lies of omission can do more
damage than an outright lie.
With outright lies, you at least have the
lie to examine and determine the truth, or lack thereof. With lies of
omission, you aren't given enough information to make a valid conclusion
about the truth of the matter. When caught in a lie of omission told to
me by someone who I cared a great deal about for a long time, it was
brushed off. I was told, "I didn't lie....I just didn't tell you."
Sorry, but that not telling part is the lie.
The painful consequences of the withheld truth remained the same. It
didn't hurt any less once the truth was out, it actually added to the
pain. It is a matter of respect. Respect for oneself, as well as the
person/people being lied to. (See the Shakespeare quote above.)
I have always said that I would rather have
a bad truth, than a good lie. We need the truth to determine reality.
Lies and liars distort reality, which leaves those being lied to unable
to make valid conclusions. Again, it's all about respect; for ourselves,
others and the truth. WE are surrounded by liars all the time.
TV lies, politicians lie, reporters lie...
lies, lies, lies all over the place.
Who do you believe?
We all have trusted people who are not
People who are honest have an especially
hard time because they think others are just like them, so they often
trust people they shouldn't. That is why we are having a hard time in
this country.
It's because we don't want to believe that
the people we trust would lie to us, and they have...over, and over, and
over. We have lost trust in so many areas, and it hurts. A lot, unless
we use the old denial route. We feel disrespected and betrayed. Trust is
hard to rebuild once it is broken.
Sometimes it can never be repaired.
So here's the next idea.

Idea #2
Tell the Truth - Come Clean
Think it's a bit too much?
Not feasible?
Pie-in-the sky, kind of way too far
out of the box, not do-able?
Maybe so.
But, as an idea that could actually be put
into practice, I think it has potential. There's only one problem. It
takes personal responsibility and courage to pull it off. I guess that's
two problems. "OH! OH!" That's the kicker.
What we run into here is what we run into everywhere else. We can only
control ourselves. We can choose not to lie, and then come clean if we
do. We are none of us perfect. We also have to learn that we can't make
OTHER people stop lying no matter how much WE tell the truth. You knew
there would be a hitch, didn't you? Well, that's it.
Other people have to have enough self
respect to stop their own lying. We can't do it for them. If "we" and
"they" have the dynamic duo of personal responsibility AND courage
working for us, Whoo Hoo! Now we're talking!
So. This idea becomes about having the self respect, personal
responsibility, and COURAGE to tell the truth about things and come
clean. I don't need to point out where that needs to be done. Some cases
are right out in the open, others hide in the background - hoping that
no one notices the messes made by the lies told, the information
withheld, the people disrespected...you know the drill.
Whatever energy or being you think is the Top Dog of the Universe, that
source gave you, and everyone else - free will. It is our greatest gift
and our biggest burden. That goes for everyone else stuck here with us,
no matter what color, age, gender, or whatever other divisive label one
feels the need to attach. This means we each have to suck it up for it
to work. Tell the truth, and come clean about things. You know where you
need to do that for yourself, just like I know for myself.
Here's the idea...just do it. Tell the truth, come clean where needed.
See through the masks. Lets not be cowards, if we can help it. Let's
give ourselves a real world.
Who knows what would happen next? Whatever happened next would come from
a more truthful place in the heart. So, it would be more real - it could
then become something, or someone, in which to trust.