by Tony Cartalucci
August 15, 2012
LandDestroyer Website
Collections of "interviews" conducted abroad
and "in the field" shape latest UN report,
compiled by US corporate-financier
representative Karen Koning AbuZayd.

"The [UN] report covers the period between Feb. 15 and July 20 and
involved 1,062 interviews, both in the field and in Geneva," reported
the Washington Post in their
article titled, 'UN expert panel
concludes Syria regime, militia have committed war crimes against
The Washington Post also writes that the UN
report stated,
"anti-government armed groups committed war
crimes, including murder, extrajudicial killings and torture."
The value of a report based on "interviews" is
throwaway propaganda - to be twisted and used by both sides accordingly, but
ultimately adding nothing in terms of documented facts or forensic,
photographic, and/or video evidence.
While providing a window into the current state
of propaganda hanging over the Syrian conflict, the report adds nothing in
terms of a better understanding of actual events on the ground.
The language used by the Washington Post, and
the selectively accusing title chosen indicates that the "twisting" and
leveraging of the UN's latest report has already begun.
UN Report Compiled
(Again) by Washington Think-Tanker
The latest report is but a tired rehash of the equally useless
UN Human Rights Council's report,
in November 2011.
This, too, was nothing more than a collection of
"interviews" conducted abroad with "witnesses" provided by Syrian opposition
groups and alleged defectors.

Screenshot from the Washington D.C.-based
Middle East Policy Council's board
of directors from which the UN has drawn Karen Koning
AbuZayd as head of their recent "expert panel" on Syria.
With fellow board members representing the collective
interests of the American and Gulf State
corporate-financier interests currently underwriting
armed militants inside Syria, the conflict of interest
resigns the legitimacy of the report - based entirely on
"interviews" - as well as the legitimacy of the UN
The UN panel for both the 2011 and
most recent report was co-headed by
Karen Koning AbuZayd,
a director of the US Washington-based
corporate think-tank, Middle East Policy Council.
Its board of directors includes,
Exxon men
CIA agents
representatives of the Saudi Binladin
Group (Osama Bin Laden's family business)
former ambassadors to Kuwait, Oman, and
US military and government
the president of the US-Qatar Business
Council, which
includes amongst its membership,

Image: Just some of the corporate members of the
US-Qatar Business Council,
whose president just so happens to sit
on the same board of
directors of the Middle East Policy Center as Karen
AbuZayd, co-author of, now two, conveniently timed UN
reports on Syria.
In other words,
the very underwriters of the armed
militancy that is consuming Syria are sitting along side the head of the UN
commission producing reports portraying the Syrian government as guilty of,
"war crimes and crimes against humanity."
The hypocrisy, criminality, and fraud is, for a
lack of a better term, astronomical.
Such reports based on unverified "interviews" conducted with admitted
members of Syria's opposition, citing absolutely no evidence, and compiled
by representatives of the very corporate-financier interests who have
since at least 2007 to undermine and
overthrow the Syrian government with armed sectarian extremists represent
biased propaganda serving special-interests that has absolutely no place
within the allegedly pluralistic United Nations.
The UN, however, is by no means pluralistic.
It is a tool of the corporate-financier
interests of the nations that dominate it, specifically interests emanating
from Wall Street and London and those in their geopolitical orbit. Not only
is the most recent UN report throwaway propaganda, it may serve as an
exhibit in future war crime tribunals leveled against those conspiring
against the people of Syria.
For the UN, it has categorically proven the failure of "global governance"
and the primacy of "international law."
It serial failure demands its replacement by
multipolar cooperation that recognizes national sovereignty and the primacy
of the nation-state as an unassailable, uncrossable line.