by Sorcha Faal
a.k.a. David Booth
and as reported to her Western Subscribers
November 10, 2009
WhatDoYouMean Website
Russian Foreign Ministry reports to Prime Minister Putin on the just
concluded Monday night ‘secret’ meet held between the American President and
his Israeli counterpart at the White House state that Obama and Netanyahu
traded ‘threats of war’ for nearly 4 hours before Israel’s Prime Minister
‘stormed out’ of the Oval Office warning that “we’ll see who really runs
this damn place.”

President Obama had previously showed his contempt for Netanyahu when the White House
released a photo of him talking
on the phone with Israel’s Prime Minister (which is considered by both Jews
and Arabs to be a great insult) shortly after Obama had been video taped
bowing down before the King of Saudi Arabia, both of which events have
contributed to the Israeli people holding Obama in great disdain.
Netanyahu, on his part, has continued to thwart Obama’s peace overtures to
the Arab World and refused to stop building in either East Jerusalem or the
occupied West Bank territories leading Jordanian King Abdullah II to warn
that Israel is ‘playing with fire’ and Syrian President Bashar Assad to warn
that failure of the peace process will lead to ‘Arab resistance’.
Provoking Netanyahu even more, these reports continue, was Obama’s ordering
his UN Ambassador ‘not to interfere’ with the United Nations Goldstone war
crimes report on Israel’s barbaric war against the Palestinians in Gaza
which could see Netanyahu, and other Israeli leaders, charged with crimes
against humanity and which UN Chief Ban Ki-Moon has said he’s passing to the
Security Council shortly.
Important to note about Obama’s shifting the United States stance on the
Goldstone report was the highly respected South African Jewish jurist who
complied the report, Richard Goldstone, challenging the American President
to show him any faults in it, which Obama was unable to do.
Even more enraging for Netanyahu was the United States releasing a statement
shortly before his meeting with Obama that the Americans were now going to
allow Iran ‘more time’ to decide upon if it is going to agree to a UN
brokered deal on its nuclear stockpile, a stance the Israelis are vehemently
opposed to and have warned their that their threat
to attack the Iranians
‘is not a bluff’.
Most dangerous for the World, however, these reports warn, is that this
titanic struggle between Obama and Netanyahu has ‘catastrophic implications’
for all Nations as Israel appears to have co-opted both the American Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the growing
right-wing Christian factions in
the US and
UK extremist
Military Forces and are reported to be redeploying
their Taliban forces in Afghanistan (with American weapons and ammunition)
towards what Russian Intelligence Analysts state will lead to a ‘final
showdown’ on who is going to control America’s wars, Obama or Netanyahu.

Leading to the fears of Israel and their CIA and US-UK right-wing Military
allies about Obama is their belief that he is a ‘secret’ Muslim intent upon
realigning America’s interest away from European and Israeli banking
interests (one of whose most important leaders, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, said yesterday are “doing God’s work”) and more towards those of
the Arab World, especially the Shiite sect centered in Iran about whom the
leader of the CIA backed Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Mohammed bin
Abdul Rahman al-Rashid, warned today ‘is more dangerous than the Jews’.
Surprisingly aligning themselves with Obama against those right-wing
extremist factions opposing him is the NATO member, and ‘gateway to Asia’
former Ottoman Empire Nation of Turkey, whose President, Recep Tayyip
Erdogan, ‘slapped down’ Netanyahu by stating that he would rather meet with
the indicted for war crimes leader of Sudan than the Israeli Prime Minister.
Even more alarming to Israel and its right-wing allies in both the United
States and Europe is this weeks meeting between Turkey’s leaders and Iranian
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a strategic move made against the Israeli’s
where one of their top Jewish Rabbis has sanctioned the “murder of
non-Jewish babies who pose a threat to Israel”.
Not being understood by the American people about these latest moves in the
Great Game is their all centering upon the sub continent, where with India
now siding with the Israelis against the Chinese and Obama’s ‘new strategic
shift’ towards a US-Islamic alliance centered on Iran and Turkey, and with
India’s new push into Afghanistan at the expense of Pakistan (all of whom
are nuclear armed with India, Pakistan and Israel refusing to sign the
International Nuclear Treaty) has led India to accuse China of supplying
their Maoist (Communist) rebels with guns and the Chinese to fire back for
the Indians to ‘remember the 1962 war’.
And for the greatest understanding of these Great Game moves one has to
remember that not only do Pakistan and Iran border an Afghanistan quickly
coming under the control of an Indian-Israeli alliance, so does China, and
whose growing military doctrine calls for (if necessary) using Afghanistan
as its ‘main route’ to push into the vital to its security oil and gas rich
regions of Iran and Saudi Arabia a military force it claims can exceed 200
Million troops.
Now if that 200 Million man army force China speaks of sounds familiar it is
because it is the exact number of ‘horseman’ predicted in the christian book
of Revelations [Chapter 9, Verse 16] which warns of a future time when an
army of this incredible size will come from the East, cross the Euphrates
(located in Iraq and quickly drying up) and kill a third of mankind.

For Obama to win his next planned moves, these reports conclude, he has the
nearly insurmountable task of re-aligning the United States into the axis of
Turkey and Iran (whose governments and peoples are natural enemies of the
Afghan Taliban and Pakistanis) while at the same time neutralizing the
right-wing extremist forces in his own Military and CIA and preventing these
‘Apocalyptic Millennialism’ forces from joining with Israel’s right-wing
forces to bring about a cataclysmic Global War they believe will bring back
their ‘gods’.
Worse still for Obama in his achieving his goals is that Israeli and
American Jews are behind
40 percent of the contributions to his Democratic
Parties elections, and without whose support the right-wing Republican Party
will sweep to elections wins in both the 2010 Congressional and 2012
Presidential elections throwing him, and his few remaining allies, from
power and setting the United States on a path towards Total Global War.
To who will be the ultimate winner in this new Great Game it is not to our
knowing, other than to point out the obvious that it is going to get much,
much worse before it gets better.