by Chuck Norris
July-August 2010
HumanEvents Website
Part 1
July 27, 2010
Sound too conspiratorial to be true? Like the
cover-up ops of spy novels? Well, it's reality.
And it is possibly the most bizarre, inhumane
and abusive way that the White House is expanding its power over the
American people. It's not an extremist belief or theory of the far right.
It's a fact that has been confirmed by,
And it's the gravest nightmare of U.S. citizens
and abandonment of our Constitution to date:
a presidential assassination program
in which U.S. citizens are in the literal scopes of the executive branch
based upon nothing more than allegations of terrorism involvement as the
branch defines it.
Of course,
the CIA
has executed covert assassinations of foreigners for decades. But
tragically, Obama is expanding this program to include American,
non-Islamic, stateside, homegrown terrorists.
It all started in January, when The Washington Post
"As part of the operations, Obama approved a
Dec. 24 strike against a (Yemeni) compound where a U.S. citizen, Anwar
al-Aulaqi, was thought to be meeting with other regional al-Qaeda
leaders. Although he was not the focus of the strike and was not killed,
he has since been added to a shortlist of U.S. citizens specifically
targeted for killing or capture."
"A shortlist of U.S. citizens specifically
targeted for killing"? That's right.
No arrest. No
Miranda rights. No due process. No trial.
Just a bullet.
While the
Obama administration
continues its Bush-blaming for the economy, it is mega-morphing Bush policy
in covert ops overseas, which was, according to the Post,
"to kill U.S. citizens abroad if strong
evidence existed that an American was involved in organizing or carrying
out terrorist actions against the United States or U.S. interests."
Well, in recent weeks, the Obama administration
has taken this overseas killing op to a new low: stateside assassinations.
A former director of national intelligence, Adm. Dennis Blair,
confessed before Congress:
"We take direct actions against terrorists
in the intelligence community. If we think that direct action will
involve killing an American, we get specific permission to do that."
If you are wondering who the "we" are to whom
Adm. Blair refers, they are Smith, Wesson and the White House.
Now we know what deputy national security adviser John Brennan meant
he admitted in May,
"And under President Obama, we have built
upon the work of the previous administration and have accelerated
efforts in many areas." (Remember when Bush's eavesdropping on U.S.
citizens seemed harsh?)
Brennan further explained then that the problem
of homegrown terrorists ranks as a top priority because of the increasing
number of U.S. individuals who have become,
"captivated by extremist ideology or
causes." He went on to say, "There are ... dozens of U.S. persons who
are in different parts of the world and... are very concerning to us."
Do you think "different parts of the world"
doesn't include their country of origin?
Conveniently, the Obama administration also is integrating a pervasive plan
to ensure the termination of radicals as the feds deem them abroad and
domestic, too, with the resurrection of the Violent Radicalization and
Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007, introduced by Rep. Jane
Harman, D-Calif.
Also known as
H.R. 1955, it was passed in the House by
the Democratic majority but was rejected by the Senate.
Everyone thought that legislation was dead until the Obama administration
resurrected its tenets in its 52-page "National Security Strategy," released
in May. So alarming is the feds' potential abuse of power that officials
from London to the Kremlin are recognizing the threat to U.S. citizens.
European Union Times reported,
"Foreign Ministry reports circulating in the
Kremlin today are warning that an already explosive situation in the
United States is about to get a whole lot worse as a new law put forth
by President Obama is said capable of seeing up to 500,000 American
citizens jailed for the crime of opposing their government."
Woodrow Wilson, during his reign as president,
incarcerated more than 2,000 U.S. citizens for speaking out against the
government. And now for the first time since, a U.S. president is
highlighting the threats of homegrown terror and literally hunting U.S.
citizens as terrorists.
One senior administration official said,
"For the first time since 9/11, the
(national security strategy) integrates homeland security and national
And what type of "integration" does that entail?
President Obama explained in an often overlooked statement within the "National
Security Strategy":
"We are now moving beyond traditional
distinctions between homeland and national security... This includes a
determination to prevent terrorist attacks against the American people
by fully coordinating the actions that we take abroad with the actions
and precautions that we take at home."
Could it be any clearer? Right out of the
horse's mouth.
Or do I need to spell out what "fully
coordinating the actions that we take abroad with the actions and
precautions that we take at home" means?
Remember the words,
"a shortlist of U.S. citizens specifically
targeted for killing"?
That's right.
No arrest. No Miranda rights. No due process. No
trial. Just a bullet.
Part 2
August 03, 2010
Last week, I gave evidence (above report) of how the
administration is importing its overseas policy of assassination
and implementing it stateside against U.S. citizens it deems as radical
threats to American security and safety.
I will reiterate a couple of key points.
Deputy national security adviser
John Brennan explained that the problem
of homegrown terrorists ranks as a top priority because of the increasing
number of U.S. individuals who have become,
"captivated by extremist ideology or
He went on to say,
"There are... dozens of U.S. persons who are
in different parts of the world and... are very concerning to us."
A former director of national intelligence, Adm.
Dennis Blair, even confessed before
"We take direct actions against terrorists
in the intelligence community. If we think that direct action will
involve killing an American, we get specific permission to do that."
President Barack Obama himself explained
in an often overlooked statement within the "National
Security Strategy":
"We are now moving beyond traditional
distinctions between homeland and national security... This includes a
determination to prevent terrorist attacks against the American people
by fully coordinating the actions that we take abroad with the actions
and precautions that we take at home."
Now it finally is coming to light why, back on
Dec. 16, President Obama signed an executive order,
"designating Interpol as a public
international organization entitled to enjoy certain privileges,
exemptions, and immunities."
It all comes down to one basic verb. Can you
find it in the following paragraph?
Obama's executive order reads,
"By the authority vested in me as President
by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America,
including section 1 of the International Organizations Immunities Act
(22 U.S.C. 288), and in order to extend the appropriate
privileges, exemptions, and immunities to the International Criminal
Police Organization (INTERPOL)..."
There's the magic verb: "to extend"!
As I wrote earlier in the year in a column on Interpol, titled "Obama's
Secret Vault," is it also just coincidental that Interpol is
exempt from typical American search and seizure laws?
Anyone still not connecting the dots?
There is one more titanic element that I must stress. The one overriding
dilemma for Americans in Obama's hunt for homegrown terrorists is that he
has changed the definitions of terrorism and terrorists. Their definitions
no longer necessarily include or imply Islamic extremism or extremists.
Don't ever forget:
Obama and his administration repeatedly have
played down the actual threat of terrorism by Islamic jihadists.
As a presidential candidate in 2008, Obama
promised to close down Gitmo in the first year of his presidency because, he
said, it was an affront to American values and justice.
He also promised to end the "warrantless
wiretaps" of
George W. Bush.
In March 2009, Homeland Security Secretary
Janet Napolitano proclaimed there is no terrorism - only "man-caused
disasters." In the same month, the Obama administration also proclaimed that
there are "no enemy combatants" and "no war on terror" - only "overseas
contingency operations."
And in May 2010, Brennan, Obama's top
counterterrorism adviser, added,
"Nor we do describe our enemy as 'jihadists.'"
Therefore, we are left to wonder:
To the Obama administration, what exactly
qualifies as radical extremism and terrorism, and who is on its
"shortlist of U.S. citizens specifically targeted for killing"?
Consider even now who might fall into this
category of non-Islamic, non-jihadist, stateside, homegrown terrorists. Do I
need to make a list?
That's another thing that really chaps my hide. While Obama ratchets up the
power and pursuit of homegrown U.S. terrorists, why in God's name is he
loosening his grip over Muslim extremists who are planning, recruiting and
seeking to carry out harm against the very U.S. citizens he has sworn to
Am I missing something?
Has the White House not completely strayed when the president of the United
States minimizes the role of Islamic jihadists, reserves the right to
assassinate U.S. citizens regarded as terrorists without due process or a
trial, increases the powers of law enforcement agencies (such as Interpol)
that are not bound to search and seizure laws, sues the state of Arizona for
enforcing illegal immigration and border control, and does nothing to
prohibit an Islamic victory mega-mosque on the edge of ground zero?
I guess the Obama administration forgot to read the Dec. 4, 1981,
Executive Order 12333, signed by
then-President Ronald Reagan:
"No person employed by or acting on behalf
of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage
in, assassination... No agency of the Intelligence Community shall
participate in or request any person to undertake activities forbidden
by this Order."
Tragically, the administration also is
abandoning the fundamental principles of due process, habeas corpus and our
Constitution, which states in
the Sixth Amendment:
"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused
shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury
of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed;
which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be
informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted
with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining
witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his
God, help us.
God, protect U.S. citizens. God, save our
courts. God, save our land. God, restore our republic...