Joel S. Hirschhorn
August 11, 2011
GlobalResearch Website
Everyone who voted for
Obama should feel betrayed, ashamed and disgusted.
Anyone who still trusts, admires and respects Obama is a fool.
Here is my
political fantasy:
I wake up one day soon and hear the news that President
Obama has a fatal brain tumor and will soon resign. Praise the Lord!
If you have any doubt whatsoever about how bad a president Obama is, then
take the time to read this incredibly fine essay by Drew Westen “What
Happened to Obama?”
Obama has no real, meaningful principles, nor passion and courage to say and
do what the U.S. desperately needs.
He repeatedly fails to publicly identify
the enemies of the state and rally public support for fighting evil and
corruption in the political system. For a supposedly smart guy he appears to
ordinary people as brain dead. His presidency makes a compelling case why we
need a constitutional amendment creating the option for American voters to
recall a president.
Far too many people will wrongly believe that voting to reelect Obama is
better than voting for any Republican. They are dead wrong. Better to not
vote at all for any presidential candidate or vote for a third party
candidate. Lesser evil voting has been one of the primary causes of the
decline of American democracy, allowing the total corruption of the
political system by money representing the interests of the rich and
Sticking with Obama or giving him another term is idiocy on steroids, like
remaining on the sinking Titanic rather than escaping in a lifeboat.
There is only one thing that everyone can see Obama stands for and is
totally committed to: staying in office.
Even more depressing than having a failed president is that Americans are
not doing what citizens in Greece, England and Israel have been doing in
response to their economic suffering: rioting in the streets. Our brain dead
president seems matched by a brain dead public, victimized by evil forces
controlling the economy.
The wealth of the nation has been extracted by
greedy elite and corporate interests.
Even in this awful economy that rivals
the Great Depression in the pain inflicted on a large fraction of the public
consider these remarkable facts revealed in a
recent article.
Tiffany’s first-quarter sales were up 20
percent to $761 million
which owns expensive brands like Louis Vuitton and Givenchy, reported sales
growth in the first half of 2011 of 13 percent
PPR, home to Gucci, Yves
Saint Laurent and other brands, said its luxury segment’s sales gained 23
percent in the first half. Profits are also up by double digits for many of
these companies
BMW more than doubled its quarterly profit from a year ago as sales rose
16.5 percent
Porsche first-half profit rose 59 percent
said July sales of its high-end S-Class sedans - some of which cost more
than $200,000 - jumped nearly 14 percent and sold more cars in the United
States than it had in any July in five years
Nordstrom has a waiting list for a Chanel sequined tweed coat with a $9,010
Neiman Marcus has sold out in almost every size of Christian Louboutin
“Bianca” platform pumps, at $775 a pair
Get the point?
The cancerous political and economic corruption in the
U.S. is
in a terminal stage.
The core reason why we have a dysfunctional government
is that we have a two-party plutocracy owned by rich and powerful interests.
Obama has shown that he too is a puppet of moneyed interests; he does not
fight for the poor or the middle class.
Americans seem paralyzed by distraction, delusion and outright stupidity.
not we would be witnessing the beginnings of sorely needed Second American
With two corrupt political parties controlling the political
system the only solution is using what the Founders had the wisdom to give
us in the Constitution:
Article V convention of state delegates that
could propose constitutional amendments, which are the only route for
obtaining genuine reforms of our political system, such as getting all
private money out of politics.
Harvard Law School is hosting a
Conference on the Constitutional Convention
this September.
The justification for it includes this correct view:
of any kind is stalled by a status quo that profits from blocking change.
In other words, things have gotten so awful that we cannot vote our way out
of our national mess. We must work through out states to reform government.
Pay attention to this:
new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey
found that just 17 percent of likely U.S. voters think the federal government
today has the consent of the governed, the lowest level ever measured.
Time for the revolution... (re-start
to evolve)
Consistent with this finding was a
new Washington Post survey that found 78
percent dissatisfied with the way this country’s political system is
But proof of how brainwashed or stupid Americans are is that 77
percent believe:
“Whatever its faults, the United States still has the
system of government in the world.”
This means that they still do not
understand the urgent need for restructuring and reforming the political
system. Mass riots in the streets may be needed to fix the system.
As more
and more Americans suffer in a terrible economy that may be coming.