by Editor
June 11, 2006
CassiopaeaForum Website
The Question:
What kind
of insanity is this?
The ZIA not
only had the 911 terrorists on a watch list,
they watched them do it?
Pentagon wasn't hit by any Boeing 757?
What do you
mean there were no fighter intercepts?
Whitehouse doesn't think Iraq is any threat to
the U.S.?
The ZIA (as
in "Zentral Intelligence Agency," misspellings
throughout designed to temporarily delay/defeat e-mail
flags and filters) is an organization by, for, and of
genetic psykopaths.
The following ZIA
members and founders are/were all born psykopaths: John
J. McCloy, Bill Donovan, Reinhard Gehlen (Nazi spy
master brought into the ZIA), Allen Dulles, John Foster
Dulles, William Casey, Richard Helms, Sydney Gottlieb,
Jolyon West, James Angleton, William Colby, Milt
Bearden, E. Howard Hunt, Dewey Claridge, Robert Gates,
Deutsch, William Webster, James Woolsey, George Tenet,
Bobby Ray Inman. Please don't take my word for it, ask
Edwin Wilson or Michael Riconosciuto (the latter of the
Inslaw/Promis case, an excellent entry into the
"governmental darkside" or "government mafia").
Ask them if they
ever knew anyone in the ZIA who believed in right and
wrong, who had a conscience, who had a soul. Ask them
also if there are any national law enforcement agencies
still controlled by people possessing consciences. Since
they're paths themselves, they'll know why you're asking
but don't worry, they won't be insulted, I'm sure they
don't see it as a defect.
[EDITOR: Since this isn't copyrighted (doubly as
an anonymous email), and the reasons no longer are
necessary, I have run spell check from here to the end.
Material in brackets are the editor's.] |
The totalitarian impulse was not defeated (or merely left to wither
under communism) by WWII. The totalitarian impulse is to impose
dictatorial control for the benefit of a few by controlling all
societal groupings.
The impulse is total knowledge/total
control: the Bush/CIA has the Total Information Awareness program
(led by the convicted felon and path, John Poindexter).
The communists even made all athletic
organizations state controlled (to say nothing of their choosing all
religious leaders). Similarly the CIA has spent the decades since
its creation extending its tentacles throughout society. It's plan
was simple, first informers, then key positions, then control. First
they established their base in the Republican Party, co-opted the
other intelligence agencies, then took over the various officer
By 1963, the CIA felt confident enough
to assassinate JFK in a stealth coup d'etat. (He had just
declared his intention to break the CIA into a thousand pieces, the
CIA got to him first.)
Since 1963 they have had shadow
government control over the U.S. But that is just the tip of the
iceberg, I believe they have now essentially created a shadow
society, a mirror or bizzaro world.
Like mold on cheese, what you see of the CIA is far outweighed by
what you don't see. The filaments throughout the cheese make up the
bulk of the fungus
Not only is there a vast network of informers and secret police, but
the CIA has been carrying out a decades long plan to infiltrate,
monitor, place individuals in strategically key positions, and then
control all law enforcement bodies, major media outlets, and all
political parties
Strategically key positions include such positions as county
coroners (who can declare CIA death squad murders to be suicides or
natural deaths) (paths are particularly attracted to the godlike
medical specialties:
pathology (Cyril Wecht, Michael
Baden and Henry Lee), surgery (Bill Frist), and anesthesiology,
assigning federal judges, who can steer CIA cases to CIA path
judges (federal judges are so important that the CIA psychopath
Urrin Hatch [Orrin Hatch] blocked almost all of Clinton's (who
is not a path) nominations), members or leadership of law
enforcement entities, particularly roving squads which can move
about within a jurisdiction (who can cover-up or even carryout
CIA crimes), story selecting editors, letters-to-the-editor
editors, and archiving editors (to scrub the archives of
dangerous breaking stories beyond the power of the selecting
editors to squelch).
How could AssKKKroft, W and
company suggest the Nazi/communist style spy-on-your-neighbor
Neighborhood Watch program, the use of torture, and no lawyer-client
Simple, they've been doing all of this
for years. I call this structure stealthtalitarianism.
How could they keep such a structure secret? The answer is also
simple, the individuals making up this network have a much bigger
secret, their own genetic psychopathology
They are nonhuman humans, predatory simulacrums, our own species'
cheater strategists
Any time nature, through evolution, places a hurdle in the life-path
of the individuals of a species, there is also the opportunity for
the evolution of cheater strategists.
For example, for many years small fish
were noted darting among mating salmon. It turns out that these are
also mating male salmon, however they never make the trek to the sea
and back and they never grow larger than a few inches, they have
found an evolutionary shortcut. They also never developed courting
behaviors or signals due to their small size, thus they depend on
the females responding to normal males and then release their sperm
Our own species relies on reciprocity,
we're a 'scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" species. What if a
genetic subtype evolved that convincingly promises reciprocity but
only takes, never gives, genetic confidence artists? Well they have,
they're called psychopaths. These individuals view us as conscience
ridden, overly emotional, weak fools to be preyed upon without
remorse or pity. They have no more pity for us than snakes have for
Yet they look just like us, predators
within our own species.
You might say,
'How can this be, I would have known
about it.'
Why? Why should you, they have evolved
to fool us.
No doubt if one could ask ma and pa wren why they're feeding a huge
cowbird chick while their own young lay dead at the foot of the
tree, they would wax indignant.
"What do you mean we're feeding an
alien species? Don't you think we can recognize our own family?
Are you crazy or something? OH, THE GAPING BEAK, THE GAPING
And off they'd fly, enchained by their
instincts. You might say we're human beings not animals, creatures
of reason, not instinct. But you'd be wrong, we're both, we're
creatures of both instinct and reason.
Rather than being an inter-species parasite like the cowbirds, paths
and salmon sneaker males are intra-species parasites. Psychopaths
have evolved to pass among us unnoticed. (Much like vampires are
described to do in almost all vampire myths and movies. I sometimes
wonder if psychopaths are the source of the vampire myth.)
Both pass among us unnoticed, both are
protected by few believing in them, vampires are known for their
hypnotic stare, psychopaths for their blinkless predatory stare.
(Could it be that what we have in the Whitehouse is the unelected
surrounded by the undead?)
Paths are well aware that we don't notice their difference from
ourselves. This reinforces their overwhelming arrogance and belief
in our stupidity. One of their recurrent themes is that normies
(that's what they call us) can't see what's in front of our eyes.
Indeed, they are in front of our eyes almost every day and we don't
see them.
Actually this belief in their superiority and our utter stupidity
often leads to their own defeat. A few years ago, a minor Chicagoan
politician running for a local race changed her name to Carol Mosely
Braun (the real Carol Mosely Braun had just been defeated in her
U.S. senate race). Did the fake Braun really think we'd be so stupid
as to fall for this stunt? Of course she did.
Did Sammy "The Bull" Gravano really believe legit businessmen would
buy his 'we're men of honor, we don't need contracts' spiel? Of
course he did (sadly, most didn't wake up to his true nature until
right before he killed them rather than share the profits).
Did the CIA really believe we'd believe their explanation for
bombing the Chinese embassy in the Serbian conflict? 'Gosh shucks!
We were using an old Yellow Pages!'
Who's stupid, they (who have no shame or embarrassment) or us (for
believing they're the one who were stupid)?
Did the path, Ari Fleischer, really think we'd believe him
President Crackhead, the moral
degenerate, really ran to hide at Offut Air Force Base on
9-11 because Air Force One was
being targeted? Of course he did.
Did Johnny "Mike" Spann and "Dave" really think they could face down
hundreds of Taliban prisoners in Mazar-i-sharif, interrogate and
"lightly" torture selected prisoners armed only with one handgun? Of
course they did
Johnny Spann was bit and torn apart limb by limb. "Dave" then called
in a airstrike on the heavily armed prisoners. Huh?
Did Rumsfeld (or Rumsferatu as I call him) really
think they, the CIA paths, could hit the Pentagon with a cruise
missile or drone and call it a Boeing 757 and get away with it? Of
course he did, and so far have
Go ahead, find it. Essentially everyone who reacts angrily to the
above Pentagon assertion has never looked at the photos. Go ahead,
look at them
Don't take my word for it. Perhaps people remember the pictures in
the newsweeklies and newspapers immediately after the attack. Look
at them again, they were drawings, not photos. (This is actually a
CIA lie signature. The
Warren Report had drawings of JFK's
wounds, not photographs.)
The attack on the Pentagon is the Big Enchilada, absolute
proof of the criminal insanity of our leaders and the total fraud of
our "media." Even an eight year old looking at the photos would
immediately know that no large airplane hit the building. The facade
fell later from the fire not the impact. Where's the plane wreckage?
Vaporized maybe? No analysis needed. You don't have to dissect
propaganda, you don't have to parse the English language, you don't
need to know structural engineering, you don't need to understand
advanced avionics, a child would recognize the truth.
It is a natural and usually good thing that people under attack pull
But what if the attack is from within, not from without? What if the
"attack" is merely a ploy, a charade to stampede the population
towards the goals of a corrupt government?
This is not the first time in history
that this has happened. The Nazis paved the way for suspension of
freedom and rights by setting the Reichstag fire and blaming it on
their enemies. The Russians paved the way for the Chechen war by
bombing their own apartment buildings killing hundreds (no wonder
Putin said he felt guilty after 9-11, his action was the model).
The only time perpetrators were caught
in the act, it turned out they were FSB (the renamed KGB) agents
"doing a preparedness check" with "flour." Riiiiiight. Sure, that's
believable. I see now.
Warren Buffet (who, on the
morning of 9-11, hosted a retreat of WTC CEO's at Offut Air Force
Base, quelle coinkydinky, n'est-ce-pas?) says he's sure that
the U.S. will be hit by a dirty bomb. How can he be so sure? Is
he in the know?
(Let's say I'm wrong, and that there is
a real threat from Islamic terrorists, they certainly have reason to
hate us. How come the government can't protect us? Perhaps they
should admit failure, resign and give the elected president, Al
Gore, a chance to do the job.)
So what protects the criminal CIA paths? Our own lack of
Most of us can't imagine a crime of this magnitude, a lie this
How stupid do they think we are? Most
people can't imagine that there are things they can't imagine (this
may seem obvious), their imagination is like a tight rubber band
that will only stretch so far. It is my job with doubting readers to
stretch this rubber band until it snaps. If I do my job, it will
then be your job to do the same with your relatives, friends and
Most of us have internalized living in the freest, most democratic
country in the world with the freest press of the free world. If the
press didn't report it, it didn't happen.
You must break that chain of false reasoning. You must be willing to
entertain many different possibilities and follow the truth wherever
it leads. I offer few "proofs" in this letter. But the truth is out
there, seek and you shall find. Provided, that is, you are willing
to travel through territories called sounds-like-paranoia and
conspiracy-speculation. If the "C" word scares you too much, I don't
know what else to say. If there are too many people like that, then
we are all lost, all doomed. Please, you must be willing to follow
the bouncing ball of truth wherever it bounces. Perhaps you'll
decide that everything you've ever been taught is a lie.
There are other aspects aside from a lack of imagination of course
for the widespread acceptance of the Pentagon charade. The
conclusions are simply too terrifying. The only explanation for the
Pentagon attack fraud is that our leaders are absolute murdering
I think we are in trouble.
Most people can imagine aliens and nuclear war mutants but
psychopaths that can fool them are
just a fantasy.
I'm afraid not, aliens and mutants are science fiction, psychopaths
are biological facts. Actually psychopaths are mutants, but
they are ancient mutants who have evolved alongside us. The current
attack on evolution is no surprise.
As the billionaire path televangelist
and pious fraud
Pat Robertson (why do you think
he wears that angelic visage like a mask, normal people have complex
expressions reflecting their complex inner life; paths often choose
a socially acceptable persona to wear as a mask to cover up their
emptiness) knows well, psychopaths were not made in the image of
the lord.
They were made by evolutionary selection. Without accepting
evolution there can be no understanding of psychopathology.
We are fortunate to have
Ari Fleischer as an excellent
example of a psychopath.
Paths combine their astronomical arrogance with a complete lack of
shame. He routinely tells the most outrageous lies with a totally
straight face (looking the camera, and thus ourselves, straight in
the eye), all the while his arrogance and contempt for us simply
bake off him like a heat mirage. Further he is routinely caught in
these lies and still shows no shame.
Nor is he fired, even after his AF1 lie.
But who would fire him anyway? Certainly not the First
Fingerpuppet, the illegal squatter. Who's the real power, H.W.,
the Evil One [George
H.W. Bush], or one of the mutants,
I don't know.
Perhaps you think,
"Well the Pentagon emergency
personnel would have spoken, the repair crew wouldn't keep
Well who would they tell?
The CIA propaganda outlets maybe
(otherwise known as the freest press of the free world - though
ex-Dir. William Colby, shortly before they killed him, stated
that the CIA controlled all the major media (that they "owned
everyone of any major significance")? Moreover, the repair crew was
a foreign company of foreign nationals, all of whom have returned to
their home country. Moreover there were eyewitnesses.
A local hotel bar and a gas station even
videotaped the attack. However the tapes were confiscated by the FBI
and none of these witnesses interviewed by any of the news
One of the things we know is that W takes orders. This was evident
in the film clips of W reading to school kids while our country was
under attack. After the second strike, the psychopath Andrew Card
came over and whispered in his ear and then, without waiting for a
orders or reply, immediately turned and walked away.
Let me repeat this, the mutant Card didn't wait for instructions
from the President of the United States while we were under attack!!
How could this be? Easy, TREASON.
They knew of the attack beforehand.
That's why W had to stay in front of the cameras reading to school
kids. Somebody had to give the stand-down order, a hanging offense,
and the Bush crime family didn't want W to swing.
The initial scenario was to play it as a
"this must just be a tragic accident.."
That way he was justified in staying in
front of cameras while the stand-down order was being given.
Unfortunately, for him part of the truth came out in the summer of
2002, the mutant Condi Rice admitted on television that there
had been intelligence of impending hijackings since the spring of
2001 (though she claims they were expecting "only routine
hijackings" not flying suicide bombs)
FBI mutant, Director Mueller, also claimed that no one
had ever imagined planes used as suicide bombs. A lie so blatant he
should be placed on trial.
In June 2001 during the G7 conference, W had stayed on a warship in
the Mediterranean which could be protected from such suicidal aerial
assault, and the Italians closed the airspace over the conference to
prevent that very occurrence
Furthermore, the French earlier had recognized and prevented just
such an attack on the Eiffel Tower. The CIA had been warned of such
attacks by the Germans, the Italians, the Russians, the Egyptians,
the Filipinos and more
(Don't take my word for it, please look it up.)
They knew immediately upon the first plane being hijacked that it
was a terrorist attack. Yet W went ahead to the school.
It is interesting to note that H.
"Bail-Out-and-Leave-Crew-to-Die" W., the Evil One, and his
James Baker,
III, were in the
Whitehouse the night before and the morning of the attack.
We know this from ex-Prime Minister
John Majors of Britain on C-Span.
(Neither of
the Bushes, father and son, nor
Baker are paths. Rather I believe them to be hideously corrupt,
morally degenerate normies who have chosen to partner the
Even Payne Stewarts's private plane got a fighter intercept
for straying inextricably off course.
For hijacked planes there have been
standard operating procedures for 20-30 years. Nobody has to look up
phone numbers, nobody has to get permission from the President.
These SOPs were not followed
9-11. Yet no one has been fired nor
any officer court-martialed. No court-martial means it could not
have been a military error.
It had to be a civilian stand-down order
We know it wasn't W, he was in front of cameras.
How about the mutant Cheney?
Why has he been hiding since
Is it really for the good of
the nation (survivability of civilian leadership and all
Or is it the shadow of the
gallows that frightens him?
The mutants in illegal, unconstitutional control of the Whitehouse
are getting too arrogant and sloppy.
They believe they can stack their house
of cards ever higher.
The Pentagon Boeing fraud is one
The shoot down of Flight 93 over
Pennsylvania is another. Even the CIA controlled press
carried enough truth to prove this if read carefully (under
communism the Russians actually learned to read the truth
between the lines of the state controlled press, we haven't
learned yet, most people still believe we have the freest
press in the free world).
The thousands of military and
civilian N.E. Air force base employees knowing that they
failed utterly in their prime mission on 9-11, protection of
the U.S. mainland, are another.
The number of honest cops who
have witnessed CIA crimes and cover-ups.
Beyond the cameras of the "news"
channels and in the mid levels of the major newspapers are
many professional journalists. They wonder why certain
stories aren't pursued, why other stories disappear from the
archives. (Anyone notice how archived articles now cost 2-3
dollars an article? The CIA "dumb down the populace"
strategy, they want us fat, dumb and happy, just like
The true casualty numbers in
Afghanistan (there is no such thing as a war without
The cadre of professional pilots
knowing that gas tanks don't just explode, that tails don't
just fall off. They think that by keeping silent that they
are protecting the American people from panic at fear of
outside terrorists, they don't yet realize that it is the
psychopathic CIA blowing the planes up as in instrument of
assassination. (A technique pioneered by the Nazis.) The
pilots and air marshals have yet to realize that they are no
more than decoy ducks to lull the targets into a feeling of
false security.
The CIA shooting down TWA800 in
front of hundreds of witnesses (including military and coast
guard personnel who had seen missile trails before). Would
CIA mutants really blow up a plane full of hundreds to get a
handful of targets. Would hunters worry about the reeds in a
natural duck blind? I don't think so.
We know what happened to Pan Am
103. The McKee team, honest CIA and DEA agents, were
returning home with proof of CIA agent drug trafficking.
They didn't realize that drug trafficking is the CIA's most
profitable criminal enterprise (that's why we're in
Columbia, the CIA wants to control production not just
distribution, and why we helped shoot down Veronica Bowers'
oh, so dangerous missionary plane and why Afghanistan is
once again the world's leading grower of opium now that we
have defeated the evil Taliban). So their bosses had Pan Am
103 brought down. In the Bizarro World of the CIA, it is the
good guys who are destroyed.
Don't take my word that the CIA
shoots down planes, ask Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak. Ask
him what happened to Egypt Air 990. (Ask him also his
opinion of the naivety and gullibility of the American
people.) He lost a number of his finest military men on that
plane. Notice how they, the CIA and their paths in control
of the FAA and NTSB, James Hall and Bernard Loeb, blamed it
on the copilot, Commander Batouti, who was returning home
with gifts for a family celebration. (The current head of
the NTSB, Marion Blakey, is also a mutant, as is James
Kallstrom who handled the FBI "investigation" of TWA800.)
One of the CIA signatures to be aware of
is the sexual smear.
Thus they first claimed Batouti was a
womanizer (imagine that!! A pilot who chased women!!) When that
failed to persuade the public that he was a probable shame-filled
murdering suicide, they then claimed that he propositioned hotel
staff, then that he would follow women in the halls and spy through
closed doors. Soon, no doubt, they'll provide "evidence" of his
flashing school kids or fornicating with corpses.
Lies, all lies. However, typical CIA lies When you hear such smears
look for the CIA angle
Concerning EA990, there is a very curious little reported fact. The
last person off the flight at the previous stop showed up hours
later as a grief counselor (without informing anyone of the
situation moreover). Believe me, the entire psychopathic awareness
community sat bolt upright at this news. Paths are in an endless
quest to prove their superiority over us emotionally weak fools
Killing hundreds and then counseling the bereaved would be a
masterstroke, propelling the path into the psychopath's book of
Guinness world records.
Did the authorities investigate this
individual? You mean, did the criminally insane mutant usurpers of
rightful positions of authority investigate him? No, they let this
pass. Did the freest press in the free world take up the
investigation. No the miscreant CIA propaganda news pretenders
didn't either
Other levels of their house of cards:
The CIA assassinations of the
60s (JFK, MLK and RFK) and even
The Internet. They truly believe
that they can ride herd on the entire Internet, that the
truth can be suppressed forever. I'm sure there are other
levels I can't think of right now. I'll add them as I think
of them. It's just a matter of time till this structure
collapses. When it does, it will be our job to shine the
light of truth where it belongs, on the mutant paths of the
CIA, the killers of our heroes, the stealers of our history
The number of times that John
Muhammad's car was stopped at road blocks near the
Washington, D.C. sniper locations (didn't the FBI have any
programmers on staff, forget that, how about somebody who
knew how to sort a spreadsheet?)
Perhaps Barbara Olsen, "who was
in the plane smashing into the Pentagon," will be discovered
alive, disguised with plastic surgery and with a new name.
There is precedent for this. After his
wife forced him to fire an employee lover, the path industrialist
Armand Hammer had his lover get a nose and dye job and then rehired
her for the same position claiming she was a different person.
The other employees thought they were
both crazy, but I'm sure Armand fell asleep laughing every night.
How many times can they get away
with offering Rommel's choice to our fellow Americans?
Rommel's choice was to either commit suicide but have his
family spared or be tortured to death after watching his
family die similar deaths. J.H. Hatfield's death qualifies
(and maybe Cliff Baxter's, certainly after the fact,
considering his wife's comments).
How many times can they threaten
honest politicians, judges and law enforcement personnel?
Perhaps they show them films of the Nepalese royal family
being wiped out. This crime was carried out by Nepalese
military mutant paths, selected and trained by the U.S. CIA
infected military. News miscreants dutifully reported that a
lovestruck prince committed all the murders before shooting
himself in the back of the head.
The pathetic FBI investigation
of the anthrax mailings.
Touch-screen voting and the VNS
vote compiling voter fraud. PATHS IN OUR MIDST
There have been a rash of
psychopathic criminals in the news lately: David Westerfield,
Scott Peterson, Fred Neulander, teens who videotape their
crimes (of course we have no proof yet concerning Scott
Peterson, however he's certainly psychopathic and I strongly
suspect he is guilty). Then there is the murder victim,
Bonnie Lee Bakley, a psychopathic conwoman. If he did it,
perhaps Robert Blake should claim justifiable homicide of a
psychopathic parasite.
Now these individuals are not CIA of
However once that snow ball, the truth
about paths in our midst, starts rolling downhill, watch out.
Convicted path felons might be the key that unlocks the public's
They live, they really do.
To understand their world, imagine an orphan looking through a
window at a happy family during the holidays.
An orphan, instincts in place, would
understand exactly what he/she saw and was missing. A path on the
other hand, would be truly puzzled. They'd recognize a desirable
state, everyone laughing and happy. But when they ask "What is this
thing called love," they really mean it.
They can't comprehend the emotional
attachment between individuals.
This awareness of being different is one point where they turn from
a "just don't care" amorality (which can still be devastating to
those who try to be close to them) to an active evil and desire to
cause misery. The realization represented here by the hypothetical
window scene can cause them to say, "What is this warmth and
happiness when I, a god, have only a heart so cold?" This makes them
feel inferior and thus angry. To get back at the world, some then
dedicate their lives to destroying happiness, whenever, wherever
Many others become "homewreckers",
either as seducers or whispering Iagos.
Many people ask me what life satisfactions do path's have, how do
they emotionally overcome the disappointments of life? What
disappointments? If there are no emotional attachments what are the
disappointments? Well then, what are the rewards? Sadly, it's all
chemical. I believe nature soaks their brains in feel good, "ain't I
grand," chemicals. Somewhere in their psyches, I think they
unconsciously know this.
To combat this realization (and the deep
paranoia that accompanies it, this paranoia is actually one of the
ways to recognize them) they are driven on a lifelong quest to prove
their felt superiority is real
Thus they con and manipulate again and again without thought of
For example an employee might seduce both the boss's wife and
girlfriend despite the almost certainty of being fired (at the
least), it is that important to him to prove his superiority. Many
just cannot stop conning
At the very heart of their psyche, where you and I have a soul, they
have only a pit of despair. Despair at having been cheated of the
human experience. But this is a despair they cannot acknowledge.
I have no doubt that the Soulless
Ones, Rumsferatu and Cheney, Prince of Darkness,
would, and very well might, kill millions to protect themselves from
this awareness. It is very important that one not make the vast
neediness of a path one's own. The world is full of women who have
dedicated their lives to fulfilling the needs of a path spouse
They would have more success filling the Grand Canyon with a
teaspoon, at least the results could be measured by science.
Paths do not experience their neediness as neediness, rather they
see it as a great tool for the manipulation of others, particularly
Also, one must be careful not to expect reciprocity. Ask Moises
Ghiroldi, a Panamanian general. Well actually you can't. In
return for his sparing the path Noriega's life in an abortive coup,
Noriega turned around and killed him.
To a path, the expectation of reciprocity is the sign of a fool, of
a sucker.
(It should be noted, that Noriega (H.W.'s
once good friend) was a graduate of the army's
School of the Americas, also known
as S.O.A. or, as I call it and as it really is, S.O.A.P., School
of American Psychopaths. I am very serious, S.O.A.'s mission is
the discovery, training and installing in leadership positions of
mutant paths throughout Central and South America. The hell on earth
that many of these countries are is a gift from the United States'
CIA and a window on what the CIA could bring to our country and the
rest of the world.)
Concerning Ghiroldi, it should also be
noted that the General in charge of the Southern Command just sat on
his hands during the coup, saying he thought it might have been a
Paths lack adult judgment and reasoning powers. I have no doubt many
have kept their Green Lantern Decoding Rings from childhood.
Osama blinking messages to his followers
in the videotapes, why not?
Their psychology is not like ours. A path can pimp his own wife,
considering it the equivalent of found money. A mother can pimp her
children for drug money without second thought. Or a path mother can
hold onto her marriage by pushing a daughter towards the incestful
embrace of a psychopathic or otherwise corrupt father.
Psychopaths see nothing wrong whatsoever with incest or child
Indeed, the objection to it is utterly beyond their understanding.
Dyncorp's mutants actually traded in eleven and twelve year old sex
slaves after the Yugoslavian conflict (don't take my word for it,
look it up).
Dyncorp is a CIA contract company,
like Air America was during the Vietnam War. I believe these
companies should simply be considered as part of the CIA, not as
separate at all. They're set up to keep the crime (and the money)
within the family, they also enable the CIA to get around U.S. laws
of what the CIA is allowed to do
The degeneracy of Dyncorp employees is simply the degeneracy of the
If people see paths in their true light I have no doubt they will
turn against them. How many people sided with the sister desiring
mutant path emperor in Gladiator? Not many, I'm sure. (Incidentally,
such films remind us that illegal pretenders to the throne,
murdering usurpers and powers behind the throne are nothing new.)
Let's not forget Sante Kimes, grifter and serial murderer. She
wedded her own son to her criminal schemes by bedding him. Now there
is no denying that the perverse and the unusual carry a certain
fascination. Does that mean that
Jerry Springer has proven that
we are all like him? I don't think so, Jerry, you degenerate, freak
And now you want to run for the Senate,
to join your pervert path friends there?
I don't think so
Degeneracy is at the very core of the CIA.
Any words of patriotism, anti-communism,
virtue, or piety are just that, words. Words used as tools to scam
the tax paying, voting citizens of America, the true patriots. The
CIA is simply a vast organized criminal enterprise that has co-opted
the U.S. government and is now attempting to create a worldwide
Empire of Psychopaths.
The paths have been joined in this attempt by non-path moral
degenerates such as the Bush Gang.
Though I sometimes wonder whether the
patriarch, Prescott Bush, who established the family fortune as a
financier for the Nazis (his business was actually seized by Pres.
Roosevelt under the
Trading with the Enemy Act,
please look it up) was psychopathic, leading to the subsequent
generations being deeply corrupted.
The normy children of paths often end up
either corrupt, e.g., Michael Powell, F.C.C. chairman and son
of Colin Powell, or demoralized and disturbed, e.g., the
daughter of E.F. Skinner, behaviorist and path totalitarian
theorist, who committed suicide (amazingly he had used her for
psychological experiments from infancy).
There are localities in the U.S. where alliances of corrupt path
sheriffs, magistrates and mayors have created zones of corruption
and evil. These towns are truly Helltowns, USA.
Unfortunately, Republi-psychos
have now seized the machinery of the federal government.
The CIA (including its captive military) and now the entire federal
government is a vast organized criminal enterprise backed up by a
tightening police state. We citizens now have Hell Government, USA.
The world, Hell Country, Planet Earth.
My friends, why do we allow this? If George Washington came to your
door asking what have you done for his country, his flag, his
Constitution, what would you have to say?
The presence in the Whitehouse of damaged
George Bush and his mutant
minions disgraces and dishonors our great history. Did Washington
and his men freeze and die in Valley Forge for no reason? Every man
who fought and fell for flag and country, was it all for naught?
Why would the mutant organization, CIA, choose a damaged
crackhead as the frontman of their takeover of America?
I believe it is because he is a brain
damaged crackhead, they believe they can control him. W probably
started drinking at age 14, and I believe much of his development
stopped there. His smirk is like that of a teenager who has just
discovered that bluff and deceit will often carry the day and
believes he has discovered the secret of adult life.
W is such a psychologically and
developmentally damaged individual that they can easily manipulate
him, yet they have a normy in front who they feel can better
relate to the populace.
Since paths know only the notes and none of the music of human life
they have a hard time commanding the loyalty of others and openly
gaining leadership positions. For example, in Peru, Vladimiro
Montesino was the true power behind Fujimori. However, his power
was through bribery, threats, blackmail, torture and assassination.
(Not so incidentally, Montesino is another S.O.A.[P.] grad.)
Another example is Cheney, Prince of Darkness, who
tried to run for president.
Coming across with all the warmth of dried piss, he didn't do very
well. People just do not respond well to pod people.
Remember the Republican convention of 2000, the Stepford Wives
convention? Most registered Republicans, of course, are not paths.
However, I'm sure most Republican officeholders and functionaries
are truly Re-pods, Re-paths, Re-psychos, Re-CIAchos. How healthy is
the normy true conservative wing of the party? How well did
McCain do in South Carolina? It is time for all normies to desert
the party.
The Republican party has allowed itself
to be taken over by mutants, all true patriots must turn against it.
Deuteronomy 21:18-21 instructs the ancient Israelis to bring
stubborn and rebellious children incapable of obeying wisdom to the
elders to be stoned to death.
Likewise certain of our early colonies
asked parents of teenagers unamenable to the Word of God
(i.e., incapable of respecting and acting on the concepts of right
and wrong) to put them to death publicly in the town square.
So-called primitive people often describe individuals who
shirk their responsibility to hunt, yet excel at freeloading and who
lack respect for the institution of marriage. Not surprisingly, such
individuals often die early as a result of a hunting "accident," a
fall off a cliff or being in the wrong place when a tree falls.
(This is a path's life in the state of nature, a rush to procreate
before being recognized and killed.)
So the ancients, our forebears and so-called primitive people
all recognized psychopaths and their danger.
Why don't we? What is the difference?
Well, they believed in evil, they trusted their own observations,
their own judgment and they were willing to act on this judgment.
We rely on "experts," think most people are good "deep down inside,"
and would never take matters into our own hands. Most of us probably
can't imagine believing, saying and acting upon the phrase "slay the
I disagree, I believe you could, given
enough provocation.
But don't take my word for it, please
read "In
Broad Daylight" by Harry MacLean (or see the
excellent Brian Dennehy movie version). It's the true story of a
long suffering town rising up and killing a law twisting, rampaging
psychopath in front of dozens of witnesses, none of whom talked.
They rarely show this movie on TV, I
wonder why?
Nowhere Men, yeah you know who you are, here in the U.S. perhaps you
take pro-wrestling a little too seriously, in Europe perhaps you
follow football (soccer) a little too closely.
How do you feel when the excitement is
Much like the guy who's just jacked off
in an inflatable doll, I should imagine. As in "Geez, what was that
all about?" Life not throwing you enough meat for your male soul?
I've got a proposition for you. How does war against the paths
sound? Tour of duty: death or victory. Rules of engagement: last man
standing. How does that grab you, laddies?
The heavy lifting of history has always
been done by males (how many Joan of Arcs have there been,
Feminism is a totalitarian lie and fraud.
The only males who believe in the
general adulthood of women are little boys. Which is the whole
intent of feminism, the infantilism of the men. While they didn't
invent it, it was the communists who first pushed it broadly, to
control the male population. The new totalitarians, the CIA
stealthtalitarians, cherry picked from all the earlier totalitarian
and fascist systems seeking the "very best" techniques for control
of the populace.
Not surprisingly, of the two most
important U.S. feminists, one, Betty Friedan, was a
communist, the other, the mutant path
Gloria Steinem, CIA (openly in
the fifties, secretly since then)
In a state of nature, women bear and nurture children. For this
reason evolution has left them with one foot (psychologically and
emotionally speaking) in the world of adults, one in the world of
children. The majority of women are, have always been and will
always be, permanent children. That said, any women who can live in
reality, face danger and act with courage, please sign up.
You are needed desperately. In a country
of this size, such women will still number in the tens of millions.
Of course, any woman is free to prove me wrong or just ignore me.
Please do. This struggle for evolutionary ascendancy between us and
the mutants (that is what this is) will tax us all to our limits. We
will need every ounce of effort from every single individual willing
to give it.
Fight and lead, we will follow
All of us must have wondered how we would have done in one of the
great tests of the past, the Revolutionary War, The Civil War, WWI
and WWII. Well this is our chance to find out, this is our time, our
test. Greatness calls. We face the struggle of the ages, the battle
for evolutionary supremacy between normal humans and psychopaths. If
we lose, slavery will be our lot.
Some of us might enjoy it however. No
doubt there'll be 500 channels of Springer TV, a new Britney Spears
every 3 years, a new Jeff Gordon every 5, Super Prozac and Super
Viagra. (No more interested in your sleeping partner than in a bull
moose? No problem, with Super Viagra you'll go looking for a bull
Perfect slaves believe they
are free.
There are farmer ants that live by milking slave aphids. They take
very good care of the aphids which are very healthy.
Of course, aphids lack the self
awareness to know they're slaves.
To militia members, you alone (of all the groups, percentage wise)
have responded to the ancient call. The ancient call that in times
of stress males prepare for righteous violence. For this I salute
you. If you're righteous then I want you in the normy army of
the righteous. If you're not, then get righteous.
Let me make this very clear, your enemies are not individuals of any
particular race or religion but rather the psychopaths of all races
and religions.
You want to defend your kind? OK, normies, that's your kind.
That said, let me make two, no doubt, controversial points. There
are several peoples who historically have lived as outsiders among a
host society. The host societies have often reviled them for their
too predatory trading and/or money lending practices. Among these
peoples are the Indians (from India), Overseas Chinese and the Jews.
Now, if you look at these three cultures you'll note, among other
things, that they all have arranged marriages.
The relationship between a husband and a wife is a gift from God.
Normals who turn their backs on this gift (either through
choice, psychological blocks or biology) pay a huge price.
Psychopaths, however, are unscathed.
Normies are demoralized or corrupted. Their ability to
empathize is wounded, the psychopaths inability to empathize is
Thus predatory psychopaths tend to rise to the top of these groups.
(Note the rash of "Marry a Millionaire" type shows in our
psychopathic entertainment networks. Paths can't stand the notion of
an emotional attachment between two people. They feel a need to
deride it. Hey, that's the Fox Family Network. The perverts even
call it "Reality TV.")
The second point concerns black Africans. I often think that blacks
suffer under a much higher burden of psychopathology. All animals
suffer from a much higher number of natural enemies in their home
environment. In Africa, we have such enemies as the tse tse fly,
sleeping sickness and malaria. Is it possible that we also have a
higher percentage of intra species predators there also?
Perhaps those groups capable of high
level, non-psychopathic cooperation emigrated out, leaving ever
higher path percentages. So now we have such leaders as Robert
Mugabe of Zimbabwe, who belongs in an asylum for the criminally
insane but instead clings to power by feeding white farmers and
their farms to his followers.
However, I have no doubt that once the
problem of psychopathology is conquered, Africa will spring into the
21st century. Among well known black paths I include Mayor
Willie Brown (who has stated that
he was warned 9/10 not to fly on 9/11),
Johnny Cochran,
Sean "Puff Daddy" Combs and
Mumia Abu Jamal.
O.J. Simpson is not a path (though most
of his dream team were, including the jury consultant plus at least
one jury member).
My friends, we're all patriots now. We need to unite against a
common enemy, the mutants of the CIA. We can argue land rights and
welfare another day, today we need to defeat the mutants, the
arrogant aliens.
But how?
They have extended their tentacles
throughout society and are almost impossible to recognize
Luckily, nowadays, many of us have cable TV. Path arrogance and
shamelessness is apparent in the adds for the get-rich-quick scam
artists and the psychic frauds (I include Fox's John Edward and
James Van Pragh).
Court TV has some of the highest level
psychopaths you'll ever see, the legal profession is practically a
jobs program for paths. And why not? Their ability to deceive and
manipulate gain a legal outlet here. My favorite site for path
watching, however, are the cable news networks, particularly MSNBC
(the parent companies of which are MicroSoft and General Electric,
both CIA companies in my opinion. Not just my opinion, the German
military and the Chinese government won't use Windows products.)
Most of the news pretenders are
relatively young, making it much easier to recognize their pathness,
if present. With age, paths develop the ability to hide their
arrogance and they learn to disguise their psychopathic stare by
blinking and looking away.
For example, Andrew Cuomo is a
much more obvious path than his father is. With no soul, paths have
no reason to fear revealing the intimacies of the soul thus they
feel no impulse to break eye contact
Paradoxically this eye contact is often misconstrued as proof of
their trustworthiness. For MSNBC it's practically easier to specify
who isn't, rather than who is a psychopath.
The paths here include,
Andrea Mitchell
Ashleigh Banfield
Lester Holt
Chris Jansing
Phil Donohue
Jesse "the Baby" Ventura
The most obvious paths in cable news,
for me, however are
Shep did us the favor of acting out in
public. While on assignment in Florida, he committed an assault with
a motor vehicle. He literally used his car to push out of the way a
woman trying to save a parking spot by standing in it. Now many of
us might occasionally wish to do this, but a trademark of paths is
being unable to resist such impulses.
Did Shep get fired? You mean by the
Australian media mogul and senior psychopath,
Rupert Murdoch, or his other
boss, the long-time Republican operative, propagandist and path
extraordinaire, Roger Ailes?
No, they kept their boy in...
This is extremely difficult.
When I tell people that Larry King, Phil Donohue, Dr. Joyce Brothers
and Carson Daly are all paths, they usually don't believe me. If
they do believe me, they then usually assume psychopathology is a
mild condition since these four seem like such nice people.
If paths were obviously monstrous then there'd be no problem, would
The monstrousness of psychopathology stems from the facade of
normalcy and niceness. Don't take my word for it, read interviews
with Larry King's seven or eight ex-wives. They say that he
essentially ceases to exist when the cameras are off. I believe he
essentially has no personality of his own. He is almost purely
reactive. This is why he is such a good interviewer, he clues into
and even adjusts who he is for his interviewee. Find one of his mug
shots from his earlier fraud arrest.
I see a "stranger in a strange land" in
full path confusion, conveying (to me),
"I don't get it. I was doing my best
lying, cheating and stealing. What was I doing wrong? How do I
get by in this normy world."
To see a path in full song I suggest
viewing a tape of Phil Donohue endorsing CIA spoiler
candidate (and fellow path) Ralph Nader. Phil Donohue is that
rare path who makes no effort to hide his path mannerisms. Craig
Crawford of CIA's MSNBC is another.
Are paths physically recognizable? Not really. But "not really"
means yes, sort of.
Paths often say they can recognize other paths by sight.
Some people describe some paths as being hollow or shallow eyed. But
what does that mean objectively? Almost nothing, two people could
use the same terms very differently (though if you see CIA
presidential spoiler candidate John Anderson's picture you might see
what they mean).
Before one can hope to "recognize" paths, one must first be able to
look at someone and ask oneself "What is looking out of that
person's eyes." This is beyond the imagination of most people. Most
people would say, "why a person much like myself."
The ability to entertain other
possibilities comes with age or great emotional cost (such as
recognizing a marriage to a path, or a psychopathic betrayal by a
path parent (such as a parental affair with a child's spouse)).
Usually, however, people never recognize a path spouse or parent. A
DNA test would be very convenient
To recognize paths you need to use all your senses, all your
If you say, "I'm too rational and
mature to pay attention to the hairs on the back of my neck, I
need rational reasons for my opinion of other people," then you
might as well put a sign on your forehead saying "The sucker is
in, paths step right up."
Paths are in every walk of life, they
are everywhere. I'm sure many of you have ended up calling betraying
acquaintances snakes. I'm also sure a majority of theses "snakes"
were paths.
Many people say,
"Oh, I could never be fooled by a
path, I can just tell."
Nothing could be further from the truth
Both my livelihood and my professional reputation depend on my
knowledge of psychopaths and I get fooled all the time.
As a hypothetical, if you asked a top rank path a question such as,
"Where did the story, 'Why did the
cow jump over the moon,' come from," you might get the reply,
"Oh that's a true story, the cow was trying to steal the Man in
the Moon's cheese, but missed."
Then walking away you might say to
"Oh, I see, sure, that makes sense."
Ten steps later,
"Hey, wait a minute!"
It's that second thought you should pay
attention to.
Just watch "junk science" path experts testify in trials. They are
extremely convincing. I have come to think that it is more than just
their ability to turn on sincerity and con, I believe they are stuck
in a child's sense of reality.
The world makes no sense to them, they
are like children who go to bed saying,
"But Daddy, Daddy! What if they turn
off gravity while I'm asleep? Ill float away!"
They never learn to internalize day to
day physical laws.
So even when they speak of reality it
makes no sense to them, thus it's easy for them to speak pure
nonsense while making it seem realistic. Speaking as though they
understand what they are talking about is essentially normal
practice to them, one they can easily apply to the sheerest
nonsense. This "frozen child" aspect is central to a psychopath's
personality development and characteristics. It is central to their
lack of moral development. It is also a way to recognize them.
(Actually "to wonder if someone's a path" is a safer concept,
"recognize" sounds too certain, we might be wrong and we don't want
to attack the merely odd. On the other hand, if criminal conduct is
involved and the diagnosis is certain, then the situation is
If you "see" a child looking out of an adult's eyes, pay attention.
Do Tom Ridge, Paul O'Neill, Jeff Sessions, Tommy Thompson and Miguel
Estrada look like overgrown children to you?
I have known people who have a knack for understanding 10-year olds'
reasoning and sense of humor. Such people are extremely good at
recognizing paths.
We all have different life experiences and are attuned to different
senses. You need to use all your experience, abilities, instincts,
intuitions and reasoning to protect yourself and your family from
When you look at pictures of Marc
Racicot, Andrew Card and Michael Swango, M.D (the medical serial
killer) do you see anything in common?
For me, female paths are a deeper source of mystery. They may be
much more different from us than the males. I usually find them much
harder to recognize, even when their behavior makes it obvious. Some
however are still immediately obvious to me, even in a still photo
(though they have to be looking straight into the camera).
Look at pictures of Diane Zamora,
naval midshipman and murderess, and Kyra Phillips, CNN anchor
and CIA propagandress. If you see any qualities in common, run if
you ever see the same in daily life. These two are full blown paths,
having only the appearance of humanity. Don Imus's wife is another.
I feel very sorry for him, he thinks he has a love family and a love
Actually a number of important men have path wives/fiancees:
George W. Bush, Laura Bush
James Carville, Mary Matalin
Alan Greenspan, Andrea Mitchell
William Bratton, Rikki Kleiman
Rudy Giuliani
Rupert Murdoch
William Colby
Considering Colby's fate, maybe these
guys should worry.
When I look at the faces of Laura Bush, Condi Rice and
Andrea Mitchell I see a strange masklike quality. I
have come to believe that this is because there simply is no human
soul inside pulling the face muscles, even more so than typical for
most paths.
In high school, Laura Bush killed a boyfriend in a car accident, he
the pedestrian, she the driver (don't take my word for it, look it
up) [Actually they were both in cars]. How interesting.
Normy police commanders, how can you recognize CIA path
They're the ones who went away for
national training (FBI, CIA or military) and came back with
attitudes. Actually they probably had attitudes to begin with, paths
have a natural arrogance and hatred of authority. They're the ones
who have to denigrate their opponents even if their opponents are
actually very able, maybe especially in that case. They're the ones
who view all human interactions as competitions they must win. (This
is true in all spheres, paths don't really care who sleeps with
whom, who marries whom, who keeps the kids after the divorce, just
that they come out the winner.)
Normy police commanders, this is
more than just a theoretical discussion, in the case of a breakdown
of law you will be eliminated in order for the paths to take
operational control. How do path police officers view their
comrades? Well we can't ask the New Orleans cops, Antoinette Frank
or her partner, Ronald Williams.
She was executed after murdering him and
others in a robbery at a restaurant where he was moonlighting as
security. With true path chutzpah, she even showed up later in
uniform as one of the investigating officers. We can, however, see
the movie Training Day, which I recommend
It is interesting to note that identifying paths is central to an
advancement in scientific policing.
Paths always corrupt the groups they are
in, a bad seed as it were. Thus a group of young toughs may become
misdemeanor minded delinquents, a social gang might take up drug
dealing, drug dealers might take up murder, etc. If law enforcement
could identify the psychopathic evil core, it would be very helpful.
Often after group crimes, parents will
say such things as,
"Oh, no. Joey's not like that.. It
can't be."
I believe them, rather I believe that
normally Joey wouldn't do such things, under the influence of a path
corrupted social group, he might, however. A group of G.I. Joey's
found out the hard way, just what they were capable of, if
conditions were just wrong and if leadership, formal or informal,
was pathic. The place was My Lai.
Some people think paths are like odd looking wide-eyed harmless
kids. Imagine wide-eyed kids stepping on frogs, now imagine them
stepping on the Wellstone family, now imagine them stepping on
yours. After throwing "communist suspects" (not so incidentally,
they were turned in by an early CIA designed Neighborhood Watch
program in Vietnam) out of helicopters to their deaths, our mutant
Phoenix Program operatives would go out drinking, laughing and
While making one of the recent CIA movies, Ben Affleck was given a
tour of the Agency. He said that the members reputed to have done
"the really bad things" actually looked harmless, just a little odd.
Yeah, I bet they did, Ben...
Having said all the above, I believe readers new to psychopathology
should focus on recognizing psychopathic behavior not the paths
Be on the lookout for behavior that exceeds the bounds of humanity.
One problem is that this is also beyond the imagination of most
people, they will deny or excuse such behaviors, not only that they
hear of, but even that they witness. Paths know this. I have often
heard, both from the victims and paths themselves, that paths will
taunt their victims, telling them that no one would believe them
We need science to develop a DNA test.
Also please bear in mind that the higher level psychopaths are the
hardest to recognize. I've watched Mike Wallace for decades, I can
only infer that he is a path, I've never seen it be obvious. I've
never seen him "act out" on any level, not even the facial
expression level. Other high level paths are Vernon Jordan, Robert
Woodward (the "journalist" out of Navy Intelligence}, and Charlie
Rose. I have no doubt that there are others who fool me completely
I would say that hitting the Pentagon with a drone or cruise missile
and calling it a Boeing 757 would be beyond the bounds of normal
human behavior (to say nothing of allowing thousands to die in order
to unite a people, whip up a war fervor and impose a police state).
Rumsferatu and Cheney, Prince
of Darkness, are protected because most people can not imagine
evil this inhuman
Why would the CIA wish to attack the Pentagon? To put the military
in its place perhaps (there must still be honest patriots in the
officer corps, if so, there's hope for us my friends.)
In my opinion, our leaders have proven
themselves to be utterly without humanity. The CIA, however, has
utter faith in our lack of imagination.
They even have a name for us, they call
us "sheeple."
Most people resist thinking of themselves as ever having been
brainwashed sheep.
On one hand I naturally understand this,
but on the other hand I don't understand this at all. We've all been
fooled in daily life, lied to and manipulated by those we considered
friends. If we hadn't realized this when we had the evidence, what
would that have made us? Exactly. My friends, I'm afraid there is no
way around it.
We have to face the fact that we've been
bamboozled, conned, tricked, horns-waggled, lied to, snookered,
fooled in every way imaginable. Join us, those who say "sheeple no
I stated earlier that the CIA has extended its tentacles throughout
society creating a virtual shadow society, not simply a shadow
I believe all the following individuals
are mutant paths working for the CIA. The CIA has scattered them
across the ideological spectrum to fool us into thinking we have a
political voice, a media outlet. What does win-win mean to you?
If the CIA controls both sides of the
playing field, how can they lose? My friends, it's as though we're
playing poker, not realizing there's a hidden team at the table. As
our losses mount, all we can do is look at each other in confused
The CIA: the enemy within, the fifth
column, human doppelgangers, the killers of our heroes, the stealers
of our history, traitors to America, it's not confusing at all.
I believe the following are psychopaths
who serve the CIA, the mutant empire, not the people or rightful
government of the United States of America.
Politicians, political operatives & public
Urrin Hatch [Orrin Hatch]
Arlen Speckter [Arlen
Christopher Dodd
Bob Packwood
Tony Coelho
Porter Goss
J.C. Watts
Gerald Ford
Richard Shelby
Jesse Helms
Dick Cheney
the Cuomos (pere and fils)
John Anderson
Tom Daschle
Zell Miller
Vernon Jordan
John Breaux
John C. Danforth
George Mitchell
Lee Hamilton
Robert Torricelli
Karen Hughes
Karl (Rasputin) Rove
Otto Reich
John Negroponte
Tom Haydn
Peggy Noonan
Condoleeza Rice
Gale Norton
Marc Racicot
Richard Armitrage
Colon Powell [Colin Powell]
Donald Rumsfeld
Daniel Pipes
Richard Perle
Paul Wolfowitz
William Kristol
Gary Condit
Joseph Scarborough
John Poindexter
James Hall
Bernard Loeb
Theresa LePore
Steve Buyer
Jeff Sessions
Andrew Card
Marion Blakey
Mary Matalin
Chuck Colson
John Dean
Ari Fleischer
Robert Reich
Joseph Allbaugh
Lauch Faircloth
Harvey Pitt
Paul O'Neil
Joseph Biden
the DLC
Howard Baker
John Kyl
Charles Grassley
James Traficant
Bill Frist
Eric Holder
Asa Hutchinson
Newt Gingrich
Lindsey Graham
Alexander Haig
Tommy Franks
Chuck Horner
Richard Secord
Oliver North
Wesley Clark
Victoria Clarke (they
apparently don't trust their generals to be able to put
two sentences together, Tory, demented psyko school marm,
is there if they stumble)
John Shufflebean
John Singlaub
Richard Myers
John Poindexter
Earl Warren
the Five Traitors:
William Rehnquist
Antonin Scalia
Sandra Day O'Connor
Clarence Thomas
Anthony Kennedy
The CIA firewall (i.e., CIA criminal path
judges protecting CIA criminals):
Law enforcement:
Press, investigative journalists, media
Jim Lehrer
Dan Rather
Lewis Lapham
Seymour Hersh
Bill Press
Ariana Huffington
Charlie Rose
Alexander Cockburn
Thomas Friedman
John Fund
Paul Gigot
Rich Lowry
Howard Fineman
Michael Isikoff
Robert Woodward (and his
acolyte, Janet Cooke)
Andrea Mitchell
Catherine Herridge
Barbara Starr
Candy Crowley
Rupert Murdoch
Roger Ailes
Walter Isaacson
Howell Raines
Bill O'Reilly
Gerald Posner
Hendrik Hertzberg
Judy Woodruff
Bill Schneider
Fletcher Prouty
Mel Karmarzin
Les Moonves
Bill Hemmer
Jonathan Karl
Jim Miklasjewski
Shephard Smith
Larry King
Victor Navasky
David Corn
Christopher Hitchens
Steve Roberts
Bridgett Quinn
Andrea Mitchell
Ashleigh Banfield
Lester Holt
Chris Jansing
Phil Donohue
Craig Crawford
Linda Vestal [Linda Vester,
Greg Palast
Kyra Phillips
Lesley Stahl
Howard Kurtz
Jeffrey Toobin
Jeff Greenfield
Brian Wilson
Charles Krauthamer
Sally Quinn
Aaron Brown
Juan Williams
David Horowitz
Ben Bradlee
Frank Sesno
Rick Sanchez
Dan Goure
Susan Candiotti
David Ensor
Joe Conason
Nicholas Kristof
Ann Coulter
Ralph Nader
Ken Lay
Jack Valenti
Francis Collins
Craig Venter
Gloria Steinem
Frank Carlucci
Jesse "the Baby" Ventura
[Jesse Ventura]
Vincent Buggerliosi [Vincent
Robert Maheu
Jack "Reptilicus" Straw
[Jack Straw]
Ariel Sharon (I include
Straw and Sharon here because I consider the CIA, MI6
and MOTZAD [MOSSAD] to be one path entity)
John Howard (Aus.)
C Boyden Gray
Michael Ledeen
Robert Blakely [G. Robert
Pamela Harriman
Naomi Wolf
Steve Ballmer
Warren Buffet
Clint van Zandt
Robert Hanssen
Cyril Wecht
John Zogby
I am claiming that not only do we share
the world with genetic pod people, psychopaths, but they are now our
overlords and have placed the above "pod people" in high profile
public positions.
Paths lack all humanity, viewing us as
expendable as chess pawns to be wasted at strategic whim.
When a man knows he is to be hanged
in a fortnight it concentrates his mind wonderfully.
Samuel Johnson
He who learns must suffer
And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget
Falls drop by drop upon the heart,
And in our own despair, against our will,
Comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.
Agamemnon; Aeschylus
With such control of media voices and leadership positions across
the ideological spectrum, it's no wonder that they thought they
could get away with the 2000 theft of the election. With their
elementary-school-minds they're used to living like pouting kids,
pouting kids who sooner or later have to get back on the bus.
They thought we too would have no choice
but to fall in line.
In their heart of hearts they think we are just like them, that we
only pretend to care about others, to have religious convictions and
deep beliefs, to have inner personal strength.
I'm claiming that the above individuals all work for one interest,
the ZIA path empire. Their positioning across the ideological
spectrum is designed to make us feel we are represented politically
and have a voice in the media. The truth comes out only at crunch
time or the end game.
Thus Mario Cuomo, with his sad beagle eyes, goes down to
Florida in 2000 to tell Gore that the time has come to put the
country first, to preserve the fabric of civil society and faith in
the law by conceding.
I consider Mario Cuomo to be a 'voice of
reason' type path, others include Hendrik Hertzberg and
Francis Collins. They come across so reasonably, even shedding
alligator tears, so simpatico, however, pay attention only to their
suggestions and the results of these suggestions, that is their true
self and true message. Similarly, Jesse Jackson, who I do not
believe is a path but is definitely ZIA (he was picked as the new
"Black Leader" before they assassinated MLK) raced down to Florida,
ran to the front of the Gore demonstrations, turned them around and
shut them down in defeat.
Similarly the Washington Post and the NY Times put a lie to their
liberalism by calling on Gore to concede.
Our Constitution wasn't written by idiots, there are provisions for
resolving deadlocks (forgetting for now, the fact that accurate
post-election recounts showed that Gore had actually had the most
votes in FL). Nobody had "do the right thing" by conceding, just let
the process work. Gore, little boy in short pants, didn't have the
stomach for a fight.
Those on the right may have felt much of the same betrayal at the
Bush TIA database plan. The next time you have a turkey shoot to
raise money for the local volunteer fire department, you had better
have everybody bring their own shells. If not, the purchase may be
flagged by ZIA computers as matching a terrorist pattern. You could
even be thrown in Gitmo, as an enemy combatant, deprived of an
Just wait until the Republipsychos
outlaw cash, you can be sure they want to.
Many of the names listed above might seem to be anti-government
investigative journalists. But analyze their writings closely.
Seymour Hersh wrote an investigation of My Lai called Coverup, which
is what it was (clever, clever!).
Alexander Cockburn writes anti-government diatribes that describe
conspiracies and horrible atrocities. However, they are unprovable.
Show him a provable conspiracy, such as the Warren Commission, and
he takes the government line faithfully (this is part of the public
record, please look it up.
The ZIA strategy is to establish their journalist sleeper agents'
anti-government bona fides as a means for derailing true
investigations by true journalists.
Michael Moore, ZIA non-path sidekick to the ZIA path, Nader,
wrote an otherwise excellent anti-Bush book called "Stupid White
Men." What's the real message being conveyed here? No matter what is
inside the book, the majority of white males who did in fact vote
for Bush are not going to read it. This is its true purpose,
solidifying the white male support for Bush (clever, clever!).
Are they capable of using the "song of truth" in the cause of a lie?
Hell, this is one of their specialties.
Can they get too clever? Certainly, it happens all the time.
It's hard to say, but Moore's book may very well have done more good
than harm. (Incidentally, I consider Michael Moore to be one of the
"too-ugly-to-be-paths" corrupt normies who serve the mutant
path ZIA. Paths, themselves, can always turn on the charm and
Other such servants of the mutants include Alan "Torture Warrants"
Dershowitz, Jerry Falwell, and Al Sharpton. These are all hideously
corrupt and evil individuals who have chosen to serve the enemy. In
their own lives and careers they are also very closely associated
with paths (for example, Claus Von Bulow, Pat Robertson, Alton
Maddox and Vernon Mason of the Tawana Brawley hoax, respectively).
One example where they definitely did more good than harm was
Vincent "Never-met-a-government- crime-I-didn't-like" Bugliosi's
pamphlet in The Nation on the 2000 stolen election. Impassioned and
accusatory it gave voice to and raised the morale of those
devastated by the ZIA Bush rape of the electoral process.
However, when the results of the media
recount came out (the NORC study), he claimed,
"Oh well, it's all moot, Bush would
have won anyway."
This was an absolutely dishonest
intentional misreading of study results.
The ZIA intention was that those upset
over Florida would follow Bugliosi into acquiescence at the results.
Actually, the aggrieved just ignored his second opinion as just
being some kind of inexplicable accident. In fact, neither of his
opinions were any kind of accident, they were both part of a
thoroughly planned propaganda stratagem, that just didn't work.
Coming back to Ratfuck Ralph, did the ZIA plant Nader as an
anti-corporate, pro-consumer sleeper agent thirty, forty years ago?
Absolutely. By casting corporations, particularly mega-corporations,
as the enemy, Nader is shielding the ZIA. Corporations are not the
enemy of America, the ZIA is. The ZIA, the enemy within. However,
whole generations of progressives have grown up revering Nader which
did in fact allow him to throw the 2000 election his master's way.
I view the truth of post-WWII history as a trail up a broad mountain
with innumerable side trails. Starting at the foot of the mountain
then posted at various heights are ZIA disinformationists.
At the foot they say,
"Oswald acted alone. Anyone who
climbs this mountain is a conspiracy nut. Here, stay on level
ground with all the people with common sense."
As you travel up the mountain, the ZIA
spooks speak the truth for that height on the mountain but then lead
you astray on a side trail.
Thus they might say,
"Sure there was a JFK assassination
conspiracy, it was the Mafia or Castro," further on they say "it
was rogue elements in the ZIA," further, "here's the JFK truth,
plus everything you want to know about UFOs" and on and on.
Finally, you come to the 95%+ true
disinformationists, such as Fletcher Prouty and Greg
Palast. Obviously, you can learn a lot from the 95%+ truth
spooks. If you can discover their lies, what it is that they are
protecting, essentially you have the entire picture.
The genius paths behind the ZIA (and paths, on average, do have
higher IQ's than us, in nature predators are always smarter than
their prey) realize that the truth is out there to be found. By
having their own reveal it they are able to spin the truth and
continue to mislead at every level of investigation.
I believe that the ZIA has used all
intelligence agency stratagems that they ever used against the KGB,
against America, its political parties and media and other
institutions, including disinformation, moles, sleeper agents,
double agents, "honey traps," blackmail, agent provocateurs,
criminal free agents freed to follow their own interests and much
OK, let's say I'm right.
Let's say that the ZIA did have a
brilliantly successful fifty year plan (perhaps McCloy's and
Gehlen's brainchild) to create a Stealthtalitarian political system
enforced by and rewarding to paths, a genius level Punch-and-Judy
puppet show that still has the vast majority of the population
fooled, a society-wide Game of Charades.
Why then throw over such shadow control
through the daylight robbery that took place in Florida (Jeb Bush's
state)? What would make it worth it?
The threat of extreme violence (i.e.,
assassination) is a very broad and clumsy tool. While useful at
keeping the government and law enforcement from interfering in ZIA
crimes (such as at Mena, Arkansas) and in controlling the military,
it can't be used for everything.
Sometimes a finer level of control is
needed, one also that doesn't betray the ZIA's interest. While I'm
sure that there were many things making the coup attractive, they
probably missed the freewheeling criminality of the Reagan-Bush I
years (complete with the planting of path moles throughout the
judiciary (Urrin Hatch's specialty) and the justice department
(Arlen Speckter's).
There was also the example of
gangster-capitalism in Russia (what do you think Enron was?
Electricity prices soared over 1000% in California, the Bush
Republipsychos even wanted to sell CA water rights to the Enron
criminals), but I believe the determining factor was something else
Quite simply they need to control the human genome and the public
reaction to the open genome. DRD4 R7 (Friendships
Moderate an Association Between a Dopamine Gene Variant and
Political Ideology). That's it folks. The genetic
basis of psykopathology.
They have presented this gene as the
genetic basis of danger-ignoring, novelty-seeking behavior and of a
type of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. I consider every
extreme novelty-seeker I have ever met to have been a path, and I've
seen ADHD, in many instances, be a misdiagnosis for psykopathology.
They are trying to hide genetic
psykopathology behind of screen of misdiagnoses.
This is actually their third attempt at
control of the human genome. The first two were attempts at outright
thievery: the patenting of genes, and the legal ownership of the
genome by private companies, most notably Celera, ran by the path
genius, Craig Venter.
Is DRD4 R7 the entire picture?
Probably not. Many questions remain.
Is a complex of genes involved?
Did psykopathy evolve more than
Are female paths genetically
Do genius level paths who can be
patient and plan for the future have a different DNA makeup
from lower level paths with little self control?
Luckily, we are in a position to answer
the last question. With typical path astronomical chutzpah and
arrogance, Craig Venter had Celera decode his own genome.
I believe that there is no need to worry that he may have discarded
the genes in question (though he may have disguised them in some
fashion, that is if he knew which they were). However, paths would
never discard anything that essential to the individual's identity.
When was the last time you looked into a just filled toilet bowl and
worried that some essential part of yourself might be down there?
Probably when you were ten or eleven.
However for John Ashpoopy, Assy Flasher,
John Negropotty, Karl Rovespoopin and Craig Venter I'm sure the
answer is within the last 24 hours (well, as long as they've been
eating their bran).
Paths are the original anal retentives.
It's part of their child-minds, part of their frozen development.
Look at descriptions of secret society (such as Bohemian Grove and
Skull and Bones) get togethers. To me, it seems as though these are
permanent children suddenly free to drop the adult act, the behavior
is so juvenile, even puerile. Which is what you would expect from
groups of paths by themselves.
My friends, we are all caught in a Twilight Zone episode in which
the mutant children have seized power through their lethal toys. In
this case, the lethal toy is the U.S. military. It is time for us
adults to take it away from them. Do we have enough knowledge to
start DNA testing of path suspects?
Well, we certainly have enough to start
serious research. In my opinion, a good place to start would be the
officer corps of the service branches. The military with its
essentially captive subjects and extensive personnel records is an
excellent platform for psychological research. Of course individuals
will probably soon be able to pay for DRD4 R7 detection tests
Path officers, you might soon want to
keep your toothbrush under lock and key, and carry around your own
utensils and glass straws. Of course, that would be flagging
yourselves, wouldn't it?
I think you're in trouble.
Normy officers, how do you recognize path officers, in the
absence of a DNA test? They're the ones who treat their fighting men
as soulless automatons. When the killing is over, warriors have to
go back home and sleep peacefully next to their spouses and infants.
Path officers have no understanding of this, no understanding that
the warrior's own soul is never more than microns away from the
cross hairs.
South and Central Am officers, you have it easier. You simply need
to know who attended S.O.A.P., almost as good as a DNA test in
identifying paths. Once we have a reliable and proven DNA test then
I believe we may need to test all politicians, all military
officers, all judges, all law enforcement personnel, all employees
of the Justice Department. Note that I don't include the ZIA/NSA
here. Their tests will no doubt be part of their crimes against
humanity trials.
Federal path judges, if you want to head off this future, I suggest
you rule consistently for the Constitution. Let me make this simple
for you.
Whatever lets you live out your life
unmolested is good, whatever puts you on trial for your life is bad.
When Patriot Act, Homeland Defense, electoral issues come before
you, rule for the Constitution. If you shut down the Bush/ZIA now we
may never get to the point of widespread testing, let alone a
shooting war.
Testing could still be restricted to
those convicted of felonies.
On shifting sands. Bizarro World, House of Mirrors, Puzzle Palace,
Endless Maze, the Grand Charade, use whichever image you wish.
My friends we are all lost in a tall
grass swamp, not knowing which paths lead to solid ground, we can
hear other lost parties but not see them through the tall grass. My
friends we need to put aside past differences, ideological,
political, religious. We are all patriots now. We must pool our
efforts, our knowledge to defeat the psykopaths.
George Washington:
"We have, therefore, to resolve to
conquer or die."
For the time being, we must all be on our own. Any organization or
leadership will be snuffed out immediately.
We must educate ourselves, spread the
word. The police state is not fully developed yet, there are still
political pressures that can be brought to bear. Insist your
representatives give us the right to be vaccinated if we so choose.
We can organize around issues and concerns without spelling out that
the true struggle is the one against the paths. Bear in mind that
all organizations will be thoroughly infiltrated.
Study psykopathology, study the ZIA
crimes of the past. Tape the news channels, saving the tapes of acts
of terrorism and suspicious accidents. Study famous psykopaths of
the past. Rasputin was a historical psykopath who had the Tsar and
Tsarina of Russia under his spell.
He was one of the reasons, one of the
many reasons, that the Tsar's government was not able to respond
effectively to the rise of the Bolsheviks. The result was that the
Soviet Union spent 70 plus years as a communist totalitarian prison
camp the size of a continent.
Read Orwell's
1984 and
Brave New World. You
can be sure that Rovespoopin has.
The ZIA has studied all the propaganda
of the past. Read Mein Kampf. Study propaganda techniques.
Become a poll watcher.
Believe me the ZIA has.