Alien Origins of Sociopathy
- How Bloodlines have been Genetically Tweaked to
Produce an Abundance of...
Español |
Anatomía de un Psicópata
A Psychopath for
President? - The Right Mix of Good and Evil can Take You
Far in Life
Are Jair Messias Bolsonaro and
Donald John Trump a Menace to the Planet?
Back to Metaphysics - Covid-19 and
'What is Going On' in the World
Bill Gates Patent gives him
'Exclusive Rights' to 'Computerize' the Human Body
Bolton, Boris and 'Bibi' - The
Three B's have Short Time but Great Wrath
Español |
California está Llena de
Psicópatas - Pero no tanto como Washington, D.C., según
un Estudio
Italiano |
Capire la Mente Tirannica e come
Italiano |
Come i Fanatici 'Hanno conquistato
il Mondo'...
Español |
Cómo Detectar a Los Psicópatas
- Sus Patrones del Habla los Delatan
Español |
Cómo Lidiar con un Sociópata
Congrats USA - Oxford
Scientists Declare BOTH Trump and Clinton Likely
Construct Validity of Psychopathy in
A Community
Sample - A Nomological Net
Corporate Psychopaths Theory of The Global
Financial Crisis
Corporate Psychopathy - Talking
the Walk
Corporations Are Psychopaths With
Zero Degrees of Empathy
Covid-19 and Anthony Fauci
- Main File |
Español |
Crímenes contra
la Humanidad
- Main File
Against Humanity
- Main File
Decoding the Twisted 'New World
Order Mindset'
Defense Against The Psychopath - A Brief Introduction to
Human Predators
in Disguise - Authoritarian Monsters Wreak Havoc on Our
Do We Have Psychopaths Misruling
Our World? - Schwarzenegger, DSK,
and Gingrich
Español |
El Anochecer de Los Psicópatas
Español |
El Ascenso de las Arpías
de Guerra - Las Mujeres que Destruyen Nuestro Mundo
Español |
El Culto Covidiano
Español |
El Modo Estadounidense -
Un Estudio de Psicopatía
Español |
El por qué Fauci y la Cábala
Mundial insisten en Vacunar a tus Hijos...
Español |
El Psicópata Infiltrado
Español |
El Psicópata Infiltrado en el
Vínculo Sanguíneo
Español |
El Psicópata
- La Máscara de La Cordura
Español |
Estudiando al Psicópata
or Foe - The Psychopath Dilemma and CE-5
George Soros
and The Rothschild
- Main File
George Soros - A
Psychopath's Psychopath
Globalists release 'Timeline for
Health Tyranny'
History Regurgitates
How Fanatics 'Took Over the World'... |
How to Spot a Sociopath
- 10 Red Flags that Could Save You from Being Swept
Under The Influence of...
How to Spot Psychopaths
- Speech Patterns Give Them Away
Is Bill Gates a Psychopath?
Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting "A
False Flag"?
Is the Root of Evil the
Psychopathic Mind?
Español |
La Epidemia de Psicópatas
Español |
La Fabricación de una Psicosis
Masiva - ¿Puede la Cordura volver a un Mundo Loco?
Italiano |
La Guerra Gaza-Israele è "Una
Falsa Bandiera?"
Español |
La Historia se Vuelve a Repetir
Italiano |
La Licenza Bill Gates gli consente
"Diritti Esclusivi" per "Computerizzare" il Corpo Umano
Español |
La Patocracia del Estado Profundo
- Tiranía en las manos de un Gobierno Psicópata
Español |
La Psicopatía de la Codicia
Español |
La Psicopatía y los Orígenes del
Español |
Las Corporaciones Son Psicópatas
Con Cero Grados de Empatía
Español |
La Venganza Personal como Modo de
Gobernar en Brasil
Español |
Los Globalistas publican el 'Cronograma
de la Tiranía de la Salud'
Español |
Los Lunáticos se han Apoderado del
Mesmerized by Sociopaths - The
Subversion of Our Consciences
Español |
Milei - ¿Un Proyecto de Poder
Controlado por Agencias de Inteligencia Internacionales?
Español |
No hay Diferencia entre Psicópatas
y Políticos - La Patocracia del 'Estado Profundo'
Español |
Orígenes Alienígenas de La
- Cómo Los Linajes han Sido Genéticamente Ajustados para...
Pathocracy and Religion
Pathocracy Rising - How Economic
Systems breed Deviants
Pathocracy - Tyranny at The Hand
of Psychopaths
Español |
Patocracia - Tiranía en Las Manos
de Psicópatas
Italiano |
Perché ci sono Tanti
Psicopatici nelle posizioni di Potere? |
Español |
- ¿Porqué
hay Tantos Psicópatas en Posiciones de Poder? |
Español |
Psicópata versus Empático - La
Guerra entre la Verdad y el Engaño |
Español |
Psicopatía e Historia |
Español |
Psicopatía y Crímenes contra la
Humanidad |
Psychopathic Possession - A
Discussion of Demons, Spirit Voices, Technology and
Psychopaths in Charge - Maybe
They're Not Human
Psychopaths in The Gulf
- The Perfect Academic Word for U.S. Political, Economic
Psychopath vs. Empath - The War
Between Evolution and Stagnation
Psychopath vs. Empath - The War
Between Truth and Deception
Psychopathy by U.S. State
Psychopathy, Intelligence and
Emotional Responding in a Non-Forensic Sample
Psychopathy, Politics and The New
World Order
- Special Research Project of the Quantum Future School
Español |
- ¿Qué
Es Un Psicópata?
- Proyecto de Investigación Especial del Quantum Future
Q: What's the Difference between a
Politician and a Psychopath? - A: None
Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney
Español |
- ¿Son
Jair Messias Bolsonaro y Donald John Trump una Amenaza para
el Planeta?
Spot the Psychopath
The Amerikan Way - A
Study in Psychopathy
The Billionaires that Made our
World - Bill Gates
The Criminal Psychopath - History,
Neuroscience, Treatment and Economics
The Difference it Makes - 36 Reasons Hillary Clinton
Should Never Be President
The Five Pillars of the Elitist
Parasite's Deranged Mindset
The "Legacy" of George H.W. Bush
The Lunatics have Taken Over the Asylum
Madness of George W. Bush - A Reflection of Our
Collective Psychosis
The Manufacturing of a Mass
Psychosis - Can Sanity Return to an Insane World?
The Names and Faces - The 150
Bilderbergers who Influenced and Controlled the Response to
The Pathocracy of the Deep State -
Tyranny at the Hands of a Psychopathic Government
The Psychology of Psychopathy - An
Inside Look at the Psychopathic Brain
The Psychopathic God
The Psychopathy of Greed
There is No Difference Between
Psychopaths and Politicians - The Pathocracy of the Deep
State |
The Threats of a Political
Psychopath - John Bolton to an International Official:
"We Know where Your Kids Live"
The Wolves of Psycho Street - America's Economic
Enslavement by the Psychopathic Corporate Elite
Twilight of The Psychopaths
Understanding the Tyrannical Mind
and How it Operates
Español |
Un "Enemigo Común" Colectivo
acecha ahora a la Humanidad
USA Leaders = Psychopaths?
- By, For, And of Psykopaths
Español |
Washington D.C. - La Capital
Psicópata de América
Washington D.C. - The Psychopath
Capital of America
Why Are There so Many
Psychopaths in Positions of Power?
Why is Bill Gates a Psychopath?
Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates
- Main File
Additional Information |
12 Million Americans
Español |
Asesores Científicos del Gobierno
admiten usar 'Tácticas de Miedo Totalitario' - Control
durante la 'Pandemia'
Español |
Así es cómo un Psicópata siente la
Vida Normal
Español |
Cómo Identificar a un Criminal
Demons Technology
Donald Trump - An American Tragedy
not only for the U.S. but also for the World
Español |
Dos Noticias desde EE.UU. que
Indican que el Mundo 'Se Encamina hacia la Locura'
Español |
Eugenesia - El Sostén de la
Psicopática Mentalidad de la Élite
Eugenics - Buttress of the
Psychopathic Elite Mindset
Scientific Advisors admit they used 'Totalitarian Fear
Tactics' to Control People during 'Pandemic'
How Fanatics 'Took Over the World'...
How People Become Easily Controlled by Tyrants |
How to Identify a Globalist
Criminal |
Español |
La Batalla del Armagedón
ha Estado Violenta Durante Siglos |
Español |
La Codicia como Sinónimo
de Ineptitud
Español |
La Oscura Historia de las Realezas
Español |
La Trampa de la Empatía |
List of 71 'Clinton Associates'
who Died Mysteriously or Committed 'Suicide' before
Italiano |
L'Oscura Storia dei Reali
Medical Sociopaths
Español |
Medios y Técnicas Para
- El Mal Escondido
Global Elite Psycho-Attitudes
Español |
- ¿No
Cumplir con Reglas de Distanciamiento Social significa
que eres un Psicópata? - La Respuesta es Obvia...
On the Psychology of the 'Conspiracy
Denier' - A closer Look at the Class that Mocks |
People who like Embarrassing or
Angering Others find Social Media more Addictive - Study
Political Agitators -
by Harold Dwight Lasswell
Psychopathic Personality -
Bridging the Gap Between Scientific Evidence and Public
Psychopathology of the Zionist
and Crimes against Humanity - A Conceptual and Empirical examination
of Human Rights Violators
Psychopathy and the Cinema - Fact
or Fiction?
Sex, Drugs and Do-Gooders - Inside
the so-called 'Superbowl of Capitalism' at the Annual
WEF Davos Gathering
Snapchat vs. Facebook -
Differences in Problematic use, Behavior change
attempts, and Trait social reward...
Español |
Sobre la Psicología del 'Negador de
Conspiraciones' - Una Mirada más cercana a la Clase que se Burla |
The Battle of Armageddon
Has Been Raging for Centuries
The Dark History of the Royals
The Hillary Clinton Dead Pool
The Many Signs That Society is
Breaking Down and That America Has Been Overrun by
The Obama's 'Dead Pool' - Deaths Connected to The
Obama White House
The State Attracts Sociopaths
This is How Normal Life Feels as a
Why Don't The Corrupt Players on
Wall Street and in D.C. Show Remorse for Their
Destructive Actions…
Why do Some People Support Tyranny
while others Defy It?
Books-Treatises |
America - The War on the American People
- by John H. Whitehead
- How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment, and Government
stick it to You... -
by Brett Wilcox
Political Ponerology - The Science
of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism - by
A. Lobaczewski
Psychopaths, Narcissists, Machiavellians...
- Subsets of One Overarching 'Dark' Personality Type -
by Karen Mitchell
Snakes in Suits - When Psychopaths
Go to Work -
by Paul Babiak and Robert D. Hare
The Corporation - The Pathological Pursuit of Profit
and Power -
by Joel Bakan
The Premonition - A Pandemic Story
- by Michael Lewis |
The Sociopath Next Door -
by Martha Stout
The Wisdom of Psychopaths - What
Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers can teach Us about
Success - by K. Dutton
Without Conscience - The Disturbing
World of the Psychopaths among Us -
by Robert D. Hare
Multimedia |
Dark Seduction - Why We Love
Español |
Deja de Ser Alimento - El Cerebro
- "I
Am Fishead" - Are Corporate Leaders Egotistical
Español |
La Verdad sobre la Mentira
Meet Benjamin Netanyahu -
Unconvicted War Criminal
Obama and The War Criminals
Psychopathy on A Rampage
- Defense Against the Psychopath - Stefan Verstappen on
The Laughs of Hillary Clinton -
Expressions of A Psychopath?
Who Runs The World? Psychopaths
and Liars - Simple Really - David Icke
Related Reports |
American "Empire"
- Main File
Klaus Schwab and the World
Economic Forum
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Obama - A "New" Sociopolitical Era?
- Main File
Organic Portals
- Main File
Synthetic Life - Robotoids,
Parasites and Artificial Humans
- Main File
The Archons
- Main File
The Bushes' Clan and The New World
- Main File
The Clintons - America
- Main File
The New World Order
- Main File
Zbigniew Brzezinski and The
Trilateral Commission
- Main File