by Steve Hammons
June 30, 2006
AmericanChronicle Website
Recently, new information related to the so-called “Project SERPO”
was posted on a Web site involved in this story. The information
describes a new angle of deception and disinformation about this
alleged U.S. Government project.
Project SERPO refers to claims that a top secret exchange program in
the 1960s and ‘70s involved sending an American
team of 12 military
personnel to another planet, similar to the depictions in parts of
the 1977 Steven Spielberg film CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND.
The newly released information may provide additional clarification,
and confusion, on some of the factors involved in the Project SERPO
story that surfaced for the general public in late 2005 and has been
presented on the Web site serpo.org.
The new information appears on the Web site
lucianarchy.proboards21.com, a discussion forum and research site
that has become one of the online platforms for Project SERPO
Several months ago, serpo.org coordinator Bill Ryan chose the
lucianarchy.proboards21.com site to participate in online
discussions about this alleged program. This site is the online home
of the Open Minds Research Team.
According to the Open Minds Research Team Web site administrator and
a report directly from their confidential sources posted this week,
previous information provided to them about Project SERPO was false
– at least partially false.
New information given to the Open Minds Research Team from their
sources, known has the “TC Group,” was partially related to a method
used by government authorities to track leaks, identify leakers and
monitor the way such information is disseminated over the Internet,
according to the site administrator.
Starting in March 2006, the Open Minds Research Team had reported on
their Web site that the TC Group had contacted them. This group
allegedly had inside knowledge about the Project SERPO story and
been trying to follow up on the authenticity of various aspects it.
The TC Group is reportedly one of several groups involved in
investigating and disclosing information on this and related topics.
From what were believed to be reliable sources providing information
to the TC Group, the Open Minds Research Team received and posted
information from this group that claimed Project SERPO was, in part,
a false cover story.
Sources told the TC Group that the Project SERPO story was released
within the military and intelligence communities to protect other
real information about related activities within those communities.
The source for the TC Group had claimed that the cover story was
actually called SERPONIA, not SERPO, and that the alleged visitors’
planet in the Zeta Reticuli star system was referred to in English
as “Seinu,” not “Serpo.” Other accounts have claimed the planet was
referred to as “Sieu” in English.
These accounts were posted on the Open Minds Research Team Web site
as “The Seinu Disclosures.”
Now, the TC Group has reported to the Open Minds Research Team that
this information was, at least in part, false and part of a strategy
to plant information, see who leaks it, identify leakers and analyze
how the information spreads.
Below is the verbatim report from the TC Group source acting as
liaison with the Open Minds Research Team, posted this week on the
lucianarchy.proboards21.com site under the category “Seinu
disclosure” and subcategory “T.C. Group – The Seinu Disclosures:
“I’m saddened to inform you that
Serpo, Serponia, Seinu and anything else you want to call it has
turned out to be a test of sorts by the dark side.
We were given an audience with a former high-ranking official
and for more than two hours he explained the purpose and the
feedback it has given this group.
As we had figured out before, the higher your clearance the more
truth you were allowed to receive.
Unfortunately, the dark side also had a suspicion, this started
during the early ‘60s, that a few people with high clearances
were divulging secrets, by word of mouth or acts of treason by
screening classified material. To counter it, they would allow
‘employees’ to learn of a false top-secret project or
information. Depending on where the ‘employee’ was working,
he/she learned of this particular project/information and if a
leak occurred, it could be traced back to that group of
‘employees’ only.
They devised a setup that was two-fold in its release:
1. would show how the
material was leaked to the outside and by whom.
2. once the material was released, track the flow and
study where it may lead. It was a bonus to them when these
projects hit the Internet and they learned the identities of
those viewing the information and for study in the near
future tests.
Now, notice I said near future. This
is in part due to more of these types of setups that are going
on at this time and more to come. There is truth n all this and
it will be explained below.
Some members of
the Bird group [the so-called Aviary] are
involved and were told of these tests. Please note: the rest of
these birds are innocent and just as clueless. We don’t know who
fits into which category and he would not divulge this
information. Damn, he would only smile and it P'd us off.
The reason we asked for a meeting with him was due to us
catching an asset trying to pass off a third story, which we
knew to be fake. We put 2 and 2 together and realized what was
happening, but we wanted to verify this revelation and
regrettably it has been proven true.
Now, the good news that you may know by now is that in all this
comes some truth, at least in ‘J’s’ case. This was not told to
us, but rather he would smile if our question was confirmed and
not if it was negative or false. It took us a minute or two to
figure out what he was attempting and again this P'd us off
regarding the game, but we needed his responses. After about 5
minutes of questions he halted the proceedings, wished us the
best and escorted us to the front door. The questions and
responses are listed here.”
A list of the questions and apparent
responses from a source for the TC Group is posted on the site.
These questions relate directly to the previous “Seinu Disclosures.”
The source smiles in response to some questions, reportedly
indicating a “yes.”
The Open Minds Research Team site administrator has posted his
assessment of events on the site in the “T.C. Group – The Seinu
Disclosures” section.
Below are some of his comments:
“The latest from TC Group resolving
the current "disclosure' regarding Serponia/Seinu as a 'test' of
sorts, brings the circle to a close once again. What did come
out of this was some confirmation that, again, the core contains
some truth, but splashed all over with disinfo-juice!”
“They allude to some of the machinations going on behind the
scenes which relate to the disclosure process. And I can confirm
that the penultimate communique from the TC Group did contain
some extraordinary information regarding recent events… As soon
as they give permission to release the full details, you will
see it here first. I am bound by their instructions – and given
how the 'Seinu disclosures’ developed – by giving them a free
platform and compartmented and protected media – we were all
able to watch the story unfold free from sabotage and meddling
from outside forces.”
“…As long as we 'play by the rules,' we can expect further and
more intriguing disclosures as time progresses. You, the reader,
contributor, are part of this historic process, and how you
react/ respond is up to you. However, please be mindful of the
responsibilities which come with any involvement and hopefully
we can progress away from suspicion, mistrust, meddling and
deception and into a brighter future which should shed light
about life through the cosmos, and, hopefully, in peace.”
The original story about a U.S.-alien exchange program apparently
has discreetly floated around military and intelligence circles for
decades. It surfaced again in late 2005 in an e-mail discussion
stream that includes many people with knowledge about these kinds of
The information was reportedly released to the coordinator of the
e-mail stream discussion group, Victor Martinez, by a person
claiming to represent several current and former Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA) personnel.
This person came to be known as “Mr. Anonymous,” “Anonymous” or
“Request Anonymous.” Some of the information was then posted on
serpo.org, a Web site developed by
Ryan to present these accounts to
the general public.
The Project SERPO claim was that an alleged exchange program between
the U.S. and extraterrestrial visitors from the Zeta Reticuli star
system took place. A joint-service team of 12 American military
personnel were sent aboard the visitors’ ship in 1965 for what was
to be a decade-long stay on the visitors’ planet to collect
scientific information.
According to these accounts, the program had originally been
Project CRYSTAL KNIGHT during the planning and execution
of the operation. The name was changed to Project SERPO after the
return of eight of the original 12 team members in 1978. Two members
reportedly died during the mission and two chose to stay on the
planet Serpo and were not ordered to return home. The eight who
returned have all passed on, according to these claims.
This project had reportedly evolved from contact between U.S.
authorities and the visitors after the crash of their spacecraft in
New Mexico in 1947.
Subsequently, details were released from “Anonymous” to Martinez and
posted by Ryan. The information was reportedly from government
records, and included details of this mission, the selection and
training of the team, the commander’s log during the mission and
other fascinating accounts.
Then, a second “Anonymous” reportedly surfaced and contacted not
Martinez, the e-mail stream coordinator, but Ryan, the serpo.org
coordinator. Ryan posted several further accounts about Project
SERPO from the second Anonymous on serpo.org.
Then, other “Anonymous” sources reportedly surfaced and contacted
Martinez, the e-mail stream coordinator. Ryan posted several further
accounts about Project SERPO on serpo.org.
One of the sources who contacted Martinez reportedly turned out to
be a probable hoax of some kind.
There have been allegations that the Project SERPO story is a hoax,
perpetrated for personal gain or other unknown reasons. There has
also been speculation that it is some kind of disinformation to
bring ridicule on the UFO investigations community.
According to former military intelligence personnel familiar with
these kinds of government projects and activities, combining
truthful information with false information is a standard operating
procedure in many psychological operations (PSYOP) and information
A purpose in such efforts can be to confuse the target audience or
influence the credibility of persons or groups. Another related
purpose could be to direct the target audience to a certain
viewpoint. Or, it could be to release legitimate open source
intelligence (OSINT).
Such efforts about Project SERPO and contact with extraterrestrial
visitors could be part of a program of acclimation about unique
scientific discoveries and programs. Information of this nature
could be quite complex and possibly very surprising, troubling or
shocking for the general public. As a result, the intelligent way to
release such information would be in a gradual, careful and safe
Taking researchers and the general public on twists and turns, such
as in the saga of the Project SERPO, could be part of these kinds of
legitimate efforts.
As in many secrets about government activity, it is possible that
there are people and factions who think informing the public,
especially in a democracy, is a positive and morally appropriate
path. Others may prefer secrecy, and there may be many reasons for
this viewpoint, some legitimate and perhaps some not as legitimate.
The issues surrounding the balance between the right of the people
to know the truth with the need for secrecy are especially important
today. Leakers and journalists are being targeted for disclosing
sensitive information. Government agencies are conducting expanded
surveillance of citizens through telephone and Internet
surveillance, and probably many other methods.
The Project SERPO story, with its many false paths, deceptions and
maybe some important truths, seems to be part of the overall
discussion of the role of citizens, the media and government
officials in a democracy.
It is also part of our evolving awareness about scientific progress
and discoveries, our place on this small planet we call Earth and
the development of the human race.
In these respects, as we separate fact from fiction in the Project SERPO story, we can find many important truths.