by Prof Michel
December 01,
GlobalResearch Website

Sputnik/ Vladimir Fedorenko
Will Russia's Parliament
Block U.S. Media from the Duma?
"An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth."
concept goes back to Mesopotamia and
Hammurabi's Code (above
image), a collection of 282 laws inscribed on a stone
Hammurabi ruled the Babylonian Empire from 1791-1750
"eye for an eye" concept was used as legal justification
and as an instrument of imperial conquest.
Under the Roman Empire it was called
Lex Talionis.
"A Retaliation authorized by Law."
that is precisely what both the U.S. and now Russia are
It is a dangerous game. What will be the outcome? The
collapse of US-Russia relations potentially spells
Will the Russian Duma retaliate against the US
Congressional decision to exclude Russian media
(including Sputnik and RT) from the Capitol Hill
Congressional Press Galleries?
decision followed a ruling of the US Justice Department
demanding the registration of
RT America as a
"Foreign Agent".
On November 21, the Executive Committee of the Congress Radio &
Television Correspondents' Galleries of the US Congress sent a
letter to RT America.
The RT Network would
henceforth be excluded from Capitol Hill:
"The Executive
Committee of the Congress Radio & Television Correspondents'
Galleries exercised its authority, as garnered by the rules of
House of Senate, to withdraw the news credentials of the RT
Network by unanimous vote on November 21, 2017."
"The rules of the Galleries state clearly that news credentials
may not be issued to any applicant employed ‘by any foreign
government or representative thereof.'
"Upon its registration as a foreign agent under the Foreign
Agents Registration Act (FARA), RT Network became ineligible to
hold news credentials" - effective immediately, its credentials
ordered to be returned to the Senate Sergeant.
Stephen Lendman
Russia-Gate Gone Wild
Global Research, November 2017
The decision by
The Russian Duma to retaliate
rather than seek a diplomatic solution is mistaken.
According to a Sputnik report, the decision to ban the entry
of US media to the Russian parliament is slated to take effect next
The issue was also commented on by Russian Upper House lawmaker
Igor Morozov, who said that the restrictions may be imposed in
"The ban on entry to
the building will affect the media not only with full, but also
partial US funding," the lawmaker added.
Commenting on the Russian
lawmakers' proposals, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said,
"the discussion
concerns American media outlets because such outrageous attacks
on foreign media, in particular Russian ones, which are in
violation of the world practice of freedom of speech, they,
unfortunately, let's say, flourish in the United States."
Sputnik, December 1, 2017
What are the broader
implications of Hammurabi style "Eye for and Eye" retaliatory
If a "cease fire agreement" is not reached between Washington and
Moscow, this process will not only continue, it will lead put the
whole structure of international diplomacy and dialogue (which is
already at an all time low) in jeopardy.
And this is occurring at a very critical moment: the World is at a
dangerous crossroads, with US-Russia bilateral relations already in
jeopardy, foreign policy miscalculations, particularly on the part
of Washington, could lead to the unthinkable:
"an eye for an eye"
nuclear warfare, a pre-emptive first strike US nuclear attack
against North Korea.
We recall the
circumstances of the Cuban Missile Crisis, fifty-five years
ago in October 1962.
What distinguishes the October 1962 Missile Crisis to
today's realities:
Today's president
Donald Trump does not have
the foggiest idea as to the consequences of nuclear war.
With Russia-Gate,
communication today between the White House and the Kremlin
is in jeopardy. Trump is not allowed to talk to Putin.
In contrast, in October 1962, the leaders on both sides,
namely John F. Kennedy and Nikita S. Khrushchev were acutely
aware of the dangers of nuclear annihilation.
They collaborated
with a view to avoiding the unthinkable.
The nuclear
doctrine was entirely different during the Cold War.
Both Washington
and Moscow understood the realities of mutually assured
destruction (MAD),
a concept which is seemingly unknown to both Donald Trump
and his Defense Secretary General
James "Mad Dog" Mattis.
Today, tactical
nuclear weapons with an explosive capacity (yield) of one
third to six times a Hiroshima bomb are categorized by the
Pentagon as "harmless to civilians because the explosion is
A one trillion ++
nuclear weapons program, first launched under
Obama, is ongoing.
thermonuclear bombs are more than 100 times more powerful
and destructive than a Hiroshima bomb. Both the US and
Russia have several thousand nuclear weapons deployed.
All of these factors
require restoring dialogue between Russia and America, and
specifically dialogue and exchange between Russia's Duma and the US
Congress, which is now debating mechanisms to curtail the authority
of the President of the U.S. to launch a nuclear attack against a
foreign country.
Moreover, another important dimension which is rarely mentioned in
press reports:
an all war against
China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as
outlined by a
RAND Corporation Report
commissioned by the US Army.
What is disturbing is
that the Pentagon firmly believes it can 'WIN a war' against
China or Russia, both of which are nuclear powers...

Full PDF Report...
