by Paul Craig Roberts
January 30, 2015
KingWorldNews Website
Spanish version

As fighting in Ukraine continues to intensify, today former U.S.
Treasury official, Dr.
Paul Craig Roberts, spoke with
King World News about Putin's
ultimate move to crush the EU and NATO.
He also warned that the West may be
handing the keys to victory to China and Russia.
Dr. Roberts:
"Eric, right now there are a great
many things in the financial system that can blow up but the
real blow up is going to require flight from the dollar and the
euro. Once that happens, they can't bail out the banks, the
derivatives or the sovereign bonds.
In the short-term, while they can still print money, they can
keep this rigged system standing.
But the minute the value of both the
dollar and the euro start collapsing, that's when the game is
over. Both of these currencies have increased in quantity far
beyond the ability of the underlying economies to provide goods
and services.
When the flight comes there will be
no way to stave off the instabilities that currently exist in
the system...
"There is the potential for a massive black swan to develop
because of the Greek crisis and the election of the new
government. This will unfold if the German banks, the creditors
of Greece and the EU politicians refuse to accommodate the
legitimate needs of the Greek government.
The Greeks must renegotiate the harsh conditions that have been
put on their country in order to solve their sovereign debt
problem. The current agreement as it exists is intolerable to
the Greeks and it can't stand.
But if the Germans and the other
Greek creditors don't agree, you could see an alliance between
the Greeks and the Russians.

BRICS $100 Billion Bank
The BRICS now have this IMF-type bank and they have funded it
with $100 billion.
Putin now sees that he has the
opportunity to break the Greeks off from the EU and from NATO.
The BRICS bank would step in
and help the Greeks with their debt-servicing problems.
That could be the beginning of the
unraveling of the European Union and NATO.
You have to remember, Eric, that Italy, Spain and Portugal will
be watching this situation with Greece very carefully. These
countries still face the same kind of threats that are being
applied to Greece. And of course the Irish have suffered
dramatically under the austerity imposed on them.
So if these countries see that Europe will not ameliorate the
hardships that have been imposed on them by these austerity
programs, and these countries turn to Russia, China and India -
the BRICS - you would then see
a total breakdown in the EU system.
This is a system where the banks get
countries in debt and then they send in the IMF to impose

The Ultimate Black Swan As Countries
Are Looted
The bank's clients then buy the premier assets of these
countries for pennies on the dollar. It's a looting process.
That's what happened to Greece. It
also happened to Ireland. So if these European countries realize
that all they are just being looted, they will then accept
Putin's offer and turn to the Russians and the Chinese.
The BRICS can easily assist the
These countries would then abandon Germany, Washington and the
IMF, who are imposing all these hardships on them and also
looting their countries. So there is the potential for the
ultimate disaster here if the West is stupid and arrogant enough
not to bend.
That would mean the unraveling of
the European Union and of NATO - the ultimate black swan."

Putin's Aggressive Move Into Europe
Eric King:
"Dr. Roberts, what we are seeing
unfold right now has ramifications far beyond Greece.
You are talking about an aggressive
chess move by Putin and a massive sweep by the Russians and the
Chinese into Europe - through the back door of Greece, and then
eventually into Spain, Italy, Portugal, and possibly even
You are talking here about the total
destruction of the EU and the Euro."
Dr. Roberts:
"That's exactly right.
You see, Eric, the EU is telling the
Greeks they won't change any conditions and if the Greeks don't
agree they may simply expel the Greek government out of the EU
and the euro system.
Well, if they are that stupid, then
Russia and China will enter - that's the opening. If that
unfolds, then yes, the Chinese and the Russians can unwind
Also, read below "European
Empire Now in Danger of Crumbling".
European Empire Now in...
Danger of Crumbling
by Paul Craig Roberts
Former U.S. Treasury Official
January 30, 2015
KingWorldNews Website

As the
Greeks are now moving to a take
a stronger
position against the EU,
Dr. Paul
Craig Roberts believes that
European empire is now in danger of crumbling.
He also
warned that the West may be in grave danger
if the
situation in Greece spins out of control.
Having just written that Greece needs
Spartans in order to prevail over its creditors and the EU, the new
Greek government is showing signs of being Spartans.
Listen to these words from Greece's new
Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras:
"We should not accept or recognize
the government of neo-Nazis in Ukraine."
"The EU lacks democracy, and
citizens do not believe that their vote can change policy."

Spartans Pitting Greece Against The EU?
The new Greek government has protested the latest EU denunciation of
Russia, saying that the attack on Russia was reported in the media
as if the decision was unanimous, whereas in fact,
No new sanctions on Russia have been
The New Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias said that a
provision that would have imposed further sanctions on Russia was
removed at Greece's insistence from the proposals at the meeting.
Greece also required that the communiqué
does not directly blame Russia for the conflict in Ukraine.
German foreign minister Steinmeier apparently blustered that
the EU would lambast Russia with more words if the
independent-minded eastern Ukrainians launched an offensive against
the defeated forces that took part in Kiev's latest assault on the
Russian provinces of Ukraine.
Washington's puppet state in Ukraine is
vulnerable to collapse if Russia permitted the independent-minded
provinces a free hand.
Austerity To
Produce Revolutions In Europe
One cannot avoid wondering how long EU officials, Merkel, and
Cameron can defend the imposition of austerity upon the
peoples of Europe before they are hung off of lamp posts.
The kind of austerity that is demanded
of Greece and other European peoples is the kind that produces
The kind of ignorant arrogance that characterizes
Washington's neoconservatives now afflicts the EU
"Let them eat cake" is the cry and
the policy.
If the new Greek government adheres to
its Red Cloaks and the EU looters do not bend, Greece can turn to
the new BRICS bank
for its financing and turn its back to the EU.
The other southern European countries
that are set up for looting could follow. Intransigence on the part
of the EU and Greece's creditors could unleash a Black Swan that
could unwind the EU and, consequently, NATO.
Peace would descend upon the plundered
and war-torn earth.

If the greed and stupidity of Greece's creditors
and the inflexibility of Germany and the EU persist,
Washington's European Empire could crumble. Just like Xerxes' army.
The Immortals proved to be no more immortal than the Exceptional
people have proven to be exceptional. A few Red Cloaks can scatter
the lot.
Let's hope Greece gets on with the job.