by John Quinn
NewsHawk® inc.
October 10, 1999
Whale Website
Today is the birthday of Beatle John
In honor of the man and his wonderful music NewsHawk Inc. has
decided to take a look at what was going on "behind the scenes" of
the 1960's "countercultural revolution"; to explore a bit how the
world's most popular and undeniably talented rock band was without
ANY doubt "used" by
New World Order social manipulators (as were
MANY other pop music groups) in an ongoing project designed to
control the development of human society in the most fundamental
There are direct links which tie these activities to certain covert
scientific projects of an extremely advanced, esoteric nature which
were exploring the realms of (manipulation of) consciousness,
thought and indeed "reality" itself, which were being conducted
during the same period of time on Long Island, N.Y.: activities
which were part of the
Phoenix/Montauk Project.
In fact we are talking about two sides of the same coin here. On one
side, the covert, subtle manipulation and control of not only
thought and human consciousness but of the most fundamental,
subatomic, electromagnetic matrix of (perceived) reality itself,
using newly-developed electromagnetic/radio frequency technologies
of extraordinary, unheard-of power and potential. On the other side,
directly and overtly shifting the paradigm, changing the basic
concepts, widening the parameters--the envelope, changing the
playing field and all the rules of play by which society defines
itself within an exceptionally short period of time.
Factor in what was happening on more political levels such as the
civil rights and anti-war movements, stir briskly while at full
boil, and STAND BACK!
What's rather amazing in fact is that society did NOT
disintegrate/implode/explode in the way the social manipulators had
apparently hoped. The higher qualities of human nature seemed to
consistently float to the surface--with some notable exceptions--and
certainly began to acquire a significant, if not nearly irresistible
momentum of it's own; pulling in larger and larger segments, of
"straight"', conventional, "moral majority" type elements of
society. Obviously, the big plan was backfiring severely and
something "needed to be done."
The Beatles were also part of the mass experimentation that
contemporary society was being subjected to by the CIA, Britain's
MI6 and the Tavistock Institute utilizing extraordinarily powerful
mind-altering psychedelic/psychotropic drugs.
More than most of the other boys in the band, John Lennon became
increasingly aware not only of the extent of corruption, co-opting
and infiltration of the counterculture -- most CERTAINLY including
the rock music scene -- by these same covert government intelligence
Lennon was also aware than one of the "big guns" in the
arsenal, LSD, had been having effect upon the population groups to
which it had been funneled so extensively that was most unexpected
on the part of the social manipulators--and to a large extent the
effect was rather positive and beneficial.
Shortly before Lennon's death at the hands of what beyond the
faintest glimmer of a shadow a doubt was a mind-controlled,
"Manchurian Candidate" type assassin deployed by Tavistock/CIA/MI6,
Mark Chapman to terminate a "loose cannon", Lennon had the audacity
to massively and blatantly "out" the aforementioned consortium in a
Playboy interview -- in which he made note of LSD's completely
unforeseen liberating impact upon human society and
civilization--pretty much thumbing his nose at the whole bunch and
their whole trip; AND indicating as well that he was aware of the
extent to which he and other pop musicians had been set up--to be
used as dupes in massive social manipulation schemes.
Shortly afterward,
New World Order
head honcho and Satanist, globalist, CIA chief and Tavistock underling vice-president
Bush had Lennon slaughtered on the streets of new York; where he
died in the arms of someone that a number of sources claim was the
monarch agent deployed by MI6/CIA to keep the exceptionally
intelligent Lennon constantly gravitating toward the social fringe;
thereby keeping his potential influence at least minimized -- Yoko
Ono. That's NOT to say that even IF this last supposition is true,
that genuine love and a fulfilling relationship did not exist
between the two and that Yoko's "programming", just like John's,
broke up and fell apart.
And what about those Beatles, anyway? Anyone who has heard the
Beatles' live tapes recorded in 1961 and 1962 on the "Reeperbahn" in
Hamburg, Germany realizes that this was an incredibly talented and
energetic bunch of rockers who no matter what would have undoubtedly
had a significant impact upon popular music and thus upon society
itself, regardless of things which occurred subsequently in their
And without any doubt being given access to state-of-the art audio
and recording technologies and facilities stimulated their
creativity quite a bit--for the benefit of all; "MR. KITE" included.
Personally I think the Beatles were definitely "the greatest"--or
damn close to it.