



 -  Al Servicio de La CIA - 54 Países Colaboraron en Torturas y Cárceles Secretas


 -  Archive TC - Main File



 -  Area 51 - Main File



 -  Are Conspiracy Theorists Nuts? - In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists"


 -  A Timeline of CIA Atrocities



 -  Bomb School



 -  China U.S. Trade Imbalance - Bad Policy or Payback for CIA Use of Stolen WWII Gold?


 -  CIA and The Culture of Corruption



 -  CIA and The Drug Business



 -  CIA can Geo-locate Your Computer by Listening to Wi-Fi Signals


 -  CIA Controls Mass Media like The NY Times, Time Magazine and Much More


 -  CIA Co-Sponsoring Geoengineering Study to Look at Reversing Global Warming Options


 -  CIA declassifies Book detailing How the World will End


 -  CIA Director - from "George Bush - The Unauthorized Biography"


 -  CIA Document Dump reveals 70 Years of U.S. Government UFO Info


 -  CIA/FBI/DOJ Plot to Overthrow the President of the United States


 -  'CIA Fingerprints' All Over Kiev Massacre - Oliver Stone


 -  CIA - from "The Atlantean Conspiracy - Exposing the Illuminati from Atlantis to 2012"


 -  CIA Gets in Your Face(Book)


 -  CIA, Governmental and Scholarship Programming - from "Breaking the Chain - Breaking Free Of Cult...


 -  CIA Home Invasion - Smart TVs and The 'Internet of Things'



 -  CIA Investing in Research Aimed at Modifying The Earth’s Climate for Unknown Reasons


 -  CIA - "It's Well Hidden"



 -  CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing At Stanford Research Institute


 -  CIA - "La Máquina de Matar"



 -  CIA Papers Detail UFO Surveillance - Historic UFOs



 -  CIA Psychologist's Notes Reveal True Purpose Behind Bush's Torture Program


 -  CIA's Guano Paradise



 -  CIA’s Role in The Study of UFOs - 1947-90 - A Die-Hard Issue


 -  CIA's "Vengeful Librarians" Track Facebook



 -  CIA - The History of Deception



 -  CIA - The Inner Workings



 -  COINTELPRO - Main File


 -  Committee Study of the CIA's Detention and Interrogation Program - Senate Select Committee on...


 -  Como Funciona el "Golpe de La CIA" en Irán - La Guerra Por Otra Vías - Caballo de Troya


 -  Conoce de Qué Manera está Involucrada la CIA en un Espionaje Masivo en Uruguay


 -  Declassified CIA Document reveals Iraq War had Zero Justification


 -  Declassified CIA Documents reveals Plan to Destroy Syria for Oil Pipeline - Predicts Current Crisis


 -  Declassified CIA Documents show Agency's Control over Mainstream Media and Academia


 -  Dengue Fever Outbreak Leads Back to CIA and Army Experiments


 -  Después de Acusarla de Narcoterrorismo durante Varias Décadas, Estados Unidos negoció con Cuba


 -  Domestic "Internet of Things" Begins to Merge With the Industrial Smart Grid


 -  El Experimento de FaceBook y Sus Raíces con La CIA


 -  El Verdadero Origen de Google está Vinculado a la CIA


 -  FaceBook and The Internet - Main File


 -  FaceBook - ¿Es de La CIA?


 -  FaceBook, la CIA y los Clinton


 -  FaceBook, the CIA and the Clintons


 -  False Flagging the World towards War - The CIA Weaponizes Hollywood


 -  Fauci and the CIA - A New Explanation Emerges


 -  Fauci e la CIA - Emerge una Nuova Spiegazione


 -  Forget WhatsApp - CIA has Tools to Hack almost All Social Media Platforms


 -  Golpe de Estado en Brasil - Así es el Nuevo Presidente que ha Sustituido a Dilma Rousseff


 -  Google and The Internet - Main File


 -  Google, CIA and the NSA - Inside the Secret Network behind Mass Surveillance, Endless War and Skynet


 -  Google's True Origin Closely Tied to the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)


 -  Google's True Origin partly lies in CIA and NSA Research Grants for Mass Surveillance


 -  Historical and Structural Reasons for Skepticism of CIA Claims - Remaining Agnostic on Claims of...


 -  Hollywood, the Mainstream Media and Silicon Valley - All Strings Pulled by Same Master


 -  How CIA Black Ops Teams are Hacking into Computers Worldwide


 -  How Much did CIA and NSA have to do with the Founding of Google?


 -  How the CIA Helped Disney Conquer Florida


 -  How the CIA made Google


 -  Inside the Shadow CIA


 -  ISIS - An American-CIA-Mossad-Saudi Intel Covert Operation


 -  It's a Cover-Up and it's Terrifying" - CIA Whistleblower says foreign adversary 'likely' responsible for 'Havana Synd...


 -  Jeb Bush Linked to Cartel Money Laundering while Serving CIA - Exclusive Report


 -  Jeb Bush Received Comprehensive CIA Briefing when he Worked for Bank in Caracas

 -  Jeffrey Edmonds


 -  John Brennan Sworn in as CIA Director Using Constitution Lacking Bill of Rights


 -  John Brennan Takes Oath on Draft Constitution… Without The Bill of Rights


 -  Julian Assange just Destroyed the FBI, CIA and Fake News in an Epic Tweetstorm


 -  Kissinger and Rockefeller Connections to American Central Intelligence and The Origins of AIDS and Ebola


 - "La CIA - 70 Años en Ucrania" - Los Hechos, con Douglas Valentine


 -  La CIA desclasifica un Libro que detalla cómo será el Fin del Mundo - "Todos los Vestigios de Civilización...


 -  La CIA Utiliza a Hollywood para un Ataque de Falsa Bandera


 -  La CIA y El Laboratorio Iraní - De Mossadegh a Ahmadinejad


 -  La CIA y El Vaticano Manipulan La Wikipedia



 -  La Frase de un Director de la CIA que no Deberíamos Olvidar


 -  Las Drogas y La Máquina de Guerra de Estados Unidos - Entrevista con Peter Dale Scott


 -  Los Orígenes Militares de Facebook


 -  Los Secretos de Silicon Valley - Lo que el Big Tech No Quiere que Sepas


 -  #MacronLeaks Uncensored - The CIA Takeover of Smart Card Company Gemplus (Gemalto)


 -  Meet 'Le Cercle' - The Secret CIA-Funded Group Behind The 'War on Terror'


 -  Memo de la CIA que Todavía se Utiliza para Desacreditar a los "Teóricos de la Conspiración"


 -  Ministry of "Truth" - Central Intelligence Agency



 -  New Documents reveal CIA considered Reviving MK Ultra-like Programs


 -  NGOs are the 'Deep State's Trojan Horses'


 -  Nuevos Documentos revelan que la CIA considera Revivir Programas tipo MK Ultra


 -  Obama - A "New" Sociopolitical Era? - Main File


 -  One Nation Under Blackmail


 -  Operación Gladio - La Historia No Contada de la Alianza entre el Vaticano, la CIA y la Mafia


 -  Operation Gladio - The Untold Story of the Unholy Alliance Between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia


 -  Operation Mockingbird - CIA Media Manipulation


 - "Operation Plutocrat" - A short history of the CIA's 'War on Humanity'


 -  Panel Faults CIA Over Brutality and Deceit in Terrorism Interrogations


 -  Pentagon Orders Purge of Osama Bin Laden’s Death Files from Data Bank


 -  Perú - ¿Asediado por EE.UU., la CIA y el Foro Económico Mundial?


 -  Plan de George Soros y la CIA para Desestabilizar Europa


 -  Pirámides en Marte y Humanoides - La CIA desclasifica un documento del 'Proyecto Stargate'


 -  President Kennedy’s Deadly Confrontation With The CIA & MJ-12 over ET/UFO X-Files


 -  Promis



 -  Screen Propaganda, Hollywood and The CIA


 -  Secrets of Silicon Valley - What Big Tech Doesn't Want You to Know


 -  Shadow Armies are Waging an Invisible War on Us All


 -  Sobre el 'Accidente' del coche de Putin - ¡El Ex-Director de la CIA 'lo Insinuó' semanas Antes!


 -  Soros y la CIA Apoyan a Neves para Derrotar a Rousseff en Brasil


 -  State of War - The Secret History of The CIA and The Bush Administration


 -  Ten Secret Armies of the Central Intelligence Agency


 -  The Black Budget Report - An Investigation Into The CIA's 'Black Budget' and The Second Manhattan Project


 -  The CIA and The Media


 -  The CIA and The Media - 50 Facts the World Needs to Know


 -  The CIA and The West Nile Virus


 -  The CIA Created 'Safe Haven' For Nazis And Jews


 -  The CIA has a Long History of Torture - Gina Haspel will be Perfect for the Job


 -  The CIA is directing Sabotage Attacks inside Russia


 -  The CIA is running Global Coups and Assassinations to try to Stop BRICS


 -  The CIA Rebranded - Don't Worry, We're Woke Now!


 -  The CIA's Creation of "Islamic Terrorism" on American Soil


 -  The CIA's New Black Bag Is Digital



 -  The CIA's Project MOCKINGBIRD - Ongoing Covert Control of the Media


 -  The CIA's Role in The Anthrax Mailings - Could Our Spies be Agents for Military-Industrial Sabotage...


 -  The CIA's War on Human Consciousness



 -  The CIA, The KKK and The USA



 -  The CIA Wants to Control The Weather Through 'Geoengineering'


 -  The CIA - Wild Bill Donovan, the OSS, and the CIA - "The World Order - A Study in the Hegemony of...


 -  The EU - A CIA Covert Operation


 -  The Global Media Control - Main File


 -  The Information War - The Deadly War hardly Anyone realizes we're Fighting


 -  The Mafia, The CIA and The Vatican’s Intelligence Apparatus


 -  The Nuclear Missile Attack on Hawaii - A Secret Space Program?


 -  The Origins of The Overclass



 -  The Pegasus File



 -  The Phrase of a CIA's Director that We Should not Forget


 -  The Senate CIA Torture Report - Dick Cheney says "The Report is Full of Crap"


 -  The Truth About Harvey Point



 -  The White House Has Been Covering Up the Presidency's Role in Torture for Years


 -  This War wasn't Just Provoked  - It was Provoked Deliberately!


 -  U.S. - A Terrorist Training Base That Specializes in Car Bombings


 -  Vault 7 - CIA Hacking Tools Revealed


 -  WikiLeaks desvela "Vault 7" - Las Herramientas de Espionaje Cibernéticas de la CIA


 -  WikiLeaks Exposes Newly 'Selected' Brazilian President as Puppet for U.S. Intelligence


 -  WikiLeaks Is The "Cognitive Infiltration" Operation Demanded by Cass Sunstein


 -  WikiLeaks, "Year Zero" and the CIA Hacking Files


 -  Yes, The FBI and CIA Can Read Your Email - Here's How



Additional Information


 -  Al-Qaeda Is a Front Group for The US Military-Industrial Complex


 -  An Act of War - CIA Leak Gives "Incontrovertible Evidence" that 9/11 was State Sponsored


 -  An Empire of Lies - The CIA and The Western Media


 -  An Un-American Way of War - Instruments of Statecraft - U.S. Guerilla Warfare, Counterinsurgency, and...


 -  Area 51 is Now Official - Where are The Alien Spaceships?


 -  Baron Otto Von Bolschwing - SS Veteran of Eichmann's "Jewish Affairs"


 -  Beyond Conspiracy Theory - SCADs - Patterns of High Crimes in American Government


 -  'Black Budget' Revealed - A Detailed Look at US 'Espionage Empire'


 -  Blackwater - War Mercenaries Inc. - The Privatization of War - Main File


 -  CDC and CIA - A Close and Sick Relationship


 -  Cheney Dirigió Un Comando De Asesinos


 -  Cheney Ran SS-Style Political Assassination Unit



 -  CIA and Pentagon Deploy RFID "Death Chips" - A Conspiracy Theory? Think Again!


 -  CIA Commander - U.S. Let Bin Laden Slip Away


 -  CIA Declassified a document - The Adam and Eve Story

 -  CIA Mars Exploration - May 22, 1984


 -  CIA-MI6 Involvement In Mumbai Attack - Terrorism and The Illuminati

 -  CIA-RDP96-00789R003800200001-8


 -  Coca-Cola, The CIA and The Courts



 -  Cómo Hacer lo que La CIA ya Hizo - Dejar tu cuerpo y 'Ver Remotamente', a Distancia


 -  Cosa Succederà se Facebook e Google si Impossessano del Mondo?

 -  Dangerous Machinery - 'Conspiracy Theorist' as a Transpersonal Strategy of Exclusion


 -  Donald Trump Disuelve la Organización del Imperialismo Estadounidense


 -  El Ex-Agente de la CIA que Llama a La Revolución Global - Robert Steele


 -  El Mito de la Prensa Libre


 -  El "Terrorismo" Como Herramienta de La Nueva Conquista Militar - Frentes de Conflicto - Agenda Secreta...


 -  Encryption Does Not Prevent Mass-Snooping - Snake-Oil Alert!


 -  End of Mayan Calendar, UFO Fleets and The CIA


 -  FaceBook Knows More about You than the CIA


 -  Family of Secrets - The Bush Dynasty



 -  Fin del Calendario Maya, Flotillas de OVNIs y la CIA



 -  Former CEO Reveals Blackwater Worked as 'Virtual Extension of The CIA'


 -  Fukushima HAARP Nuclear Attack by CIA, DOE, BP for London Banks - Leuren Moret


 -  Global Intelligence-Gate - From Confessions of An Economic Hit Man to The Stratfor Corporation


 -  Government Agents Invent False Evidence to Destroy Reputations


 -  Hidden Story Behind Jesse Ventura and Piers Morgan’s CNN Clash Over Obama CIA Ties


 -  How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations


 -  How to Do what the CIA Already Did - Leave Your Body and 'Remote View' Something


 -  In Desperation, The BIS and Vatican Bank Order Assassinations - But Mossad, The CIA and The Yakuza...


 - ¿Informes de Inteligencia o Pura Desinformación? - Como Saber La diferencia


 -  Intelligence Briefs or Disinformation? - How to Tell The Difference

 -  Intelligence Community Massive Digital Data Systems Initiative


 -  Interlocking Agencies that Conspire to "Create Terror" - We Do Not Need the Police to "Create More...


 -  Invasive Cyber Technologies and Internet Privacy - Big Brother is Only a "Ping" or Mouse Click Away


 -  La Biografía Oculta de Los Obama - Una Familia al Servicio de La CIA


 -  La Cruz Malta y La Sociedad Secreta Neonazi, CIA y Vaticano


 -  La Desestabilización Sistémica - La Estrategia de La Tensión a Través del 11 Septiembre, el Asesinato...


 -  Las Misteriosas Emisoras de Números que Transmiten en abierto Mensajes Codificados en todo el Mundo


 -  La Storia del "Nazismo in Ucraina" - Chi è Stepan Bandera?


 -  Leaked Documents show FBI investigated Ties between Mafia, Masons and Vatican in Assassination Plot


 -  Lingering Questions About The Exit from The CIA of Gen. David Petraeus

 -  Lost in The Cloud - Google and The U.S. Government



 -  Mark Zuckerberg Awarded CIA Surveillance Medal - Facebook

 -  Mars Exploration - May 22, 1984


 -  Meet IARPA - Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity


 -  MK-Ultra - The Monarch Project - Main File


 -  Nakasone Caught Trying to Flee Japan in A North Korean Submarine CIA Sources Say


 -  Nazis Were Given ‘Safe Haven’ in U.S. - Report Says



 -  Newly Released Obama Birth Certificate Forensic Forgery - Washington Times Report


 -  New Studies say ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Sane - Government Dupes Crazy and Hostile


 -  No Hay Dudas que Otto Reich, Sí Está Detrás del Plan de El Atentado Contra Capriles


 -  NSA - National Security Agency - Extrapolate Postmodum Prosum - Updated


 -  Obama Pre-Identified as President by Secret DARPA-CIA Time Travel Program


 -  Obama’s Choice of CIA Director Signals Renewed Effort to Disclose CIA X-Files


 -  Operation Gladio  - NATO's Secret Wars - Main File



 - 'Operation Warp Speed' is using a 'CIA-Linked Contractor' to keep Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts Secret


 -  Osama bin Laden and The 9-11 Events - Main File



 -  Osama bin Laden's Nose and Left Ear


 -  Parapsychology In Intelligence - A Personal Review and Conclusions


 -  President Kennedy's UFO Quest led to his Assassination and a Deep State Coup


 -  Prince Charles Implicated in Murder of Princess Diana



 -  Project Monarch - Nazi Mind Control - The Evolution of Project MKULTRA


 -  Proyecto Stargate - Antiguos Alienígenas y la CIA

 -  Psychological Operations - Principles and Case Studies


 - ¿Qué Pasará si Facebook y Google se Apoderan del Mundo?


 -  Remote Viewing and The US Intelligence Community



 -  Report on War on Terror Amid Crackdown on Whistleblowers - James Risen Prepared to "Pay Any Price"...


 -  Secret Services - from "America's Subversion - The Enemy Within"


 -  SIDA, Ebola, Kissinger, Rockefeller y La CIA


 -  Siete Mentiras sobre Afganistán

 -  Special Forces Unconventional Warfare Manual - 2010



 -  Star Gate - A Remote Viewing Project  - Main File



 -  Stratfor Confidential Emails Published by WikiLeaks


 -  Striving for Accountability in The Aftermath of The Holocaust - The Office of Special Investigations


 -  Testimony of CIA Assassin Recruited From Navy SEALs Goes Online With Documents


 -  The Adam and Eve Story - CIA Classified Document

 -  The Central Intelligence Agency and Overhead Reconnaissance - The U-2 and OXCART Programs...


 -  The Controversial Case of David Booth - Main File



 -  The Doomsday Project and Deep Events - JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11


 -  The Doomsday Project, Deep Events, and The Shrinking of American Democracy

 -  The Finders - Missing Children - A CIA Front Established in The 1960's


 -  The History of 'Nazism in Ukraine' - Who is Stepan Bandera?


 -  The Invisible Entity Behind The Global Uprising Taking Place

 -  The Iraq October 2002 NIE on WMDs


 -  The NGA - The Billion Dollar Spy Agency You've Never Heard Of - They Can See a 'Stick of Butter from Space'


 -  The Opal File - The Round Table - Financial Takeover of Australia and New Zealand


 -  The Open Source Revolution is Coming and It Will Conquer the 1% - Ex CIA Spy Says


 -  The Pope's Banks in America, The Giannini Family and The CIA


 -  The Robertson Panel - 1952-53 - Main File


 -  The Secret History of The U-2


 -  The Story of Obama - All in The Company



 -  The Truth is Out There


 -  The Unholy Alliance - Christianity and The NWO


 -  The 'War on Terror' Is A Fraud


 -  Top Secret America - A Hidden World Growing Beyond Control


 -  Trump, la Russia e il Vero Nemico


 -  Trump, Rusia y el Verdadero Enemigo


 -  Uproar Over the '28 Pages' - The Saudi/CIA Connection?


 - "Vamos a Invadir 5 Países en 7 Años - Empezaremos Con Irak" - La Verdad Sobre Oriente Medio


 -  Washington Wants "Regime Change" in Ecuador


 -  Whistleblowers vs. The State


 -  White House, CIA Deny Faking Iraq-Al Qaeda Letter



 -  Who is Behind WikiLeaks?



 -  Why Bush & The CIA Had John Lennon Killed - The Beatles, the Montauk Project, the Tavistock Institute...


 -  Why Ex-Federal Government and Wall Street Executives are Going Into Hiding


 -  Will The U.S. Attack Iran Before September 21 - 2007? - Are CIA Front Comp. Investing $4.5 Billion to...


NED - National Endowment for Democracy



 -  A CIA Trojan Horse - The National Endowment for Democracy


 -  Los Golpistas de 'Guante Blanco' promocionan la 'Democracia' en el Mundo


 -  National Endowment for Democracy - Overt Arm of The CIA

 -  The National Endowment for Democracy - What it is and What it Does



 -  The CIA and The National Endowment for Democracy



The CIA and Drugs


 -  Can The US Triumph in The Drug-Addicted War in Afghanistan? - Opium, The CIA and The Karzai...


 -  CIA Allegedly Using Drug Money to Overthrow Ecuador President Rafael Correa


 -  CIA Has Resumed Drug Smuggling Ops in Afghanistan - Evidence Mounts


 -  CIA "Manages" Drug Trade - Mexican Official Says



 -  Dealing in Death - The CIA and The Drugs Trade - How the Agency Created America's Heroin and...


 -  Drugs For Guns Connection - Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, President George Bush and CIA Involvement


 -  Drug War Hypocrisy - Drug Trafficking's Big Money Benefits Big Brother and Corrupt Banksters



 -  Mena Connection - Clinton, Bush and the CIA Drug Smuggling





 -  George Bush - The Unauthorized Biography - by Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin

 -  Global Trends 2015 - A Dialogue About the Future With Nongovernment Experts - NIC

 -  Global Trends 2020 - Mapping The Global Future - National Intelligence Council

 -  Global Trends 2025 - A Transformed World - National Intelligence Council

 -  Killing Hope - U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II - by William Blum


 -  La Manipulacion de Candy Jones - por Donald Bain

Español  -  Los Documentos Secretos de la ITT y la República de Chile - Fotocopias de los Documento Originales y...

 -  Operation Gladio - The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia - by Paul L. Williams

 -  The Adam And Eve Story - The History of Cataclysms - by Chan Thomas

 -  The CIA as Organized Crime - How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World - by Douglas Valentine

 -  The CIA Covenant - Nazis in Washington - by Gregory Douglas


 -  The Invisible Government - by David Wise and Thomas B. Ross


 -  The Manchurian Candidate - The CIA and Mind Control - by John Marks


 -  The Secret Team - The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World - by L.F. Prouty




 -  An Unholy Alliance - Dealing With The Demon


 -  CIA Officer Explains New World Order's Demise


 -  CIA Sifts Social Media Sites



 -  El Imperio Americano - Intervensionismo Internacional, Guerra Psicológica y la CIA

 -  European Secrets of The CIA


 -  How Economic Hitmen Enslave Nations For Generations


 -  In Lies We Trust - The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism


 -  Operation Gladio Behind False Flag Terrorism



 -  Operación Gladio - Los Maestros del Círculo


 -  Operation Gladio - Full 1992 Documentary BBC


 -  Secrets of The CIA


 -  The Truth About Facebook - A CIA Profile Database



Related Reports



 -  False Flag Operations - Main File



 -  Latin America and The Global Elite - Main File


 -  Non-Lethal Weapons - "Psychotronics" and "Silent Sound" - Main File


 -  Project Paperclip - Main File



 -  The 9-11 Events - Main File



 -  The Bushes' Clan and The New World Order - Main File


 -  The Elite's Drug Management - Main File



 -  The Global Media Control - Main File



 -  The New World Order - Main File


 -  The NSA - The Super Secret National Security Agency - Main File


 -  'War on Terror' - Main File



 -  WikiLeaks - International New Media Non-Profit Organization - Main File