Español |
Servicio de La CIA - 54 Países Colaboraron en Torturas y
Cárceles Secretas
Archive TC
- Main File
Area 51 -
Main File
Are Conspiracy Theorists Nuts? - In 1967, the CIA Created
the Label "Conspiracy Theorists"
A Timeline of CIA
Bomb School
China U.S. Trade Imbalance - Bad Policy or Payback for
CIA Use of Stolen WWII Gold?
and The Culture of Corruption
and The Drug Business
can Geo-locate Your Computer by Listening to Wi-Fi
Controls Mass Media like The NY Times, Time Magazine and
Much More
CIA Co-Sponsoring Geoengineering
Study to Look at Reversing Global Warming Options
declassifies Book detailing How the World will End
CIA Director
- from "George Bush -
The Unauthorized Biography"
CIA Document Dump reveals 70 Years
of U.S. Government UFO Info
CIA/FBI/DOJ Plot to Overthrow the
President of the United States
Fingerprints' All Over Kiev Massacre - Oliver Stone
CIA - from "The Atlantean
Conspiracy - Exposing the Illuminati from Atlantis to
CIA Gets in Your Face(Book)
CIA, Governmental and Scholarship
- from "Breaking the Chain - Breaking Free Of Cult...
CIA Home Invasion
- Smart TVs and The 'Internet of Things'
Investing in Research Aimed at Modifying The Earth’s
Climate for Unknown Reasons
CIA - "It's Well Hidden"
CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing At Stanford Research Institute
Español |
"La Máquina de Matar"
CIA Papers Detail UFO Surveillance
- Historic UFOs
Psychologist's Notes Reveal True Purpose Behind Bush's
Torture Program
CIA's Guano Paradise
CIA’s Role in The Study of UFOs -
1947-90 - A Die-Hard Issue
CIA's "Vengeful Librarians" Track
CIA - The History of Deception
CIA - The Inner Workings
- Main File
Committee Study of the CIA's
Detention and Interrogation Program
- Senate Select Committee on...
Español |
Funciona el "Golpe de La CIA" en Irán
- La Guerra Por Otra Vías - Caballo de Troya
Español |
Conoce de Qué Manera está
Involucrada la CIA en un Espionaje Masivo en Uruguay
Declassified CIA Document
reveals Iraq War had Zero Justification
Declassified CIA Documents reveals Plan to Destroy Syria
for Oil Pipeline
- Predicts Current Crisis
Declassified CIA Documents show Agency's Control over
Mainstream Media and Academia
Dengue Fever
Outbreak Leads Back to CIA and Army Experiments
Español |
Después de Acusarla de Narcoterrorismo durante Varias
Décadas, Estados Unidos negoció con Cuba
Domestic "Internet of Things"
Begins to Merge With the Industrial Smart Grid
Español |
El Experimento de FaceBook y Sus
Raíces con La CIA
Español |
El Verdadero Origen de Google está
Vinculado a la CIA
FaceBook and The Internet
- Main File
Español |
FaceBook - ¿Es de La CIA?
Español |
FaceBook, la CIA y los Clinton
FaceBook, the CIA and the Clintons
False Flagging the World towards
War - The CIA Weaponizes Hollywood
Fauci and the CIA - A New
Explanation Emerges
Italiano |
Fauci e la CIA - Emerge una Nuova
Forget WhatsApp - CIA has Tools to
Hack almost All Social Media Platforms
Español |
Golpe de Estado en Brasil
- Así es el Nuevo Presidente que ha Sustituido a Dilma
Google and The Internet
- Main File
Google, CIA and the NSA - Inside
the Secret Network behind Mass Surveillance, Endless War
and Skynet
Google's True Origin Closely Tied
to the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
Google's True Origin partly lies in CIA and NSA Research
Grants for Mass Surveillance
Historical and Structural
Reasons for Skepticism of CIA Claims
- Remaining Agnostic on Claims of...
Hollywood, the Mainstream Media
and Silicon Valley - All Strings Pulled by Same Master
CIA Black Ops Teams are Hacking into Computers Worldwide
How Much did CIA and NSA have to
do with the Founding of Google?
the CIA Helped Disney Conquer Florida
How the CIA made Google
Inside the Shadow CIA
ISIS - An American-CIA-Mossad-Saudi Intel Covert
It's a Cover-Up and it's
Terrifying" - CIA Whistleblower says foreign adversary
'likely' responsible for 'Havana Synd...
Jeb Bush Linked to Cartel Money Laundering while Serving
Exclusive Report
Jeb Bush Received Comprehensive
CIA Briefing when he Worked for Bank in Caracas
Jeffrey Edmonds
John Brennan Sworn in as CIA Director Using
Constitution Lacking Bill of Rights
Brennan Takes Oath on Draft Constitution… Without The
Bill of Rights
Julian Assange just Destroyed the
FBI, CIA and Fake News in an Epic Tweetstorm
Kissinger and Rockefeller Connections to
American Central Intelligence and The Origins of AIDS and Ebola
Español |
- "La
CIA - 70 Años en Ucrania" - Los Hechos, con Douglas
Español |
La CIA desclasifica un Libro que detalla cómo será el Fin
del Mundo - "Todos los Vestigios de Civilización...
Español |
La CIA Utiliza a Hollywood para un
Ataque de Falsa Bandera
Español |
CIA y El Laboratorio Iraní
- De Mossadegh a Ahmadinejad
Español |
La CIA y El Vaticano Manipulan La
Español |
Frase de un Director de la CIA que no Deberíamos Olvidar
Español |
Drogas y La Máquina de Guerra de Estados Unidos - Entrevista con Peter
Dale Scott
Español |
Los Orígenes Militares de Facebook
Español |
Los Secretos de Silicon Valley -
Lo que el Big Tech No Quiere que Sepas
#MacronLeaks Uncensored - The CIA
Takeover of Smart Card Company Gemplus (Gemalto)
'Le Cercle' - The Secret CIA-Funded Group Behind The 'War on
Español |
de la CIA que Todavía se Utiliza para Desacreditar a los
"Teóricos de la Conspiración"
Ministry of "Truth" - Central
Intelligence Agency
New Documents reveal CIA
considered Reviving MK Ultra-like Programs
NGOs are the 'Deep State's Trojan
Español |
Nuevos Documentos revelan que la
CIA considera Revivir Programas tipo MK Ultra
- A "New" Sociopolitical Era?
- Main File
One Nation Under Blackmail
Español |
Operación Gladio - La Historia No Contada de la Alianza
entre el Vaticano, la CIA y la Mafia
Operation Gladio - The Untold Story of the Unholy
Alliance Between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia
Operation Mockingbird - CIA Media Manipulation
- "Operation
Plutocrat" - A short history of the CIA's 'War on
Faults CIA Over Brutality and Deceit in Terrorism
Pentagon Orders Purge of Osama Bin Laden’s Death Files
from Data Bank
Español |
Perú - ¿Asediado por EE.UU., la
CIA y el Foro Económico Mundial? |
Español |
Plan de George Soros y la CIA para
Desestabilizar Europa
Español |
Pirámides en Marte y Humanoides -
La CIA desclasifica un documento del 'Proyecto Stargate'
President Kennedy’s Deadly
Confrontation With The CIA & MJ-12 over ET/UFO X-Files
Screen Propaganda, Hollywood and The CIA
Secrets of Silicon Valley - What
Big Tech Doesn't Want You to Know
Shadow Armies are Waging an Invisible War on Us All
Español |
Sobre el 'Accidente' del
coche de Putin - ¡El Ex-Director de la CIA 'lo Insinuó'
semanas Antes!
Español |
Soros y la CIA Apoyan a Neves para
Derrotar a Rousseff en Brasil
of War
- The Secret History of The CIA and The Bush
Ten Secret Armies of the Central Intelligence Agency
The Black Budget Report
- An Investigation Into The CIA's 'Black Budget' and The
Second Manhattan Project
CIA and The Media
CIA and The Media - 50 Facts the World Needs to Know
The CIA and The West Nile Virus
CIA Created 'Safe Haven' For Nazis And Jews
The CIA has a Long History of
Torture - Gina Haspel will be Perfect for the Job
The CIA is directing Sabotage
Attacks inside Russia
The CIA is running Global Coups
and Assassinations to try to Stop BRICS
CIA Rebranded - Don't Worry, We're Woke Now!
CIA's Creation of "Islamic Terrorism" on American Soil
CIA's New Black Bag Is Digital
- Ongoing Covert Control of the Media
The CIA's Role in The Anthrax
- Could Our Spies be Agents for Military-Industrial
The CIA's War
on Human Consciousness
CIA, The KKK and The USA
The CIA Wants to Control The
Weather Through 'Geoengineering'
- Wild Bill Donovan, the OSS, and the CIA
- "The World Order - A Study in the Hegemony of...
The EU - A CIA Covert
The Global Media Control
- Main File
The Information War - The Deadly
War hardly Anyone realizes we're Fighting
The Mafia, The CIA and The
Vatican’s Intelligence Apparatus
The Nuclear Missile Attack on
Hawaii - A Secret Space Program?
Origins of The Overclass
Pegasus File
Phrase of a CIA's Director that We Should not Forget
The Senate CIA Torture Report -
Dick Cheney says "The Report is Full of Crap"
The Truth About Harvey Point
The White House Has Been Covering Up the Presidency's
Role in Torture for Years
This War wasn't Just Provoked -
It was Provoked Deliberately!
- A Terrorist Training Base That Specializes in Car
Vault 7 - CIA Hacking Tools
Español |
WikiLeaks desvela "Vault 7" - Las
Herramientas de Espionaje Cibernéticas de la CIA
WikiLeaks Exposes Newly
'Selected' Brazilian President as Puppet for U.S.
WikiLeaks Is The "Cognitive
Infiltration" Operation Demanded by Cass Sunstein
WikiLeaks, "Year Zero" and the CIA
Hacking Files
Yes, The FBI and CIA Can Read Your Email - Here's
Additional Information |
Al-Qaeda Is a Front Group for The
US Military-Industrial Complex
An Act of War - CIA Leak Gives
"Incontrovertible Evidence" that 9/11 was State
Empire of Lies - The CIA and The Western Media
An Un-American Way of War
- Instruments of Statecraft - U.S. Guerilla Warfare,
Counterinsurgency, and...
Area 51 is Now Official - Where are The Alien
Baron Otto Von Bolschwing - SS Veteran of Eichmann's
"Jewish Affairs"
Conspiracy Theory
- SCADs -
Patterns of High Crimes in American Government
- 'Black
Budget' Revealed - A Detailed Look at US 'Espionage
Blackwater - War Mercenaries Inc.
- The Privatization of War - Main
File |
CDC and CIA - A Close and Sick
Español |
Cheney Dirigió Un Comando De
Cheney Ran SS-Style Political
Assassination Unit
CIA and Pentagon Deploy RFID "Death Chips"
- A Conspiracy Theory? Think
CIA Commander - U.S. Let Bin Laden Slip Away
CIA Declassified a document - The Adam
and Eve Story
CIA Mars Exploration - May 22,
CIA-MI6 Involvement In Mumbai Attack - Terrorism and The Illuminati
Coca-Cola, The CIA and The Courts
Español |
Cómo Hacer lo que La CIA ya Hizo - Dejar tu
cuerpo y 'Ver Remotamente', a Distancia |
Italiano |
Cosa Succederà se Facebook e
Google si Impossessano del Mondo?
Dangerous Machinery - 'Conspiracy
Theorist' as a Transpersonal Strategy of Exclusion
Español |
Donald Trump Disuelve la Organización del Imperialismo
Español |
El Ex-Agente de la CIA que Llama a
La Revolución Global - Robert Steele
Español |
El Mito de la Prensa Libre
Español |
El "Terrorismo" Como Herramienta
de La Nueva Conquista Militar - Frentes de Conflicto -
Agenda Secreta...
Encryption Does Not Prevent Mass-Snooping
- Snake-Oil
of Mayan Calendar, UFO Fleets and The CIA
FaceBook Knows More about You than
the CIA
Family of Secrets - The Bush Dynasty
Español |
del Calendario Maya, Flotillas de OVNIs y la CIA
Former CEO Reveals Blackwater Worked as 'Virtual
Extension of The CIA'
HAARP Nuclear Attack by CIA, DOE, BP for London Banks
- Leuren Moret
Global Intelligence-Gate
- From Confessions of An Economic Hit Man to The
Stratfor Corporation
Government Agents Invent False Evidence to Destroy
Hidden Story Behind Jesse Ventura and Piers Morgan’s CNN
Clash Over Obama CIA Ties
Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate,
Deceive, and Destroy Reputations
How to Do what the CIA Already Did - Leave
Your Body and 'Remote View' Something |
In Desperation, The BIS and Vatican Bank Order
- But Mossad, The CIA and The Yakuza...
Español |
- ¿Informes
de Inteligencia o Pura Desinformación?
- Como Saber La diferencia
Intelligence Briefs or Disinformation?
- How to Tell The Difference
Intelligence Community Massive
Digital Data Systems Initiative
Interlocking Agencies
that Conspire to "Create Terror" - We Do Not Need the Police
to "Create More...
Invasive Cyber
Technologies and Internet Privacy
- Big Brother is Only a "Ping" or Mouse Click Away
Español |
Biografía Oculta de Los Obama
- Una Familia al Servicio de La CIA
Español |
La Cruz Malta y La Sociedad
Secreta Neonazi, CIA y Vaticano
Español |
Desestabilización Sistémica
- La Estrategia de La Tensión a Través del 11 Septiembre,
el Asesinato...
Español |
Misteriosas Emisoras de Números que Transmiten en
abierto Mensajes Codificados en todo el Mundo
Italiano |
La Storia del "Nazismo in Ucraina"
- Chi è Stepan Bandera?
Leaked Documents show FBI
investigated Ties between Mafia, Masons and Vatican in
Assassination Plot
Lingering Questions About The Exit from The CIA of Gen.
David Petraeus
Lost in The Cloud - Google and The
U.S. Government
Mark Zuckerberg Awarded CIA
Surveillance Medal - Facebook
Mars Exploration - May 22, 1984
Meet IARPA - Intelligence Advanced
Research Projects Activity
MK-Ultra - The Monarch Project
- Main File
Nakasone Caught Trying to Flee
Japan in A North Korean Submarine CIA Sources Say
Nazis Were Given ‘Safe Haven’ in U.S.
- Report Says
Newly Released Obama Birth Certificate Forensic Forgery
- Washington Times Report
New Studies say ‘Conspiracy
Theorists’ Sane - Government Dupes Crazy and Hostile
Español |
No Hay Dudas que Otto Reich, Sí
Está Detrás del Plan de El Atentado Contra Capriles
National Security Agency - Extrapolate Postmodum Prosum - Updated
Obama Pre-Identified as President by Secret DARPA-CIA
Time Travel Program
Obama’s Choice of CIA Director Signals Renewed Effort to
Disclose CIA X-Files
Operation Gladio
- NATO's Secret
- Main File
- 'Operation
Warp Speed' is using a 'CIA-Linked Contractor' to keep
Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts Secret |
Osama bin Laden and The 9-11 Events
- Main File
Osama bin Laden's Nose and Left Ear
Parapsychology In Intelligence
- A Personal Review and
President Kennedy's UFO Quest led to
his Assassination and a Deep State Coup
Prince Charles Implicated in
Murder of Princess Diana
Project Monarch - Nazi Mind Control
- The Evolution of Project MKULTRA
Español |
Proyecto Stargate -
Antiguos Alienígenas y la CIA
Psychological Operations -
Principles and Case Studies
Español |
- ¿Qué
Pasará si Facebook y Google se Apoderan del Mundo?
Remote Viewing and The US Intelligence
Report on War on Terror Amid Crackdown on Whistleblowers - James
Risen Prepared to "Pay Any Price"...
Secret Services
- from "America's Subversion - The Enemy Within"
Ebola, Kissinger, Rockefeller y La CIA
Español |
Siete Mentiras sobre Afganistán
Special Forces Unconventional Warfare
Manual - 2010
Star Gate - A Remote Viewing
- Main File
Stratfor Confidential Emails
Published by WikiLeaks
for Accountability in The Aftermath of The Holocaust
- The Office of Special Investigations
Testimony of CIA Assassin Recruited From Navy SEALs Goes Online
With Documents
The Adam and Eve Story - CIA
Classified Document
The Central Intelligence Agency and Overhead
Reconnaissance - The U-2 and OXCART Programs...
Controversial Case of David Booth
- Main File
The Doomsday Project and Deep
- JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11
The Doomsday Project, Deep Events,
and The Shrinking of American Democracy
The Finders - Missing Children
- A CIA Front Established in The 1960's
The History of 'Nazism in Ukraine'
- Who is Stepan Bandera?
The Invisible Entity Behind The
Global Uprising Taking Place
The Iraq October 2002 NIE on WMDs
NGA - The Billion Dollar Spy Agency You've Never Heard
- They Can See
a 'Stick of Butter from Space'
The Opal File - The Round Table
- Financial Takeover of Australia and New Zealand
Open Source Revolution is Coming and It Will Conquer the
1% - Ex CIA
Spy Says
The Pope's Banks in America, The
Giannini Family and The CIA
The Robertson Panel - 1952-53
- Main File
The Secret History of The U-2
The Story of Obama - All in The Company
The Truth is Out There
The Unholy Alliance - Christianity and The NWO
'War on Terror' Is A Fraud
Top Secret America - A Hidden
World Growing Beyond Control |
Italiano |
Trump, la Russia e il Vero Nemico
Español |
Trump, Rusia y el Verdadero Enemigo
Uproar Over the '28
Pages' - The Saudi/CIA Connection?
Español |
- "Vamos
a Invadir 5 Países en 7 Años - Empezaremos Con Irak"
- La Verdad Sobre Oriente Medio
Washington Wants "Regime Change"
in Ecuador
Whistleblowers vs. The State
White House, CIA Deny Faking Iraq-Al Qaeda Letter
Who is Behind WikiLeaks?
Why Bush & The CIA Had John Lennon
Killed - The Beatles, the Montauk
Project, the Tavistock Institute...
Ex-Federal Government and Wall Street Executives are Going
Into Hiding
Will The U.S. Attack Iran Before
September 21 - 2007?
- Are CIA Front Comp. Investing $4.5 Billion to...
Endowment for Democracy |
Trojan Horse - The National Endowment for Democracy
Español |
Los Golpistas de 'Guante Blanco'
promocionan la 'Democracia' en el Mundo
Endowment for Democracy - Overt Arm of The CIA
The National Endowment for
Democracy - What it is and What it Does
The CIA and The National Endowment
for Democracy
The CIA and Drugs |
The US Triumph in The Drug-Addicted War in Afghanistan?
- Opium, The CIA and The Karzai...
Allegedly Using Drug Money to Overthrow Ecuador
President Rafael Correa
CIA Has Resumed Drug Smuggling Ops
in Afghanistan
- Evidence Mounts
"Manages" Drug Trade
- Mexican Official Says
Dealing in Death - The CIA and The Drugs Trade - How the Agency Created
America's Heroin and...
Drugs For Guns Connection - Arkansas Governor Bill
Clinton, President George Bush and CIA Involvement
Drug War Hypocrisy
- Drug Trafficking's Big Money Benefits Big Brother and
Corrupt Banksters
Mena Connection
- Clinton, Bush and the CIA Drug Smuggling
Books-Treatises-Reports |
Bush - The Unauthorized Biography
- by Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin
Global Trends 2015 - A Dialogue
About the Future With Nongovernment Experts -
Global Trends 2020 - Mapping The
Global Future - National Intelligence
Global Trends 2025 - A Transformed
World - National Intelligence
Killing Hope -
U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II -
by William Blum |
Español |
La Manipulacion de Candy Jones
- por Donald Bain
Español |
Los Documentos Secretos de la ITT
y la República de Chile
- Fotocopias de los Documento Originales y... |
Operation Gladio - The Unholy
Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia - by
Paul L. Williams
Adam And Eve Story - The History of Cataclysms - by
Chan Thomas
The CIA as Organized Crime - How
Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World - by
Douglas Valentine
The CIA Covenant - Nazis in
Washington - by Gregory Douglas
The Invisible Government
by David Wise and Thomas B. Ross
The Manchurian Candidate
- The CIA and Mind Control - by John Marks
The Secret Team
- The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States
and the World - by L.F. Prouty
Multimedia |
An Unholy Alliance - Dealing With
The Demon
CIA Officer Explains New World Order's Demise
Sifts Social Media Sites
Español |
El Imperio Americano -
Intervensionismo Internacional, Guerra Psicológica y la
European Secrets of The CIA
How Economic Hitmen Enslave
Nations For Generations
Lies We Trust
- The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism
Operation Gladio Behind False Flag
Español |
Operación Gladio - Los Maestros
del Círculo
Operation Gladio - Full 1992 Documentary
Secrets of The CIA
The Truth About Facebook
- A CIA Profile Database
Related Reports |
False Flag
Operations - Main
Latin America and The Global Elite
- Main File
Non-Lethal Weapons
- "Psychotronics" and "Silent Sound"
- Main File
Project Paperclip
- Main File
The 9-11 Events
- Main File
The Bushes' Clan and The New World
- Main File
The Elite's Drug Management
- Main File
The Global Media Control - Main
The New World Order
- Main File
The NSA - The Super Secret
National Security Agency
- Main File
on Terror'
- Main File
- International New Media Non-Profit Organization
- Main File