by Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH
LeonardHorowitz Website
The Future
of Civilization and 21st Century Medicine Rests with
Vaccinations According to Health Officials and Drug
Industrialists. Here's An Opposing View by An
Award-Winning Author and Internationally-Renowned Public
Health Expert |
Magicians do slight-of-hand-routines. Now you see it; now you don’t.
Theirs is a deceptive trade. You watch the active hand. It fools
every time. Before their trick they bate you with what appears real
and solid. You know you’re not a fool, but you’re left wondering,
“How did that happen?”
Vaccine magic is performed consistently by the mainstream media.
Spin-doctors and medical deities weave webs of deception only
sorcerers might suspect. Vaccines are heralded as cancer cures,
required for frightening flus, vital for children’s health, and
scientifically-certified as risk free.
Grab the Bate
“A federal advisory
panel recommended that the Food and Drug Administration approve
a vaccine that has been shown to prevent cervical cancer, the
second most prevalent cancer among women worldwide,” the LA
Times’s act heralded nationally.(1)
The story didn’t explain the many certified causes of cancer
including lifestyle risks, chemical exposures, and vaccines
containing foreign genetic material from various species.
This bate said,
“The FDA almost always follows the
recommendations of its advisory panels and is expected to do so
in this case, . . .”
I went to see “The
Shaggy Dog,” rated-G, with my 11-year old daughter the other night.
The villain, lusting for wealth and power, developed a human vaccine
for longevity by mutating animals. He said,
“The FDA is never a
problem that money can’t handle.”
My laugh was tempered by the long
list of FDA-approved drugs, and previous vaccines for polio,
smallpox, anthrax, Lyme, hepatitis B and more, condemned by
class-action lawsuits.
Speaking for their cervical cancer vaccine, Cecile Richards,
president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)
“It is common sense,
good medicine and a groundbreaking step forward in the fight
against cancer.”
Odd, I thought, Planned
Parenthood traditionally plans population control not cancer
prevention. Richards presides over the world’s second leading
proponents of population reduction.
In recent publications, PPFA heralded its collaboration in drug
trials with the Population Council of New York involving RU-486, the
“abortion pill.” Following years of violating the health of millions
of women with under-the-skin progestin implants called Norplant,
these same parties now advance “Are You For 86?”
When you “86” something, it means you “get rid of it,” “trash it,”
or “disappear it.” Are you interested in disappearing life?
Obviously, these family and population planners seek ways of getting
rid of “excess” humans.(2)
Financially influenced by Rockefeller’s leading
petrochemical–pharmaceutical institutions, history shows these
powerful “population planners” consistently working to manage global
eugenics—the science of racial hygiene and “ethnic cleansing.”(3)
Desperately seeking ways to control “excess populations,” how do you
suppose they might magically disappear half of us now targeted for
Meanwhile, Newsweek (May 19, 2006), and the same day Honolulu Star
Bulletin, said direct injection of mercury known to be
neurologically toxic, while in vaccines has little, if anything, to
do with sky-rocking rates of brain damage called “autism” in our
nation’s youth.
Through their message affiliate, MSNBC, researchers
from Cambridge University—a virtual central intelligence agency for
governing royalty—encourage you to test yourself for this mysterious
“mind-blindness.” (4)
Why would
magicians want to extinguish “mind-blindness?”
To solve this mystery,
Occam’s Razor is not prescribed. It
states the simplest explanation for anything is usually correct.
Magicians don’t want you to look here, especially with “Vaccine
The sky-rocking rates of
neurological disease in our children, coinciding in time with
accumulating heavy metals and toxic chemicals injected with vaccines
far exceeding the Environmental Protection Agency's toxic dose
limits, has nothing to do with vaccine poisoning says the medical
Now You See
It, Now You Don’t
Hawaii Governor, Linda Lingle, is not immune to these tricks
of magic. Medical organizations nationwide have urged her to,
“veto a bill
[SB2133] that would ban vaccines with any mercury... except in
cases of shortage.”
Star-Bulletin, May 19, 2006)
Her compliance is
assured as medical deities tell us important mercury-preserved
vaccines are in short supply.
Using words carefully chosen and echoed internationally by health
officials, state Health Department deputy director, Dr. Linda
Rosen, said,
“Our concern is this
will make more people afraid of immunizations and reluctant to
immunize children.”
The audience doesn’t
perceive the deception—the difference between vaccination and
immunization. “Immunization” is not man-made toxin-injection. It is
the natural body-guarding response to foreign proteins and germs,
the most lethal of which have been transmitted to humanity through
contaminated vaccines and blood supplies.
Classic immunology draws an important distinction between these two
terms. Casually substituting “immunization” for “vaccination”
mystifies the masses. More accurately, in reality, vaccinations
cause hyper-sensitizations. Simply put, white blood cell body guards
begin to attack far more than desired. Myriad auto-immune diseases
and childhood injuries result from vaccinations warns package
inserts rarely studied by medical deities. But pseudo-scientists and
ignorant health officials confuse this matter with the
“immunization” misnomer.
Similarly, they repeat the myth that vaccines, not improvements in
hygiene and nutrition, caused the great reduction, or alleged
elimination, of deadly human diseases.
These are crucial tricks of the “public health” trade.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), allied
medical associations, and Kaiser Permanente oppose Hawaii’s SB2133.
Their audience doesn’t see the revolving door between prestigious AAP pharmaceutical prostitutes, our medical associations
profiteering as drug-dealers, and their common markets developed
from diseases induced by vaccinations (including numerous cancers,
auto-immune diseases, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, and more).
Add to this unholy
alliance Kaiser Permanente — America’s leading vaccine testing
institution — organizationally rooted in the genocidal practice of
eugenics for white-Anglo-American-supremacy.
Foolish Heresy
or Reality?
Before your imagination runs wild considering my view of “Vaccine
Magic,” consider Kaiser’s history with
the Rockefeller family
cooperatively pioneering “managed care” in America along with the
Kaiser Institute for Eugenics, Anthropology, and Human Heredity
in pre-Nazi Germany.
In essence, these contemporary powers
spearheaded Hitler’s racial hygiene program, its genetic experiments
for unnatural selection, and propaganda methods in advancing their
“master race.”(5)(6)
“Everything has
changed today!” you say?
Maybe not. Victims then
were persuaded to enter gas chambers for “public health” and
“disinfection.” Come get your free vaccines!
But officials assure us,
“vaccines are safe
and effective.”
“If you tell a lie long enough eventually it will be believed as
truth,” Hitler said. “And the greater the lie, the more people
will believe it.”
Are today’s hospitals
and school-based vaccination policies kin to the concentration camps
of yesteryear?
Given the magnitude of this issue, don’t you think it might be
prudent to view who might be pulling the strings behind stage, and
ask some serious questions? It would be radical to do less.
Doctors, nurses, and public health pundits rarely consider who or
what’s behind the “curtain.” Blind bias says this is heresy. They
never learn this history, not foolish conspiracy theory, but a
living dynasty, largely because the Rockefeller’s established
monopoly over American medicine, public health, and academic
programming started early last century.
Have you seen the movie
Manchurian Candidate? Medical deities may
be, likewise, well-trained assassins; clueless of their lethal
actions, and the diabolical jobs they perform for their shadow
Viewed under this microscope, such malfeasance and political
corruption are tricks vaccine magicians prefer not revealed about
their trade.
The Grand
Finale - Saving Their Best for Last
A few years go, among his final acts,
Lance Burton made a 330,000
pound Stealth Bomber disappear on prime time television. The mirage
involved hundreds of military and civilian personnel each performing
with limited knowledge of the total scheme. The camera never
blinked. The aircraft disappeared none-the-less.
Near the Bible’s end, with the final world war afflicting terrorized
humanity, great plagues erupt along with weather changes and natural
disasters. Pharmaceutical magicians are then indicted (literally in
older Bible versions of Revelation 18:23) for hypnotizing the
planet’s mystified masses. This pagan deception kills billions of
people who put their faith and trust in lesser deities. A third of
all life on Earth disappears as a result of the magicians’ economic
and geopolitical poisonings.
If you were to write the grand finale for a movie called “Vaccine
Magic,” how would it end?
Here’s my
Set in tropical Hawaii, natives are decimated. Less than 8,000
remain. Anglo-American cult[l]ure has afflicted them like a plague.
Immigrants fare little better. Economically privileged citizens
neglect ancient wisdom and their moral roots. They grow stressed,
demoralized, and diseased by their addiction to
spiritually-constraining and ecologically-unsustainable living.
Their ocean is crying and dying.
Traditional strength in aloha
ohana (i.e., the loving family) is replaced by an engrossing
virtual reality projected by a controlled-media promoting
individualism, immorality, lust for sex, social dominance, and drug
delirium. This infuses all pastimes and pleasures.
As this magical distraction and trance-state spreads, the
government, directed from the shadows by demonic humanoids, grows in
power and possessions. Sovereign spiritual temples, children’s
bodies, are decreed state properties. Philosophical and religious
exemptions to vaccinations, blood testing, genetic tracking, and
micro-chipping are terminated. Access to schools and workplaces is
blocked pending compliance with state "immunization" statutes.
In the final scene, a flu fright or bioterrorist attack is loosed by
the shadow governors. People line up, like sheep to the slaughter,
for “required immunizations” and FDA-approved drugs. The frenzy
provides opportunity for government orders for "medical microchips,"
produced by the “Digital Angel Corporation”(7)
to be seeded into the population.
Most government officials and medical operatives are unaware of the
total scheme. The company’s literature decrees these “sensors”
beneficial in identifying, monitoring, and, if necessary,
incapacitating “high-value assets” including “pets, fish, poultry,
humans and livestock.” The
hair-sized microchips are dispensed,
along with the vaccines, in military-style operations.
are told they are "lucky" to get the treatments given their "limited
Soon thereafter, the “medical biochips” are triggered (as viewed in
the new release of Mission Impossible). Millions of "lucky" persons
die. Survivors are terminally enslaved.