A Chip in the Old Block
Anyone Out There Have Implants?
Big Brother Gets Under Your Skin
Biochips to Transform Treatment of Disease
Brain-Machine Interfaces
Brain Power May Give Paralyzed Motion Control
Chip for Your Thoughts
Chip Implants
- Big Brother's Last Laugh?
Chip Implants - Electronic Leash Would Undermine Our Values
Chips On the Brain
Chip That Would Restore Sight Implanted in People
Early Cochlear Implants Aid Deaf Children
Electronic Implants and the IBM 2020 Neural Implant
Future Chips
Guardian (Digital) Angel
Human ID Implant to be Unveiled Soon
I Am Cyborg
Implanted Microscopic Chip
- Now a Marketing Reality
Letting Silicon-Chip Implants Do the Talking
Plastic Chips, Brain Machines - What Will
the Future Hold?
Push Button Pleasure
Sensitive Implants Help You Adjust Your Grip
Smart Chips Get Under Our Skin
'Soul Catcher' Computer Chip Due...
Take $250 and an Implant
The 2020 IBM Neural Chip Implant
Tiny Human-Borne Monitoring Device Sparks Privacy Fears
Where on Earth?
Ask the Satellites
Why You Should Get a Chip Implant
Information |
1984 Versus 2025 - Top Secret
Government Agenda for Global Enslavement Plan
A Brain Implant Victim Speaks Out
- Branded by the Thought Police
Active Tactile Exploration Using a
Brain-Machine-Brain Interface
An Integrated Sensor System for
The Detection of Bio-Threats
- From Pandemics to Emerging Diseases...
Artificial Intelligence Could Be on Brink of Passing
Turing Test |
Big Brother's Coming!
- Revealed Secret Plan to Tag Every Man, Woman and Child |
Big Brother to Track Your
Medication Compliance With Electronic Transmitters in
Italiano |
Braccialetti, Segnali Luminosi,
Codici a Barre - Indossabili come Risposta Globale al
Bracelets, Beacons, Barcodes -
Wearables in the Global Response to COVID-19
Brain Implants are Happening - Are
you Ready for Yours?
Chips in Official IDs Raise
Privacy Fears
- As Government Tags Passports, Licenses, Critics Fear
Italiano |
DARPA e il Modem Corteccia
Cerebrale - La Rivoluzione Tecnologica che Cambierà
l'Umanità per Sempre
DARPA is Working on 'COVID
Vaccine' - Implantable Microchip to detect Virus
Español |
DARPA y el Módem Cortical - La
Revolución Tecnológica que Cambiará la Humanidad para
Ethical Assessment of Implantable
Brain Chips
Español |
Habla Una Víctima de Implante
- Marcado por la 'Policía del Pensamiento'
Español |
Hacia Una Sociedad Sin
Dinero en Efectivo
- de "La Verdadera Historia del Club Bilderberg"
Human Performance
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Español |
La Proliferación del Control
Biométrico... y el Extraño Programa "Masonic Chip"
Español |
Los Tatuajes del…
Español |
- "Maquina
Lectora de La Mente" Puede Convertir Pensamientos en
Machine' Can Convert Thoughts Into Speech
Dust' will Connect Humans and Machines
New Generation of Medical Implants
Vulnerable to Hackers
On 'Brain Implants' in the Space
Age |
Project L.U.C.I.D.
Español |
- ¿Quién
y cómo se colocan los Dispositivos "Implantes Etéricos"
y cuál es la Razón para hacerlo?
Español |
Removiendo Implantes de Energía |
Español |
Tarjetas de Crédito, el 666 y el
The Coming "Brain Chip"
The Global
Technology Revolution
- Bio/Nano/Materials Trends and Their Synergies with
The Hideous BAM in Obama - Map Your Brain for
'Your Own Good'
The Proliferation of
Disease-Causing Alien Implants
Twelve Simple Steps to VeriChip The World
Español |
Una Película de Terror
Español |
Un Código de Barras Podría Hacer
Más Organizada a La Sociedad
- Pero Invade La Privacidad y Las...
Unconventional Warfare
- Army Special Operations Forces
Understanding Information Age
UN Predicts 'Internet of Things'
U.S. Scientists Push Ahead with
Memory-Boosting Brain Implants
- But we Still Have to Crack the Brain's...
VeriChip Goes Direct to Consumer
VeriChip Lies And Deception
- Group's Latest Report Sets Record Straight On Chip
Implants, Cancer, and...
Español |
VeriChip, VeriVIP, VeryDangerous
- Pensamiento Inductivo
Humans Could Form Backbone of New Mobile Networks
Wireless Recording in the
Peripheral Nervous System with Ultrasonic Neural Dust
You'll Never Guess Which Dangerous
Ingredient is in Gates' New Contraceptive Implant
Body is The Next Frontier in Cybercrime
Biometrics |
1.2 Billion People in India to Be
Given Biometric ID Cards
Edible Microchips, Biometric
Identity Systems and Mind Reading Computers
E.U. Paves the Way for Biometric
Mass Surveillance
India to Issue All 1.2 Billion
Citizens With Biometric ID Cards |
Microchips |
A Factory for Cyborg Insects? -
Researchers Unveil Mass Production of Robo-Roaches
Populations being Primed for Nano-Microchips inside Vaccines? |
Español |
Avanza la Implantación de Chips
Subcutáneos en diversos Países |
Español |
Bienvenido al Gobierno de Vigilancia Masiva a Través de
¡Píldoras con Microchips! |
Big Pharma to Begin Microchipping
Bill Gates Funding MIT Development
of Micro Implants to Automatically Give Babies Vaccines
Consequences of Human Microchip
Implantation - Time Enough...?
Edible Drug-Tracking Microchips to
Be Unveiled in UK by Year's End
Español |
EE.UU. aprueba Ley para
Implantar Microchips a las Personas con "Problemas
Español |
El Chip implantado en el Cerebro
que hará del Humano una "Máquina" casi Perfecta
Español |
El Control Mental NO es una 'Teoría
de la Conspiración'
Español |
- "El
Hombre es ahora un Animal Hackeable"
Español |
Esta es la Razón por la que a la Población No le Implantarán
un Microchip bajo la Piel
Español |
- ¿Futuro
Post-Coronavirus? - Biosensores Inyectables, I.A. de
Detección de Virus, Robots y Sociedad sin...
Government Microchips Our Soldiers
- How Long Will it Be Before They Want to Put a
Microchip in YOU?
Hospital Patients Now Being
Microchipped With "Electronic Tattoos"
- 'Human
Barcode' Could Make Society More Organized
- But Invades Privacy and Civil Liberties
Human Microchip Implants and the
Internet of Bodies
Hydrogel Biosensor - Implantable
Nanotech to be used in 'COVID Vaccines'?
Italiano |
Il Futuro del Post-Coronavirus? -
Biosensori Iniettabili, I.A. di Rilevazione dei Virus,
Robot a una Società senza...
Immortality Hype - Humans to
Download "Souls" onto Microchips
Implantable Microchips and Cyborgs
are No Longer Conspiracy Theories
I Refuse to be Microchipped
- "Mark
of the Beast" - The Microchips
Microchip Implants - Answers to
Frequently Asked Questions
Microchips and Micromuscles Could
Spell The End of One-Size-Fits-All Medicine
Microchip Implant Could Offer New Kind of Vision
Español |
Microchips En Humanos
- Avanza El Proceso Global
Microchip Technology May Help Blind People
- 'Operation
Coronavirus' is working Hand-in-Hand with the 'Nanotech
Agenda' |
Post-Coronavirus Future? -
Injectable Biosensors, A.I. Virus Detection, Robots and
a Cashless Society
Español |
Propaganda sobre la Inmortalidad -
Los Seres Humanos descargarán las 'Almas' en Microchips
Prosthetic Limb to be Controlled by Microchip
Español |
Rockefeller Admite 'El Gol de La Elite es
Controlar La Población Mundial Con Microchips'
Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal of Microchipped Population
Secret Bilderberg Agenda to
Microchip Americans Leaked
The Global Digital ID
'Surveillance Plan' Accelerates - Urgent Resistance
The 'Great Reset' will Lead to a
"Fusion of Our Physical, Digital and Biological
Identity" - Klaus Schwab |
Tiny Microchips Have Big Promise In Fighting Serious Diseases
WEF says 'Become Cyborgs, Chip
your Children, Implant Brain Chips' |
Welcome to the Mass Surveillance
State through Microchipping Pills!
Multimedia: |
Fact Checking the 'Fact Checkers'
- Bill Gates, ID2020 and Vaccine Microchips
FDA approved Digital Pill that
contains Microchip that Transmits Information once
swallowed - Pfizer Bourla
Español |
- ¿Quien
es el Conspirador ahora?
The Microchip
Mark of The Beast (666)
Español |
Una Computadora Para Dirigirlos a Todos -
IBM y La Agenda Para Microchipear a Los Humanos de
Brain Computer Interface - 'Mind
Control' for the Masses - No Implant Needed...
Humanity - The Global Power Elite's 'Product of the
CIA and Pentagon Deploy RFID
“Death Chips”
- A Conspiracy Theory? Think Again!
Computerizing People May Be Next
Step in Tech
Contactless Smartcard
- RFID Technology
Español |
Disfruta tus Últimos Días de
Libertad - Pronto Llevarás un Microchip
Español |
El Chip Inteligente
Español |
- ¿Empieza
La Propaganda Para Implantarnos un Microchip?
Exposing RFID Documents And Plans
For Surveilling - Connecting The Dots
Español |
La Prueba Definitiva del Microchip
RFID Implantable Subcutáneo
Opting Out and Paying The Price of Being Awake
RFID Chip - Foundation of The
Electronic Jail
RFID Monitoring and DNA Profiles Work Together to
Manifest Our Brave New World
The Emerging 'Mark of the Beast'
System - Sleepwalking into the Surveillance Society
The Many Ways Google Wants to RFID Chip Your Body
The Microwave RFID Panopticon
- Corp-State Lifetime Monitoring, Health/Civil Implications
- "Why
I Want a Microchip Implant"
- BBC Propaganda
Will Electronic Tattoos Replace Internet Passwords and
All Other Forms of Identification
Multimedia: |
Buying and Selling In a RFID Chip
for The First Time Ever - Positive ID
El Grupo Bilderberg (2010) y El
Implante en El Cercano Futuro de Los Chips RFID
Fact Checking the 'Fact Checkers'
- Bill Gates, ID2020 and Vaccine Microchips
Here is The RFID Microchip TV
Advert - 100% Proof It Is Here
What is RFID?
- Implants
Multimedia |
Bilderberg Meeting in Chantilly,
VA - by
Jim Tucker
Brain Chipping
- Injectible Micro-Chips in Swine-Flu Vaccination, &
'Chipped' Cyborg Nano Babies
Human Version 2.0 - Neuroscience
IBM, Verichip and The
Fourth Reich |
Nanotechnology Takes Off
One Mainframe to Rule Them All
- IBM, Verichip
Reflections and Warnings
- An Interview with Aaron Russo -
Subtitulado en Español
The New World Order is Here!
Ubiquitous Computing - Big
Brother's All-Seeing Eye
Verichip Gives You
Related Reports |
- Main File
- Main File