by Paul Fassa
01, 2009
NaturalNews Website
Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the
current corruption of food and medicine and guiding
others toward a direction for better health with no
restrictions on health freedom. You can visit his blog
Is it a stretch to speculate that the coming swine flu vaccinations
will be the actual trigger for the mother of all flu pandemics?
Could we have a chain reaction that would be falsely attributed as
part of the swine flu pandemic, justifying more forced vaccinations?
Using live attenuated
viruses from infected monkey and other mammalian organs, in addition
to other toxic vaccine ingredients, presents this disturbing
Many of us are recognizing the dangers of
vaccination adjuvants, or
additives to preserve and enhance the purported efficacy of a
vaccine. They are usually
thimerosal (mercury) and
squalene, both of
which often cause serious damage to those vaccinated.
Live viruses
in vaccines already have created scenarios where those given the
vaccines became carriers of mutating viruses, which became more
virulent and infected others.
Collateral damage?
The Basic
Fallacy of Vaccinations
It has been statistically proven that the declines in different
diseases occurred significantly earlier than the vaccines developed
for them.
In other words, the viral strains died out while possibly
many who were exposed developed a natural immunity. But the vaccination
manufacturers took credit so they would be supported to produce more
vaccines for big bucks.
It's a very profitable business for
Big Pharma.
A retired vaccine scientist turned whistle blower disclosed
interesting information during an interview by investigative
Jon Rappaport in the year 2002:
"They [vaccinations]
involve the human immune system in a process that tends to
compromise immunity. They can actually cause the disease they
are supposed to prevent. They can cause other diseases than the
ones they are supposed to prevent.
"That [immunity] is the bad premise. It doesn't work that way. A
vaccine is supposed to 'create' antibodies which, indirectly,
offer protection against disease. However, the immune system is
much larger and more involved than antibodies and their related
killer cells."
You can read this entire
interview yourself by linking to it from the sources section below
this article.
The Immune
System Briefly
The whistle blower, using the pseudonym of Dr. Mark Randall
to protect his pension and keep from being harassed, went on to
describe the immune system as being virtually the whole body and
one's general emotional and mental attitude.
What he and other
vaccination critics point out is by injecting the vaccine directly
into the blood stream, an important part of the physical body immune
system is bypassed completely.
The first line of defense are the physical barriers which include
the skin, mucosal membranes of the sinus area, throat and bronchial
tubes and lungs, tears, ciliary elevator, (cilials are microscopic
filaments that extend from mucosal linings and cells to brush and
irrigate pathogens out) and urine. Chemical barriers include sebum
sweat (oily secretion), stomach acid and lysozymes (the stuff that
makes tears salty).
So, by injecting directly into the blood stream, this first line of
defense is bypassed. It isn't able to function as a defender against
the pathogens contained in the vaccine. In this case, we are dealing
with live viruses in the vaccine. Attenuated means they have been
processed to replicate more slowly.
The adjuvants of mercury and/or
squalene go right past that first line of defense as well. This, especially the
squalene, often creates what is known as a cytokine storm.
A cytokine storm is when the injected pathogens and adjuvants,
especially squalene, create an over reaction in the immune system.
The abundance of antibodies then overwhelms healthy tissue with
massive inflammation, beyond what would be a normal immune response.
This can create a long term debilitating disease or even death.
In other words, you get
cooked in your own juices! Step right up; roll up your sleeve! This
is good for you.
More On
Attenuated Viruses
The live viruses are obtained from infected (intentionally) organs
of mammals, mostly monkeys.
They are cultured in
various mediums in order to minimize their virulence while remaining
alive. Then they may be placed among other viruses from other
sources, sometimes even human fetuses.
The dangers of attenuated viruses are noted in the scientific
community, but minimized. A rarely disclosed or discussed downside
of attenuated viruses is virus shedding. This has been documented to
occur for at least a few weeks after a vaccination. What happens is
the vaccinated person sheds some of the viruses in stool, phlegm, or
saliva for those few weeks, maybe longer.
Kissing a vaccinated person or being near one who is sneezing and
coughing could be more hazardous than dealing with someone who has
the swine flu! So those good citizens who get vaccinated could turn
out to be more like suicide bombers, spreading viruses while dying
slow deaths themselves!
Another risk of attenuated viruses is that at any time they can
mutate and become virulent in the inoculated person's body. This
makes viral shedding look even worse! This, the vaccine scientists
know, but consider not really dangerous enough for concerns.
Are they getting
vaccinated? Get your toxic cocktail injection here!
What the medical establishment doesn't know, or pretends not to
know, is that the vaccination victim has what could be a low level
viral infection for the rest of his life, which the immune system is
forced to defend 24/7. This compromises an immune system and opens
the gate for other pathogens to invade and create a fully manifested
disease, even causing cancer.
Yet another known negative aspect of attenuated viruses is that they
should not be administered to anyone with an already compromised
immune system or with any form of autoimmune disease. Rheumatoid
arthritis is an autoimmune disease, for example. People who are
sickly are obviously pegged to a compromised immune system. You
could include obese people in that last group. Many are probably
type II diabetics.
So - will arthritic, sickly, and obese people be allowed to say no
to a forced vaccination? No!
As a matter of fact,
with all the pollutants in the air and water, all the pesticides and
insecticides in food, and all the toxic additives in most peoples'
diets, it is easy to assume most people have compromised immune
Even those of us who do all we can to boost our immune systems with
nutritious organic foods and supplements and exercise can't avoid a
toxin over most of us,
Those nifty trails from
high flying aircraft you see lingering in the sky, disbursing
laterally and drifting toward the ground, are full of toxins that
attack the nasal, bronchial mucosal areas, and lungs. Right, our
immune system's first line of defense.
Many heavily chemtrailed areas report lung and bronchial problems
after a spraying.
During the last decade
and a half, as chemtrailing proliferated, acute and chronic lung
disorders have risen greatly. One could say to epidemic proportions!
Epidemiological studies actually show this, and MD's have openly
registered concern, though very few connect the dots to chemtrails.
After all, they don't
exist you know.
An Interesting
It seems enough evidence was garnered about vaccine virus shedding
to convince a New York jury recently.
Dominick Tenuto
was awarded 22.5 million dollars by the New York State Supreme Court
for his suit against Lederle Laboratories, the maker of an oral
polio vaccine called
Orimune had live attenuated polio
viruses, and the oral vaccine was given to his infant daughter.
Tenuto's claim was that virus shedding contaminated her stool, and
he was infected through a surgical wound on his hand while changing
her diapers. Tenuto has been crippled from polio since then, thirty
There had to be a mountain of technical evidence case
histories to convince a jury and judge, since most Americans are
vaccination fans!
Thousands of Black Africans Won't Get Their Day in Court
In 2002, an African broadcaster from Uganda named Kihura Nkuba gave
a powerful talk to a gathering at the annual National Vaccine
Information Center's conference in Washington, DC.
The story he told was
the history of enforced oral polio vaccinations that had been going
on in Uganda since 1977. He left England, where he taught film and
television, to return to his native Uganda and start his own radio
station in 1999.
There he discovered the atrocities of Big Pharma working through the
auspices of WHO, UNICEF, and a corrupt Ugandan Minister of Health.
What had been going on for years was the distribution of oral polio
vaccines with live attenuated virus. In the mid 1960's, polio cases
were on the rise in the USA from the oral polio vaccine with live
So they were banned, and
vaccinations for polio reverted to inoculations without live
viruses. But what to do with all that stuff left over and where
could all that expected profit and stock value come by manufacturing
and selling more?
Ah yes, the "useless eaters" (Henry Kissinger's words) of Africa.
Can you say genocide for profit?
There was never a polio
problem in Uganda or most of Africa until the oral vaccines arrived
and were consumed. Then it spread to epidemic proportions crippling
and killing thousands of children. Thanks to the courageous efforts
of Kihura's broadcasts and lectures, which cost him his radio
station and almost his life, Ugandan Africans began avoiding the
oral polio vaccinations with live viruses.
Then the military had to go village to village grabbing kids and
putting the oral vaccines in their mouths.
The mothers would often
run off and hide in the bush for a week to protect their children.
Keep in mind that Africa did not have a polio problem, yet this was
going on. The situation became too difficult of the Uganda Health
Minister to enforce, so he shut down Kihura's station and sent out
some goons to unsuccessfully "accident" him.
Here's what Kihura discovered and communicated by radio to his
fellow Africans:
That the oral polio
vaccine contained a live (attenuated) virus, that it could no
longer be used in the States and elsewhere because it was
causing polio, lots of cases, and that its live virus could
mutate into vicious virulence.
He was also told
that the dead virus inoculation vaccines used in the States and
elsewhere could not be used in Africa because they were too
According to the vaccine
package inserts Kihura read, it should not be administered to a
child where any family member has an autoimmune disease,
such as
HIV, unless the child is quarantined for up to seven weeks because
virus shedding was an immediate danger to anyone whose immunity was
Yes, HIV has been very
common in Africa, but not polio. So let's see, the child gets the
polio vaccine and people with HIV become infected and die while the
children come down with polio. Very efficient!
Also in Nigeria there has been an outbreak of polio cases caused by
this very same oral polio vaccine with live (attenuated) viruses.
There is some alarm as
it appears to be out of control. Many who have taken the vaccine
without manifesting symptoms became carriers who passed on the polio
virus to others. These polio cases are surfacing currently among
those who took the oral vaccine as far back as 2005.
Nigerian leaders suspended oral polio vaccinations in 2003 after
discovering from lab testing in India that the vaccines contained
anti-fertility agents and HIV. Nigeria resumed vaccinations in 2004
after tests showed the new vaccine was not contaminated with
anti-fertility agents or HIV.
But then the live polio
virus mutations took over. Africa's health problems have been
Malaria, HIV, and TB, not polio.
Now since the oral
vaccine was introduced, polio is added to the list.
What About the
Cancer Tsunami
...and Its Relationship to Vaccinations?
"If you continue to
allow these contaminated [polio] vaccines to go out, I guarantee
you that over the next 20 years you will have epidemics of
cancer unlike the world has ever seen", testified Bernice Eddy
to the U.S. Congress in 1972. Bernice Eddy was a government
Bernice was fired and
lost her lab for this testimony.
But it has since been
corroborated and substantiated from other sources that she was
right. The contaminant was SV40, or Simian (monkey) Virus 40. It
first appeared in the polio vaccines of the late 1950's and early
1960's, and it has been traced to several cases of cancer since
The explosion of cancer since the late 1950's has indeed been a
cancer pandemic which has created the extremely profitable "cancer
industry". The SV 40 news was suppressed and, supposedly, the
vaccination industry has since assured everyone concerned that SV 40
would not be a part of future vaccine production.
But there is no legitimate oversight to ensure this, and they did
not remove the remaining SV 40 contaminated vaccines from existing
stocks. That would cut into profits, of course. The agent used to
eliminate SV 40 from monkey "virus seeds" was a rabbit serum. That
method was never proven to be effective.
So has SV 40 really been
eliminated from vaccines?
Ask Michael and Raphaele Horwin. It certainly wasn't in 1997.
when their infant son Alexander received an oral polio vaccination. Orimune was its name; Lederle Labs was its maker. Familiar?
Alexander died of an unusual and extremely malignant brain cancer
before he reached the age of three.
The Horwins, he a practicing attorney and she a forensic scientist,
had the malignant tumor examined by four prestigious independent
labs. They all found SV 40 in the tumor. Raphaele's cord (umbilical)
blood from her delivery of Alexander was available and was also
analyzed to preclude the possibility of her having passed the virus
to Alexander.
There was no SV 40 found
in her cord blood. It came from the Orimune.
More Monkey
According to Natural News' 5 Aug 2009
article, "Diseased African Monkeys Used to Make Swine Flu Vaccines
- Private Military Contractor Holds Key Patents", the current swine
flu virus, will contain live attenuated viruses cultured from
intentionally diseased monkey kidneys.
Mike came up with the
patents for the proof.
In another article posted more recently, "Swine
Flu Vaccine Linked to Paralysis, Leaked Memo Reveals",
memos indicating current swine flu vaccine concerns of GBS, or
paralyzing Guillain Barre Syndrome were recently leaked. GBS was the
leading culprit in the 1976 swine flu vaccination disaster that
crippled thousands and killed hundreds until the vaccination dogs
were called off.
Even mainstream sources reveal that the adjuvants to be used in the
current swine flu vaccines will be the extremely toxic thimerosal
(mercury) and the cytokine storm creator squalene.
There have also been
disclosures of the 1918 Spanish Flu's current laboratory
replication. How much of that is going into the vaccines? That
pandemic killed millions world wide, most of whom had received the
vaccination of that time.
The 1918 virus was virulent and attacked the lungs, where cytokine
storms flourished and killed many. Most of those who did not receive
the vaccination either did not get the flu or were healed by natural
and homeopathic means.
According to Eleanor
McBean, a 1918 pandemic survivor and author, Greece refused to
purchase that vaccination de jour, and there were no deaths from the
so called Spanish Flu in Greece!
So What to Do?
Avoid the vaccinations any way you can. And avoid contact with those
who have received the vaccination as much as possible, or at least
wear the most appropriate mask to protect you.
Refer to article "Solutions
for Forced Vaccinations and Flu Pandemics" for more
solution sources on post vaccination diseases if you do get jabbed.
Store up as much Vitamin D3 (not D2) in your body as possible.
Vitamin D3 is not really a vitamin. It's the most powerful steroid
hormone in the body. It not only supports general health better than
any of the actual vitamins, it also acts as an immune regulator by
boosting your immune system when needed and slowing it down to
reduce a cytokine storm! Do your own vitamin D research.
plenty of data available on the internet now.
You can also find more updated information on Swine Flu and Post
Vaccination trauma and
disease solutions and homeopathy.
Go here now to see what Dr. Russell Blaylock has to offer for
emergency handling to
minimize cytokine storms from vaccinations.
And See the terrific 1979 CBS 60 Minutes episode on the 1976
vaccination fiasco here: