September 21,
from PreventDisease Website
How is it that the
mainstream media and international governments continue to ignore
decades of evidence on the
deadly effects of vaccines?
It seems
almost inconceivable that the issue is still under debate. This
perpetual fraud of disease prevention is causing hundreds of
diseases which further pharmaceutical agendas. It is time to face
the facts, stand up for humanity and boycott all vaccines worldwide
How much longer will people shrug off serious warnings from vaccine
researchers, neuroscientists and medical specialists around the
It is now proven that we are all being harmed by vaccination
programs. The entire vaccine industry, as it turns out, has been one
big experiment. There is NOT ONE long-term scientific study to
validate the safety or effectiveness of vaccines in humans. There
are absolutely NO "within subject design studies" that justify the
immunization positions of national and international public health
It seems that this is not a concern for the medical community. They
simply carry on with their poisonous injections without any regard
for human health, especially children. For an industry that prides
itself on scientific observations, their ignorance is not only
irresponsible, it's criminal.
Science is only a man made truth-seeking tool. It is
fallible. It is
a statistical, probabilistic mathematical model. It has limitations.
Wielded for profit - truth can become lost.
Scientific methods, design, and analyses can just as soon hide the
truth as they can discover truth, or create "truth" ex-novo.
Science cannot replace the tools of common sense and observation we
all have. You do not need statistical probabilistic mathematical
models, wielded by experts, to deny what you can see with your very
own eyes. We can observe scientific conclusions, but we must realize
that empirical observations can effectively expose the reality of
The truth is frightening, disheartening, alarming, and now
ALL vaccines are causing immediate and delayed, acute and chronic,
increasing and decreasing, impairments to blood flow, throughout the
brain and body. This IS causing us all to become chronically ill,
sick, and brain damaged along a continuum of other symptoms, some of
which are clinically silent until death. Vaccines are causing
ischemic "strokes".
Since the damages are microscopic, we cannot see
them as they occur. However, we can now see the neurological
aftermath of these damages - within hours and days of vaccination -
all vaccinations.
There is a direct and statistical correlation between the diseases
that affect a given population (in developed nations) and the
frequency of vaccines administered.
That being said, there is an
excellent probability that hundreds of diseases in the modern world
are simply a by-product of the harmful effects of vaccines.
What is MASS?
MASS is an acronym for many chronic illnesses and diseases that
impair blood flow - "Moulden Anoxia Spectrum Syndromes."
One-size-fits-all global vaccination schemes have created MASS
disorders on mass scales. MASS disorders, from infectious diseases
to vaccinations, have a common sequence of injuries which includes
impaired blood flow, oxygenation, blood carrying capacity, and
non-specific immune hyper-stimulation.
In essence, we are creating disease and chronic illness by an
over-zealous activation of a natural set of healing mechanisms in
human physiology - a component phase of the MASS physiological
Remarkably, it is not so much the specific "germs and toxins" that
are causing death and disease. It is the response of the body and
blood to foreign substances entering the blood and tissues that
causes pathology.
The cellular and tissue damages are additive with each exposure.
Once the blood vessels are damaged, to a critical point, the
pathological process can take on a self-perpetuating life of its own
- from infants to teenagers to adults, to companion pets alike.
When microscopic end blood vessels are destroyed (closed off), as
blood flow diminishes and starts to "sludge", this impairs healing,
cellular functioning, and promotes build-up of toxins, heavy metals,
and pathogens in circumscribed tissue areas.
Repeat vaccination, by its effects on the non-specific immune
system, is like dumping the triggers which call for the repetitive
congestion of vascular areas, impaired blood flow, lack of oxygen,
glucose and nutrients to the affected tissue areas.
Without oxygen
or nutrients, the cells lining the walls of capillaries
self-cauterize (clamp shut).
This is a healing mechanism that must
be instituted in order to prevent leakage of plasma and or blood
into tissues.
When MASS impairs blood flow and oxygenation to the tiny blood
vessels in the eye, we sometimes see "retinal hemorrhages."
MASS occurs in the brain, we call it intracerebral bleeding.
MASS occurs to the bones, we call it brittle bones. Collectively, we
label this "shaken baby syndrome."
When the blood sludging MASS process happens to brainstem areas
controlling automatic respiration, the central drive for respiration
is lost. We call this sudden infant death or sudden death.
When MASS happens to the descending motor tracts in the brain, we
call this paralysis, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, infantile paralysis,
seizures, encephalopathy.
When MASS happens to internal organs or connective tissue, we call
it colitis, irritable bowel, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue,
post-concussion syndrome, a psychiatric disorder.
When MASS happens in infants, and children, we call it
autism-spectrum disorders, specific learning disabilities, attention
deficit disorders, Aspergers syndrome, global developmental delay,
and some childhood cancers.
Sometimes MASS causes or compounds
cerebral palsy - both conditions result from impaired oxygenation
and blood flow to the brain.
Sometimes we call MASS,
"Kawasaki" syndrome
infantile spasms
West syndrome
febrile seizures
It is all
simply MASS ischemia.
Autism and schizophrenia are the same ailment, in physiology, albeit
the triggering pathways for schizophrenia (loss of immunological
tolerance) has a different trajectory than acquired autism-spectrum
Nonetheless, a similar mechanism is at work for both
ailments - MASS ischemia from derailed blood flow.
When MASS happens in teen girls after
Gardasil vaccination, it
creates death, disease, illness, clouded thinking, and paralysis.
Remarkably, the Gardasil shots are simply completing the silent
ischemic vascular damages, to body and brain that were caused from
each childhood vaccination the girl received. Sudden death is due to
loss of central drive for respiration in the same manner that
vaccinations are causing many cases of sudden infant death.
Sometimes seizures may also occur. The course can be waxing and
waning. All vaccines are causing these problems - silently, in an
additive manner over each vaccination, for all of us. No one is
When MASS happens in military and armed services personnel, this
causes "Gulf war Syndrome."
When MASS happens to schizophrenia patients being treated with
powerful psychotropic drugs that de-rail white blood cell functions,
sudden "unexplained" death can occur by the same MASS sudden death
sequence that vaccinations sometimes induce in infants and teen
When MASS happens in the elderly, it causes a slow, step-wise
deterioration in cognitive functions - we call this
dementia. This
is slow strangulation of brain tissue from ischemia at the
microscopic level.
No oxygen to electrically active cells causes depolarization. In the
heart, ischemia causes arrhythmia - a seizure to the heart.
In the
brain, ischemia causes seizures - arrhythmia to the brain. Seizures
are a symptom of impaired blood flow and oxygenation just like
vaccine induced autism-spectrum is a symptom of the same process.
You can have autism without seizures
You can have seizures without
You can have brain damages with or without autism or
This is all ischemia - immediate and delayed, from
instability of blood flow dynamics.
We are all having ischemic microvascular strokes - silently. Some of
these damages are called "bulbar palsies" and they are the exact
same damages we saw from wild polio exposure as we now see from
vaccinations. Remarkably, no one ever told you that wild polio and
other infectious diseases, were inducing the body to cause ischemic
strokes to the brain.
Vaccinations induce the same process - albeit
in an attenuated and chronic form.
Type 1 insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is a MASS disorder, as is
Parkinson Disease, Tourette's syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, and
several other neuropsychiatric disorders.
Aphasia and loss of expressive speech functions with vaccinations is
called "isolation of speech syndrome" or "transcortical motor
aphasia." This is caused by ischemia to end blood vessel watershed
vascular territories in the brain - period.
Silent MASS ischemic strokes is how the body caused paralysis and
respiratory failure from wild polio virus exposure.
This is how
death occurred from Smallpox.
This is how
swine flu vaccine caused
paralysis and
Guillain-Barré syndrome.
This is how thalidomide
caused infants to be born with no arms and legs.
This is how a
series of anthrax vaccines causes military veterans to give birth to
children with no arms and legs 18 months after receiving the vaccine
This is how
Vioxx caused heart attack and stroke.
This is
how pre-natal German measles caused autism-spectrum and organ
This is how a systemic drop in maternal blood pressure,
during gestation, causes Mobius syndrome (and autism-spectrum).
is how repeat vaccination is causing dementia.
MASS is how vaccinations are causing a multitude of chronic
illnesses and disease. It is not the germs causing this problem.
is the response of the body to de-railed and unbalanced immune
Solutions without Vaccines
There is a better way to prevent disease.
Vaccination only masks the
cause of disease, it does nothing to address the core problem in
physiology - the non-specific MASS response and colloidal stability
of blood flow dynamics.
There are alternative solutions to
controlling infectious diseases in populations that do not require
injecting foreign substances into your body.
Simple solutions are very effective.
Besides an abundance of
immunity enhancers, if you use the power of nature and expose your
body to,
greater amounts of sunlight
eat a variety of leafy greens
and organic fruits/vegetables
invest at least 20-30 minutes per day
adopt a nutritional regimen of clean unprocessed
foods, vitamins, minerals, superfoods and herbs,
...not only will this
advance your health, you may never get sick again!
Vaccine Health Truth -
Tolerance Lost
Dr. Andrew Moulden
April 01, 2009
from YouTube Website