by Ken Adachi
9, 2010
I caught a short segment on CBS news this morning on AM radio that
reported a new study headed by Rachel Bailey, MPH (Master of Public
Health), of the University of Pittsburg, that reported a savings to
employers of $63 to $93 per employee if employees got their
wonderful life-saving influenza shot earlier, rather than later.
The report suggested
"Vaccinating an
entire firm of 150 employees earlier could save a business
between $9,450 and $14,250. The potential cost savings of
influenza immunization drop dramatically for vaccination after
Quoting from an article
titled "Early
Employer-Based Flu Vaccinations Can Protect Health and Improve
Company’s Bottom Line":
...New data out
today show that employer-sponsored influenza vaccination
programs held early in the flu season not only protect employee
health, but save businesses money.
Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh, who presented the
findings at the American Public Health Association’s 138th
Annual Meeting & Exposition in Denver, developed an economic
model to suggest that not only should employers get their
employees vaccinated, they should do so as early as possible.
“Employers have huge incentives to solve this widespread public
health problem with timely vaccination,” said Rachel Bailey,
MPH, lead researcher of the study.
“Even though sponsoring
workplace vaccination may appear expensive, the cost savings
provided by preventing influenza-associated absenteeism with
vaccination programs early in the influenza season more than
The 2010 Swine
Flu Promotion Campaign
After failing miserably to panic a wary public into buying
the Great
2009 Swine Flu 'Pandemic' hoax, propaganda shills for the
pharmaceutical industry have now apparently reverted to more
traditional schemes of deception in the face of mounting "vaccine
resistance" (as the pharma shills like to call it).
A university 'study' is
one such tried and true vehicle.
For those too young or too inexperienced to know, I can shape the
results of a university 'study' to say anything I want it to say. If
I'm paying to underwrite the study and I'm the funding source
(either directly or indirectly) for the 'researchers' involved in
producing the study, then the study is going to produce the
'results' that I want it to produce.
There is no such thing
as 'honest' science today in any university receiving subsidies or
grants from government or corporate sources. And how many
universities exists in America who don't receive government or
corporate underwriting?
I started to awaken to the deception of falsified scientific
'studies' when I read the books of Dr.
Linus Pauling in the
In many of his books,
Dr. Pauling very carefully dissected the false presumptions and
false conclusions reached in many 'studies' that were sponsored by
the orthodox medical industry or their overlords in
Big Pharma. If you actually take
the time to read and examine the study, as Linus Pauling did, you
can usually see the holes in the data without too much effort.
Very often, flawed
'studies' defy basic common sense and present postulates that are
simply illogical, as is the case in the University of Pittsburg
study mentioned above.
There is no way on God's green earth that you can ACCURATELY predict
with any scientific validity who will and who won't come down with
influenza based on who did or who didn't get a flu vaccination. It's
even more improbable to predict the "savings" that an employer might
accrue from reduced employee absenteeism that will supposedly flow
from a workplace vaccination program.
These postulates are
utter poppycock.
Vaccine propagandists constantly repeat an assumed postulate that
has no basis in fact. The assumption is that a vaccine will produce
antibodies that will prevent you from succumbing to the full force
of the bug in question or experience no infective symptoms at all.
They have been repeating this mantra for nearly 100 years.
That's the simpleton's explanation of how vaccines work, but modern
vaccines are LOADED with toxic substances, and biological/genetic
contaminants that will do far more harm than good. There are
hundreds of books in print today (and thousands of articles) that
reveal the lies and distortions of the vaccine industry and their
duplicitous minions who front for them.
Those who have made it their business to study the Dark Side
of the vaccine industry know full well that you stand a far better
chance of remaining flu-free if you DON'T get vaccinated.
In 2009, many thousands
of trusting and gullible people discovered the hard way that the
wonderful life-saving flu vaccine (now combined with Swine Flu
poisons) didn't save them from anything, and in many instances, gave
them neurological disorders that may plague them for the rest of
their lives.
And, of course, many
people DIED from that damn Swine Flu vaccine.
Vaccines don't help folks; but they certainly can harm you.
Caveat emptor.