by Ethan A. Huff
August 02, 2011
NaturalNews Website
Influenza vaccination
rates are on the decline as Americans increasingly learn not only
that flu shots contain harmful additives like
Thimerosal (mercury),
but also that they do not even work as claimed (one of the "side
effects" of getting a flu shot, after all, is the flu itself).
So in order to convince the public into believing that flu vaccines
are useful and necessary, experts from the US National Institutes of
Health (NIH) are now touting the advent of a "universal" flu vaccine
currently in the works that will supposedly protect against all
types of flu.
According to USA Today, scientists are currently working on a
universal flu vaccine that targets certain unchanging
characteristics of flu viruses that are common among many strains.
Francis Collins, Director of the NIH, says that the viral
coatings of every flu strain contain some of the same, universal
So it is theoretically possible, he says, to design
a vaccine that targets these universal characteristics, and thus
target virtually all flu strains.
"There are parts of the viral coat that don't change," said Collins
concerning the vaccine concept. "If you designed a vaccine to go
after the constant part of the virus, you'd be protected against all
But is creating such a vaccine actually possible, or is the NIH
announcement just a pipe dream based on wishful thinking? Or perhaps
the idea of a universal flu vaccine is just a ploy to convince
people that vaccine science is legitimate, and that vaccines
actually work?
These are some of the glaring questions that stand out in this
matter since, as many of us now know, the vaccine industry has no
intention of actually "curing" the flu, and thus killing its flu
vaccine cash cow.
Universal flu
vaccine an attempt to convince public that vaccines are legitimate
Let's face it. More and more Americans are growing reluctant to take
vaccines just because their doctors and various public health
agencies are telling them they should.
Last fall, a Consumer Reports
study revealed that flu vaccination rates are on the decline, with
only about 37 percent of respondents to a survey indicating that
they planned to get vaccinated that year.
Nearly half indicated that negative side effects were the primary
reason why they planned to skip the shot, while roughly the same
percentage expressed concern about the safety of flu shots in
general. Many also claimed that flu shorts are probably not even
necessary in the first place.
And every year, an increasing number of people are expressing such
sentiments, as the number of willing volunteers for the flu shot
continues to decline.
Questioning the legitimacy of the flu shot is important. After all,
the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which many
look to as the "be all, end all" source of health information, has
basically admitted that flu vaccines are useless.
This is why the agency says individuals need to be re-vaccinated
every year.
But even a cursory knowledge of how antibodies work in
the human body proves that
vaccines do not work to boost immunity in
the way the CDC alleges, otherwise there would be no need to
Then, there is the inconvenient truth that flu vaccines are
ineffective more than 99 percent of the time anyway. In other words,
for every 100 people that get a flu shot, only one of them will
derive any perceived benefit from it - and that one percent
is a generous estimate!
The natural result of all these facts, of course, is an overall
decline in the number of people willing to get jabbed every single
And authorities are taking notice of this, which appears to be
why they are now attempting to quell the growing wave of dissent
towards vaccinations with promises of a scientific breakthrough.
The flu shot
is not the answer, nutrition and lifestyle is
The truth, though, is that no vaccine is truly effective at
preventing the flu, including any supposed "universal" flu vaccine.
Real immunity against influenza is not built by the injection of
viral fragments and toxins like formaldehyde and mercury - it is
built by being naturally exposed to viruses while maintaining
optimal immunity through good health and lifestyle.
Maintaining high levels of vitamin D through natural sunlight
exposure and
consumption of vitamin D3 is one very
effective way in which you can strengthen your immune
system and be ready to fight off influenza naturally.
Getting good rest, drinking clean water and consuming
immune-boosting superfoods will do wonders for your health, not only
in preventing the flu, but also in preventing a myriad of other
health conditions.