Part VI
The Final Chapter
In a newspaper article from the Dec. 3, 1995 edition of the
Calgary Herald, written by Mark Hume, we read:
Nuclear Peril
Doomsday Clock shows
signs of inching toward midnight again. On the Doomsday Clock
there is no time past midnight. There is no a.m. No morning
The clock, which illustrates the extent of nuclear peril in the
world, is frozen at 17 minutes to midnight. The hands, set by
the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists are moved only after lengthy
Some of the world’s leading experts will gather this week at the
University of Chicago to discuss what is expected to be the
first movement of the hands since 1991.
Most people think the hands will tick forward again, advancing
for the first time in a decade marked by a series of backward
In 1984, with the arms race accelerating, the time was put at
three minutes to midnight. By 1988, with a Soviet-U.S. treaty
limiting intermediate range nuclear forces, it ticked back to
six minutes to the hour.
1990 saw it go to 10 to midnight with
the end of the Cold War and finally, in 1991, with the signing
of the strategic-arms-reduction treaty, it went to its current
"I’d put it close to midnight
right now," said John Mate, an anti-nuke campaigner for
Greenpeace International, who believes the clock is ticking
forward again.
"Unless France and others sign a comprehensive test-ban
treaty, I think there’s a huge threat."
Mate isn’t a
global-security expert, but he’s got more of an up-front
view of the threat than most, having just returned to
Vancouver from the South Pacific where he protested France’s
most recent nuclear-test.
On the night France exploded the
world’s latest nuclear bomb, Mate was aboard a small yacht just
outside the 20 kilometer exclusion zone off Mururea atoll, in
French Polynesia. In the distance, he could see the glow of
lights from France’s nuclear-testing facility.
Mate said
watching the warm electrical radiance reflecting on the waters
of the South Pacific Ocean filled him with a sense of dread.
"I saw Mururea as a place that
symbolizes the greatest evil that humanity can perpetrate on
the planet," said Mate. "I used to refer to the testing
program as nuclear madness, but since going to Mururea, I
now just say it is evil."
Bill Epstein felt the political
tremors in New York, where for the past 25 years he has served
the Canadian government on United Nations committees concerned
with nuclear proliferation.
Epstein said that by ignoring world opinion and continuing to
build its nuclear arsenal, France has made it easier for other
countries to do the same.
"There are 40 countries in the
world today that have the capability to make a nuclear
weapon if they so decide," he said. "Most of them don’t,
because they have signed the nuclear non-proliferation
treaty. But they can withdraw from that with three months’
notice - and some of them have warned now that they might do
just that."
Epstein said that if he were setting
the clock today, he’d push the minute hand forward five minutes
- to 12 minutes to midnight.
"With the end of the Cold War a lot
of people thought peace had broken out. but there is still a
very real danger out there," Epstein said.
In his [Pentagon] report dated July 14, 1995, titled
The "Cover-Up"
of Gulf War Syndrome - A Question of National Integrity, Dr. Lindsey Arison writes:
Gulf War Syndrome is the direct health consequence of prolonged
(chronic) exposure to low (non-lethal) levels of chemical and
biological agents released primarily by direct Iraqi attack via
missiles, rockets, artillery, or aircraft munitions and by fallout
from allied bombings of Iraqi chemical warfare munitions facilities
during the 38-day air war.
The effects of these exposures were exacerbated by the deleterious
and synergistic side-effects of unproven Pyridostigmine bromide
pills (nerve agent pre-treatment pills which were administered
involuntarily), the investigational botulinum toxoid vaccines (which
were also involuntary), anthrax vaccines, depleted uranium residues
principally from battlefield vehicles damaged by depleted
uranium-tipped armor-penetrating munitions, and to a much lesser
extent, other environmental hazards such as oil fire contamination,
pesticides, petrochemicals, and electromagnetic radiation from
radars and communications equipment.
The infinite number of combinations and permutations of the effects
of chronic exposure to low, non-lethal levels of
cumulatively-effecting chemical nerve agents, to blister agents,
biological agents and "cocktails", coupled with the effects of nerve
agent pills, botulinum and anthrax vaccines, depleted uranium dusts,
and other environmental contaminants, has produced the infinite
variations in symptomatologies in Gulf War veterans. Therefore, the
"mystery illness". There is, however, one principle cause.
The Department of Defense, however, continues to deny that chemical
and biological agents were used during the Gulf War.
DoD is lying to our veterans and their families, to the U.S.
Congress, and to the American people about the exposure of U.S.
soldiers to chemical and biological agents during the Gulf War.
In a document received from Peter Kawaja titled The Saddest Chapter
In America’s History Is Now Being Written, we read:
Gulf War Illness is a communicable disease, spreading worse than
AIDS, by mere casual contact, through perspiration, or by being
close to someone who coughs. You can become infected by brushing by
someone at a store. Your children can be infected at a playground or
at school. Mycoplasma incognitus contains most of the
envelope, which was tampered with by humans. It is a warfare agent
by design. Our government is involved in this great crime and
A nationwide/worldwide panic is going to be created, of
such magnitude, that it will threaten our very existence. This same
government will then step in to offer a solution; they will have "an
antidote", a treatment, but only those who will accept the medical
ID card will be treated, all others will be considered a danger and
threat to society, hunted down, and imprisoned or killed.
will welcome this solution, will turn in their neighbors and friends
in order to survive themselves. At the same time, this instrument
will suspend the Constitution of these United States, to allow
United Nations rule, the New World Order,
One World Government.
America will be enslaved. Approximately
40% (from confidential
sources) of the American population is already a carrier of one form
(or another) of HIV, as there are now over 2,000+ strains,
effectively making almost half of the population a carrier to infect
others of (example) Ebola Reston, a slow-acting deadly agent, taking
years to manifest itself, killing you in pain worse than Ebola
Zaire, which is quick acting.
The government is already leaking news stories through the
mainstream media, warning America: it is not IF, but WHEN, we will
soon face a worldwide outbreak. They are preparing you for what they
already know and have planned.
What they are saying, however, is
that this will happen by accident, because of international air
travel, and Americans are believing it.
In an article written by William J. Broad from the Nov. 28, 1995
edition of The Denver Post, reprinted from the New York Times, we
With the cold war a fading memory, the nation’s spy satellites are
beginning to turn some of their attention to nature.
In addition to peering at the usual military targets, they are
monitoring such natural phenomena as clouds, glaciers, sea ice,
deserts and tropical rain forests to gather clues about long-term
global climatic change and ecological threats.
At the urging of
Vice President Gore, and with the support of
Congress, the new program is directing spy satellites to study about
two dozen ecologically sensitive sites around the world. Ultimately,
it is to monitor about 500 sites.
Scientists are programming the satellites to study diverse habitats
vulnerable to environmental shifts and damage, including some that
are unusually remote and forbidding. [Say, Antarctica?]
"In terms of turning swords into plowshares, this is about as good
of an example as I can think of," said Dr. Jeff Dozier, dean of the
school of environmental science at the University of California at
Santa Barbara and a member of the program’s management team. The
data will be archived for future generations of scientists and will
remain secret for now to conceal the abilities of the nation’s
reconnaissance systems, the scientists say.
Intelligence experts always try to hide the exact abilities of their
surveillance systems so foes are less likely to know how to evade
and counter them. And in any event, the data will be most
interesting in future decades because it seeks to reveal trends over
The program picks areas of the Earth that are thought to be
particularly revealing of changes in the natural world and
repeatedly photographs them on a fixed schedule, seasonally in some
Data are to be collected for decades, in theory revealing subtle
ecological shifts that might otherwise be missed.
In his book Earth In The Balance - Ecology And The Human Spirit,
Al Gore
"I have come to believe that we must take bold and unequivocal
action: we must make the rescue of the environment the central
organizing principle for civilization. Whether we realize it or not,
we are now engaged in an epic battle to right the balance of our
Earth, and the tide of this battle will turn only when the majority
of people in the world become sufficiently aroused by a shared sense
of urgent danger to join an all-out effort."
On the issue of population, Mr. Gore writes:
"The first strategic
goal should be the stabilizing of world population, with policies
designed to create in every nation of the world the conditions
necessary for the so-called demographic transition - the historic
and well-documented change from a dynamic equilibrium of high birth
rates and death rates to a stable equilibrium of low birth rates and
death rates."
And also,
"No goal is more crucial to healing the global environment
than stabilizing human population. The rapid explosion in the number
of people since the beginning of the scientific revolution - and
especially during the latter half of this century - is the clearest
single example of the dramatic change in the overall relationship
between the human species and the Earth’s ecological system."
Gore begins his concluding statements with,
"Life is always motion
and change. Fueled by the fruits of sun and soil, water and air, we
are constantly growing and creating, destroying and dying, nurturing
and organizing. And as we change, the world changes with us. The
human community grows ever larger and more complex, and in doing so
demands ever more from the natural world.
Every day, we reach deeper
into the storehouse of the Earth’s resources, put more of these
resources to use, and generate more waste of every kind in the
process. Change begets change, then feeds on its own momentum until
finally the entire globe seems to be accelerating toward some kind
of profound transformation."
Elberton Granite’s reputation as one
of the world’s best monumental stones,
Elbert County’s
geographic location, and fate seem to be key elements in why one
of the nation’s most unusual monuments was unveiled near Elberton.
Already called "America’s Stonehenge", after the
mysterious monuments in England which have puzzled men for ages,
the Georgia Guidestones have attracted nationwide publicity and
promises to become a major tourist attraction.
Overwhelming in size and steeped in enigma,
the Guidestones were
revealed to the nation in the Winter, 1979. The guidestones are
as much as mystery now as they were then - and probably still
will be when man ceases to record his history.
The gargantuan,
six-piece monument stands 19-feet high in the beautiful hill
country eight miles north of Elberton and proclaims a message
for the conservation of mankind. Its origins and sponsors are
unknown; hence, the mystery.
The components were manufactured from
Elberton Granite Finishing
Company, Inc.’s "Pyramid Blue Granite", and the firm’s
President, Joe H. Fendley, Sr., said the project was one of the
most challenging ever for his quarrying and monument
manufacturing concern - partly because of the magnitude of the
materials and partly because of the exacting specifications from
the mysterious group of sponsors, "and those specifications were
so precise that they had to be compiled by experts on stone as
well as construction," said Fendley.
He said it all began late on a Friday afternoon in June when a
well-dressed and articulate man walked into his offices on the
Tate Street Extension in Elberton and wanted to know the cost of
building a large monument to conservation. He identified himself
as "Mr. Christian."
He told Fendley that he represented a small
group of loyal Americans living outside Georgia who wished to
remain anonymous forever, and that he chose the name "Christian"
because he was a Christian.
He inquired where Fendley banked and
Joe put him in touch with both local banks. Wyatt C. Martin,
President of the Granite City Bank, was selected by "Mr.
Christian" to be the intermediary for the mysterious project.
According to
Martin, the man showed up at his office 30 minutes
later, explained the project, and said after completion he hoped
other conservation-minded groups would erect even more stones in
an outer ring and carry the monument’s message in more
He told Martin that he wanted the monument erected in
a remote area away from the main tourist centers.
The gentleman
also said that Georgia was selected because of the availability
of excellent granite, generally mild climate, and the fact that
his great-grandmother was a native Georgian.
Martin persuaded the mystery man that
Elbert County was the
ideal location for the memorial; and he agreed, provided a
suitable location could be found. He returned later and he and
Martin inspected sites.
"Mr. Christian", who now called himself
"R. C. Christian", chose a five-acre plot on the farm of
contractor Wayne Mullenix. It is the highest point in Elbert
A few weeks later, Martin contacted Joe Fendley and told
him that funds for the project were in an escrow account and to
start work immediately.
Martin promised that when the project
was completed, he would deliver his file on the affair to the
anonymous sponsors and that the secret would never he known.
He said "Christian" told him that the sponsors had planned the
monument for years and that the ten "guides"
for the
conservation of mankind and the Earth were carefully worded as a
moralistic appeal to all peoples, regardless of nationality,
religion, or politics.
Overall Height: 19 ft., 3 in.
Amount of Granite: 951 Cubic
Weight (Grand Total): 237,746
pounds (119 tons)
Four Upright Stones: 6 ft, 6 in.
wide; 16 ft. 4 in. high; 1 ft., 7 in. thick. Weight - 42,437
lbs. each (avg.) - total weight 169,750 lbs.
One Center Stone: (the gnomon
Stone) 3 ft., 3 in. wide; 16 ft., 4 in. high; 1 ft., 7 in.
thick. Weight - 20,957 lbs. total
One Cap Stone: 6 ft., 6 in wide;
9 ft., 8 in. long; 1 ft., 7 in. thick. Weight - 24,832 lbs.
Four Support Stones: (Bases) 7
ft., 4 in. long; 2 ft., 0 in. wide; 1 ft., 4 in. thick.
Weight - 4,875 lbs. each (avg.) - 19,500 lbs. total
One Support Stone: (Base) 4 ft.,
2.5 in. long; 2 ft., 2 in. wide; 1 ft., 7 in. thick. Weight
- 2,707 lbs. total
Description of Lettering: Over
4,000 sandblasted letters, each approximately 4 in. high.
The four large upright blocks pointing outward are oriented to the
limits of the migration of the moon during the course of the year.
An eye-level, oblique hole is drilled from the South to the North
side of the center gnomon stone so that the North Star is always
visible, symbolizing constancy and orientation with the forces of
A slot is cut in the middle of the Gnomon stone to form a "window"
which aligns with the positions of the rising sun at the Summer and
Winter Solstices and at the Equinox so that the noon sun shines to
indicate noon on a curved line.
The capstone includes a calendar of sorts where sunlight beams
through a 7/8 in. hole at noon and shines on the South face of the
center stone.
As the sun makes its travel cycle, the spot beamed
through the hole can tell the day of the year at noon each day.
Allowances are made because of variations between standard time and
sun time to set the beam of sunlight at an equation of time.
The site, eight miles north of
Elberton, Georgia on Highway 77, was
chosen because it commands a view to the East and to the West and is
within the range of the Summer and Winter sunrises and sunsets.
stones are oriented in those directions.
The wording of the message proclaimed on the monument is in
languages, including the Archaic languages of Sanskrit, Babylonian
Cuneiform, Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Classical Greek, as well as
English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Spanish and
The guides, followed by explanatory precepts, are as follows.
words here are exactly as the Sponsors provided them:
 
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000
in perpetual balance with nature. Means the entire human race at its climax level for permanent
balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
Without going into details as yet undiscovered, this means
humanity should apply reason and knowledge to guiding its own
reproduction. "Fitness" could be translated as "health".
"Diversity" could be translated as "variety".
Unite humanity with a living new language A "living" language grows and changes with advancing knowledge.
A "new" language will be developed "de novo" - and need not
necessarily be adapted from any languages now in existence.

Rule Passion - Faith - Tradition - and all things with tempered
reason. "Faith" here may be used in a religious sense. Too often people
are ruled by blind faith even when it may be contrary to reason.
Reason must be tempered with compassion here - but must prevail.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Courts must consider justice as well as law.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a
world court. Individual nations must be free to develop their own destinies
at home as their own people wish - but cannot abuse their
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Self explanatory.

Balance personal rights with social duties.
Individuals have a natural concern for their personal welfare,
but man is a social animal and must also be concerned for the
group. Failure of society means failure for its individual
Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
The infinite here means the supreme being - whose will is
manifest in the workings of the cosmos - if we will seek for it.
Be not a cancer on the Earth - Leave room for nature - Leave
room for nature In our time, the growth of humanity is destroying the natural
conditions of the Earth which have fostered all existing life.
We must restore reasoned balance.
While it may seem that I have presented many unrelated and divergent
writings in this series on depopulation of a planet, I believe by
now you will see the direct connection and how, once again, Little
Crow’s phrase,
"Everything is connected to everything", is
The groundwork laid by Thomas Malthus, Georg Hegel, Karl
Marx, the Fabian Society, George Orwell, Bertrand Russell and Aldous
Huxley, were carried as themes through countless publications
concerning the issue of population.
When examining the countless books on population it becomes
exceedingly clear that, for over a century, great and not so great
minds have put their concentration to this critical issue which
faces, and now slams in the face of, our living planet Gaia [Shan].
What stands out in neon when reviewing all of the treatises on the
subject of population is the total absence of God. That’s right,
He is never mentioned - never included in the equation for hope
and resolution. We know that God has a Plan 2000 too, yet somehow
even saying this sounds trite, like some born-again comeback. But
those who KNOW God, know that God’s Plan is so far out of man’s
reach of understanding that its magnificence will shine as the
noonday sun.
Instead of hope and inclusion of God into the equation for balance,
we are presented with images of teeming masses who, like lemmings,
move en masse toward their destination in a given moment. Always the
conclusions are the same - reduce growth and depopulate or face
Well, we can be sure that thanks to places such as Porton
Down, England; Fort Detrick, Maryland; and the
World Health
Organization, the tools for death and destruction are locked and
loaded and dispensed to the sleeping innocents in Third World
countries where trusting eyes look up to those giving the injections
and say in their native tongue, "Thank you" as the countdown to
their own death begins.
Have I intended for this series to be depressing fear-mongering? Far
from it.
I went into this series entirely "open" to find whatever
the evidence presented to me, and I believe the evidence by now is
so overwhelming for even the greatest of skeptics that it is safe to
"They really are trying to kill us off!"
And the tools at their
disposal cross all boundaries and come in such divergent forms as:
disease-carrying ticks and fleas, clouds of gas, contaminated
drinking water, on-the-hoof transmission through our meat to
out-and-out nuclear weapons. The agenda for depopulation is right on
track and accelerating rapidly. And, so too, the subject is so big,
so overwhelming in scope, that most simply resign themselves and
throw their hands up in the air and say, "There’s nothing I can do
about it."
It is no accident that CNN has recently run several specials on the
Ebola virus. The public is being psychologically prepared for
massive outbreaks, and massive outbreaks there will be. At this
point in time, with all that has already been unleashed upon us,
outbreaks are inevitable.
Those in power and control of this world do not know how to create,
but they are extremely proficient at destruction and that is the
path they are walking. They may make wondrous-sounding declarations
about the need to protect Mother Earth, such as you just read in
Agenda 21 (which will effect everyone), but the cost in human lives
will be without measure.
You will know by now that the issues confronting us as a planet are
so complex, so interwoven, that there are no easy answers. But who
are Aurelio Peccei, Eduard Pestel, Hugo Thiemann, Carroll Wilson,
Alexander King, Saburo Okita of
the Club of Rome to dictate to
mankind that thinning the masses is required? I do not advocate
violence, but there was a time in history when crimes of such high
treason against humanity were dealt with in a very precise manner.
At the very least, ones such as Club of Rome members should be
called to answer before a World Court. But then, I suppose following
this line of reasoning further, charges would have to include
administrators of such facilities as Porton Down, Fort Detrick, and
perhaps even the World Health Organization itself. Obviously, in our
present world, this isn’t going to happen.
It is only through the selfless and courageous efforts of such
brilliant scholars as Eustace Mullins, Dr. Eva
Coleman, Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxan, to name just a few, that we
are given the side of the story that allows for true understanding.
Under the black cloak of national security all manner of evil lurks,
waiting to rub out the very essence of souled life as we know it.
For purposes of our discussion here, let’s take Louis Farrakhan’s
march on Washington. Most people knew and expected that there would
be major trouble, riots, rebellion, and, to use Gary Wean’s
phrase, initiated "race riots and revolution."
And yet, what
happened? The finest example of peaceful assembly ever witnessed.
As now Vice President Al Gore noted in his book
Earth In The Balance
- Ecology And The Human Spirit,
"Sir Crispin Tickell, a leading
British diplomat and environmentalist, noted in a speech to the
Royal Society in London in 1989 that ’a heavy concentration of
people is at present in low-lying coastal areas along the world’s
great river systems. Nearly one-third of humanity lives within
kilometers of a coastline.
A rise in mean sea level of only
twenty-five centimeters would have substantial effects - a problem
of an order of magnitude which no one has ever had to face - in
virtually all countries the growing numbers of refugees would cast a
dark and lengthening shadow.’"
Of course, most writings on the subject of population do not take
into account
Mother Earth/Gaia taking her own steps to bring the
planet into balance. These steps would include massive geophysical
changes in the form of tectonic plate shifting, tidal waves, land
masses rising and sinking, and yes, even a possible polar shift or
magnetic pole shift. We know the magnetic poles are, NOW, in a state
of flux and extremely unstable.
Will mankind’s legacy be one of a spent planet, a hollow shell,
radiated and used up? Or, will the higher collective consciousness
of man, in co-creation with Creator God turn this planet in crisis
Back to Depopulation of a Planet
Go Back to The Georgia Guidestones
According to
Hopi prophecy, 1996 is to
"the second migration to the new
world which will be leaving behind on Grandmother Earth
those who are choosing to continue to hold the power on this
planet within the space of all the Sacred Twelve."
Will the Georgia Guidestones
serve as mankind’s legacy, as some historical marker for future
civilizations to discover and decipher? Or will the guidestones provide the necessary wisdom for mankind to
begin moving civilization closer its true heritage, that of HU-man,
higher universal man, in close connection with God?
For more information about the Georgia Guidestones
, go
For further related READING we