by benjamin
May 17, 2010
BenjaminFulfordBlogShinobi Website
Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate called in their last
reserves last week in a desperate Battle of the Bulge maneuver to stave off
their inevitable collapse.
Their servants in the Bank of Japan and
their partners in the European Central Bank and
the BIS all promised to squeeze another $1
trillion out of their slave peoples in order to preserve and expand their
empire. However, the effort is doomed for the same reason the Battle of the
Bulge failed, they do not have the fuel they need.
The owners of the Central Banking crime syndicates have had their way for so
long, they are still in a state of denial and confusion about what is
For so long they spend billions and trillions
while their slave people were forced to use tokens worth tens or hundreds.
The result was a complete disconnect between the realms of high finance and
the world of the ordinary mortal. What is happening is that the ordinary
mortals have woken up.
The so-called Lehman Brothers crisis in 2008 was the beginning of the
final chapter for these criminals. When the Russians and the Chinese told
the Feds to either pay the money they owed in cash or else face nuclear war,
they threatened the Congress with martial law unless they passed
the TARP bill to provide $700 billion.
The problem is that they were talking $700
billion in real slave currency, not their imaginary fiat currency.
Then since that bill passed, the corporate media
slaves began doing some math and realized that TARP had ballooned to $23
trillion. Since world GDP is only $60 trillion, the corporate media and
financial slaves began to finally wake up and realize something was
seriously wrong with the world view being foisted on them. The numbers they
are being fed no longer add up and they can do the math.
This means the Satanic media and mind control
grid is becoming increasingly dysfunctional.
That is why the markets were only fooled for one day by the promise of
another illusory $1 trillion to be wrung from the slaves in the West.
Instead of being fooled, the market slaves began to actively bet against the
Euro. Gold, meanwhile shot up in value. This is the exact opposite of what
the would be controllers were planning.
It is like watching a slow-motion train wreck. The Euro and the Federal
Reserve Board are both collapsing in slow motion.
The new financial system is almost ready to go. As mentioned before the 90%
of US dollar held by non-Americans will be backed by gold and renamed, now
likely as
Renminbi or people’s currency.
The American Republic will be restored and they
have already printed their new greenbacks.
These will have less international purchasing
power than Federal Reserve Debt notes meaning Americans will be forced to
buy more American goods and US industry will once again be internationally
The signs of this change are now everywhere to be seen in the West. The
Governor of the Bank of England, for example, publicly warned the US was
headed the way of Greece. This was widely reported even in the corporate
propaganda news.
The ever spreading criminal investigations of Wall Street also continued to
expand. Now the rating agencies are being investigated along with the big
Wall Street criminal institutions.
There are also signs of revolt within the secret enforcement establishment.
For example, the
Black Dragon Society was contacted last
week by some Mexicans on the run from CIA hit squads. They said officials
working inside
the HAARP electro-magnetic weapon facility
visited Mexico to warn the Feds were planning to hit Mexico with an
earthquake in May.
This means the workers at HAARP are starting to
revolt, depriving the Satanist Feds of one of their last weapons.
Attempted new fake terror attacks are now being exposed by whistleblowers
almost immediately. The latest case is the so called Times square attempted
bombing which insiders immediately denounced as a false flag operation
aimed at justifying further attacks on Pakistan. Pakistan’s ISI is no longer
obeying the CIA as a result of this stupid maneuver.
Also, when the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate once again tried to
order my assassination, I was warned by three different people, one in the
CIA, one in MI6 and one in the Yakuza.
The Yakuza promptly contacted the two would-be
hit men and asked them (politely) to back off. The Yakuza now have in their
possession a complete list of all top Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate
cronies in Japan.
There is still much I cannot report at the present time in order to protect
people’s lives and prevent sabotage. However, I can say that for various
technical and logistical reasons the announcement of the new financial
system is still going to take a bit more time.
In the meantime, please enjoy watching the demise of an ancient Satanic
crime syndicate and the dawn of freedom for humanity.
The day the top bosses of Federal Reserve Board
crime syndicate, their cronies in Washington and in the corporate propaganda
media go to jail is not far off.