Chapter 7
9/11 Aftermath: New World Order
The Oil Pipeline
The rich resources of the Caspian region make Afghanistan the third
largest oil producer in the world. Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and
Uzbekistan possess largely unexplored reserves worth over $3
trillion. I say ‘over’ because the fact that they are untapped leads
some experts to conclude that Kazakhstan alone may hold more oil
than Saudi Arabia. An oil consortium that included BP, Mobil, Shell
and Total completed a seismic study of the Caspian Sea region in
early 1996. It was decided that the only feasible route for the
pipeline at this time would be straight through Afghanistan.
options were dismissed due to political wrangling and cost. This
research team included Zalmay Khalilzad, who was by pure coincidence
later appointed Bush’s special envoy to Afghanistan. A 1996 London
Telegraph article concluded, Another pipeline route exists, and is
already at a detailed planning stage. This pipeline, initially for
gas, would begin in the Dauletabad field in central Turkmenistan,
traverse Afghanistan along the Herat-Kandahar corridor, territory
controlled by the Taliban, and exit into Pakistan.1
In late 1997
the Taliban paid a visit to Texas to meet with representatives of
the energy giant Unocal company at their Sugarland headquarters.
Under the headline ‘Taleban in Texas for talks on gas pipeline,’ the
BBC reported, A senior delegation from the Taleban movement in
Afghanistan is in the United States for talks with an international
energy company that wants to construct a gas pipeline from
Turkmenistan across Afghanistan to Pakistan.2
The Taliban
delegation’s visit was set-up and sponsored by The Center for
Afghanistan Studies, which received $1.8 million over two years from
Unocal in exchange for the development of regional contacts that
would enable Unocal to secure the pipeline deal over competing
companies, such as the Argentinean firm Bridas.
Al-Qaeda were known to be monitoring the Taliban-Unocal meetings,
A 1998 memo written by al-Qaida military chief Mohammed Atef reveals
that Osama bin Laden’s
group had detailed knowledge of negotiations that were taking place
between Afghanistan’s ruling
Taliban and American government and business leaders over plans for
a U.S. oil and gas
pipeline across that Central Asian country.3
1 ‘Warring nation holds key to oil riches of Central Asia’ –
Christopher Lockwood – London Telegraph – October 11 1996 -
2 ‘Taleban in Texas for talks on gas pipeline’ – BBC – December 4
1997 -
‘Al-Qaida monitored U.S. negotiations with Taliban over oil
pipeline’ - Jean-Charles Brisard – Salon – available at
In February 1998 John Maresca, Vice President, International
Relations, of Unocal Corporation, testified to the House Committee
on International Relations regarding the desperate need for a stable
Afghan government in order to secure the pipeline. By this time,
negotiations with the Taliban were still ongoing but Unocal were
becoming frustrated.
After the Bush administration came to power, construction of the
pipeline became even more paramount. U.S. and Taliban diplomatic
representatives met several times in Washington, Berlin and
Islamabad. The last meeting occurred just five weeks before the
attacks on Washington and New York. Respected authors Jean-Charles Brisard and
Guillaume Dasquie were closely tracking developments for
a book that would only become even more striking after the events of
September 11 put the saga in a devastating perspective, Brisard and
Dasquie draw a portrait of the closest aides to Bush, linking them
to the oil business.
Bush’s family has a strong oil background, as
do some of his top aides. From Vice President Dick Cheney, through
the director of the National Security Council Condoleezza Rice, to
the ministers of commerce and energy, Donald Evans and Stanley
Abraham, all have for long worked for US oil companies.
Cheney was until the end of last year president of Halliburton, a
company that provides services
for oil industry; Rice was between 1991 and 2000 manager for
Chevron; Evans and Abraham
worked for Tom Brown, another oil giant.4
In an earlier chapter, we discussed Bush’s order for the FBI to “back
off” investigation of Al-Qaeda before September 11. While this was
partly to protect Saudi business interests, it was also to keep the
Taliban sweet over the oil deal. John O’Neill, then Deputy Director
of the FBI and Osama bin Laden’s main pursuer was furious at his
efforts to catch terrorists being blocked and desperately tried to
warn that a massive attack would take place if the terrorists
continued to be protected. O’Neill quit two weeks before 9/11 to
work as head of security at the World Trade Center and died on his
first day in the collapse as he rushed back in to save victims.
A plan to hunt down bin Laden had been drafted at the very end of
Bill Clinton’s tenure (Clinton had nothing to do with it of course)
and Bush let it sit on his desk for eight months while a deal with
the Taliban was still possible. Of course the media described this
as ‘an accident’ and when Bush finally did activate the plan, in the
week before September 11, it was a pure coincidence that this was
also the time when it was decided that the Taliban negotiations were
to be brought to a halt.
During the final meeting, a U.S. representative told the Taliban,
‘either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you
under a carpet of bombs.’
4 ‘US policy on Taliban influenced by
oil – authors’ - Julio Godoy – Asia Times – November 20 2001 -
The Taliban went home and the
oilmen tried to figure out how they could justify invading
Afghanistan and installing a puppet government. The ‘new Pearl
Harbor’, which they had begged for a year earlier, was about to take
The decision to oust the Taliban was discussed at a July 2001
UN-sponsored international forum in Berlin where it was decided that
an invasion would need to take place before October, Niaz Naik, a
former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, was told by senior American
officials in mid-July that military action against Afghanistan would
go ahead by the middle of October. The wider objective, according to
Mr Naik, would be to topple the Taleban regime and install a
transitional government of moderate Afghans in its place - possibly
under the leadership of the former Afghan King Zahir Shah.
Mr Naik was told that Washington would launch its operation from
bases in Tajikistan, where American advisers were already in place.5
President Bush had the National Security Presidential Directive
detailing the plan against Al-Qaeda on his desk and ready to sign
two days before September 11. Of course, the document is presented
as a battle plan to fight terrorism but is basically a mandate to
invade over 60 countries, one after the other.
The first stage was
the invasion of Afghanistan and was, by sheer coincidence I assure
you, drawn up just days after it was concluded that the Taliban were
unwilling to finalize a deal on the oil pipeline, Officials did not
believe that Bush had had the opportunity to closely review the
document in the two days between its submission and the Sept. 11
attacks. But it had been submitted to national security adviser
Condoleezza Rice, and the officials said Bush knew about it and had
been expected to sign it.
Such a directive would normally be approved with the president’s
knowledge by his Principals
Committee, which in Bush’s White House includes Rice, Attorney
General John Ashcroft,
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin Powell,
Treasury Secretary Paul
O’Neill and CIA Director George Tenet, among other senior
administration officials.6
In June 2001 the Indian public affairs magazine News Insight reported
Russia and the U.S. were about to invade Afghanistan because the
Taliban were
advancing and threatening to take control of the entire region’s oil
India and Iran will “facilitate” US and Russian plans for “limited
military action” against the Taliban
if the contemplated tough new economic sanctions don’t bend
Afghanistan’s fundamentalist
5 ‘US planned attack on Taleban’ – George Arney – BBC – September 18
2001 -
6 ‘U.S. planned for attack on al-Qaida’ – MSNBC – May 16 2002 -
7 ‘India in anti-Taliban military plan’ – News Insight – June 26
2001 -
Bear in mind that throughout this period the Taliban made numerous
offers to
hand over bin Laden but the State Department said no. They didn’t
want bin
Laden, they wanted the oil. In November 2001, the BBC made a
pathetic attempt
at quashing questions about the oil agenda behind the Afghan war.
Their ‘expert’ Paul Stevens said,
“The idea that oil is now driving this war is totally unrealistic. It
would be more sensible to be considering a pipeline on the moon.”8
The report went on to call anyone who said the war was about a
pipeline a conspiracy theorist. In a complete turnaround and without
even mentioning their previous story, six months later the BBC
carried the headline ‘Afghanistan plans gas pipeline,’ Afghanistan
hopes to strike a deal later this month to build a $2bn pipeline
through the country to take gas from energy-rich Turkmenistan to
Pakistan and India.
…Mr Razim said US energy company Unocal was the “lead company” among
those that would build the pipeline, which would bring 30bn cubic
meters of Turkmen gas to market annually.9 We see this pattern in
the media over and over again. People who blow the whistle are
castigated by the very media that then quietly report exactly what
the whistleblowers said six months later. Construction of the
pipeline is on the verge of commencing as I write and U.S. oil
companies – primarily Unocal – are scrambling for the contract. In
late February 2003 India’s Hindu reported, The Petroleum Ministers
of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkmenistan today formally invited
India to join the $ multi-billion pipeline to carry Turkmenistan’s
natural gas to the Indian Ocean via Afghanistan and Pakistan.
…The 1,500 km pipeline is to cross through Afghanistan, connecting
the gas field in southern Turkmenistan to the city of Multan in
central Pakistan. It is estimated to cost $3.2 billion.10 And from
the Globe and Mail, Pakistan and Turkmenistan signed an ambitious
agreement with the Afghan president Friday to build a gas pipeline
through war-ravaged Afghanistan.
…Mr. Karzai defended his country’s prospects, though, saying the
security situation in Afghanistan “can be considered one of the best
in the region” and his government would do whatever is necessary to
see that the pipeline is completed.11
Of course, ‘Mr. Karzai’ refers
to Hamid Karzai – the puppet who was appointed interim
leader of Afghanistan. It won’t surprise you to learn that Karzai
was a former consultant to - you guessed it - Unocal.
8 ‘A war for the
pipelines?’ – Andrew North – BBC – November 8 2001 -
9 ‘Afghanistan
plans gas pipeline’ – BBC – May 13 2002 -
10 ‘India invited to
join Afghan pipeline project’ – B. Muralidhar Reddy - The Hindu –
February 24 2003 – available at
‘Ambitious Afghan pipeline deal finally signed’ – Globe and Mail –
December 30 2002 – available at
Poppy Paradise: The CIA Regains Control
In July 2000, the Taliban government by order of Mullah Omar imposed
a total ban on opium production. Prior to the ban, Afghanistan
accounted for 70% of the world’s opium and 80% of heroin destined to
North American and European markets. Opium is extracted from poppy
seeds and then converted into a morphine base, white heroin or one
of three grades of brown heroin. After the ban, poppy production
dwindled by more than 90% for 2001.
The global narcotics trade is a turf war between pocket rebel groups
around the world and the CIA in league with Wall Street. If these
groups pay their cut then they are left alone, if they don’t then
they are labeled as terrorist organizations and obliterated. This is
how people like Noriega go from being business partners to enemies.
At an estimated $200 billion, the Afghan Golden Crescent drug trade
makes up over a third of the worldwide annual turnover of narcotics.
Countless investigations and evidence presented by respected
journalists and people who worked for the government have
established that the CIA run the global drug trade, they ship in the
heroin to destroy your children’s lives and entire communities of
When the bombing began in Afghanistan Tony Blair vowed to “bomb the
poppy fields” and yet since late 2001 poppy production and supply
has again ballooned to record levels. The CIA put their puppet
government in, the drug control agency were kicked out of
Afghanistan by the Northern Alliance, their vehicles were stolen and
their headquarters occupied.
In order to receive US aid, Hamid
Karzai’s coalition had to make a pro forma announcement in January
that opium cultivation is still forbidden, but the extent of this
renewed commitment to abstention from Afghanistan’s prime cash crop
was almost simultaneously displayed in the unceremonious ejection of
Afghanistan’s drug control agency from its offices in Kabul, with
the drug czar’s desk being kicked physically into the street.12

FIG 7.1
[CAPTION: After the CIA-friendly puppet government
was installed in Afghanistan,
opium once again flowed out of the
country at record levels.]
Exactly like the issue of the oil
pipeline, the mainstream media called the narcotics agenda a
conspiracy theory while at the same time reporting how baffled they
were that heroin was flooding western streets at record levels.
than a year after the bombing began and the new government was
installed, heroin production had soared a whopping 1400 per cent.
‘Opium and Afghanistan’ - Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair –
Counterpunch – March 6 2002 -
Now the UN estimates
that more than $1bn worth of the crop is now being produced in farms
in the country. The UN says production levels are now close to those
of the late 1990s before the Taleban banned poppy cultivation
By early 2003 the effects of the CIA regaining control
of the illegal Afghan opium trade were being felt at home. The
London Independent reported, Heroin is likely to continue flooding
into Britain from a huge stockpile in Afghanistan, the Government
has been warned by customs officials. The drug appears to be as
readily available as ever, despite a series of significant heroin
seizures in recent months, according to officials.14 The majority of
modern wars have either had a financial agenda of oil or drugs
behind them.
Vietnam was about shipping drugs back to the States to
promulgate the phony hippie movement, which laid the foundations for
the destruction of morality and the strong family unit – an attack
which accelerates unabated today. It angers me to see young people
my age using drugs because they think they are rebelling against the
They are in fact destroying their own lives using government
products paid for by the blood of innocent babies killed in foreign
The Patriot Act
In the case of every terrorist atrocity, from the Omagh bombing in
Northern Ireland to the Oklahoma City bombing, there is always a
mammoth package of legislation already ready to be passed
immediately after the incident when people’s fear and desire for
‘protection’ is at its peak. September 11 was no different. The USA
Patriot Act was passed on October 25 after the American people had
been told that the terrorists had attacked because they hated their
freedom. By this very definition the Bush administration were
terrorists because they signed into law a bill that was an insult to
the principles of freedom.
Congressman Ron Paul told Insight Magazine that the House wasn’t
allowed to read the bill and Dick Cheney said that anyone who didn’t
vote for the
bill would be publicly blamed for the next terror attack,
Paul confirms rumors circulating in Washington that this sweeping
new law, with serious
implications for each and every American, was not made available to
members of Congress for
review before the vote.
“It’s my understanding the bill wasn’t
printed before the vote — at least I
couldn’t get it. They played all kinds of games, kept the House in
session all night, and it was a
very complicated bill. Maybe a handful of staffers actually read it,
but the bill definitely was not
available to members before the vote.”15
13 ‘Poppy production soars in Afghanistan’ – BBC – August 19 2002 -
14 ‘Afghan heroin stockpile is threat to UK, Blair warned’ - Jason
Bennetto – London Independent – January 6 2003 –available at
‘Police State’ - Kelly Patricia O’Meara - Insight Magazine –
November 9 2001 -
Paul went on to add that the forefathers revolted against much
lighter tyranny and publicly called for a revolution. The New York
Times openly reported that President Bush was ‘seizing dictatorial
power’ in passing the bill.
Section 802 defines domestic terrorism as actions which,
Involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the
criminal laws of the United States
or of any State.16
Read that back again to yourself. Any criminal act – jaywalking for
example – is
defined as terrorism. What follows is a deeper analysis of how the
provisions violate the U.S. Constitution by Alex Jones. Alex’s ‘Save
the Bill of
Rights Campaign’ has had nationwide success in persuading city
councils to
adopt a resolution opposing the Patriot Act.
This is just a snapshot
of some of the
powers the bill grants,
Gives the Attorney General and Secretary of State the power to
designate domestic groups including political and religious
organizations as “terrorist organizations” under the “Enemy
Combatant” designation.
The “Enemy Combatant” designation gives law enforcement the
unprecedented power to secretly seize citizens and non-citizens
without ever charging them with a crime, and the dictatorial
elements of the Federal Government claim the right to detain these
“Enemy Combatants” indefinitely, at secret, secure military
installations inside and outside the United States and to deny them
legal representation, all of this while never being charging them
with a crime or telling them why they are being held. The Justice
Department also claims the right to execute those designated “Enemy
Combatant” in secret after a trial by secret military tribunal.
Grants power to the Attorney General to subject citizens of other
nations to indefinite detention as well as transporting them to
third-party countries like Egypt and Morocco, where the Justice
Department claims they can legally be tortured.
Authorizes total surveillance on confidential communications
between attorneys and their clients in Federal custody in terrorism
and non-terrorism cases.
Limits disclosure of public documents and records under the
Freedom of Information Act.
Section 213 of the USA Patriot Act allows any branch of the
Federal or State Governments to break into your home or business, to
remove any items (or place items) they wish without a warrant and
without informing the person or business of this total violation of
the Fourth Amendment.
Section 213 of the USA Patriot Act also decapitates the First
Amendment protection of Freedom of Speech by forcing silence on
those victimized by their Unconstitutional, warrantless searches.
Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act gives law enforcement expanded
authority to obtain library and book store records (violating the
Fourth Amendment) all the while prohibiting librarians and store
workers from informing patrons of monitoring or information requests
(violating the First Amendment).
The USA Patriot Act is the
enabling legislation empowering the reorganization from the
International to the local level through the Homeland Security
enforcement mechanism. The reorganization of the government under
Homeland Security is centralized in the new North American Military
Command. We are witnessing a complete transformation of the
governmental structures in America. The new system that is emerging,
what President George W. Bush calls “the Homeland” is right out of a
college textbook detailing the development, expansion and
maintenance of dictatorships. The Homeland Security system is the
institutionalization of a military-industrial complex dictatorship.
It is all color of law, finding its roots in Imperial Rome and
fascist Germany.17
16 ‘Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools
Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA
PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001 – Section 802 – Available at
17 ‘Save the Bill of Rights Campaign’ – Alex Jones -
As if Patriot Act I wasn’t bad enough, Patriot
Act II – the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003, went even
further in abolishing every vestige of personal freedom. It had
already been written up and amended several times in secret just
waiting to be passed after the next government terror attack. A copy
was leaked from inside the government (again proving we still have
good people within the enemy on our side) to the Center for Public
Integrity. Again we will cite Alex Jones’ excellent analysis in
revealing the key sections of this terrorist document,
Here is a
quick thumbnail sketch of just some of the draconian measures
encapsulated within this tyrannical legislation:
SECTION 501 (Expatriation of Terrorists) expands the Bush
administration’s “enemy combatant” definition to all American
citizens who “may” have violated any provision of Section 802 of the
first Patriot Act. (Section 802 is the new definition of domestic
terrorism, and the definition is “any action that endangers human
life that is a violation of any Federal or State law.”)
Section 501
of the second Patriot Act directly connects to Section 125 of the
same act. The Justice Department boldly claims that the incredibly
broad Section 802 of the First USA Patriot Act isn’t broad enough
and that a new, unlimited definition of terrorism is needed. Under Section 501 a US citizen engaging in lawful activities can be
grabbed off the street and thrown into a van never to be seen again.
The Justice Department states that they can do this because the
person “had inferred from conduct” that they were not a US citizen.
Remember Section 802 of the First USA Patriot Act states that any
violation of Federal or State law can result in the “enemy
combatant” terrorist designation.
SECTION 201 of the second Patriot Act makes it a criminal act for
any member of the government or any citizen to release any
information concerning the incarceration or whereabouts of
detainees. It also states that law enforcement does not even have to
tell the press who they have arrested and they never have to release
the names.
SECTION 301 and 306 (Terrorist Identification Database) set up a
national database of “suspected terrorists” and radically expand the
database to include anyone associated with suspected terrorist
groups and anyone involved in crimes or having supported any group
designated as “terrorist.” These sections also set up a national DNA
database for anyone on probation or who has been on probation for
any crime, and orders State governments to collect the DNA for the
Federal government.
SECTION 312 gives immunity to law enforcement engaging in spying
operations against the American people and would place substantial
restrictions on court injunctions against Federal violations of
civil rights across the board.
SECTION 101 will
designate individual terrorists as foreign powers and again strip
them of all rights under the “enemy combatant” designation.
SECTION 102 states clearly that any information gathering,
regardless of whether or not those activities are illegal, can be
considered to be clandestine intelligence activities for a foreign
power. This makes news gathering illegal.
SECTION 103 allows the Federal government to use wartime martial law
powers domestically and internationally without Congress declaring
that a state of war exists.
SECTION 106 is bone-chilling in its
straightforwardness. It states that broad general warrants by the
secret FSIA court (a panel of secret judges set up in a star chamber
system that convenes in an undisclosed location) granted under the
first Patriot Act are not good enough. It states that government
agents must be given immunity for carrying out searches with no
prior court approval. This section throws out the entire Fourth
Amendment against unreasonable searches and seizures.
SECTION 109 allows secret star chamber courts to issue contempt
charges against any individual or corporation who refuses to
incriminate themselves or others. This section annihilates the last
vestiges of the Fifth Amendment.
SECTION 110 restates that key police state clauses in the first
Patriot Act were not sunsetted and removes the five year sunset
clause from other subsections of the first Patriot Act. After all,
the media has told us: “this is the New America. Get used to it.
This is forever.”
SECTION 111 expands the definition of the “enemy
combatant” designation.
SECTION 122 restates the government’s newly
announced power of “surveillance without a court order.”
SECTION 123 restates that the government no longer needs warrants
and that the investigations can be a giant dragnet-style sweep
described in press reports about the Total Information Awareness
Network. One passage reads, “thus the focus of domestic surveillance
may be less precise than that directed against more conventional
types of crime.” *Note: Over and over again, in subsection after subsection, the
second Patriot Act states that its new Soviet-type powers will be
used to fight international terrorism, domestic terrorism and other
types of crimes. Of course the government has already announced in
Section 802 of the first USA Patriot act that any crime is
considered domestic terrorism.
SECTION 126 grants the government the right to mine the entire
spectrum of public and private sector information from bank records
to educational and medical records. This is the enacting law to
allow ECHELON and the Total Information Awareness Network to totally
break down any and all walls of privacy. The government states that they must look at everything to
“determine” if individuals or groups might have a connection to
terrorist groups. As you can now see, you are guilty until proven
SECTION 127 allows the government to takeover coroners’ and medical
examiners’ operations whenever they see fit. See how this is like
Bill Clinton’s special medical examiner he had in Arkansas that
ruled that people had committed suicide when their arms and legs had
been cut off.
SECTION 128 allows the Federal government to place gag orders on
Federal and State Grand Juries and to take over the proceedings. It
also disallows individuals or organizations to even try to quash a
Federal subpoena. So now defending yourself will be a terrorist
SECTION 129 destroys any remaining whistleblower protection
for Federal agents.
SECTION 202 allows corporations to keep secret
their activities with toxic biological, chemical or radiological
materials. SECTION 205 allows top Federal officials to keep all their financial
dealings secret, and anyone investigating them can be considered a
terrorist. This should be very useful for Dick Cheney to stop anyone
investigating Haliburton. SECTION 303 sets up national DNA database of suspected terrorists.
The database will also be used to “stop other unlawful activities.”
It will share the information with state, local and foreign agencies
for the same purposes. SECTION 311 federalizes your local police department in the area of
information sharing.
SECTION 313 provides liability protection for
businesses, especially big businesses that spy on their customers
for Homeland Security, violating their privacy agreements. It goes
on to say that these are all preventative measures – has anyone seen
Minority Report? This is the access hub for the Total Information
Awareness Network.
SECTION 321 authorizes foreign governments to spy on the American
people and to share information with foreign governments.
SECTION 322 removes Congress from the extradition process and allows
officers of the Homeland Security complex to extradite American
citizens anywhere they wish. It also allows Homeland Security to
secretly take individuals out of foreign countries.
SECTION 402 is titled “Providing Material Support to Terrorism.” The
section reads that there is no requirement to show that the
individual even had the intent to aid terrorists.
expands the definition of weapons of mass destruction to include any
activity that affects interstate or foreign commerce. SECTION 404 makes it a crime for a terrorist or “other criminals” to
use encryption in the commission of a crime. SECTION 408 creates “lifetime parole” (basically, slavery) for a
whole host of crimes.
SECTION 410 creates no statute of limitations
for anyone that engages in terrorist actions or supports terrorists.
Remember: any crime is now considered terrorism under the first
Patriot Act.
SECTION 411 expands crimes that are punishable by
death. Again, they point to Section 802 of the first Patriot Act and
state that any terrorist act or support of terrorist act can result
in the death penalty.
SECTION 421 increases penalties for terrorist financing. This
section states that any type of financial activity connected to
terrorism will result to time in prison and $10-50,000 fines per
SECTIONS 427 sets up asset forfeiture provisions for anyone engaging
in terrorist activities.18
18 ‘A Brief Analysis of the Domestic
Security Enhancement Act 2003, Also Known as Patriot Act II’ – Alex
Jones –February 10 2003 -
Along with the
leak of Patriot Act II came a whole new stack of bills including The
Universal National Service Act of 2003, which creates a mandatory
draft under Homeland Security of every young person in the country.
They would serve the Empire both abroad and at home, acting as the
Domestic Gestapo running federal spy programs and confiscating guns.
Camps and Combatants
The Patriot Act created the scope to broaden the definition of
terrorism to encompass any activity deemed ‘subversive’ by the
government. It also focused attention towards domestic terrorists –
this crackdown isn’t just about Mohamed with the Turban, it’s about
American citizens and their families. The Bush administration has
developed a parallel legal system to rival those of Soviet Russia or
Nazi Germany. By ‘parallel’ I mean unconstitutional. Whether you are
part of the constitutional legal system or the unconstitutional
‘parallel’ legal system is determined solely by the federal
They can secretly arrest you, declare you to be an enemy
combatant, and hold you indefinitely at places like Camp X-Ray,
which amounts to nothing more than a modern day concentration camp.
There are countless British, American and Australian citizens being
held at Guantanamo with no links to Al-Qaeda whatsoever.
understand that this is not my opinion, it is not a prediction, it
is not a theory of what might happen – it’s already here. The
Washington Post reported, Under authority it already has or is
asserting in court cases, the administration, with approval of the
special Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, could order a
clandestine search of a U.S. citizen’s home and, based on the
information gathered, secretly declare the citizen an enemy
combatant, to be held indefinitely at a U.S. military base. Courts
would have very limited authority to second-guess the detention, to
the extent that they were aware of it.19
Jose Padilla, the so-called
‘dirty bomber’ has been in a military brig with no access to a
lawyer since June 2002. No reliable evidence was presented to even
suspect he might have tried to acquire bomb material. It is about
getting people used to the idea that American citizens can be
arrested by the secret police and incarcerated in gulags. In August
of 2002, Reuters published a story detailing how, on the order of
Bush, anyone could be immediately executed without trial. The story
appeared on mainstream web sites like ABC News for about an hour but
was mysteriously pulled.
I managed to save a copy of the text and
here it is in full, WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a surprise move sure
to raise outcries from foreign governments, civil liberties groups
and others, The White House today announced with little fanfare that
effective immediately, certain individuals whom President Bush or
other high-level Administration members have designated as
terrorists are subject to summary execution by either Homeland
Security operatives, U.S. intelligence operatives, and in some cases
by U.S. military personnel.
The presidential directive applies to
both U.S. and foreign citizens, both within and outside the
United States territory.
19 ‘In
Terror War, 2nd Track for Suspects’ – Charles Lane – Washington Post
– December 2 2002 -
The White House gave notice of the new policy in as quiet a way as
possible, making the announcement late Sunday evening from Crawford,
Texas. The unprecedented move is thought certain to generate a
firestorm of protest from numerous quarters.
Citing national security considerations, Bush Administration
spokespersons have declined to comment on the new directive. In
light of the President’s slippage in recent opinion polls, many
political analysts believe the Administration will avoid making any
further public references to what is sure to be a very contentious
and unpopular decision.20 The same story albeit reworded and put in
the context that these executions will only take place abroad, was
then released four months later, U.S. citizens working for al-Qaida
overseas can legally be targeted and killed by the CIA under
President Bush’s rules for the war on terrorism, U.S. officials say.
The authority to kill U.S. citizens is granted under a secret
finding signed by the president after the Sept. 11 attacks that
directs the CIA to covertly attack al-Qaida anywhere in the world.
The authority makes no exception for Americans, so permission to
strike them is understood rather than specifically described,
officials said.21 Do you understand what this means?
This officially
makes Bush a dictator, a King, an Emperor – his authority now
overrides all Constitutional protection. This has nothing to do with
fighting Al-Qaeda - the real Al-Qaeda work for the CIA –up to 8000
of them were flown to safety out of Kunduz in November 2001. All
Bush has to do is say you are working with Al-Qaeda and you are
dead! No evidence, no legal representation, no trial, no jury –
you’re just immediately killed! I just quoted the Houston Chronicle
saying the same thing!
What to do with American citizens who become ‘enemy combatants’? Ah
yes, what about that network of concentration camps in America that
have been sitting there quietly for decades waiting to be filled? In
August 2002 the L.A. Times ran with the headline ‘Camps For
Citizens: Ashcroft’s Hellish Vision’. It was no surprise to those of
us who have been trying to warn people about this, but to see it so
blatantly in your face was astounding, Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft’s
announced desire for camps for U.S. citizens he deems to be “enemy
combatants” has moved him from merely being a political
embarrassment to being a constitutional menace.
Ashcroft’s plan, disclosed last week but little publicized, would
allow him to order the indefinite incarceration of U.S. citizens and
summarily strip them of their constitutional rights and access to
the courts by declaring them enemy combatants.
The proposed camp plan should trigger immediate congressional
hearings and reconsideration of Ashcroft’s fitness for this
important office. Whereas Al Qaeda is a threat to the lives of our
Ashcroft has become a clear and present threat to our liberties.22
20 ‘U.S. Can Target American al-Qaida Agents’ – Reuters – August 12
2002 -
21 ‘Bush war rules let U.S. kill its own’ – Houston
Chronicle – December 4 2002 – available at
22 ‘Camps for Citizens: Ashcroft’s Hellish Vision’ - Jonathon Turley
– L.A. Times – August 14 2002 – available at

FIG 7.2
[CAPTION: The Los Angeles Times reports on
concentration camps for you and your family.]
Peter Kirsanow, a Bush appointee to the U.S. Civil Rights Commission
publicly announced that one more terrorist attack would see the
public beg for the perpetrators to be put in internment camps.
Remember – this has happened in America before when hundreds of
thousands of Japanese-American citizens were rounded up and forcibly
held in work gulags simply because they were Japanese.
The media
portrayed the conditions of these camps as akin to living in the lap
of luxury. Many Jews and Latin Americans were also rounded up and
then sent to Nazi death camps in exchange for Americans living in
Germany. In a follow-up to the L.A. Times story, the Village Voice
reported under the headline ‘General Ashcroft’s Detention Camps,’
Now more Americans are also going to be dispossessed of every
fundamental legal right in our system of justice and put into camps.
Jonathan Turley reports that Justice Department aides to General
“have indicated that a ‘high-level committee’ will
recommend which citizens are to be stripped of their constitutional
rights and sent to Ashcroft’s new camps.”
On August 8, The Wall Street Journal, which much admires Ashcroft on
its editorial pages,
reported that,
“the Goose Creek, South Carolina, facility that houses
[Jose] Padilla—mostly empty
since it was designated in January to hold foreigners captured in
the U.S. and facing military tribunals—now has a special wing that could be used to jail about 20
U.S. citizens if the
government were to deem them enemy combatants, a senior
administration official said.”
Justice Department has told Turley that it has not denied this
story. And space can be found in
military installations for more “enemy combatants.”23
CNN even got in on the act,
If Padilla and Hamdi are feeling lonely, they may soon have company.
Attorney General Ashcroft and the White House are considering
creating a military detention camps for all U.S. citizens deemed by
the administration to be enemy combatants.24

FIG 7.3
[CAPTION: A vast network of concentration camps have been set up
across America
to incarcerate American citizens deemed to be
‘terrorists’ by the occupational U.S. government.]
23 ‘General Ashcroft’s Detention Camps’ – Nat Hentoff – The Village
Voice – September 4 2002 -
24 ‘Why Ashcroft’s plan to create internment camps for alleged enemy
combatants is wrong’ – Anita Ramasastry – CNN –
September 4 2002 -
Okanogan County Commissioner Dave Schulz went public with his
conviction that his county had been designated to house one of the
camps, Schulz says he has copies of documents, although he hasn’t
been able to confirm the rumor. Federal officials say they have no
idea where the commissioner got the notion of civilian detention
A Federal Emergency Management Agency spokeswoman says it sounds
like an urban legend and a Pentagon spokesman says he’s not aware of
any planned camps in Okanogan County or elsewhere.25 Urban legend?
Under the Model States Emergency Health Powers Act, which was passed
under Homeland Security, health officials have the authority to
quarantine entire cities, herd people into sports stadiums and other
proxy holding camps, forcibly inject people and kill them if they
try to escape. The Detroit Free Press reported, In one simulation,
involving a fake plague that struck at a rock concert in Chicago,
questions arose about what to do with people who insisted on
breaking the quarantine, said Randy Larsen of the Anser Institute, a
security think-tank in Arlington, Va.
Would a National Guardsman, he asked, shoot a grandmother trying to
evade quarantine? Maybe, Gostin said. “You have to use all
reasonable force.” Sometimes, he added, that could mean lethal
force.26 The rest of this nightmare legislation reads like a
guidebook on how to overthrow a Constitutional Republic. State
seizure of firearms, seizure of property, food management, clothing
management, takeover of all forms of transport, troops on the
streets. This scenario has been played out in countless mock
terrorist attacks and hour-long TV dramas to condition people on how
to react when the biological gets released.
The experts that receive
no attention from the media are the ones who point out that the
worst thing to do would be to congregate people into large groups.
If there is a smallpox outbreak all you have to do is wear gloves
and a face mask and stay away from large crowds of people. The
government scaremongering about dirty bombs and biological attack is
more fear-based mind control – it amounts to nothing more than
psychological terrorism.
By January 2003
FEMA had completed the framework for multiple
temporary cities (sprawling gulags), which would hold millions of
Americans in the event of a nuclear or biological attack. Newsmax
reported, A source familiar with the deadline believes the effort is
related to making the U.S. prepared for counterattacks if the U.S. invades Iraq sometime next year.
25 ‘Concentration Camps in Okanagon County?’ – Associated Press – February 27 2002 -
26 ‘Vast quarantine
role advocated for states’ - Seth Borenstein – Detroit Free Press –
November 7 2001 -
FEMA is currently seeking bids from major real estate management
firms, and plans to name three firms in the near future to handle
the logistics and planning for these temporary cities. FEMA
officials have told these firms they already have tents and trailers
ordered. The tents and trailers would provide shelter for displaced
populations.27 FEMA responded to this story by categorically denying
Newsmax also received letters and E-mails from its readers
laughing the report off as a paranoid conspiracy theory. This forced
Newsmax to write a second story that pinpointed the exact sections
in FEMA’s own documents that stated the set-up of the ‘Standby
Technical Assistance for Disaster Related Operations’ program and
how FEMA had allocated $300 million just for architects and
engineers to construct these giant quarantine cities.
Feel the Love: Martial Law, Foreign Troops and Torture
The training of our military and police has shifted in emphasis from
a notion of protecting citizens to that of viewing citizens as a
dangerous enemy that needs to be firmly kept under close scrutiny.
Even so, many American soldiers and cops will refuse to obey orders
to kill, quarantine or otherwise harm American citizens. That is why
foreign troops are being brought into America – they are willing to
carry out ruthless orders without remorse.
The Posse Comitatus Act
of 1878 states, From and after the passage of this act it shall not
be lawful to employ any part of the Army of the United States, as a
posse comitatus, or otherwise, for the purpose of executing the
laws, except in such cases and under such circumstances as such
employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the
Constitution or by act of Congress; and no money appropriated by
this act shall be used to pay any of the expenses incurred in the
employment of any troops in violation of this section.28 This
prevents the military from engaging in domestic law enforcement.
erosion of this law began long before September 11. In the last few
years we have seen an explosion of ‘Urban Warfare’ operations where
the U.S. Army run training operations in U.S. cities and practice
running checkpoints, raiding homes, confiscating guns and rounding
up citizens to be held in internment camps.
I t is now confirmed that Russian troops were involved in the Waco
siege of 1993, where the BATF on orders of Bill Clinton and
Reno, torched the Branch Davidian complex – killing 76 people,
including over 20 children. We must emphasize that the children were
burnt to death in order to save them from a ‘dangerous cult’ – that
was the U.S. government’s stance anyway.
The lies and distortions that
the media willingly churned out both before and many years after the
siege amount to criminal activity.
27 ‘FEMA
Preparing for Mass Destruction Attacks on Cities’ – John O. Edwards
– Newsmax – July 15 2002 -
‘The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878’ – available at
Many people consider April 19
1993 to be the day the New World Order declared war on the American
people. Rest assured, the terrorists responsible for Waco will pay
for slaughtering children. The MI5 agents will pay for blowing them
up at Omagh. You reap what you sow. Just two months after September
11 Senator John Warner wrote to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
and asked, “Should this law (Posse Comitatus) now be changed to
enable our active-duty military to more fully join other domestic
assets in this war against terrorism?”29
Director of Reichland,
pardon me, Homeland Security Tom Ridge called for the military to be
given the power to arrest and fire upon citizens on U.S. soil, Ridge
said on Fox that the discussion should take place between the
Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Bush’s proposed Homeland
Security Department, which has not yet been enacted by Congress.
"We need to be talking about military assets, in anticipation of a
crisis event,” Ridge said. “And clearly, if you’re talking about
using the military, then you should have a discussion about Posse

FIG 7.4
[CAPTION: Gas-masked military thugs
patrol the streets of Oakland, California
during Operation Urban
Warrior – desensitising people to seeing military involvement in
domestic law enforcement.]
Always bear in mind that the people pushing for the military to
arrest and kill U.S. citizens for your ‘protection’ are the same
people that carried out the September 11 attack. It is
Constitutional to place troops on American borders but this hasn’t
happened and the borders are more wide open than ever. This isn’t
about stopping terrorism; it’s about terrorizing you and your
Northcom divided the United States, Mexico and Canada into three
regions of military command and came into effect on October 1 2002.
flying patrols now routinely watch American citizens in total
violation of Posse
Comitatus. Northcom’s head of operations, Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart,
also publicly
called for the military to be let loose on American streets,
Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart, the officer charged with defending the
continental U.S., has gone on
record that he’s all for it and would endorse changes in the law if
that translated into a better defended
country…Eberhart has said that he is anxious to use new technology,
unmanned surveillance blimps cruising at 70,000 feet and Predator
drones scanning American coastlines.31
29 ‘1878 Military Law Gets New Attention’ – T.A. Badger – Associated
Press – November 24 2001 – available at
30 ‘U.S. Should Consider Giving Military Arrest Powers, Ridge Says’
- Alex Canizares – Bloomberg News – July 21 2002 - available at
Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. called for Posse Comitatus
to be scrapped in a
Washington Times report,
Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., Delaware Democrat, yesterday strongly
endorsed giving soldiers the power to arrest American civilians. Interviewed yesterday on “Fox News Sunday,” Mr. Biden, a member of
the Judiciary Committee, said the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which
prevents the military from exercising police powers in this country,
should be re-examined and “has to be amended.”
Such a change will happen soon, he said.32
So if all the American troops are busy fighting imperial New World
Order wars under a Homeland Security draft who are they going to
use? Foreign assets. A new military agreement was signed with Canada
to allow U.S. and Canadian troops to cross each other’s borders and
maintain order in the event of a terrorist attack in either country,
Under the agreement, either country can request military help from
the other.
Any U.S. troops operating in Canada would be under the
command of a Canadian officer, while any Canadian troops operating
south of the border would be under U.S. command. The agreement calls
for increased joint operations and exercises against terrorism. It
also creates a new planning group to study how both countries would
jointly deploy military forces and emergency services in response to
a terrorist attack or other disaster.33 And it’s not just Canadian
troops that will be barging down doors and arresting Americans.
pact opens the gateway for foreign troops of any nation to be used
in domestic law enforcement. Many are already in the country and
training with your local police force and army unit in preparation
for the next terror attack. Now that you have been defined as a
terrorist you can expect to be tortured by the Homeland Love
Brigade. All joking aside, torture of ‘terrorists’ (shoemakers and
farmers in the case of the Guantanamo prisoners) began and the media
even started discussing whether torture of terrorist suspect’s
children was legitimate.
So I guess it was OK for the Nazis to
torture people they defined as their enemies and I guess it was OK
for American prisoners captured in Korea and Vietnam to be tortured?
The United States is condoning the torture and illegal interrogation
of prisoners held in the wake of September 11, in defiance of
international law and its own constitution, according to lawyers,
former US intelligence officers and human rights groups.
31 ‘Northern Command General Endorses Posse Comitatus Review’ –
Newsmax – July 22 2002 -
‘Biden backs letting soldiers arrest civilians - Joyce Howard Price
– Washington Times – July 22 2002 – available at
33 ‘New
military cooperation pact allows Canadian, U.S. troops to enter each
other’s territory’ - Tom Cohen – Associated Press - December 10 2002
– available at
claim prisoners have been beaten, hooded and had painkillers
withheld. Some prisoners inside American penal institutions and
detention camps have been subjected to interrogation techniques
which do not leave injuries, but which lawyers consider to be
abusive. Others have been sent to countries where electric shocks
and more conventional forms of torture have been used, according to
the claims.34

FIG 7.5
[CAPTION: Camp X-Ray -
Shoemakers and
farmers are tortured to death in gulags under the new definition of Amerikan freedom.]
As the body bags rolled out of Guantanamo, the ‘liberal’ human
rights lawyer Alan Dershowitz got in on the act, Americans may have
to consider ideas as foreign as truth serums and torture warrants
when thinking about striking a balance between liberty and security
after the terrorist attacks Sept. 11. That was the message celebrity
lawyer and civil libertarian Alan M. Dershowitz delivered to a crowd
packed into a gymnasium Sunday at the Jewish Community Center in
Creve Coeur.
Dershowitz was the opening speaker for the Jewish Book Fair.35
34 ‘US interrogators turn to torture lite’ - Duncan Campbell -
London Guardian – January 27 2003 -,12271,882002,00.html
35 ‘U.S.
now might have to consider what once was unthinkable, Dershowitz
says’ - Tina Hesman - St. Louis Post-Dispatch – November 4 2001 –
available at
But what about that ‘balance between liberty and security’? There is
no ‘balance’ - either there is liberty or there is Nazi Germany. As Thomas
Jefferson said, “I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences
attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a
degree of it.”
So we have the government giving itself the authority to secretly
arrest anyone they deem to be a terrorist, which under the terms of
the legislation is anyone who unwittingly breaks a law. The
government can then declare that person an enemy combatant, ship
them off to a FEMA camp and have foreign troops torture them and
their children. And they said the terrorists wanted to take away our
freedoms? I agree, the terrorists have taken away our freedoms but
the terrorists wear sharp suits. America is now officially a police
state but all these new laws are null and void because they violate
the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Black people were slaves
because of a law and just as then, we have to stand up, resist and
make it known that we don’t follow laws drafted by terrorists.
The Whitewash
The intelligence committees of the Senate and House of
Representatives held a series of hearings through to the end of 2002
with a second committee set up to ‘investigate’ September 11
scheduled for the later months of 2003.
The first probe was touted to be a thorough investigation into the
events of September 11 and whether or not they could have been
As independent
research has highlighted, the Bush administration not only had prior
knowledge of the terrorist attacks, but actually ran the entire
operation. This will strike the naive reader as a bold statement
indeed. The information I cite that enables me to make it is as
voluminous as it is disturbing and I have already presented it in
the previous two chapters.
The investigation was a complete whitewash. The mid-2002 media blitz
concerning what the government knew before 9/11 was an orchestrated
campaign to put the real evidence of government complicity in the
shadows. This
enabled the CIA and the FBI to dismiss this watered down issue as
‘intelligence failure’ after another.
The House and Senate committees comprised of several well-meaning
representatives with good voting records and honorable reputations.
However, both groups were dominated by individuals who owe
allegiance to interests that directly conflict with the promise of a
balanced inquiry.
The Carlyle Group, a secretive Washington, D.C., investment firm
managing some $14 billion in assets, including stakes in a number of
defense-related companies, is making substantial profits from the
war on terrorism. Carlyle also donated a total of over $57,000 to
various members of the two panels who, if this were not a dummy
operation, would be required to investigate them. Carlyle number
just one of numerous companies feeding the war machine that have
bankrolled the structure of the 9/11 probe. If the war on terrorism
took a blow from this investigation, so would these representative’s
bank balances. Where was the incentive for a fair hearing? Where was
the balance?
Many of the committee members already stated their position on
pre-9/11 warnings before the investigation began. They rubbished the
very issue they were about to ‘investigate.’ Likewise, several had a
direct hand in crafting the USA Patriot Act. As we have seen, this
legislation defines anyone who breaks the law as a terrorist and
allows the authorities to search your home without you even knowing
about it. These people are put in office to uphold the U.S.
Constitution and yet have actively dissected it. September 11th
justified the Patriot Act in their eyes. They are not about to
humiliate themselves by questioning this justification.
Furthermore, a disturbing majority of the House and Senate
representatives hold membership to elite organizations publicly
sworn to destroying America in favor of
a Globalist one world order
system. This trend ranges from the now public U.S. centered
on Foreign Relations through the
Trilateral Commission to the
quasi-secret internationalist
Bilderberg Group. At the end of the
spectrum we even see occult influences like
Skull and Bones along
with the
The justification for a zealously ordered One
World Government is chaos.
Terrorism is the premier method for
fomenting this chaos. As a result, any proper investigation that
would reveal the source of terrorism is out of the question. The
souls of our ‘representatives’ have already been bought and sold.
This is why the House and Senate investigations to come will only
achieve their original agenda, to shut down the 9/11 case for good.
The 9/11 whitewash will dwarf the Warren Commission, enabling the Globalist’s terrorism paradigm to rage on. This only emphasizes the
importance of the underground media in reaching out to the people
with the truth.
The following information was compiled with the assistance of John
Horne. The sources and URL’s are included in the body text for the
sake of consistency. Just take a look at the background of these
people, which organizations they belong to and which entities are
funding them. Remember, these people were supposed to discover why
September 11 happened and if it could have been prevented.
The term
‘conflict of interest’ is a gross understatement as you will
House Permanent Select Committee On Intelligence 107th Congress
CHAIRMAN Porter J. Goss, R – Florida
REPUBLICANS Doug Bereuter, Nebraska Michael N. Castle, Delaware Sherwood L. Boehlert, New York Jim Gibbons, Nevada Ray LaHood, Illinois Randy “Duke” Cunningham, California Peter Hoekstra, Michigan Richard Burr, North Carolina Saxby Chambliss, Georgia Terry Everett, Alabama
DEMOCRATS Nancy Pelosi, California, Ranking Democrat Sanford D. Bishop, Georgia Jane Harman, California Gary A. Condit, California Tim Roemer, Indiana Silvestre Reyes, Texas Leonard L. Boswell, Iowa Collin C. Peterson, Minnesota Bud Cramer, Alabama Here are the highlights (or lowlights).
As highlighted in a previous chapter, Porter J. Goss was having
breakfast with Pakistan’s Chief Spy General Mahmoud Ahmad, the chief
financier of the 9/11 lead hijacker, on the very morning of
September 11. Goss’ role in this investigation was to bury this
meeting because it both proves direct government involvement in 9/11
and would bring criminal charges upon Goss personally.
No conflict
of interest there!
“A former Central Intelligence Agency Clandestine Services Officer”
“A 1960 honors graduate from Yale University, Goss served two years
in the United States Army as an intelligence officer. He moved to
Sanibel in 1971 after an illness cut short his 10-year career as a
Clandestine Services Officer with the Central Intelligence Agency.”
Member: Council on Foreign Relations
Member: Council on Foreign Relations & Phi Beta Kappa at University
of Nebraska
Donations by Enron 1990-2000: $10,000 (
“He has played a major role in shaping the intelligence budget in
response to the September 11 attacks (no conflict of interest there
then) and most recently has traveled to Guantanamo Bay Naval Base on
an Intelligence fact finding trip. He will continue his push to
reform the U.S. satellite launch program, which he believes needs
more accountability and better acquisition practices in order to
protect U.S. intelligence and taxpayer dollars.” Contributed to Patriot Act
Strong military background. “Duke’s experience in Vietnam and his
background as an educator prepared him well to train fighter pilots
at the Navy Fighter Weapons School—the famed “Top Gun” program at
Miramar Naval Air Station. As Commanding Officer of the elite Navy
Adversary Squadron, Cunningham flew Russian tactics and formations
against America’s best combat fighter pilots. Many of his real-life
experiences as a Navy aviator and fighter pilot instructor were
depicted in the popular movie “Top Gun.” Upon his retirement from
the Navy in 1987, Cunningham translated the Masters in Business
Administration he earned at National University into a successful
business in San Diego.”
Oh yes, he’s a military man: top contributors 2001/2 (shut your eyes
& guess who’s top!) 1 Carlyle Group $20,000 2 Orincon Corp $13,000 3 Cubic Corp $12,000 4 Northrop Grumman $11,000 5 ADCS Inc $10,000 5 General Dynamics $10,000 5 Science Applications International Corp $10,000 8 BAE Systems North America (subsidiary of Carlyle Group) $9,000 9 Titan Corp $7,300 10 Lockheed Martin $7,000 10 Qualcomm Inc $7,000 12 Associated Builders & Contractors $6,000 12 Copeland, Lowery & Jacquez $6,000 12 General Atomics $6,000 12 SBC Communications $6,000 16 Continental Maritime $5,250 17 American Trucking Assn $5,000 17 Boeing Co $5,000 17 FedEx Corp $5,000 17 National Assn for Uniformed Services $5,000 17 National Assn of Realtors $5,000 17 Seafarers International Union $5,000 (
Chambliss already publicly announced that he wasn’t interested in
asking tough questions about September 11 on his own website. “While some critics have tried to make political hay with the
outrageous suggestion that the president was given specific
information that could have prevented the tragedies of last Sept.
11, this is no time to revert to partisan politics.” As chairman of
the House Terrorism and Homeland Security Subcommittee, I can say
that the intelligence information was as vague and nonspecific as
most everything else coming out of the intelligence community on
terrorism at that time. That said, we should not be distracted from
the critical issues we need to address by political mudslinging.”
For this reason, Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.) and I, along with
several other colleagues, have introduced a bill that will make
great strides in eliminating the stovepipes that exist in the
intelligence and law enforcement worlds with respect to the sharing
of vital information and helping various computer systems
communicate together.”
“(Member of) Council on Foreign Relations, a privately-funded
research and educational organization.” “A 32nd Degree Mason, a Shriner, and a member of the Mount Zion
Baptist Church of Albany, Georgia.”
( Also member of the
Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity
3rd Richest Member of Congress “The Intelligence Committee is a key one for the congresswoman, who
as the representative of the 36th District, has major intelligence
equipment contractors as her constituents. The new generation of spy
satellites, a top-secret project out of a low-profile federal agency
called the National Reconnaissance Office, is believed to be bigger
in scope than the Manhattan Project, with a cost estimated at $25
billion over 20 years. Two contractors from El Segundo, Raytheon and
Boeing, are involved in building the new satellites. Harman’s
position on the Intelligence Committee means she is one of the few
people in the country who is regularly briefed on this highly
classified project.” (
Some top contributors (2001/2) 1 AOL Time Warner $13,250 2 National Venture Capital Assn $12,000 3 Boeing Co $11,500 4 General Motors $11,000 5 Blue Dog PAC $10,000 5 Carpenters & Joiners Union $10,000 5 United Auto Workers $10,000 8 Park Place Entertainment $9,000 9 Jones, Day et al $8,300 10 DreamWorks SKG $8,000 10 Loral Spacecom $8,000 12 Lockheed Martin $7,500 12 Raytheon Co $7,500 (
2) Member: Council on Foreign Relations
GARY A CONDIT Two words: Chandra Levy
How likely is he to stand up and point fingers?... “I am pleased that we have agreed to focus on improving our
protection efforts and not waste time trying to assign blame.” (
US Senate Committee on Intelligence 107th Congress
DEMOCRATS Bob Graham, Florida - CHAIRMAN Carl Levin, Michigan John D. Rockefeller, West Virginia Dianne Feinstein, California Ron Wyden, Oregon Richard J. Durbin, Illinois Evan Bayh, Indiana John Edwards, North Carolina Barbara Mikulski, Maryland
REPUBLICANS Richard C. Shelby, Alabama - VICE CHAIRMAN Jon Kyl, Arizona James M. Inhofe, Oklahoma Orrin Hatch, Utah Pat Roberts, Kansas Mike DeWine, Ohio Fred Thompson, Tennessee Richard Lugar, Indiana Here are the highlights (or lowlights)
Bob Graham met with Al-Qaeda’s chief financier, Mahmoud Ahmad, on
the morning of September 11. As with Porter J. Goss, his role in
this investigation was to bury that connection. “He was a primary author of the USA PATRIOT ACT” “Even before September 11th, Senator Graham was the primary mover
behind Counterintelligence 21, which President Clinton signed in
December 2000 and the Bush administration has pledged to continue.
This initiative is a far-reaching, methodical approach to
identifying the most sensitive information in our government and
then safeguarding that information.” “He received a bachelor’s degree in 1959 from the University of
Florida, where he was Phi Beta Kappa Skull & Bones, albeit detached from Yale, established 1935 ( Member: Council on Foreign Relations
CARL LEVIN Member: Council on Foreign Relations JOHN D ROCKEFELLER (aka Jay Rockefeller) (aka John Davison
Rockefeller IV) ( Member: Council on Foreign Relations Member: Trilateral Commission (confirmed 2002 by e-mailing the Trilateral Commission) “Rockefeller is the great-grandson of John D. Rockefeller, one of
the world’s first billionaires. Although Forbes estimates the
Rockefeller family fortune to be at least $8.5 billion in October
2000, Rockefeller listed assets of more than $100 million - most of
which is tied up in three qualified blind trusts and other
investments - on his 2000 financial disclosure forms. Other
investments listed on his forms include U.S. savings bonds and
numerous stocks in his wife’s name. The stocks include shares in
companies such as DoubleClick Inc., Walt Disney Co., Cisco Systems,
Amgen, Applied Materials, AT&T Wireless, PepsiCo Inc., Nortel
Networks Corp., Sotheby’s Holdings Inc., Triangle Pharmaceuticals,
United Parcel Service and Rolls-Royce.” (
Top Contributors 2001/2 1 Delta Airlines $18,550 2 Baron & Budd $13,000 3 AFLAC Inc $11,000 3 United Airlines $11,000 5 Bank One Corp $10,150 6 Air Line Pilots Assn $10,000 6 American Fedn of St/Cnty/Munic Employees $10,000 6 Bayer Corp $10,000 (manufacturer of Cipro, the anthrax fighting
anti-biotic. President Bush and his entire cabinet were taking Cipro on the
evening of September 11, weeks before the first anthrax letter. Ari Fleischer
admitted this and the Associated Press carried it in a report)36 6 DASHPAC $10,000 6 FedEx Corp $10,000 6 Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $10,000 6 Machinists/Aerospace Workers Union $10,000 13 Ernst & Young $9,000 13 O’Melveny & Myers $9,000 15 Kirkland & Ellis $8,936 16 Park Corp $8,000 17 Bowles, Rice et al $7,700 18 Lockheed Martin $7,300 (
Member: Executive Branch - Bilderberg Group (
Member: Trilateral Commission (
Strong proponent of USA Patriot Act, stating it would capitalize on
a “whole new world” brought about as a result of September 11th. (
(D-Ore.) today introduced legislation creating a 36 ‘White House
Mail Sorters Anthrax-Free’ – Sandra Sobieraj – Associated Press –
October 24 2001 – available at
national Terrorist Identification Classification System, or “TIC
List,” to track and share information about known and suspected
international terrorists and terrorist organizations that might
threaten United States citizens or interests. Wyden, a member of the
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, proposed the creation of a
centralized database comprised of terrorist-related information from
the entire U.S. intelligence community and accessible to Federal,
State and local law enforcement agencies. The Chair of the Select
Committee on Intelligence, Sen. Bob Graham (Skull and Bones, CFR),
is a cosponsor of the bill.” (
( Member: Bilderberg Group - Attended
1999 meeting in Portugal with Bill Clinton
Father was a Freemason (
Top contributors (1997-2002) 1 Conseco Inc $63,250 2 Morgan Stanley $40,200 3 Goldman Sachs $37,000 4 Eli Lilly & Co $36,450 5 Carlyle Group $26,058 6 CIBC Wood Gundy Holdings $24,750 7 SBC Communications $24,555 8 Bank One Corp $23,544 9 Cinergy Corp $22,500 (
2) Co-sponsored a bill to bring back national service (
Received campaign contributions from Loral CEO Bernard Schwartz in
recent years, involved with Clinton Whitewater scandal. (
I ntroduced Senate bill S.1697 in November 1993 - proposed draconian
and dictatorial powers under FEMA command. (
Before the investigative committee has even convened, Kyl has made
his mind up... “The United States had no warning of the September 11 attack, though
it was planned well in advance.” (
Member: Council on Foreign Relations
Inhofe has also already declared his bias...
Inhofe Blasts Bush Critics on Intelligence Briefing: “It is especially outrageous for them to insinuate that President
Bush could have
prevented the September 11 attacks. Spreading such an obvious lie is
despicable.” (
Top Contributors 1 National Republican Senatorial Cmte $17,500 2 Carlyle Group $11,000 2 El Paso Corp $11,000 4 Golden Rule Financial $10,500 5 Arvest Bank Group $10,000 5 Collazo Enterprises $10,000 5 Defend America PAC $10,000 5 FedEx Corp $10,000 5 Health Net Inc $10,000 5 Lockheed Martin $10,000 5 Murray Energy Corp $10,000 5 New Republican Majority Fund $10,000 13 Anadarko Petroleum $9,600 14 Outdoor Advertising Assn of America $9,234 15 American Bankers Assn $9,000 15 Exelon Corp $9,000 15 General Dynamics $9,000 18 Northrop Grumman $8,000 19 Kerr-McGee Corp $7,000 19 National Cattlemen’s Beef Assn $7,000 (
2) Inhofe was Oklahoma Senator during the last government terror
operation, the bombing of the Alred P. Murrah federal building in
April 1995.
Supports FBI reforms (key phrase “I applaud Director Mueller...”) (
Also, Hatch is well up for Presidential Executive Powers (
Member: Council on Foreign Relations “In 2002, he was elected to the prestigious Council on Foreign
Relations, an organization that promotes improved understanding of
international affairs through public and private discussion.” (
Senate Watergate Committee, Minority Counsel. (
Chief of Air Operations in Die Hard II movie (he’ll be useful for
writing the whitewash script) (,+Fred+Dalton)
Member: Council on Foreign Relations “During the 99th Congress (1985-86), Lugar served as chairman of the
Relations Committee, restoring its power and eminence and earning
the moniker
of “most influential Republican voice in foreign policy on Capitol
Hill,” from New York Times journalist R.W. Apple Jr.” “As a Navy ensign in the late 1950s, Lugar served in the highly
sensitive position of naval intelligence briefer. He arose at 2:30
a.m., memorized overnight intelligence reports from around the globe
and summarized them verbally for Chief of Naval Operations Admiral
Arleigh Burke, the CIA Director, cabinet secretaries, and members of
I compiled the investigation detailed above in the spring of 2002
and just as I predicated, the first official probe into the events
of 9/11 revealed next to nothing and was just another in a series of
insults to the victims. Henry Kissinger, the notorious war criminal,
was actually named as head of the second commission but stepped down
after public pressure.
P2OG: Making Sure Terrorists are Angry
For all the fear mongering and apocalyptic warnings, post-9/11
America hasn’t suffered another terrorist attack and I sincerely
hope that is still the case as you are reading these words. To this
end, the Pentagon decided that in order to create the likelihood of
more terrorist attacks both on U.S. soil and abroad, they would need
to provoke terrorists into action.
P2OG stands for the Proactive Pre-emptive Operations Group and is a
fusion of the military and CIA. The group’s allocated budget is an
estimated $3.3 billion, according to the Asia Times37, but other
sources have placed it closer to $7 billion.
This body would launch secret operations aimed at “stimulating
reactions” among terrorists and states possessing weapons of mass
destruction - that is, for instance, prodding terrorist cells into
action and exposing themselves to “quickresponse” attacks by U.S.
forces.38 So there we have the L.A. Times telling us that the
Pentagon will now be manipulating terrorists groups to ensure that
they attack U.S. interests. Once again, it’s out in the open and in
your face. And yet again the rationale is similar to MI5 having
their agents carry out bombings and kill children supposedly to
retain their cover in terrorists organizations – total lunacy. The
program evokes flashback to the maniacal planning of Lemnitzer and
his Operation Northwoods cronies.
Moscow Times writer Chris Floyd one was of the few journalists to be
rightly outraged by P2OG,
Let’s say this plainly, clearly and
soberly, so that no one can mistake the intention of Rumsfeld’s
plan—the United States government is planning to use “cover and
deception” and secret military operations to provoke murderous
terrorist attacks on innocent people.
Let’s say it again: Donald Rumsfeld,
Dick Cheney,
George W. Bush and the other members of the
unelected regime in Washington plan to deliberately foment the
murder of innocent people—your family, your friends, your lovers,
you—in order to further their geopolitical ambitions.39
37 ‘P2OG
allows Pentagon to fight dirty – David Isenberg – Asia Times –
November 5 2002 -
38 ‘The
Secret War’ – William M. Arkin – Los Angeles Times – October 27 2002
– available at
39 ‘Global
Eye—Into the Dark’ – Chris Floyd – Moscow Times – November 1 2002 -
Further P2OG
funding will also go towards creating ‘red teams’ that will plot
‘imaginary terror attacks’ on the U.S. and then thwart them. From
the evidence we’ve seen, this sounds like another ‘CIA practicing
crashing planes into buildings’ - the attacks won’t be imaginary,
they will be real. The government will precipitate them by saying
there’s no doubt they will happen and then seize on them after they
happen by reassuring you that they will protect you by taking your
rights away.
The constant (government) threat of terror has turned people into
willing informants. The new definition of patriotism is helping the
state in any way you can to stop the terrorists, even if it
fundamentally violates the rights of the individual. Even a
high-tech dictatorship cannot keep track of all its slaves short of
putting them in camps and so the citizens need to be encouraged to
spy on each other. That sounds like the old Soviet Union I hear you
say! And yet, The Bush Administration aims to recruit millions of
United States citizens as domestic informants in a program likely to
alarm civil liberties groups.
The Terrorism Information and
Prevention System, or TIPS, means the US will have a higher
percentage of citizen informants than the former East Germany
through the infamous Stasi secret police. The program would use a
minimum of 4 per cent of Americans to report “suspicious
activity”.40 The TIPS program was quietly announced as part of the
Citizen Corps initiative under the jurisdiction of FEMA.
intention was to hire people in the kind of professions that involve
a high degree of contact with the public – postal workers, truck
drivers, utility employees etc. These snoops would compile reports
on individuals they considered to be engaging in suspicious or
subversive activity and in some instances even perform a search on
that person’s home. This information would then be fed into a
centralized Justice Department database.
Just read that back again to yourself and think how far America has
been flushed
down the toilet in the name of security. Here we have the government
testing a program where Americans are informing on each other to
‘protect the
homeland’. The stuff of tacky but nightmarish futuristic movies like
The Running
Man is actually being implemented in front of our noses. John Mason, a professor of political science at William Paterson University in New
Jersey put his
finger on the issue in stating,
“It is not going to do anything useful, and it is about maintaining
a climate of fear, a sort of mobilization for war. It has a lot to do with politics and it gives
the general public a way of
participating in a war without a visible enemy.”41
40 ‘US planning to recruit one in 24 Americans as citizen spies’ –
Ritt Goldstein - Sydney Morning Herald – July 15 2002 -
41 ‘I’m happy to spy for America’ - Charles Laurence – London
Telegraph – July 21 2002 -
Before the program was ‘abandoned’, training centers in 10 American
cities were set up and stickers were issued with the national TIPS
hotline phone number to be displayed on delivery vehicles. Bear in
mind, this is all from a ‘Republican’ administration that is
supposed to uphold a conservative ideology of limited government and
respect of personal privacy. Republican or Democrat, the agenda and
the policies are the same because we have an illegitimate faction in
control at the very top.
TIPS drew distain from both the left and right after it was
announced. John
Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute was quoted in the Washington
“This is
George Orwell’s ‘1984.’
It’s an absolutely horrible and very
dangerous idea. It’s making Americans into government snoops.
President Bush wants the average American to do what the FBI should
be doing. In the end, though, nothing is going to prevent terrorists
from crashing planes into buildings.”42
A major reason behind the
eventual death of TIPS was the fact that the postal service declined
to take part after being approached by Homeland Security. House
Majority Leader Dick Armey then inserted a clause within the bill
that established Homeland Security stating that the program would
not be included as part of the package. However, the Justice
Department only agreed to throw out the added inclusion of a
centralized database. The program is on the backburner, waiting to
be fully implemented after the next terror attack.
I n Australia an indistinguishable program has already been
introduced. The Australian government launched a national campaign
entitled ‘Let’s Look Out For Australia’. Although the Australian
public and Congress were firmly against supporting a war in Iraq,
with Congress having given Prime Minister John Howard a vote of no
confidence, they are united behind their leader in the name of
fighting terrorism.
The program is almost identical to the American
TIPS program.
It is important to stress that the state advising the citizens of a
country to spy on each other is exactly what happened under the East
German Stasi system. Erich Honecker, long the leader of East
Germany, was not Hitler. But his police state of 17 million people
boasted 95,000 full-time Stasi agents, more than double the number
of Gestapo agents in Nazi Germany.
The Australian government sent out a booklet on the program to every
citizen in
the country. The front cover shows happy smiling children and
helpful law
enforcement, immediately couching the booklet in a warm embrace of
government love. The fourth page explains how Australia has been
placed under
‘Special Operations Command’, which is similar to the U.S. Northcom.
Included is
a picture of an army helicopter dropping marines onto an Australian
42 ‘Planned volunteer-informant corps elicits 1984 fears’ – Ellen
Sorokin – Washington Times – July 16 2002 -
On page seven, citizens are advised to keep an eye out for
behavior in their own neighborhood. Included is a cut-out card with
anonymous 24-hour national security hotline for reporting
subversives to the federal government. On page nine, suspicious
behavior is defined as photography or videotaping of buildings
(tourism) and ominously ‘living a lifestyle that doesn’t add up’.
Below in bold is printed ‘please accept heightened security’.
Australians who still maintained the ability to recognize despotism
were unimpressed, Some critics have suggested that Howard is using
the current fear of terrorism to mask a more personal and
destructive political agenda.
David Day, lecturer in history at Melbourne’s La Trobe University,
said the new campaign was in
the tradition of Australian wartime propaganda which vilified the
Japanese, although now the
enemy is unspecified.43
But why bother presenting tyranny in the form of a government scheme
when the
tattletale society erected since September 11 has been successfully
introduced by stealth anyway? Across America citizens are being encouraged to
sign up for
programs like Citizen Corps, Secure Corps and AmeriCorps. The
Anti-Terrorism Training Initiative in Philadelphia had the
government training
people to spy on their neighbors,
Across the region, regular folks—from professionals to
grandmothers—are being trained by the
government to be lookouts in the fight against homeland terrorism.
Those behind these training
programs say they are taking pains to keep them from degenerating
into neighborhood spy teams
unduly influenced by presumptions and jingoism. “Our motto is: Watch
America with pride, not
prejudice,” said Michael Licata, who helped develop a widely used
community antiterrorism
Town watch groups, known as the “eyes and ears” of the police, have
attracted new members
since Sept. 11, according to the National Crime Prevention Council.
Watch duties have
expanded, too, with neighbors out to spot not only vandals and
burglars but terrorist cells as
In this particular program, suspicious behavior included drawing
doodles on restaurant napkins. Crime is being merged with terrorism
and there are programs being introduced in both Britain and America
where people are paid to inform and spy on potential drunk-drivers
and speeders. In Nazi Germany, Hitler had his Hitler Youth.
1984 there was the Youth league where children were trained
to spy on their parents.
In Bucks County Philadelphia a $400,000
‘Homeland Security summer camp’ was set up under Secure Corps,
Billed as one of the nation’s first “homeland security training
summer camps for teenagers,” a program called Secure Corps in Bucks
County is drilling 92 young men and women in essential skills for
this new, uncertain era.
And those skills include math:
“If I have
40 acres of forest,” runs a typical problem, “how many search dogs
will I need to find a fugitive?”
….”Closer! Get closer!” one instructor shouted as sweat beaded on
Neroni’s face.
43 ‘The G’days are over as Australians mount Bali terror hunt’ –
Mark Chipperfield - The Scotsman -
44 ‘Citizens trained for vigilance’ – Lini S. Kadaba - Houston
Chronicle – December 23 2002 – available at
Neroni is a
motormouthed, good-hearted teen from Morrisville who said she joined
Secure Corps at the
suggestion of her therapist. Her day had begun with a lesson on
which type of extinguisher - A, B,
C, D or K - was appropriate for what kind of fire. Then she had
strapped a compressed-air tank to
her back and crawled through a pitch-black 3-D maze meant to
simulate a burning house. Now
Neroni was calmly edging toward the gas fire, as the air rippled
around her. She unleashed a
sputtering blast of flame-retardant powder from the fire
extinguisher and emerged from the
resulting white cloud flashing a sign of triumph. The fire was out.
This corner of the homeland was
These children are paid the minimum wage and trained in tracking
‘domestic terrorists’, evacuating buildings and confiscating
firearms. Identical
programs have been running in Russia for years. Now the KGB youth
has arrived
in the new Amerika and the media calmly report on it without
pointing out that it
has all the hallmarks of a militarized police state.
This is
Total Information Awareness
Every purchase you make with a credit card, every magazine
subscription you buy and medical prescription you fill, every Web
site you visit and e-mail you send or receive, every academic grade
you receive, every bank deposit you make, every trip you book and
every event you attend — all these transactions and communications
will go into what the Defense Department describes as “a virtual,
centralized grand database.”
To this computerized dossier on your
private life from commercial sources, add every piece of information
that government has about you — passport application, driver’s
license and bridge toll records, judicial and divorce records,
complaints from nosy neighbors to the F.B.I., your lifetime paper
trail plus the latest hidden camera surveillance —and you have the
supersnoop’s dream: a “Total Information Awareness” about every U.S.
citizen.46 Total Information Awareness was announced in February
2002, many months before it received any significant media attention
and was actually originally a Democrat proposal, proof again that
both sides of the political spectrum are controlled.
The program’s
logo is the all-seeing Illuminati eye overseeing the globe. This was
later changed after people pointed out that they were making it a
bit obvious who was behind the initiative. The news that John
Poindexter was to run it actually followed a warning that there was
likely to be a terrorist incident in the U.S. that day. This was it.
TIA was created in tandem with the Information Exploitation Office,
which is its
overseas equivalent. Both are under the umbrella of DARPA, the
Advanced Research Projects Agency. DARPA’s ancestor, ARPA, was
responsible for the creation of the Internet. Admiral John
Poindexter was
appointed Reagan’s national security advisor in 1983, the same year
that his
buddy Donald Rumsfeld was selling chemical and biological weapons to
45 ‘With homeland security in mind, summer camp trains teens -
Matthew P. Blanchard - Philadelphia Enquirer – July 24
2002 – available at
46 ‘You Are a Suspect’ – William Safire – New York Times – November
14 2002 -
He lost
his job after being convicted of conspiracy, lying to Congress,
defrauding the government, and destroying evidence in the Iran
Contra scandal. Iran Contra was the illegal arming of Nicaraguan
rebels in order to overthrow the government of the country. At the
time, Iran was holding American hostages. President Reagan said he
would not negotiate with terrorists. So John Poindexter, along with
Oliver North and many others, sold weapons to the Iranians
(illegally), then took the money they made and funneled it to the
brutal “Contra” army that they built in Central America (also
Poindexter was later pardoned after pressure from his military
industrial complex buddies. So to recap, we have a convicted felon
appointed head of an agency tasked with spying on Americans. How
more blatant can it get that criminals run the government?
Total Information Awareness will track absolutely everything but
unlike Echelon, it will have the ability to analyze and correlate
data to produce detailed dossiers on ‘national security threats’.
Own a gun? Own a political opinion not in favor of the government?
Own a brain? Oh dear, you’re a potential terrorist so Homeland
Security will have to put you in a camp (you know, those camps that
the L.A Times reported on).

FIG 7.6
[CAPTION: The logo for Total
Information Awareness –
an all-seeing Illuminati eye radiating the globe.
This was
subsequently removed from DARPA’s website but is another example
how the New World Order agenda is being orchestrated right in front
of our noses.]
Total Information Awareness was delayed after a
massive backlash from both the left and right but it is just sitting
there waiting to be passed after the next terrorist attack. And the
government building the mega-databases to spy on the people is the
same government carrying out the terrorist attacks. Beginning to see
how it works?
Endless Fake Terror Alerts
The ultimate form of control is fear and the fear that you could
lose your life at any moment elicits a Pavlovian response towards
those who claim they can protect you. Trauma based mind control is
not a conspiracy theory and can be observed naturally after people
have been subject to distress. The New World Order know this and
that is why the U.S. and British governments issued a spate of
fabricated terror alerts immediately after September 11 and continue
to do so to this day. Concurrently we are reminded daily that it’s
not a matter of if but when the next large terrorist attack occurs.
That is akin to a jail guard telling his boss that it’s not a matter
of if but when all the prisoners are going to escape. If the
individuals who staff our intelligence agencies are unable to
prevent large-scale terrorist attacks then they should be fired. And
yet since September 11 nobody in a position of authority has been
sacked and in fact the majority have received raises in addition to
the millions of extra funding that has poured in to the FBI and CIA.
They have been rewarded for their complicity in 9/11.
In December 2002 Senator Charles Grassly, a Republican, described
as a “slap in the face” and “shocking” a decision by FBI director
Robert Mueller to give an award for ‘exceptional performance to
Marion “Spike” Bowman, head of the FBI’s national security law unit.
The award is officially titled ‘Presidential Rank of Meritorious
Service’ and includes cash bonuses of between 20 percent or 35
percent of each recipient’s base salary.
Bowman was instrumental in
calling FBI agents off the trail of Zacarias Moussaoui, the
so-called ‘20th hijacker’ whose arrest many analysts conclude would
have cracked the September 11 plot before it was carried out.
Grassly stated,
“Unfortunately, this award continues a bad
tradition. If the FBI is ever to reform, there must be
The head of the State Department’s consular
service Mary Ryan was awarded $15,000 in October 2002 as part of an
‘outstanding performance bonus’. Her office issued visas to 13 of
the 19 suicide hijackers, giving them entry to the country.
addition, Thomas Furey, who was consul-general in the U.S. Embassy
in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, was also awarded a bonus. The Saudi embassy
was named by former Consulate officer Michael Springman as a conduit
for Al-Qaeda members hired for CIA terrorist training in the 80’s.
We have the dichotomy of the government being rewarded for
protecting terrorists while at the same time issuing apocalyptic
terror alerts. If I called in a hoax bomb threat to a government
building I would rightfully be arrested and yet our governments have
been doing the exact same thing on a larger scale without
I n May and June of 2002 watered down evidence of the Bush
administration’s prior knowledge of the attacks emerged in the
media. Despite the fact that the information was largely a whitewash
it was still a source of embarrassment for a regime that had naively
become used to saying and doing what it liked by dancing on the
graves of the victims of 9/11. To shut down the dissenters and
provide the media with a distraction to fill the headlines, the Bush
administration released a hoaxed terror alert.
They cautioned that
terrorists had hatched plans to attack targets such as stadiums,
nuclear power plants, shopping centers, synagogues, apartment
houses, subways, and the Liberty Bell, the Brooklyn Bridge and other
New York City landmarks. What is even more incredible than the hoax
itself is that they openly admitted it! The Washington Times calmly
reported, The Bush administration issued a spate of terror alerts in
recent days to mute criticism that its national security team sat on
intelligence warnings in the weeks before the September 11 attacks.
The warnings, including yesterday’s uncorroborated FBI report that
terrorists might target the Statue of Liberty, quieted some of the
lawmakers who said President Bush failed to act on clues of the
September 11 attacks, although Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle
yesterday reiterated his demand for an independent investigation.
‘Grassley objects to FBI awards’ – Jerry Seper – Washington Times –
December 20 2002 -
The latest alerts were issued “as a result of all the controversy
that took place last week,” said Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer,
referring to reports that the president received a CIA briefing in
August about terror threats, including plans by Osama bin Laden’s al
Qaeda network to hijack U.S. commercial airliners.48 All the
‘conservative’ news outlets tried to bury the story by claiming that
it was Dan Rather’s opinion that the White House was releasing fake
terror alerts. They could then dismiss it as an empty liberal
sideswipe, blatantly ignoring the Washington Times report (a
conservative publication) and Ari Fleischer himself acknowledging
In January 2003 FBI and CIA whistleblowers told Capitol Hill Blue
that the White House was scripting phony terror alerts to maintain
hysteria, upkeep President Bush’s approval ratings and milk extra
defense funding. The report that five Pakistani men had entered the
States via Canada and were planning on carrying out a dirty bomb or
biological attack was completely conjured up by the Bush
administration’s black propaganda office. New York Harbor was shut
down to visibly pump up the fear. One of the named suspects,
Mohammed Asghar, was tracked down to Pakistan by the Associated
Press. He was a fat guy running a jewelers shop and had never even
been to America.
World Net Daily commented,
Other sources within the bureau and the Central Intelligence Agency
said the administration is pressuring intelligence agencies to
develop “something, anything” to support an array of nonspecific
terrorism alerts issued by the White House and the Department of
Homeland Security. CHB reported that FBI and CIA sources said a
recent White House memo listing the war on terrorism as a definitive
political advantage and fund-raising tool is just one of many
documents discussing how to best utilize the terrorist threat.49
Making hoax threats to carry out terrorist acts is punishable by law
under H.R. 3209. This legislation outlines that any party doing so
will be liable for a fine of up to $250,000 and a prison sentence of
up to five years. So why aren’t the Democrats exposing the fact that
the Bush administration is engaging in criminal activity? Democratic
strategist Russ Barksdale gives us the answer,
“Of course the White
House is going to exploit the terrorism threat to the fullest
political advantage, they would be fools not to. We’d do the same
Days after this story broke and began to gain more
attention; ABC News sprang into action and whitewashed the story so
it could be safely swept under the carpet.
48 ‘Alerts tied to memo flap’ –
Joseph Curl – Washington Times – May 22 2002 -
‘Terror alerts manufactured?’ - Jon Dougherty – World Net Daily –
January 6 2003 -
‘Terrorism alerts based more on political need than fact’ – Doug
Thompson – Capitol Hill Blue – January 2 2003 -
They reported that the fake terror alert was a ‘mistake’ as
a result of an informant lying to the FBI, thus shifting the
emphasis away from the FBI and CIA agents blowing the whistle on how
the government was manufacturing evidence to heighten fear.51 To
legitimize SWAT cops in Darth Vader masks pushing people around on
street corners, the government needed to convince the people that
this was a successful method of fighting terrorism. So it was that
we saw a wave of arrests and break-ups of ‘Al Qaeda cells’ from
Spain to Italy to England.
Maybe there really were dangerous mass
killers around every corner and the government really just wanted to
protect us. Not quite. These arrests were subject to a blaze of
publicity and headlined the evening news. However, after
investigations found no evidence to justify detaining those
arrested, their release warranted only a paragraph in the back of
the newspaper. A plot to release cyanide in the London Underground
was ‘foiled by MI5’ and splashed across the front pages. The fact
that no cyanide was ever found and most of the suspects were
released within days was barely mentioned. Nine arrests were made
under anti-terrorism laws and yet six of those detained were
released within hours.
In late January 2003, 28 Pakistani men were arrested in a raid in
the Italian city of Naples. The headlines shrieked that the men were
plotting assassinations and bombings of NATO targets. They had maps
of London, the U.S. consulate and American naval bases. They were a
definite ‘Al-Qaeda terrorist cell’ in possession of 800 grams of
explosives, enough to blow up a three-story building. Despite all
this unfolding in Italy, it made the top story on both American and
British news for two days.
Just two weeks later, the BBC quietly announced,
An Italian judge has ordered the release of 28 Pakistani immigrants
arrested on suspicion of
planning terrorist attacks. The reasons for the order are unclear,
but reports suggest little
evidence was found against the men.52
And so the story vanished.
In London, a plethora of arrests were made after police supposedly
ingredients used to make the deadly ricin poison. Many suspects were
released and doubts emerged as to whether any actual ricin
components were
seized. The Algerian terrorist ring was said to have obtained the
poison from a
cave in Afghanistan, where large quantities were found. To know this
was false
took just a brief glance back in the archives and a story of March
51 ‘Fake Infiltration - Sources Say Informant Made Up Story of Men
Who Slipped Into U.S.’ – ABC News – January 6 2003
52 ‘Italy frees Pakistani terror suspects’ – BBC – February 13 2003
Under the
headline ‘Britain accused on terror lab claim - Story of find in
Afghan cave ‘was
made up’ to justify sending marines’ – the London Observer reported,
Britain was accused last night of falsely claiming that al-Qaeda
terrorists had built a ‘biological and chemical weapons’ laboratory
in Afghanistan to justify the deployment of 1,700 Royal Marines to
fight there.
The allegation follows a Downing Street briefing by a
senior official to newspapers on Friday which claimed US forces had
discovered a biological weapons laboratory in a cave in eastern
Afghanistan after fighting near the city of Gardez this month.53 The
White House had to publicly admit that the story was fabricated to
avoid deeper embarrassment because there was no actual evidence to
support the claim. So the original source of the ricin was in actual
fact based on a foundation of total fabrication.
After a while the blatantly fake terror alerts that never preceded a
terror attack were beginning to lose their gravity. People largely
ignored them and were not imbued by fear. The next government threat
had to be backed up by physical action.
I t was at this point that Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge
announced that the Orwellian terrorism threat level had been raised
to orange, one notch short of full out police state takeover. Armed
police and the National Guard swarmed the streets of New York and
Washington, helicopters and military jets patrolled the skies, Tony
Blair considered putting troops on the streets of Britain, tanks
were already rolling around Heathrow airport and the M25 motorway,
airport screeners made sure more 70-year-old men took their shoes
off to be searched.
TV networks rabidly hijacked the fear and
reveled in the panic, highlighting interviews with people on the
street commenting on how this downtown Beirut military occupation
was acceptable because it was part of the ‘new America’ (or new Amerika). People were encouraged to buy first aid kits and duct tape
to seal their windows.

FIG 7.7
[CAPTION: Tanks roll at Heathrow airport after
another fake terror alert.]
Yet again, there was no reliable
information to indicate a potential terrorist attack (one not
carried out by the CIA that is). Many observed that the alarm was
merely a show of force to frighten the people into supporting an
impending war on Iraq. The government was again terrorizing the
The measures were put in place because the government had, once
again, been lied to by their informants. Or so we’re told. And once
again, ABC News rushed out to whitewash the story, The informant
described a detailed plan that an al Qaeda cell operating in either
Virginia or Detroit had developed a way to slip past airport
scanners with dirty bombs encased in shoes, suitcases, or laptops, sources told ABCNEWS.
53 ‘Britain accused on
terror lab claim’ - Peter Beaumont and Ed Vulliamy – London Observer
– March 24 2002 -,6903,673171,00.html
The informant
reportedly cited specific targets of government buildings and
Christian or clerical centers. “This piece of that puzzle turns out
to be fabricated and therefore the reason for a lot of the alarm,
particularly in Washington this week, has been dissipated after they
found out that this information was not true,” said Vince Cannistraro, former CIA counter-terrorism chief and ABCNEWS
I don’t believe for a second that the CIA had at any
point believed New York, Washington or Florida had been, according
to this lying informant, targets of a dirty bomb attack. As we were
warned before by the responsible FBI and CIA agents, the government
was again scripting hysterics to bully us into submission. Even
though the whole thing was admitted to be a false alarm the orange
terror threat status still remained in force days and weeks after.
Targeting Tourists, Not Terrorists: Why Airport Security Is A
The airports of the developed world have been turned into
mini prototype police states. with little or no backlash from those
forced to pass through them. But of course we’ll suffer any assault
on our God-given rights to ‘save us from the terrorists,’ won’t we?
This argument is based on the assumption that there are actual
terrorists worth worrying about and secondly that the measures being
taken in our airports are aimed at stopping their activity. Both
claims cannot be substantiated.
Following in the footsteps of several U.S. counterparts, Sydney
Airport recently announced its beta testing of face recognition
biometric cameras, aimed at identifying ‘terrorists and other
undesirable travelers’ according to the Sydney Morning Herald.55 As
with all biometric technologies, the digital algorithms that make up
your facial features are captured and compared with a computer
database of criminals. If you resemble an enemy of the state then
red flags are immediately coordinated to the operator and your
dangerous terrorist activity is brought to a swift halt.
Proponents of this system fail to take into account that terrorist
masterminds are hardly likely to use notorious criminals to carry
out operations where their movements will be filmed a hundred times
over. If there were nineteen hijackers on September 11 roaming
around American airports, surely there would be multiple video
sequences of their activity? The FBI says so but all they have
provided us with is a dodgy tape of Atta with two different time
stamps on it. The rest is classified ‘due to the ongoing
Another fairly important factor related to facial recognition
technology is that it
doesn’t actually work. A Boston Globe report, cited by The Register,
that a similar test at Boston’s Logan Airport failed miserably.
54 ‘False Alarm? - Terror Alert Partly Based on Fabricated
Information’ – Brian Ross, Len Tepper and Jill Rackmill – ABC
News – February 13 2003 -
55 ‘Passengers secretly filmed in anti-terror trial’ – Jim O’Rourke
– Sydney Morning Herald – January 5 2003 -
American people are largely unaware of what a monumental fraud
face-recognition is when applied to crowd surveillance. As we’ve
reported numerous times in the past, it simply does not work as
advertised, and it can’t.56
You see, not unlike a toaster that only
has two settings – burnt and warm bread –facial recognition
technology is either far too sensitive or positively laid back.
Either Ahmed and his terrorist chums walk on by unhindered or a
mother with a pram is likely to be subjected to an armed standoff.
On the non-sensitive setting anyone who is aware of the technology
can avoid it by wearing a pair of sunglasses.
So what other methods will Big Brother present in order to ‘save us
from the terrorists’?
In the first stage of what will eventually morph into the behemoth
Information Awareness’ – the U.S. Justice Department has proposed
regulations that would entail everyone who wanted to fly in and out
the country would be forced to disclose detailed personal
Under the new proposal, Americans on commercial air and sea travel
would be required to fill out forms detailing their comings and
goings. Under the new regulations, the information would be sent
electronically to the government to be matched against security
Even though the Immigration and Naturalization Service
would implement the regulations, the law would apply to American
citizens. This at a time when both the northern and southern borders
are more wide open than ever. The ACLU, more interested in making
sure gay people are allowed to cavort in street parades, have
declared no opposition to the proposal.
Some people, perhaps even most, would have no aversion to providing
their name, date of birth, citizenship, sex, passport number,
country of residence, U.S. visa number, and address while in the
United States. I would certainly support such measures for
foreigners if I were under the delusion that our governments had any
incentive to prevent terrorism. But what most don’t realize is that
this is only the initial stage of a nice little horror that the
government has been planning for a year or more.
As can be judged from reports early last year by both the Washington
Post58 and the Los Angeles Times59, these new proposals are merely
the first generation in the creation of a centralized government
database via the airports and airliners and one that will possibly
form the largest chunk of Total Information Awareness.
56 ‘Face recognition fails in Boston airport’ – Thomas C.
Greene – The Register – July 20 2002 -
57 ‘Proposed
anti-terror rules for travelers get personal’ – Frank J. Murray –
Washington Times -
58 ‘Intricate
Screening Of Fliers In Works’ – Robert O’Harrow Jr. – Washington
Post – February 1 2002 -¬Found=true
Federal aviation
authorities (power) in alliance with technology companies (greed)
eventually plan to delve much deeper into your personal life, right
down to your daily activities through to what magazines you read.
This, according to Joseph Del Balzo, formerly with the FAA, will
enable the government to have, “a pretty good idea of what’s going
on in a person’s mind.”
Such minute details would characterize an
individual’s ‘threat assessment’ – so if you willingly submit to
letting the government know how many times you go to the toilet a
day then you’ll get a green security grade, cheap airline tickets,
fast airport security checks, convenience and consumer love. On the
other hand, if you have any semblance of morality or memories of
what it was like to live in a free country and refuse the ‘trusted
traveler pass’ – you’ll get a red security grade and will be rightly
hassled for the subversive that you are.
The government will have a large task on its hands collating all the
data but has already been assured by market research companies that
the system is workable. They shall willingly pass on the data
they’ve collected on you from all those annoying dinnertime calls,
just for a small slice of the money pie. Big Brother then quashes
our fears by promising us there is no possible scope for abuse of
the program. Officials admit that ultimately the system is designed
to be integrated into the biometric national ID card. Let me spell
it out for you. A mandatory national ID card with your biometric
thumbprint scanned on which tells the reader how the government view
your behavior on a scale of ‘submissive and compliant with state
demands’ (green) to ‘definite subversive, possible enemy of the
state and potential terrorist – 9pm house curfew’. Get the picture?
Just take a glance at how the early ‘security measures’ have played
out at airports across the world. Every week we hear stories about
18-year-old zit faced adolescents fondling blonde haired, blue-eyed
women because they might be terrorists. Or how obese, greasy old men
take 8-year-old Katie aside for some ‘special screening’. Nicholas
Monahan, a film producer, related the harrowing tale of how his
pregnant wife was forced to expose herself and have screeners touch
her breasts in full public view at Portland International Airport.
Upon seeing his wife crying her eyes out, Monahan complained and was
subsequently arrested and thrown in the airport jail (yes they do
have those now). Monahan likened his experience to something out of
The Gulag Archipelago. The trauma of the experience contributed to
his wife having to have a caesarean section, There are plenty of
stories like this these days. I don’t know how many I’ve read where
the writer describes some breach of civil liberties by employees of
the state, then wraps it all up with a dire warning about what we as
a nation are becoming, and how if we don’t put an end to it now,
then we’re in for heaps of trouble.
Well you know what? Nothing’s
going to stop the inevitable.
59 ‘Trusted Air Travelers
Program Would Minimize Wait’ – L.A. Times – February 5 2002 –
available at
There’s no policy change that’s going to save us. There’s no
election that’s going to put a halt to the onslaught of tyranny.
It’s here already – this country has changed for the worse and will
continue to change for the worse. There is now a division between
the citizenry and the state. When that state is used as a tool
against me, there is no longer any reason why I should owe any
allegiance to that state.60
Don’t forget for a second that all this
is coming from a government that is ‘manufacturing terrorist alerts
to keep the issue alive in the minds of voters and to keep President
Bush’s approval ratings high’.
Look for the definition of terrorism
in your dictionary and you’ll get something similar to,
unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or
an organized group against people or property with the intention of
intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for
ideological or political reasons.”
By this very definition, the only
group gaining a political advantage from terrorism or the threat of
terrorism is the White House! Who is creating the ‘terrorist threat’
to justify the windfall of power and money that goes hand in glove
with new airport security regulations? The very same group pushing
the security regulations.
Here’s a solution that would prevent another September 11 from
happening, along with preventing our airports from becoming police
state processing points. It’s a solution that is loaded with common
sense, guaranteed to work, but would make no money for technology
companies and wouldn’t contribute to feeding Total Information
Awareness, which is just coincidentally why the government has been
dragging its feet over implementing it. Arm the pilots.
The King Has No Clothes: But Saying So Might Land You In Prison
hallmark of an effective dictatorship, whether that be Stalinist
Russia or Hitler’s Germany, is the wholesale silencing of the
opposing voice. Criticism of the government must be eliminated
because the foundation of despots crumbles when their authority is
questioned in a sober and educated manner. For those of us who don’t
live in countries like China or Zimbabwe, a benchmark of how healthy
our freedoms are is to judge how our government reacts to criticism.
We should therefore be alarmed that a growing pretext is being set
whereby it is either illegal or an act of political suicide to
criticize President Bush.
Prior to September 11, jokes about George W. Bush’s questionable
were the highlight of any given evening at the comedy club. Bush’s
own words
provided enough material to build on. Consider the following,
“I’ve coined new words, like, misunderstanding and Hispanically.”
Correspondents Association dinner,
Washington, D.C., March 29, 2001
“You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a
literacy test.”
—Townsend, Tenn
Feb. 21, 2001
60 ‘Coffee, Tea, or Should We Feel Your Pregnant Wife’s Breasts
Before Throwing You in a Cell at the Airport and Then
Lying About Why We Put You There?’ - Nicholas Monahan – December 21
2002 -
“Rarely is the
question asked: is our children learning.” - Florence, SC, Jan. 11,
2000 “I think anybody who doesn’t think I’m smart enough to handle
the job is underestimating.”
—U.S.News & World Report,
April 3, 2000
Since the terrorist attacks, any questioning of Bush’s mental
capacity is viewed as subversive activity. If you’re a politician,
you must resign immediately. If you’re a member of the public, you
may be subject to an FBI investigation.
I n September 2002, German Justice Minister Herta Daeubler-Gmelin
suggested that Bush’s foreign policy was planned to distract from
his domestic problems - a tactic used by Hitler. The media hijacked
the comments and concocted headlines like ‘German Minister says Bush
is new Hitler’. White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, eager to
childishly avenge German non-cooperation in the war with Iraq,
responded by labeling the comments as “outrageous and inexplicable.”
Despite a public apology, Daeubler-Gmelin was subsequently forced to
resign from office.
As an aside, in a decidedly unsophisticated propaganda crusade, the
Bush administration compared Saddam Hussein to Hitler. Hitler’s
projected 1,000-year Reich was to be built by invading countries and
setting up a pan-European empire. Ask yourself, how many countries
has Bush threatened to invade compared to Saddam Hussein?
Just a month after Daeubler-Gmelin resigned, Francoise Ducros, a top
aide to Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, referred to President
Bush as “a moron” at the NATO summit in Prague. The comment was made
to a radio reporter and instantly became front-page news. In stark
contrast with their reaction to Daeubler-Gmelin, the White House
trotted out Flesicher to dismiss the comment as “something from
someone who doesn’t speak for the Canadian government.” They wanted
to keep Canada sweet because at that stage their unbridled support
for a war on Iraq was on the verge of being secured. Ducros
apologized but was forced to resign shortly after.
Just a day after Ducros quit, the British satirical cartoon show,
2DTV, were informed by the Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre
(BACC) that an ad for their Christmas video had been banned. The
commercial featured a cackling Bush mistakenly putting the videotape
in a toaster instead of a video player. The BACC ruled that the ad
was offensive to Bush’s intelligence. This, despite the fact that
the program itself ‘offends’ Bush’s intelligence on a weekly basis.
2DTV produced a milder second version of the ad but this too was
banned because it portrayed the President in a negative light. The
realization that the man supposedly leading the free world in a war
against global terrorism was in fact quite stupid is just too hot to
The consequences of criticizing Bush were fully understood by these
politicians and companies. However, at least they have a media
platform on which to defend themselves. This saga takes on a more
sinister tone when individuals are persecuted for daring to stand up
to Bush.
A protest group called ‘Turn Your Back on Bush’ experienced the full
force of the new post-9/11 dictatorship after they discovered the
President was to fulfill a speaking engagement at Ohio State
University on June 14 2002. Lost in the muddy nostalgia of a
pre-9/11 America, where groups had at least some rights to assemble,
the protestors thought they could rekindle the days where a Bush
appearance went hand in glove with a chorus of boos from a sizeable
Not so, Richard Hollingsworth, Associate Vice President of
Student Affairs, warned the group that he was aware of their plans
and that any protest would entail ejections and arrests being made.
He also threatened undergraduates that their diploma would be
stripped if they were to so much as make a sound. This had a massive
chilling effect and only a handful of students and others actually
did turn their back on Bush at the ceremony. One was ejected by
police and his arrest was probably only avoided because he was
carrying a three-year old child.
This enabled the Washington Post to
state, “If there was a protest in the stadium, it was not visible to
reporters.” The Post could then concentrate on the sycophantic
response of the audience to Bush’s every sentence with glee.
Richard Humphreys, a resident of Portland Oregon, was sentenced to
years in jail after he made a joke about President Bush during
Bush’s March
2001 trip to Sioux Falls. The joke included the line “I said God
might speak to the
world through a burning Bush,” which was taken as meaning Humphreys
to douse Bush in flammable liquid and set him ablaze. A bartender
and immediately alerted the police to the activities of this
dangerous terrorist. The
actual arrest was obviously made before September 11 but the way
that event
changed the mindset of the American authorities no doubt contributed
to the
ridiculous three year prison term, which was handed out in June
2002. This story
was originally reported by CNN, who mysteriously chose to remove the
from their website just a few weeks after its appearance.61
If you think that was an overreaction, just consider the case of a
student at Bellbrook High School in Ohio. The unnamed teenager chose
to wear a T-shirt with the words “not my president” superimposed
over a picture of President Bush. When a crosshair was added to the
design, two students came forward and complained to the school
administrators. The Assistant Principal then made the decision to
call the FBI because the high school kid could have been a terrorist
planning to assassinate Bush.
What’s even more absurd is that the
FBI actually treated the case with the utmost significance and the
investigation was eventually turned over to the Secret Service!
61 ‘Burning Bush comment draws prison term – CNN – June 12 2002 –
available at
These are the real threats to America – not wide-open borders or
Muslim fanatics - but high school children with political T-shirts. The authorities
seem really keen on protecting us from terrorism, don’t they? In a
gut-wrenching climax to the story, the two kids who snitched on the
teenage terrorist were praised as heroes. The Assistant Principal
said they had complied with the demand of the government - that
citizens stand together with Homeland Security and keep an eye out
for potential terrorist activity, for this, he was proud of them.
The liberties of Americans, as enshrined in the Constitution and
Bill of Rights, were erected on the foundation of logic that the
citizenry has to watch its government like a hawk. Any government
that is allowed to roam freely without checks and balances becomes
tyrannical. History has proven this over and over again. In the new
America, the government watches the citizens and in turn the
citizens are told to watch each other. Criticism of the government
is outlawed and anyone that does so is either ridiculed or thrown in
jail. If America is to be rescued from being the home base of a
global fascist empire, we need put our foot down. We need to
criticize the government more than ever.
Then again, I might just be a terrorist and you should really call
the FBI for the good of the Fatherland.
Love Big Brother!
The omnipotent tracking grid and emerging cashless society we see
being pushed by the elite is not simply an agenda to differentiate
the slaves from the slave masters. While it’s true that our
overlords want us to take on the role of dogs on leashes, a more
concentrated effort is at work.
Unlike the capital and goods industries, which are wholly
predictable and controlled, the service or ‘household’ industry is
extremely random because it is reliant on patterns of human
behavior. Therefore, to harness this the elite need to make human
behavior predictable by intensely studying consumer trends. Recall
that the elevated capstone on
the Illuminati pyramid stands for a
mission that is incomplete. From the credit card to the barcode to
the fingerprint smart card to the implantable microchip. When this
cycle is finished, the state won’t just know what you purchase, they
will decide on whether you purchase at all. This is the essence of
the cashless society.
Patterns of human behavior and consumption need to be catalogued and
indexed before the spectrum of economic and societal control can be
reached. This requires the precise dissection of all forms of
privacy for the purpose of microanalysis. To us, this translates as
complete dehumanization. CCTV, biometrics, facial recognition
software (remember Orwell’s Face-crime?), thumb scans for drivers
licenses, thumb scans for food. In addition, normality of behavior
needs to be zealously solidified in the minds of the public.
Consequently, anyone who deviates from these imposed norms will
stand out. Concurrently, the elite nurture and direct a tattletale
mentality (federalized Neighborhood Watch for example), which
provides a plethora of information on... you guessed it, human
behavior. Exactly what they need.
The end game is the enforced implantable microchip. The first
unwitting volunteers have already been chipped.62 As we know,
anything that gives the government more power is likely to become
mandatory. Legally, the income tax and social security are still
voluntary. However, anyone who sensibly and constitutionally refuses
to participate in the scam is considered a criminal. How long before
anybody who refuses the microchip is a criminal? It’ll only take a
few more examples of ‘reality control’ to establish this climate.
can see the commercials now - ‘TAKE THE CHIP OR YOU’RE WITH
AL-QAEDA!’ - people are highly suggestible in times of manufactured
62 ‘Boy gets microchip under his skin’ – BBC – July 11 2002 -
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