Chapter 8
The Pakistan/India Conflict: Familiar Faces and Nuclear
The ongoing tensions between Pakistan and India over the disputed
border of Kashmir encapsulate the most volatile geopolitical sector
of the world, dwarfing even the Israel-Palestine conflict in terms
of potential explosiveness. Both India and Pakistan are nuclear
By late 2002 it was generally considered that disquiet between the
two countries had dramatically calmed, a naïve misconception when in
hindsight, the same consensus prevailed at the end of 2001. It was
at that point that terrorists stormed the Indian parliament in
Delhi, killing twelve people and catapulting India and Pakistan to
the brink of nuclear war. One single act of large-scale terrorism
will re-fuel the possibility of imminent conflict. As I will
document, the likelihood of that happening is immense.
I s there a hidden hand that seeks to bring nuclear war to the
region and if so for what purpose? How does this relate to the New
World Order and can the conflict be classified as another example of
the Hegelian dialectic, the order out of chaos scenario? Who
benefits and where is the evidence?
Before we answer these questions let’s take a brief look at the
history of the region.
A Legacy of Instability
The mountainous region of Kashmir has been a flashpoint between
India and Pakistan for more than 50 years. The territory has
witnessed a number of violent incidents recently against the
background of continuing tension between India and Pakistan. Forces
from both countries deployed along the frontline are regularly
shelling each other, causing deaths and injuries to civilians in the
area. There are fears that even a minor incident along the border
could trigger a conflagration between the two nuclear-capable
powers, and both President Musharraf and Prime Minister Vajpayee are
under considerable domestic pressure not to back down.
The territory of Kashmir was hotly contested even before India and
Pakistan won their independence from Britain in August 1947. Under
the partition plan provided by the Indian Independence Act of 1947,
Kashmir was free to accede to India or Pakistan. The Maharaja, Hari
Singh, wanted to stay independent but eventually decided to accede
to India, signing over key powers to the Indian Government - in
return for military aid and a promised referendum. Since then, the
territory has been the flashpoint for two of the three
India-Pakistan wars: the first in 1947-8, the second in 1965.
In 1999, India fought a brief but bitter conflict with
Pakistani-backed forces who had infiltrated Indian-controlled
territory in the Kargil area.
In addition to the rival claims of Delhi and Islamabad to the
territory, there has been a growing and often violent separatist
movement fighting against Indian rule in Kashmir since 1989.
Islamabad says Kashmir should have become part of Pakistan in 1947,
because Muslims are in the majority in the region. Pakistan also
argues that Kashmiris should be allowed to vote in a referendum on
their future, following numerous UN resolutions on the issue. Delhi,
however, does not want international debate on the issue, arguing
that the Simla Agreement of 1972 provided for a resolution through
bilateral talks. India points to the Instrument of Accession signed
in October 1947 by the Maharaja, Hari Singh.
Both India and Pakistan
reject the so-called “third option” of Kashmiri independence.
A demarcation line was originally established in January 1949 as a
ceasefire line, following the end of the first Kashmir war. In July
1972, after a second conflict, the Line of Control (LoC) was
re-established under the terms of the Simla Agreement, with minor
variations on the earlier boundary. The LoC passes through a
mountainous region about 5,000 meters high. The conditions are so
extreme that the bitter cold claims more lives than the sporadic
military skirmishes. North of the LoC, the rival forces have been
entrenched on the Siachen glacier (more than 6,000 meters high)
since 1984 - the highest battlefield on earth.
The LoC divides Kashmir on an almost two-to-one basis:
Indian-administered Kashmir to the east and south (population about
nine million), which falls into the Indian state of Jammu and
Kashmir; and Pakistani-administered Kashmir to the north and west
(population about three million), which is labeled by Pakistan as
“Azad” (Free) Kashmir. China also controls a small portion of
Religion is an important aspect of the dispute. Partition in 1947
gave India’s Muslims a state of their own: Pakistan. So a common
faith underpins Pakistan’s claims to Kashmir, where many areas are
Muslim-dominated. The population of the Indian state of Jammu and
Kashmir is over 60% Muslim, making it the only state within India
where Muslims are in the majority.
There are several groups pursuing the rival claims to Kashmir. Not
all are armed, but since Muslim insurgency began in 1989, the number
of armed separatists has grown from hundreds to thousands. The most
prominent are the pro-Pakistani Hizbul Mujahideen. Islamabad denies
providing them and others with logistical and material support. The
Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) was the largest
pro-independence group, but its influence is thought to have waned.
Other groups have joined under the umbrella of the All-Party
Hurriyat (Freedom) Conference, which campaigns peacefully for an end
to India’s presence in Kashmir.
Indian forces announced a unilateral ceasefire against militant
groups in November 2000, but violence continued. Attempts to get
talks going between the government and the separatist parties have
foundered over separatist demands that Pakistan should be included
in any dialogue. India says there can be no discussion involving
Pakistan because it sponsors violence in Kashmir.
India and Pakistan failed to narrow their differences over Kashmir
at a summit in the Indian city of Agra in July 2001. Since then,
they have continued to trade accusations and outside attempts to get
them to resolve their differences have made no headway.
Running parallel to this regional history is the disturbing evidence
of how and why
Globalist New World Order interests have instituted a
specific program of fomenting this conflict and how this links in to
the war on terrorism.
Enter the Hidden Hand
It’s common knowledge in intelligence circles that the Inter Services
Intelligence Agency (Pakistan’s secret service) runs the entire
country in the shadow of dictator General Pervez Musharraf. In turn,
the CIA co-ordinate the activities of the ISI. This alliance gave
birth to Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda and the current war on terrorism.
Osama bin Laden left Saudi Arabia in 1979 to fight the invading
Soviets in Afghanistan. By 1984 he was running the front
organization known as MAK, (Maktab al-Khidamar) which eventually
mutated into Al-Qaeda, consisting of the more extreme members of the
former group. During the war MAK was nurtured by Pakistan’s
Inter-services Intelligence Agency, ISI.
The ISI was the CIA’s covert ally and conduit against Moscow’s
occupation. Via the ISI the kindergarten Al-Qaeda were trained,
armed, funded and empowered by the CIA.
The new covert U.S. assistance began with a dramatic increase in
arms supplies - a steady rise to 65,000 tons annually by 1987, as well as a
“ceaseless stream” of CIA and Pentagon specialists who traveled to
the secret headquarters of Pakistan’s ISI on the main road near
Rawalpindi, Pakistan. There the CIA specialists met with Pakistani
intelligence officers to help plan operations for the Afghan rebels,
bin Laden included. The Central Intelligence Agency, using
Pakistan’s ISI, played a key role in training the Mujahideen.
The BBC reported that the ISI aided bin Laden’s escape from
Afghanistan at the end of 2001, Afghan interior minister Younis
Qanooni has accused the Pakistani secret service of helping al-Qaeda
leader Osama Bin Laden flee Afghanistan. Speaking in an interview
with Iranian television, Mr Qanooni said the Pakistani ISI (Inter
Services Intelligence) was at odds over Bin Laden with the Pakistani
Government, which has supported the American-led war against terror
An Afghan defence ministry spokesman suggested last week that Bin
Laden had crossed from the Tora Bora region into Pakistan the week
before.1 Since the CIA are basically the administrative masters of
the ISI, they mandated and approved bin Laden’s escape.
As we touched upon earlier, in October 2001, reports surfaced in
numerous outlets from the Times of India to CNN, detailing how ISI
director-general Lt-Gen Mahmud Ahmad was forced to retire after it
emerged that he had hotwired $100,000 to the 9/11 lead hijacker,
Mohammed Atta, While the Pakistani Inter Services Public Relations
claimed that former ISI director-general Lt-Gen Mahmud Ahmad sought
retirement after being superseded on Monday, the truth is more
Top sources confirmed here on Tuesday, that the general
lost his job because of the “evidence” India produced to show his
links to one of the suicide bombers that wrecked the World Trade
Center. The US authorities sought his removal after confirming the
fact that $100,000 was wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from
Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh at the instance of Gen Mahumd. Senior
government sources have confirmed that India contributed
significantly to establishing the link between the money transfer
and the role played by the dismissed ISI chief.
While they did not
provide details, they said that Indian inputs, including Sheikh’s
mobile phone number, helped the FBI in tracing and establishing the
link.2 Pakistan’s direct links to Al-Qaeda and other terrorist
organizations are obviously extremely disturbing in light of the
fact that everything the ISI does has to be approved by the CIA.
Furthermore, by direct order of President Bush, an estimated 8,000
members of
Al-Qaeda and the Taliban were rescued via cargo planes as Kunduz
fell to the
Northern Alliance in November 2001. Bush had ordered the United
Central Command to set up a special air corridor to help insure the
safety of the
Pakistani rescue flights from Kunduz to the northwest corner of
Pakistan, about
two hundred miles away.3 This left both the Delta Force and Northern
indignant. Northern Alliance soldier Mahmud Shah was bewildered at
the events stating, “We had decided to kill all of them, and we are not happy
with America
for letting the planes come.”4
A senior U.S. defense advisor told the London Times, “Everyone
brought their
friends with them. You’re not going to leave them behind to get
their throats cut.”5
There were two official explanations for the airlift. One was that
rescuing 8,000 known Al-Qaeda and Taliban was ‘an accident.’
1 ‘Pakistan spy service aiding Bin Laden’ – BBC – December 30 2001
2 ‘India helped FBI trace ISI-terrorist links’ – Manoj Joshi – Times
of India – October 9 2001 -
3 ‘The Getaway’ - Seymour Hersh - New Yorker Magazine – January 28
2002 -
4 ‘The airlift
of evil’ – Michael Moran – MSNBC – November 29 2001 -
5 ‘US let Taliban men escape’ –
James Bone – London Times – January 21 2002 – available at
The other, and only slightly
more plausible reason was that Pakistani dictator General Pervez
Musharraf had a huge geopolitical weight on his shoulders in
endorsing US military operations in Afghanistan. The cost was the
threat of internal insurgency and the overthrow of his regime.
Musharraf bargained with Bush. If these Pakistani Army officers,
intelligence advisers and volunteers could just be spared, his
political survival would be almost ensured. Musharraf’s message to
the Americans had been that he didn’t want to see body bags coming
back to Pakistan. Bush agreed to protect the Pakistani leader,
providing the rescued Taliban elements would be accessible to
American intelligence.
This was not the case because after the
airlift the Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders went AWOL.
FIG 8.1
[CAPTION: Later estimates put the number at 8,000
Taliban and Al-Qaeda rescued
as Kunduz fell and safely airlifted
into Kashmir to enflame hostilities between India and Pakistan.]
To emphasize, these 8,000 rescued individuals were high-level
Taliban and al-Qaeda operatives fighting against the United States.
These secret airlifts gave these terrorists refuge primarily in
Kashmir, the disputed border.
The first incident that could have led to a nuclear war between
India and Pakistan occurred when, on December 13th 2001, a suicide
squad of five heavily armed Muslim terrorists drove past a barrier
at the Indian Parliament, in New Delhi, and rushed the main
building. At one point, the terrorists were only a few feet from the
steps to the office of India’s Vice-President, Krishan Kant.
people were killed in the shoot-out, in addition to the terrorists,
and many others were injured. Indian intelligence quickly concluded
that the attack had been organized by operatives from two
long-standing Kashmiri terrorist organizations that were believed to
be heavily supported by the ISI. Was this operation, which would
have lead to full-scale war between the two powers had there been
more casualties, a consequence of the planning of elite Pakistani
and Taliban officials who were rescued on order of the U.S. 21 days
Here we see the grand chessboard in action, previously discussed by
such luminaries of the global elite as Zbygniew Brzezinsky.
Let’s use the analogy of one person playing a sole game of chess,
moving the pieces on both sides of the board, black and white.
Al-Qaeda and similar terrorist organizations are the pawns on the
global chessboard. Many believe they are operating of their own free
will when in reality an unseen hand is dictating their every
movement. They can be sacrificed at any time for the greater good.
The end justifies the means. If they reach the other side of the
board, as in the game of chess, they may well be promoted to a
higher authority, but still they are under control of the same
I n the movement of the Al-Qaeda pawns from Afghanistan to Kashmir
by the Bush administration and its Globalist controllers, we witness
an orchestrated shift in emphasis from the war on terrorism to the
Pakistan-India conflict and the Muslim bomb. This is the next stage
in the New World Order out of chaos game plan - the blue touch-paper
for world war three.
On June 3rd, the Hindustan Times confirmed that dozens of surviving
Al-Qaeda operatives had infiltrated into Pakistan after yet another
incident where they were allowed to leave unharmed when they could
have been apprehended. The event took place in Peshawar, where top
Taliban and Al-Qaeda leadership, including some of Osama bin Laden’s
chief protectors such as the Taliban’s deputy foreign minister Abdul
Rahman Zaid and top defense ministry official Jalil Yousafzai,
attended the funeral of a former anti-Soviet guerrilla fighter. The
ISI monitored them but still amazingly allowed them to leave without
6 ‘Pakistan winks at Taliban reunion’ – Hindustan Times – June 3
Again, the CIA controlled Pakistani authorities are
protecting known terrorists, offering them safe passage to Kashmir
where a single suicide bomb or political assassination could inflame
the entire region and throw it into the abyss of a nuclear war that
would have worldwide implications.
Red Dragon Rising
China is an ally of Pakistan. Since the two countries do not share a
common history, language, culture or religion and have followed
diametrically opposite models of economic and political development,
it is clear that China is using Pakistan as a long-term geopolitical
tool. Many prolific authors and geopolitical analysts such as Gordon
Thomas have highlighted and documented the twofaced behavior of
Jiang Zemin’s communist superpower.
A long-term agenda to bring
America to its knees by means of a surprise attack is the ultimate
goal. We should be reminded, in this context, of an August 1998
document from the Chinese Central Military Commission that was sent
to all corps commanders of the Peoples Liberation Army. The leaked
document details how the United States is increasingly vulnerable
and could not withstand even a limited nuclear strike from China.
Despite its military prominence, America remains unwilling to
sacrifice cities in a tit-for-tat war, whereas the Chinese are fully
prepared to do so. Therefore, Beijing could hold off Washington if
hostilities erupted over Taiwan.
While publicly offering meek support of the war on terrorism,
evidence suggests that China have actually been supporting the
Taliban and
Osama bin Laden all along. Furthermore, the Bush administration have
deliberately ignored the China threat and continue to transfer
sensitive computer
technology to the Communists, the only practical purpose of which is
to design
nuclear weapons.7
On the morning of September 11th 2001, terrorists linked to the
Al-Qaeda network that was being protected by the Taliban in
Afghanistan slammed three planes into the World trade Center and the
Pentagon. At the same time a Chinese delegation was in Kabul putting
pen to paper on a lucrative economic support package with the
Taliban.8 This was by no means the beginning of friendly
China-Taliban relations.
As far back as 1998 the Iranian official
press said there was a secret defense agreement between China and
the Taliban. In 2000, two Chinese telecommunications firms, Huawei
Technologies and ZTE, signed contracts to provide limited phone
service for Kabul and Kandahar, with a specific focus on equipping
Osama bin Laden, who was based there at the time. I n early 2001, a
Taliban delegation visited Beijing to continue to foster good
relations. China’s ambassador to Pakistan has also made at least one
recent trip to Kabul and met with Taliban officials in Pakistan’s
capital Islamabad.
China continued to support bin Laden and the Taliban as the war
broke out in
Afghanistan in October of 2001. Debka File intelligence reported
that, on October
5th, two days before American air strikes began, a convoy of 15,000
Chinese Muslims were sent to reinforce the Taliban.9 In a later report,
Debka also
disclosed that large quantities of Chinese-manufactured ammunition
discovered in the Tora Bora cave hideouts of Osama bin Laden. The
arms cache
included mortar shells, anti-tank rockets and ammunition for various
types of
automatic rifles and machine guns of Chinese manufacture, abandoned
by fleeing Al-Qaeda men.10
In early December 2001 U.S. Undersecretary of State John Bolton met
with Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wang Guangya, urging him to renew
a demand that the Chinese curb missile cooperation with Pakistan
that was encouraging the likelihood of terrorism and nuclear
conflict with India in the region of Kashmir. The sanctions were
imposed on the China Metallurgical Equipment Corp. for allegedly
transferring ballistic missile technology to Pakistan in violation
of a November 2000 agreement with the United States.
This technology
was in danger of falling into the hands of extremists who could use
nuclear, biological and chemical weapons to attack India. Taking the
perspective of historical precedent, China continued to provide
Syria, North Korea and possibly Libya with high-tech weaponry
despite U.S. warnings, it is unlikely that the meeting had any
success and China persists to foment anxiety that could lead to a
nuclear exchange between Pakistan and India.
7 ‘High-Tech Transfers To China Continue’ – Zoli Simon –
Insight Magazine – July 8 2002 -
8 ‘China Strengthens Ties with Taleban by Signing Economic Deal’ –
John Pomfret – International Herald Tribune –September 13 2001 – available at
9 ‘Is China moving in?’ - Debka File – October 7 2001 -
10 ‘Chinese ammo found in al-Qaida hideouts’ – Debka File – December
17 2001 -
China continued to goad both Pakistan and India into conflict right
up to late
The Hindustan Times reported,
The hostile actions by the Chinese in Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim
is, according to strategic experts, part of a well-thought-out move
to corner India on two fronts. China has also beefed up its presence
in Myanmar’s Coco Islands on the Bay of Bengal and plans to move in
two aircraft carriers that are under construction now to the area.
“India cannot concentrate exclusively on the western theatre with
Pakistan if China undertakes these measures along Arunachal and
Sikkim. And it could well be that it is goading Pakistan to
anti-Indian actions in Rajasthan, Punjab and Kashmir. A distracted
India is a weaker India and China stands to gain the most from it,”
pointed out a senior army officer.11
11 ‘Tempers flare at Sino-Indian border’ –
Hindustan Times – December 26 2001 - available at
We have established that the
highest levels of U.S. intelligence and the Bush administration
directly fomented hostility in Kashmir, via a conduit in the war on
terrorism. China have also played a role in escalating tension in
the region by covertly supporting Taliban and Al-Qaeda leaders who
would later infiltrate Kashmir. China has also armed Pakistan.
Profits of Death
A minimum of three million people would be killed and 1.5 million
seriously injured if even a “limited” nuclear war broke out between
India and Pakistan. The estimates are comprised of the immediate
casualty list from blast, fire and radiation if only a tenth of both
countries’ nuclear weapons were exploded above 10 of their largest
cities. It does not take account of the inevitable suffering that
would result from the loss of homes, hospitals, water and energy
supplies, or the cancers that could develop in future years.
Both world wars were caused by lesser events. Who is responsible for
this holocaust scenario? Who is arming both Pakistan and India,
heightening the possibility of war, and for what reason? Once again,
familiar names emerge. Firstly, the Times of India reported in
August of 2001 that the San Rafael California-based Berkeley
Nucleonics Corporation supplied at least five nuclear pulse
generators to India from 1998 onwards.
Three of the devices were
exported to the Bhabha Atomic Research Center and two to the Nuclear
Power Corporation. Pulse generators are devices that can be used to
calibrate instruments that measure atomic reactions. Berkeley
Nucleonics, which was founded in 1963, is a highly regarded
manufacturer of electronics instrumentation, especially for nuclear
research industries. Representatives of the company were actually
indicted for this illegal transfer. However, the most interesting
aspect of this transfer was that the president of the company
claimed he was “cajoled” by unnamed government agents into making
the shipment.
Who were these secret operatives
and why were they so desperate for India to receive these nuclear
materials? From this perspective we can see that the pieces on the
global chessboard were being assembled well in advance of the
re-emergence of India-Pakistan tensions in December 2001.
In January of 2002, the Moscow Times reported that British Prime
Minister Tony Blair made a visit to India and Pakistan in an attempt
to calm ethnic tensions between the two. In reality he was pushing
the sale of a lucrative deal with arms merchant BAE Systems for 60
new jet fighters. The Russian newspaper stated, Blair’s minions are
putting the squeeze on India to accept a $1.4 billion deal with arms
merchant BAE Systems for 60 new jet fighters.
This will no doubt
have a very “calming influence” on the balance of power as the
subcontinent teeters on the brink of nuclear war—the same kind of
calming influence gasoline has on fire. Of course, if Blair can get
those billion warbucks into BAE’s coffers, Master Georgie will be
very pleased. For one of BAE’s business partners is—God, this is
almost too easy! -- our old friends the Carlyle Group. Faithful
readers know that Daddy Bush—the former peddler of poison gas to
Iraq—has long been feeding at the Carlyle trough, working his
contacts with Saudi royalty, the bin Laden family, Asian dictators,
South American junta honchos and other respectable characters to
cement sweetheart deals for the Reagan-Bush retreads who skim the
cream off Carlyle’s $13 billion nest egg.12
The BBC reported these BAE-India negotiations back in August 2001, stating, BAE Systems has
insisted it is confident of securing a £1bn Hawk jets deal with
India despite reports the sale faces collapse. The company is in
discussions with the Indian Government over the purchase of 66
advanced trainer jets. Reports in the media suggested that the air
force is now poised to pull out of the plan and buy Russian MiG jets
instead. But management and unions at BAE Systems say they are
confident an agreement will be struck.13
The Carlyle Group is one of
the biggest Aerospace & Defense contractors in the world today. They
manage approximately $14 billion in assets, without actually
manufacturing anything. This is by no means their only sector of
interest but it’s certainly their primary focus of attention. The
group is staffed by some of the most powerful individuals on the
planet, including former U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush
and former British Prime Minister John Major.
Obviously, since
September 11th the explosion of the arms market has seen their
profits smash through the roof. However, Carlyle state, “We’re not
too keen on discussing anything related to the political nature of
the people at Carlyle.” There’s a very good reason for this. Until
October 2001, the bin Laden family had a stake in Carlyle. President
Bush’s father met with the bin Laden family two months before the
September 11 attacks. The Wall Street Journal went so far as call
outright for George Herbert Walker Bush to resign from the group.14
The bin Laden family, publicly at least, withdrew from Carlyle. No
doubt they received a healthy severance pay.
12 ‘Global Eye: Pretzel Logic’ – Chris Floyd – Moscow Times –
January 18 2002
13 ‘BAE ‘confident’ of securing £1bn deal’ – BBC – August 9 2001 -
14 ‘Bin Laden Family Could Profit From a Jump In Defense Spending
Due to Ties to U.S. Bank’ – Wall Street Journal – 27
September 2001 -
 
FIG 8.2
[CAPTION: Former President George Bush met with King Fahd, on a trip to Saudi Arabia on Carlyle Group business in
May 2001.]
Recall that UK based BAE Systems is arming India to the tune of $1.4
billion dollars. BAE and Carlyle have some very close connections.
Several of the members of the House and Senate Intelligence
committees investigating September 11th such as Randy ‘Duke’
Cunningham have received thousands of dollars in campaign finance
from Carlyle and BAE in conjunction.
In April of 2001, Carlyle invested capital equity in BAE, adding to
their $13 billion worth of assets. BAE announced this on their web
site but strangely removed the press release three months later.15
Just a week after I authored an article on Carlyle and BAE that
featured on my web site, a plethora of reports emerged from British
newspapers outlining the same details. The most comprehensive report
appeared in the Sunday Herald of Scotland. They mentioned the $1.4
billion BAE-India deal.
They also stated,
In 2000 Britain granted
some 700 defense export licenses to companies selling weapons to
India worth around £64.5 million. These included components for
air-to-surface missiles, aircraft machine guns, armored personnel
carriers, combat aircraft, torpedoes and combat helicopters. The UK
also sold India military aircraft engines, military communications
equipment, tear gas and other riot control equipment and
air-to-surface missiles.
In the same year the UK sold £6m worth of
weapons to Pakistan. This included components for combat
helicopters, frigates and naval vessels as well as military
communications equipment, military training aircraft and military
utility vehicles. In 1999, the UK sold £57.5m worth of weapons to
India and £11.5m to Pakistan. Britain, as the list shows, is happy
to sell the same weapons to two countries on the brink of all-out
war. The government is flying right in the face of the EU code of
conduct on weapons sales.16
The Herald identified British MP’s such
as Jack Straw and John Prescott as being complicit in undertaking
clandestine trips to the two countries to push these sales under the
guise of talks on sustainable development. The paper labeled Tony
Blair a warmonger and directly stated that this behavior could lead
to the death of millions of innocent civilians. It was also reported
that 64 military commanders from Pakistan and India were trained in
Britain last year.
This surge of mainstream coverage highlighted the fact that deeper
influences were behind the push towards nuclear war. It was at this
point, in early June of 2002, that Donald Rumsfeld told his
Bilderberg colleagues it was unlikely a war would now take place
between Pakistan and India and hostilities between the two almost
immediately subsided.
15 ‘BAE Systems enters agreement with the Carlyle Group’ – BAE
Systems website – April 21 2001 – archived at
‘Cash from chaos: how Britain arms both sides’ – Neil Mackay –
Sunday Herald – 2 June 2002 -
I have no doubt that my original story
on the issue, which was picked up by many big alternative media outlets and
then went mainstream, had a significant impact on the Globalist’s
decision to scupper any possible war. We shined a light on the
cockroaches and the cockroaches scuttled back into the darkness.
It’s admitted that Blair is under the thumb of
the internationalist Bilderberg Group. Reuters had no qualms in telling us that Bilderberg groom Presidents and Prime Ministers behind our back in a
2001 report.17 Blair attended a Bilderberg conference in Greece in
1993 when he was a little known Home Affairs spokesman. Four years
later he was Prime Minister of Britain.
17 ‘Secretive Bilderberg group to meet in Sweden’ – Peter Starck –
Reuters – 23 May 2001 – archived at
Now he stands shoulder to
shoulder with George Bush as a global chaos agent.

FIG 8.3
[CAPTION: Many in Britain think Tony Blair is a
‘poodle’ of George W. Bush
but in reality both are just ‘poodle’
front men for
the New World Order.]
It’s abundantly clear that the Carlyle Group war hawks stand to
profit in the billions from a Pakistani-India conflict, whether that
be a limited exchange or a full blown nuclear meltdown. Their
tentacles bore deep into the ISI-Pakistan-CIA axis of control that
is protecting terrorists on the Kashmir border. They are also arming
India via BAE. Who is to say that the bin Laden’s are not still
covertly involved in Carlyle? How long will it be until the CIA via
the Pakistani ISI utilizes Al-Qaeda henchmen, dropped in place by
Bush’s rescue flights, to attack the region, pushing both India and
Pakistan into the abyss of nuclear war? A nuclear war that would
crash the world economy and facilitate world war three.
We have established that the highest levels of U.S. intelligence and
the Bush administration directly fomented hostility in Kashmir, via
a conduit in the war on terrorism. China have also played a role in
escalating tension in the region by covertly supporting Taliban and
Al-Qaeda leaders who would later infiltrate Kashmir. China has also
armed Pakistan.
All too familiar interlocking Globalist influences are turning up
the heat in Kashmir to boiling point. Both militaries have been
armed by the elite. Both armies have been trained by the elite.
Chaos bubbles under the surface. All it will take to explode is one
move on the global chessboard, one act of controlled terror.
For the
elite, a short term Armageddon of chaos, followed by an infinite
reward of sustained order.
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