by benjamin
November 01, 2010
ProjectAvalonForum Website
In a sign events are coming to a climax, the
Chairman of the shadowy Bilderberg group, Viscount Etienne Davignon,
contacted the White Dragon Society last week saying his group did not oppose
the filing of a
Rico anti-organized crime lawsuit against
Daniele Dal Bosco, the Davos Forum and the United Nations.
Davignon also said that,
“I sleep well at night,” because he was
guilty of no wrongdoing.
If he is sincere, we would like him to invite
various internet journalists to a press conference where he can answer
questions about sensitive topics like planned genocide. In any case, the
contact is a clear sign the global campaign against the shadowy backers of
Federal Reserve Board Crime syndicate is starting to hit home.
According to
the NSA, there was a flurry of telephone
activity last week following this writer’s promise on a Rense.com interview
that the $1 trillion lawsuit involving the Japanese arrested in Italy in
June of 2009 (see
previous issues for details) would target,
Many of the phone calls were along the following
“If you let them arrest me, I am going
to tell everything I know.”
Intelligence agencies now expect many murders
and arrests as the people behind the $1 trillion theft try to hide their
trail while the good guys try to put key witnesses into protective custody.
The latest news in the lawsuit is that a clear evidence trail has now been
traced to Alan Greenspan, the former head of the Federal Reserve
Board. This evidence trail was provided by several large corporations who
have joined the legal action, claiming they have also been victims of the
OITC/Greenspan crime nexus.
Multiple sources including Japanese military intelligence and a senior
freemason also say they expect some sort of “big announcement” this week but
we were unable to get any details. No doubt it is linked to Federal Reserve
Board threats of more “quantitive easing” or dollar creation. Hopefully
instead it will be the end of the Federal Reserve Board that is announced.
However, sources at both the Pentagon and MI6 have a much more pessimistic
outlook. They both say they expect a “once in 300 year” type event over the
coming two months and suggest that people stock up on food. There will be “a
total breakdown of law and order in the US” followed by a military coup
d’etat, they say.
The trigger for this will be the bankruptcy of the Washington D.C. corporate
government, they say. There is an end of January payments deadline the US
government is simply not going to be able to meet, they say. Perhaps that is
why Chinese President Hu Jintao is due to visit Washington just
before the end of January of next year.
There are also signs the war-mongering criminals behind the Federal Reserve
Board Crime syndicate are split into at least three factions now.
First of all we have the visit by
(and his faction) to India with a giant entourage that will occupy the
entire Taj Mahal hotel. The entourage apparently includes Henry Kissinger,
Zbigniew Brzezinski and their various war-loving friends.
The aim of this visit may be to provoke a war between India and Pakistan,
according to our Pentagon source.
The Pentagon is deeply worried their troops in Afghanistan are going to
betrayed and turned captive in order to inflame pro-war sentiments for an
invasion of Pakistan in alliance with India.
“There are signs we are being deliberately
set up for a major defeat in Afghanistan,” the source said.
The Pentagon is being deliberately
over-stretched in what appears to be a campaign to weaken it or neutralize
it, he added.
Hillary Clinton (a different faction) is also on a long Asian tour in
search of money to finance a takeover of the US government by her and her
fellow Khazarians.
She is hoping to get some of the shrink-wrapped
US dollar bills sitting in giant warehouses on the China coast, Asian and
MI6 source say.
“While both Obama and Hillary are welcome to
have a holiday in Asia, neither of them are going to get any money,” a
senior Asian source promises.
The third faction would appear to be the
European Bilderberg group who are now claiming to be allied with the
White Dragon Society against the
Satan-worshipping owners of the Federal Reserve Board.
Needless to say, they will have to be a lot more
forthcoming about what they have been up to and what their plans are if they
expect to be taken seriously by the rest of the world.
It is also interesting to note the White Dragon Society was offered an
exclusive monopoly on all investment in China and that “we could write our
own check.” The catch, of course, would be to accept financial servitude to
Rothschild family.
It is their time-honored method of seduction of
people in power:
“We are not interested in power. Just leave
us in charge of finance please.”
Rest assured they have been told the White
Dragon Society is not interested in their illusory fiat money.
There is a lot of mischief afoot in Japan as well. The most shocking new
revelation is that the Chinese have been infiltrating the Japanese
Self-Defense forces for a very long time, according to Japanese military
intelligence. The project, going back at least 30 years, involved having
beautiful Chinese spies marry members of the Japanese self-defense forces.
They would then educate the resulting children with pro-Chinese views before
sending them to the Japanese military academy. Graduates of the military
academy automatically become officers in the Japanese military. As many as
60% of recent graduates are the product of such marriages, the source says.
This puts an entirely different light on Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji
Maehara’s recent provocations of China.
Maehara was the person who directed a hysterical
anti-Chinese campaign after a Chinese spy ship (“fishing boat”) was captured
near the disputed
Senkaku or
Daiyu Islands. The Pentagon strongly
advised against making a big issue out of this and secretly informed the
Chinese and Japanese governments they would not go to war with China in
defense of these Islands.
However, we must be very wary of this statement because it may simply be a
trap intended to fool China into trying to take the islands by force as an
excuse to start WW3.
Maehara also propagated a totally false report that China had stopped
exports of rare earth minerals. This so-called stoppage was widely reported
in the world’s media. In fact, all that China has done is say that it will
phase out export of completely unprocessed rare earth metals to a Western
cartel and instead sell semi-processed rare-metals directly to the world’s
Maehara has long been considered in Japan to be a Federal Reserve Board
agent who has been compromised by bribes related to weapons purchases. He is
not expected to last long in his present job.