by Derrick Broze
April 18, 2015

from TheAntimedia Website






Saturday, thousands of people rallied in Germany to oppose the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a similar trade deal to the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Protesters gathered across Germany on Saturday to protest the upcoming trade deal between Europe and the United States. Critics fear the deal will erode sovereignty and endanger multiple industries, including health and technology.


Supporters of the deal say it would bring $100 billion annually for both sides of the deal.

Reuters reports that,

"a recent YouGov poll showed that 43 percent of Germans believe TTIP would be bad for the country, compared to 26 percent who see it as positive."

Around 1,500 activists formed a human chain in Berlin; from the Potsdamer Platz square, past the U.S. embassy and through the Brandenburg Gate to offices of the European Commission.



Anti-TTIP-demonstrators form a human chain

in front of the US embassy to protest against the proposed US-EU free trade pact

in Berlin on April 18, 2015

©John MacDougall (AFP)



Organizers in Munich estimated a crowd of 15,000 showed up for the marches.


Hundreds more marched in Germany and across Europe for a "global day of action" against the TTIP. Protesters said they were worried about surveillance, internet freedom, and genetically engineered foods creeping into the EU.


The TTIP is the European version of an equally contentious agreement known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The TPP has faced waves of resistance over the last several years.


Even still, it seems like the agreement will pass.


As reported by Common Dreams:

"U.S. House and Senate leaders announced Thursday afternoon that they have reached a deal on legislation aimed at jamming the Trans Pacific Partnership through Congress.


The so-called Fast Track bill (The Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015, TPA-2015), which would make it easier for President Barack Obama's administration to negotiate trade deals by preventing Congress from amending them, includes compromise provisions added in order to "win over" Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee.


The legislation is expected to pass the Senate Finance Committee and land on the Senate floor next week. The House Ways and Means Committee will formally draft its version of the bill next week."


"This bill is a climate disaster, and amounts to nothing more

than a taxpayer-funded handout to corporations,"

said May Boeve, executive director of,

in response to the announced deal.



Much like "free-trade agreements" of the past, the TPP will give corporate entities more power to evade accountability within the nations they do business.


Make no mistake, the TPP and TTIP are part of the continued takeover of the world by the Corporate-State complex.


What will it take for the people of the world to hear the cries of those who have awoken to the dangers within the TPP and the TTIP? The time nears for the awakened to take to the streets to educate our brothers and sisters about the dangers that these trade deals represent.


They do not represent the ideas of freedom and prosperity supported by most free people of the world. Rather, these agreements are simply the latest in a long line of wolves in sheep clothing sold to the ignorant (but waking masses).


Let's take inspiration from our friends in Germany. Let's take the streets and let the powers that wish they were know that we are paying attention and we are longer going to stand up quietly.