
by Jason Jeffrey
New Dawn No. 78 (May-June 2003)
NewDawnMagazine Website
Mankind stands today on the threshold of a new era commonly referred
to as the Age of Aquarius. As the spiral of history unfolds and a
previous age comes to an end, new possibilities are emerging for the
physical, spiritual and political development of humanity. But the
effects are dramatic at the close of an age. As it winds down, and
its energies wind up, all the issues of the old age become
intensified and make a last stand.
The concept of an imminent new age have been popularized (and
commercialized) since the 1960s. Nevertheless, few people
consciously understand what the transition to the Age of Aquarius
actually implies. To most people, the “Age of Aquarius” remains a
vague phrase.
The cycle of these cosmic ages traces the spiritual development of
humanity’s consciousness. They are based on the astrological circle
of the Zodiac (hence, the “Age of Pisces,” the “Age of Aquarius,”
etc.). In the same way your personal horoscope reveals your inner
self, and the continuing planetary cycles in relation to your chart
indicate the actual process of growth, so do these long-term, cosmic
cycles reveal the collective spiritual state of mankind.
Here, we are not so much concerned with individual development but
with the response of humanity in general to these Zodiacal ages. The
subtle metaphysical variations effecting mankind over thousands of
years can be examined through a study of these ages. Each period in
our history has a corresponding influence on humanity’s
consciousness and is revealed in the political and sociological
structure of civilizations, sciences, religions, philosophies,
myths, music and arts.
These eras have a pattern of formation synchronous to the state of
human consciousness and its resultant civilization. Present humanity
attempts to see life in terms of a limited and clouded historical
perspective, but knows little about its unfolding in terms of
These astrological ages – handed down to us by our ancient ancestors
who had a superior understanding of reality – provide a framework
that allows us to formulate both the metaphysical and mundane
history of mankind. The study of esoteric wisdom helps us to gear
our understanding to the structure of the larger cycles at work in
the cosmos.
The Great Year
One of the largest and most important cosmic cycles is the 25,920
year period known as the Great Year. The Great Year is the product
of several technical astronomical factors.
Like the 360 day year, the 25,920 year cycle of the Great Year is
divisible into seasons, months, weeks, days and hours. What concerns
us here is its division into twelve months corresponding to the
apparent movement of the Sun through the twelve signs of the
celestial Zodiac. Each Great Month lasts approximately 2,160 years,
while each of its 360 days measures 72 years of our time or,
approximately, the seventy years of man’s allotted span of life.
In each month of the common year the Sun appears to be in a
different constellation of the celestial Zodiac as the Earth
completes her annual or 360 day cycle. Likewise, the Sun, due to the
‘precession of the equinoxes’, appears to remain in each sign of the
Zodiac for around 2,160 years, or one ‘month’ of the Great Year.
Interested students will note that, due to the particular direction
of the Earth’s wobble (in relation to its path around the Sun), the
order of precessional alignment to the Zodiac (Pisces, Aquarius,
Capricorn, etc) is in reverse order to the more familiar sequence of
monthly alignments (Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, etc). Thus, the
origin of the term ‘precession of the equinoxes’.
Have We
Entered the Age of Aquarius?
The social upheaval of the 1960s in the West, coupled with songs
announcing the birth of the Age of Aquarius, led many people to
believe we entered the new age. Actually, a close study of history
shows the first rays of Aquarius have been hitting the Earth for at
least 200 years. Possibly the spiritual “seed” of the Aquarian Age
was planted as far back as 1781, when astronomers discovered the
planet Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius.
Some astrologers put the beginning of the Aquarian Age within the
next 50-100 years. Others set the date as far ahead as 2375. Still
another group say the Piscean Age began several centuries before
Christ’s birth, and therefore the Aquarian Age began early in this
century, about the 1920s.
None is positively “right” because not only are the constellations
unevenly spaced through the Zodiac, but it is impossible to measure
their exact boundaries.
We do know there is a period of transition between the ages which
extends over hundreds of years. And we are living during one of
these periods between the outgoing Age of Pisces and the incoming
Age of Aquarius. As will be shown later, intermingling of the cosmic
influences from both star signs has initiated a period of great
change and upheaval.
The Zodiac in
In astrology, each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac symbolize
characteristics and subtle cosmic influences impacting on nature.
While astrologers interpret these influences on people, there is
also an equivalent cosmic effect on whole periods of history.
If we study ancient history and religious custom with regard to the
cycles of the Great Year, a curious thing is apparent. Each age has
a distinctive flavour or tone of philosophy all its own. Many of the
symbols and images of common daily usage found in recorded language
for each distinct age reflect the symbols and images connected to
the archetype descriptions of the sign naming that age.
Indeed, the fact can be verified from the study of ancient records
and times, since around 4500 BCE. This period encompasses three ages
prior to the birth of Aquarius. Let’s examine these ages in the
light of the Zodiac.
Age of Taurus
(Approx. 4430 BCE – 2270
Taurus represents the material establishment of a civilization. It
is a fixed-earth sign and as such, its vibrations produce the need
to settle and identify man’s consciousness within a given
geographical context. In essence, this entailed merging the
resources of the people with the resources of the land. Thus we
establish the concept of a national home, transcending tribal
differences, the foundation for the creation of a civilization.
Taurus is the sign associated with the tilling of the soil, the
production of an agricultural society, and a sense of determination
in the face of obstacles. It is ruled by the planet Venus, the
patroness of the arts, an influence which imparts a great sensuality
and creative inspiration to the cultures under its rays. Scorpio is
the polar opposite to Taurus. It is associated with death, sex,
rebirth, occultism, and great secrecy.
These two signs were the primary astrological forces behind the
creation of the most fascinating of all ancient civilizations:
Egypt. One of the best known traditions of the Egyptians, one that
tied together the two signs of the age, was their preoccupation with
building gigantic temples and tombs to house the body after death.
Cults of the Bull were the most popular form of religious worship
during the Age of Taurus. Taurus is, of course, the sign of the
Bull, and the veneration of this animal was extremely important. The
statues of the Egyptian Kings invest features of strength and
vitality, particularly in the head and shoulders (focus of the
Bull’s power). The sacred animal is the Bull known as Mentu, the
name being incorporated into royal names like the Mentuhoteps.
Around 3200 BCE, the Mastaba of the early dynastic Egyptian King
Serpent was constructed at Saqqara, surrounded by 346 bull-heads
made of clay, but containing real horns.
ancient Sumeria at this time the start of spring was ushered in
by the Bull of Heaven, their name for the constellation of Taurus.
The planet Venus was revered as Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth.
Her story was prominent in Sumerian mythology and precisely
reflected the astronomical features of the orbit of Venus, with her
cyclic disappearance and reappearance.
Bulls and their veneration were also prevalent in other cultures.
The winged bulls of the Chaldeans testify to the prevalent Taurean
influence. Pre-Aryan Hinduism, or the Vedic Era, was a flag-bearer
of the Taurus Age, with a noticeable agricultural content and
devotion to fertility in symbolism.
Students of hidden history have no doubt encountered the mysteries
of Egypt in the course of their studies. The national deity was
Osiris, god of the Dead and the Underworld. During the Age of
Taurus, Osiris was often depicted as a man with a bull’s head. Later
this changed to the head of the Ram when the age changed to Aries.
In Egypt the pyramid symbolized the structure of society. The
Pharaoh was the capstone of the social edifice, while the people
were stratified according to rank. He represented the Spirit of
Egypt – the incarnation of the Divinity in the body of man. Pharaoh
was the personification of the collective Mind of Egypt (hive
mind...?), the
unifying force of the country (which, by the way, had been divided
into Upper and Lower Egypt, a leftover from the duality of the
previous Age of Gemini, the ‘twins’).
The power of Taurus gave the people of Earth a long period of
stability and peace. As the Taurean era drew to a close, another
important concept developed in religious thought – monotheism. In
the history of the ancient Hebrews we find the transition period
between two ages. The prophet Moses leads the Hebrews out of bondage
to the land (Taurus) through the wanderings in the desert of Sinai
(the cusp of the ages) to pioneer in a promised land (Aries). Here,
Jesus of Nazareth is born some 2000 years later (Pisces).
Age of Aries
(Approx. 2270 BCE – 110 BCE)
The coming Age of Aries was signified by the predominance of Mars
over Venus. In other words, an economy and civilization based on war
and the conquest of enemies as opposed to a more peaceful existence
based on soil cultivation. The energy stored in the fixed sign of
Taurus was activated through the cardinal male sign, Aries (by
definition, a sign of immediate and direct self-expression),
symbolized by the Ram.
The polarity or opposite of Aries is Libra, the ‘Scales’. Libra
brings to this historical period a feeling for justice and the need
to codify social behavior into distinct sets of laws and mores.
Libra represents the Law and the prevailing moral structure in any
culture. Hammurabi, the King of Babylon, drew up his famous
Code of
Laws around 1727 BCE, the earliest-known example of a ruler
proclaiming publicly to his people an entire body of laws, arranged
in orderly groups, so that all men might read and know what was
required of them.
The approach of the Age of Aries greatly affected the forms by which
the Egyptian gods were represented. The cult of the Bull diminished
and Amon-Re (the Sun god) became Ram-headed. The names of many of
the major deities changed to illustrate the power of the cosmic
forces at work in this new period. Mithra, the Persian solar deity,
who used to be called “The Sacred Bull,” now became “The Slayer of
the Bull.” Ashur, Sun god of the Assyrians and known as “The Great
Bull,” transformed into a Mars-like god of war. In Sumeria changes
were made in the calendar and in the lists of the celestial stars,
recognizing the ascendancy of the Age of the Ram.
The culture of Aries flourished in the warring states of Greece and
later Rome. During this period, Apollo, the Greek solar deity,
became the patron of shepherds and flocks.
The rise of the Zoroastrian religion in this period is also
testament to the influence of Aries. The prophet Zoroaster
instructed his followers to pray in the presence of fire, fixing
their eyes upon it and thinking of justice and truth. This is
symbolic of Aries, a fire sign. Instead of an image, the sacred
centre-piece of Zoroastrian temples was an ever-burning fire.
During this period (Exodus 1:8-14) Moses emerged from the house of
Pharaoh to lead the Hebrews out of bondage and into the Promised
Land. Moses embodied all the qualities of the sign Aries and
combined them with the practical influence of Taurus. He not only
expressed his desire for his people’s freedom in an idealistic
manner, but he also codified principles into what is now known as
Mosaic Law. Through Moses the Ten Commandments were revealed. Thus
we see the influence of Libra at work with Justice being created so
the newly liberated pioneers of the desert would have a structure
upon which to base their society.
The story of the Exodus as it is related in the Old Testament
clearly illustrates the transition from the Age of the Bull to the
Ram. When Moses went up to the Mount, Yahweh appeared to him in the
form of a burning bush (Aries is a fiery sign). Moses received the
Ten Commandments (Libra) and brought them down the mountain to the
people, where he found the Israelites worshiping the golden calf (a
symbol of the previous age).
The transition to the next age was personified by the birth of
Jesus (the name derived from the Aramaic yeshua, meaning
“saviour”, and from the Greek word for “fish”, ICQUS, which spells
out an acronym standing for ‘Jesus Christ Son of God Saviour’).
Jesus was the Saviour of the Piscean Age but came to Earth through
the Israelites, a people of the Age of Aries.
In the Age of Pisces the concept of the conscious merger of Man with
God in a spiritual union using love, compassion, and service as the
vehicle for unifying peoples, rather than the physical conquests of
Mars in Aries, was approached. In the Age of the Ram, man had
learned how to come in contact with his own individual ego
structure. In the Age of Pisces, this focus was changed into the
desire to blend the Self with a greater spiritual reality through an
inner, mystical experience.
Age of Pisces
(Approx. 110 BCE – 2050 CE)
During the 500 years before Jesus’ birth, many of the founders of
present-day world religions were born. Buddha, Lao-tse and Confucius
all appeared within a short time of each other. These Teachers
united the various tribal and ethnic groups of the East into larger
and more unified wholes.
The transitory phase, or no man’s land, between the Ages of Aries
and Pisces, was a time of upheavals and big changes, particularly in
the ancient Middle East. This period encompasses the establishment
and demise of the Essene Order, an important religious community
that firmly believed, based on their detailed study of both
prophetic writings and the science of astrology, they were living in
the last days of the Age of Aries. The Essenes carefully studied the
course of the stars, looking for the sign of the long-awaited
Saviour. Also, the approach of the Age of Pisces is reflected in the
story of the three Magi who watched the heavens for a sign that
would signal the birth of a Saviour, and the beginning of a new
historical cycle.
The sign they awaited appeared in the year 7 BCE in an extremely
rare triple conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, that occurs once
every nine centuries in Pisces, where the event took place.
David Fideler, in Jesus Christ: Sun of God, elaborates:
At one moment the two outermost planets looked as if they were
nearly touching in the sky... It must have been a spectacular sight
for anyone looking upward... Since the triple conjunction occurred
in the constellation of Pisces, it must have been seen as
inaugurating the start of the Age of the Fishes. According to gospel
accounts, it was at about this time that Jesus, the avatar of the
new age, was born in Bethlehem.
The psychologist Carl Jung, in his book
Aion, comments:
...the appearance of Christ
coincided with the beginning of a new aeon, the age of the
Fishes. A synchronicity exists between the life of Christ and
the objective astronomical event, the entrance of the spring
equinox into the sign of Pisces.
The symbolism inherent in the
circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus is very important, for
it illustrates the relationship between the sign of the Fish and
that of its polarity, Virgo. The name Jesus, as we have pointed out,
can be traced to “fish.” Mary, his mother, was a virgin (Virgo). The
name Mary comes from the Sanskrit word maya, meaning “the sea.” From
the sea comes the fish; from Mary came Jesus.
The Christian religion is replete with Piscean symbolism. The
Catholic bishop’s miter is representative of a fish head. The custom
of eating fish on Friday (the day of the week ruled by Venus, the
planet exalted in the sign Pisces) is also a manifestation of the
deeper symbolism of the age. The New Testament cites Jesus as having
taken his disciples from the ranks of fishermen after saying to
them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” We can also
see in the Scriptures the story of Jesus feeding the multitude with
two fishes (Pisces) and five loaves of bread (Virgo, viz. the Virgin
holding the shafts of wheat as the emblem of this sign).
Jesus is also known as the sacrificial ‘Lamb of God'. Here, allegory
plays a double role. ‘Lamb’ signifies the sign of Aries. Jesus, as
sacrificial ‘Lamb’, therefore, closed the Age of Aries.
The change from the Age of Aries to Pisces is also revealed by the
fact that the seat of the Roman Empire became, in the early
centuries of the age, the centre of the Catholic Church,
Vatican. Through Charlemagne in the ninth century, the basic
geographical framework of present-day Europe was formed. The Roman
Empire became the Holy Roman Empire and the power struggle between
the various heads of state in Europe and the Pope in Rome was firmly
The Church reached the height of its influence during the so-called
Middle and Dark Ages. The desire to retreat from the world, so much
a characteristic of the sign of the Fish, developed into the
monastic as well as political life of the period. Huge religious
orders such as the monks of Cluny,
the Jesuits, the Benedictines,
Dominicans, and Franciscans, controlled vast tracts of land and were
the source of much of the power and wealth of the Western world.
This phenomenon also demonstrates the influence of
Jupiter, co-ruler
of Pisces. Jupiter rules men and women of religious calling,
although Neptune is specifically associated with the cloistered
life. Its rays invoke thoughts of philosophy, theology, and canon
law. Jupiter expands power but is also known as the preserver and is
closely connected to the maintenance of dogma.
We can understand the conflict symbolized by the polarity of Virgo
and Pisces. The former represents the desire to serve as a vehicle
for the expression of the personal ego structure. The essence of
Pisces, however, is service for its own sake and the eventual merger
of personal desire into the will of God. Pisces is a vehicle for
total surrender to a greater spiritual force, whereas Virgo attempts
to structure its services according to a personal concept of right
and wrong.
Constant self-examination in order to achieve purity in mind and
body and the atonement of “sin” through confession, penance, and
absolution are clearly projections of the energy contained within
the Pisces-Virgo polarity. The priest functions as a medium,
standing as he does between the Holy Spirit and man, administering
his duties according to the doctrines of Mother Church. Suffering
for one’s sins and repentance through established rituals and
thought forms became designations for the road to salvation.
In Luke 22:10, Jesus states He and His followers, at the last
Passover, are to go into “the house of the man with the water
pitcher.” They are to follow him to the upper room and there prepare
for feast which he will share with them.
Esoterically speaking, the man with the water pitcher signifies the
coming Age of Aquarius; the upper room refers to a higher state of
consciousness and the sharing of food refers to spiritual
nourishment which is received from the Christ and shared with
his followers.
Cusp of the Ages (Now)
We can expect to witness
unprecedented changes of epochal proportions, and events of a
magnitude unimaginable by most people. We cannot doubt that our
experiences of his ‘interface’ transitional period will be
intense, extreme, powerful (both positive and negative) on all
levels, because the real global crisis is one of consciousness
and ideology.”
– Moira Timms
Beyond Prophecies and Predictions
When the Earth progresses into a new
age, there is a precipitation of incoming energies, causing
significant variations in terrestrial occurrences. We can expect
strange weather patterns, an increase in earthquake activity, and
natural disasters unseen on this planet for thousands of years.
possibility of an asteroid hitting the earth is not out of the
We are on the threshold of a new era, but the birth of the Age of
Aquarius will be attendant with toil and pain. All the prophets and
Messengers of Light warn of cataclysmic Earth changes and an immense
global catastrophe heralding the advance into Aquarius.
Of course, the ending of one age is also the beginning of a new one,
but we should not expect overnight transformations. The supposed
‘dawning of the Age of Aquarius’ in the 60s, like all false dawns,
quickly fizzled out. The belief we entered Aquarius and are now in a
new era of universal love, peace and brotherhood, is a delusion
suffered by many adherents of the ‘New Age’. The grave mistake of
believing on a certain date the Earth, along with all humanity, will
be automatically transformed to a new level, is a serious
misinterpretation of astrological cycles.
However, humanity can expect a new revelation of the divine wisdom,
and once the proverbial dust has settled, a new era. Like in the
turbulent days of the Essenes, small groups of people are rejecting
the dying old age and separating from the world to form underground
networks. In touch with the divine wisdom of the ages, the task of
this remnant is to survive the coming destruction and establish a
New Society, with a truly Aquarian consciousness.
As David Fideler in Jesus Christ: Sun of God explains:
During such periods of cultural
renaissance and renewal, a spiritual impulse is released into
the world of human affairs. Those visionaries who have long been
watching the horizon detect the first rays of light; they are
the first to detect the soothing breath of spring’s first
breeze, announcing the promise of a new season...
Age of Aquarius
(Approx. 2050 – 4210)
Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, is to be the primary planetary influence
for the next 2000 years. What do the vibrations of this planet and
its sign indicate?
Aquarius is designated as the sign of “the realm of the organization
and projection of social ambitions and ideals.” Leo, its polarity,
is involved with the same sphere of influence but carries out its
role in a highly personalized manner. Leo is concerned with the
preservation of the one, while Aquarius is preoccupied with the
needs and interrelationships of the many.
As an air sign, Aquarius pertains to the mental realms. It
formulates ideas from the watery inspirations of Pisces and then
proceeds to organize the concepts upon which a new civilization is
to be based. It also provides much of the technology and foresight
enabling humanity to plan ahead for the future.
While Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, it is also influenced by Saturn.
Saturn is the planet of limitations and represents the grounding
force, the need for form, and the channelling of energies into
prescribed paths for specific purposes.
Air is the element of the new age and this makes communication and
inventiveness two of the most outstanding characteristics of the
Aquarian period. The use of electricity, the car, telephone,
television, Internet and space exploration – are all related to
Aquarius. The advent of psychology and proliferation of ‘New Age’
beliefs have displaced the power of the Church. Religious practices
have left the aspects of Earth [Taurus], Fire [Aries], Water
[Pisces], and began to turn mental or psychic in essence.
The many UFOs sighted in the last half of this century are aerial
phenomena. Carl Jung saw
the UFO experience as a symptom of the end
of an age. Jung contended that during these periods the psychic
changes upon the population as a whole invoked a variety of
occurrences like mysterious objects in the sky and apparitions. Jung
predicted a transition between Pisces and Aquarius full of violent
transformations and harmful effects to the collective psyche. This
violence, Jung contended, made for “changes in the constellation of
psychic dominants.”
Aquarius is often depicted as a youth with an urn of water placed
upon his shoulders. This symbolism often confuses people into
thinking Aquarius is a watery sign, but water, in this
representation, is symbolic of an even deeper concept. The Water
Bearer signifies man is created from the ‘waters’ of life. Water is
seen as the stream of universal consciousness, inspiration, and

The Aquarian Water Bearer, illustrated by its star configuration,
pours forth its contents, and conjures up the picture of a vast flow
of dynamic spiritual energy spiraling into the ‘fish’ of the closing
Age of Pisces.
The great changes being wrought by the rays of Aquarius are
dramatically increasing man’s capacity for thinking, but not
necessarily understanding or wisdom. Witness the last few decades
and the availability of colossal amounts of information. An
inability to discriminate, combined with acute naivety, mires
transitional humanity in complex illusory traps. In time, the study
of the relationships between teachings to find their similarities
will bring wisdom and the unification of ideas.
Aquarius as an air sign stimulates the mental bodies of humanity
towards brotherhood and the integration of knowledge. We can expect
the energy generated by baser worldly desires to be transmuted to a
search for gnosis or Soul-Wisdom. The new age will be one of
synthesis and cooperation between individuals and groups.
We can assist the transition from the Piscean Age by cooperating
with the Divine Plan or we can vainly try to impede the process.
Unless our minds are receptive to the ideas of the Aquarian Age
there is no avenue for these ideas to reach the Earth.
Dynamic and
Destructive Energy of Uranus
Even at this early stage in our transition to Aquarius, the dynamic
energy of Uranus is greatly affecting humanity. However, mankind is
not ready to tap into these more highly developed powers. In order
to properly handle this “increased voltage,” the proper physical,
mental, and spiritual vehicles will gradually develop in the Age of
Aquarius. You cannot send 500 volts through a conductor capable of
handling only 100.
There are increasing numbers of people capable of responding to the
rays of Uranus. While still in the minority, they will steadily
increase. The first (or grosser) vibrations of Uranus are
destructive. Uranus is known as the great ‘destroyer of forms’, but
this destruction is only in order that a better form may come into
Uranus acts suddenly. It is unconventional, forceful, and often
violent in its manner of expression. Instead of the slower processes
of reason (Mercury), Uranus acts through bolts of lightning,
illuminating one’s mental horizon with great power. Uranus is called
the planet of invention and revolution. Invention, because it gives
great flashes of light that give birth to creative innovations.
Revolution, because it tends to overthrow preconceived or
conventional notions with its directness, originality, and intuitive
perspective. One of its primary effects is to create a feeling of
independence and individuality.
The Dark Side
of Aquarius
Our examination would not be complete without a warning about the
darker potentials of the Aquarian Age, which is often ignored or
denied by its proponents who equate it with the re-emergence of the
‘Golden Age’. (The distinction is the subject of a separate article
but, in short, the ‘Golden Age’ occurred at one time on Earth, in
the very distant past.)
On this subject, John Hogue in his book The Millennium Book of
Prophecy, says the,
“Aquarian is a blind idealist, optimistic about
the future – at all costs. The adherents of New Age thinking glibly
encourage this misplaced idealism in others: ‘Don’t give the
negative any energy and it won’t happen.’”
Aquarius rules the urge to impersonalize, which might herald a more
tolerant mankind that takes and perceives aggression less
personally. But used unconsciously, the same potential for
impersonalization could see people lose their souls to a
dictatorship of the computer.
Hogue adds the authorities of the
coming age might,
“fashion psycho-weapons out of the Aquarian
element of atmosphere and mood... and you may not even feel the
This scenario is best envisioned by
George Orwell’s 1984, in which
the Big Brother state dominates and controls every aspect of citizen
life. The Aquarian citizen might be seduced into believing the
propaganda and even support a corporate police state in which every
one is happy because of genetic engineering and virtual reality.
Another characteristic of Aquarius is its icy-cold, distant,
critical side. The idealistic part of Aquarius has it loving
humanity. But in the personal sense – the human sense – there is a
feeling of revulsion for the soft, vulnerable and imperfect natures
of actual people.
End of
the Current World Order
Reviewing recent events and those over the past century, the forces
of destruction are self-evident. These destructive forces can be
expected to greatly increase in the coming years. Negative forces
are extremely potent at the dawning of a new age, fearing, as it
were, the loss of their privileged positions. They sow seeds of
confusion, disarray and havoc, attempting to trick humanity into
accepting the old age in new forms. The web of social, political and
economic control is tightening on a global scale. Evil forces are
entrapping people in a subtle world of consumerism, fantasy,
escapism, and delusion which destroys lives.
We are entering the initial phase of a time of ‘strong delusions’
and ‘global deception’. All the evil forces and powers of the lower
astral worlds are bursting barriers that had hitherto restrained
them. Consequently ‘good’ will be called ‘evil’ and ‘evil’ hailed as
‘good’. Negative entities will manifest themselves before humans as
aliens, extraterrestrials and ‘angels’. To find a parallel for such
a time of false spirituality one must go back to the closing periods
of the great Atlantean epoch.
Make no mistake, humanity is given a choice. By clinging to the old
age consciousness and falling under the demonic delusions of false
spirituality, the majority are doomed and will perish. Nothing we
can do will stem this flood of evil that has already passed beyond
Nevertheless there is a mission, and that mission is to save the
remnant. How is this to be done? A Message of Warning and Awakening
must be declared. Those who escape the coming onslaught will accept
that declaration. They shall be drawn to it by “spiritual affinity”
and will find deliverance. By calling humanity to awaken and
separate themselves from the delusions, traps and attachments of the
world, the remnant is preparing a way of escape. A modern day
‘Noah’s Ark’. A new community of men and women who have left the old
Age behind and are linking their consciousness with the impulses of
the Age of Aquarius.
This message of awakening to a new way, a new life, a new
consciousness, and ultimately a new age, must be publicly declared.
This Work of Awakening and separation is spiritual – not mental and
argumentative. If people do not recognize it as Truth intuitively,
explanations are wasted. The genuine new age calls for the new
Method – the Aquarian Work for the Aquarian Consciousness.
We live in a time unique in the history of the world – a time
pregnant with opportunity in proportion to its difficulty, danger
and distress. Let us go forward undismayed. Let us proclaim the
authentic New Age for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Our
future is in our hands.
The Sign of the Man stands on the horizon.