by Steve Hammons
February 27, 2006
AmericaChronicle Website
UFOWhipnet Website
New information has been presented that
gives people interested in the story of “Project SERPO” more to
consider and evaluate.
In recent days, people involved in the Web site serpo.org
have posted previously undisclosed alleged accounts from former
military and other officials who were reportedly directly involved
in some capacity with Project SERPO-related activities.
Project SERPO is the alleged exchange program between
astronaut-trained American military personnel and friendly
visitors from a planet in the Zeta Reticuli star system
in the 1960s and 70s.
The beginnings of the program reportedly originated after the crash
of extraterrestrial crafts in New Mexico in 1947. The follow-up
efforts are alleged to have continued into the 1950s and led to a
joint-service team of 12 specially-trained U.S. military personnel
going with the visitors, aboard one of their advanced spacecraft, to
their home planet for a 10-year stay, and returning to Earth in the
late 1970s.
Natural questions have been raised about the authenticity of these
reports. Is it a hoax and fiction? Is it a disinformation
psychological operation (PSYOP) of some kind? Is it part
of an acclimation program to further educate and prepare Americans
and the international population for the reality of extraterrestrial
visitation and activities on Earth? Or, is it something else or some
combination of things?
If accurate or partially accurate, it is certainly interesting that
this information has now become public and part of open source
intelligence (OSINT).
Rumors and accounts of this kind of operation have apparently been
floating around military circles for many years. Recently though,
allegedly, an unidentified person claiming to be a spokesman for six
former and current officials of the Defense Intelligence Agency
(DIA) has released new details about the alleged Project
The new information that this anonymous person apparently has
released is claimed to be, “some brief, but powerful testimonials
from various USM people involved with ‘Project SERPO,’"
according to “Anonymous.” These are alleged to be accounts
from military personnel, people involved in the U.S. space program
and similar kinds of individuals.
Though some of the information discussed in the new accounts
has been posted on serpo.org over
the last few months, the new data provides more to analyze and
assess for truthfulness, understanding and clarification.
Anonymous seems to indicate that each following nine sections
is from separate individuals.
This text has been taken directly from the
serpo.org Web site. The nine accounts below are only part
of the newly-posted information.
The structure of the 12-person U.S. team, their roles and
three-digit identifiers (used for operational security reasons) have
been previously discussed on the serpo.org site. The team
roles and numbers are listed below, as allegedly reported by one of
Anonymous’ associates in the newly-posted information. Other new
alleged accounts follow.
Team commander, 102
Assistant team commander, 203
Team pilot #1, 225
Team pilot #2, 308
Linguist #1, 420
Linguist #2, 475
Biologist, 518
Scientist #1, 633
Scientist #2, 661
Doctor #1, 700
Doctor #2, 754
Security, 899
"Project CRYSTAL KNIGHT" was started in the early
1960s. This was part of the original U.S. Space Program,
where U.S. military pilots were selected for astronauts.
But the military program was classified "Top Secret"
because their program involved an exchange of
Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs).
The EBEs came from another planet. They called
themselves "Ebens" and came from the planet SERPO in the
Zeta Reticular Star System, 42 light years away. The
Ebens first came to Earth about 2,000 years ago and were
involved in the genetic examination of Earth humans.
The Ebens then left and returned in the early '40s,
setting up a base in northern New Mexico. In 1947, two
of their spacecrafts crashed in southern New Mexico. We
discovered them and began a relationship with the Ebens.
"Project CRYSTAL KNIGHT" was a program that
exchanged 12 American astronauts with three Ebens. Our
astronauts left on an Eben spacecraft and traveled to
the planet SERPO for 12 years, returning in 1978.
We are reading about this program in these releases. I
was involved in the later program which came after 1978.
We had an additional exchange program set up, under
"Project BISHOP," but President Reagan cancelled the
project in 1985.
I was involved in "Project CRYSTAL KNIGHT" from
about 1960 until 1965. I was assigned as a civilian to
this project. I was a CIA employee, with a specialty of
survival in a foreign environment. I was a training
instructor at the CIA training camp in Virginia. I
trained the 12 men -- NO women -- who went on this
mission. They spent about eight months at our training
facility. Few knew their exact mission, which was
classified "Top Secret/Codeword." I had no other
involvement with this mission after 1965. I was very
surprised to hear this story come to light now after all
these years.
I was involved with this program years ago. I was an Air
Force Captain assigned to a training element at Tyndall
Air Base Florida. We trained these 12 in astronaut
procedures. We didn't really know their final mission,
but we did know they were going into space.
I didn't realize their fate until they returned. I read
the classified report and first thought it was a work of
fiction. But as I read the report, I realized these 12
men went to another planet, lived among aliens and
returned. Four died and eight returned.
The "Project SERPO" information that I just read
is NOT totally correct. There were two women in the
original 16 selected for training. I helped train the
team, including the two women. But after the final
selection process -- which did not involve any combat
training like what was mentioned on the Web site,
www.serpo.org -- the two women were dropped from the
list. During the training, the Team Members didn't know
their actual assignment.
When the final cut was made, the 12 selected were sent
to a military prison and then told of the assignment.
The 12 were isolated from that point on. The 12 were
removed from the payroll of the government and placed in
a special file within the Defense Intelligence Agency.
The DIA was the controlling agency in "Project
CRYSTAL KNIGHT" which was the name of the operation.
To comprehend the matter involving "Project SERPO,"
one must understand the complexity of the United States
Government. "Project CRYSTALKNIGHT" pertained to
the training and relocation of 12 brave United States
Military Men to a foreign alien planet, 42 light years
from Earth. I was one person in charge of a final phase
of training. I was one person who knew the operation. I
was one person who knew the names of those involved.
However, I never knew the names of the 12 men sent on
that special long distance mission. The names were
classified. The 12 had numbers, three-digit numbers. But
all of the training instructors, mission directors and
project managers used their real names. I would believe
that most of the older personnel involved in this
project are dead. But some of us are still alive. I was
shocked and outraged when I first heard about the
This must be a Defense Intelligence Agency programmed
release. I cannot believe that the DIA would allow
someone to release this sensitive, highly classified
operation without the proper approval. This must be a
segmented release project fully controlled by the DIA.
Why? I wouldn't even wish to begin to guess the reason.
I am awaiting further release of the photographs, which
I know exists because I saw them. There are sixteen
books of photographs retrieved from the Team Members who
returned. Only eight men returned. Two died on the
planet and two remained for some unknown reason. Those
two did not wish to return to Earth. But the returning
crew brought back thousands of photographs.
My father died in 1995. He was retired from the U.S. Air
Force. In 1990, he told me a story about a special
mission that he was involved in back in 1965. He told me
that this mission was about 12 military astronauts that
went to another planet in a spaceship that was found in
the New Mexico desert.
He said the 12 men were trained at Tyndall Air Force
Base, Florida, where he was stationed. He helped train
the 12 in space endurance, which he was trained to do.
He said the 12 left in 1965 and came back in 1978 and he
was there to check them after they returned to this
planet, Earth. I didn't know what to think about my
dad's story.
Back then, I just listened to him and thought maybe he
was just making this up. But now, I realise he was
telling the truth. It is too late for my father to know
about this, but I know my father was being truthful to
me and that makes me feel good. I look forward to
reading more about this incredible story.
Having been involved with the Defense Intelligence
Agency for 35 years, I am well aware that this project
is real. Whether the actual released information from
this "ANONYMOUS" character is correct is another
I don't recall the exact details of the debriefing, but
I know there were thousand of hours of audio recordings
done on the old-style military voice recording tapes. To
the best of my knowledge, those tapes are locked up in a
secure vault within DIA headquarters at Bolling Air
Force Base, Washington, D.C.
I cannot for the life of me figure out WHY this
information is being released now. I caution all
involved that this might be some "rogue" DIA warrior
that is trying to embarrass the DIA.
I am a retired Army Colonel. I was stationed at the
Defense Language Institute in the early '50s. My
specialty was languages. I spoke five different
I was sent on a temporary duty assignment to the Special
Intelligence Center Ft. Belvoir, Maryland in 1964. When
I arrived, I was given a dictaphone recording of a
language. I listened to that language and realized it
was something I had never heard before. It didn't sound
like a language, but more like pitches and tones created
by some device. I was later told this language was an
alien language and that I, along with others, would have
to somehow translate it.
Our team (18 language specialists) worked on this for
six months but couldn't crack it. I then learned of a
special operation mission of 12 astronauts to an alien
planet. The 12 had to learn this language, but it was
almost impossible for us to teach a language like this.
We never did learn a single word and to the best of my
knowledge, neither did the astronauts. |
If accurate or partially accurate, the release of this kind of
information obviously has many ramifications. As some of the
“insider” comments seem to ask, “why” and “why now?”
Do people in positions of knowledge and wisdom about the situation
feel the public has a “need to know” about the alleged exchange
program and the related implications? According to some researchers,
there has been a gradual acclimation effort for many years, getting
the public ready to accept and cope with this kind of information.
Maybe we are ready now.
Is there some new urgency or timing factor, either
because of events in our government, internationally, on our planet
or outside of our planet? Maybe the time has just come and it is
judged that we can handle the truth of this situation.
That would seem to be a good thing, because it might be helpful for
the human race to get a better perspective and a bigger picture of
human existence. Maybe it would help us rise above our wars,
violence, terrorism and increase efforts to eliminate human
suffering and prevent the possible very serious environmental damage
to our planet.
Some people are concerned about or have predicted a coming
catastrophe. They may use scientific methods to arrive at these
possible scenarios. Similar concerns may have a basis in spiritual
teachings, legends and warnings. Or, worries about a catastrophe for
humans on Earth could be based on other conventional and
unconventional intelligence sources.
We can look at the news on any given day and imagine possible
scenarios that could be very problematic for the human race. These
scenarios could be biological, climatic, geologic or nuclear, to
name a few. These may intersect too. For example, climatic or
nuclear events would obviously have biological results for humans.
- Biological: A mutating bird
flu is a danger. The potential of bioterrorism using an existing
disease or genetically-modified disease is another. Some other
disease could come at us.
- Climatic: Global warming and climate change is
happening. Is there a “tipping point” coming where it will be a
true disaster. Is our atmosphere in danger of some kind of
- Geologic: Is Earth due for dramatic earthquakes,
volcanic activity and tsunamis? Some people think the Earth’s
crust could shift in dramatic ways, causing many kinds of
problems. Even a massive geological, crustal “pole shift” has
been hypothesized.
- Nuclear: Will some rogue group or nation, or even a
“respectable” country set off nuclear exchange that is
The dangers of these kinds of events
might be dangerously close and maybe the Project SERPO
information, even if it is not totally accurate, could be
helpful in getting humans to change their points of view.
Another reason could be that, in fact, the stories about
extraterrestrial visitors, UFOs, abduction of humans and
similar situations are true. Is something happening now in this area
that requires greater information be made available to the public?
Are we going to experience another strange incident like “The
Phoenix Lights” when a huge triangular or boomerang-shaped UFO
reportedly drifted silently, but very visibly, over a major American
city one evening?
According to information found in various sources on these subjects,
there may be
several types of extraterrestrial species and
civilizations visiting Earth. Their motives, goals
and agendas may be quite different. Their methods of operation could
also differ.
Some may be quite friendly and helpful to us. Some might not be or
could even pose a threat. Some may just be observing in a neutral
This is similar to our international relations on Earth. Some
nations and groups of people are allies and friends, some are
hostile enemies. There are relationships that are neither and are
somewhere in the middle. There are complex political, military,
cultural, psychological and even spiritual relationships between
nations and groups of people.
The term “exopolitics” describes applying normal concepts of
international diplomacy to relationships with visitors from other
planets. Maybe
we all need a better education on exopolitics
and that is why information is being released.
Some reports indicate that there may be up to nine different types
of extraterrestrial civilizations visiting Earth. They may be
humanoid, that is, biologically somewhat like us. There are also
reports of beings who are reptile-like or insect-like
in their biological form. There may also be beings who have some
form that is even more different, maybe some kind of energy that
does not have a concrete biological form at all.
Without accepting that any of this is true, it might be useful to at
least admit to the possibility that some of it could be true.
This would help us be prepared for some of these possibilities, just
in case they ever occur.
As with our personal and international relationships, it is
good to be able to identify and establish positive relationships
with friends and family. It is equally helpful to identify potential
enemies, people to stay away from and to have defenses against
problems associated with them.
If the reports of extraterrestrial visitors are true, in a
way it’s really just business as usual. Dealing with people who are
different or even strange is something many of us have dealt with in
life. There are good people. The existence of bad people is also an
unfortunate reality. And, it’s not always easy to sort out who’s
It’s usually better to be safe than sorry in these kinds of
The Project SERPO information, whether accurate or
inaccurate, might make us think about the brave and dedicated people
in our military, intelligence and scientific communities.
If extraterrestrial craft did crash in New Mexico in 1947, it would
have posed a tremendous shock and worry for our national security
authorities. If they did establish positive diplomatic relations
with these visitors and an exchange program, that was quite an
If any of this is true, many people wonder about what has happened
in the decades since. The reports of the U.S. acquiring advanced
technology make sense. The secrecy surrounding the situation also
makes sense.
What other information and experiences were gained by Americans
involved in these kinds of programs? Did we stay on a moral and
spiritually sound path in dealing with visitors from another planet?
The information on
Project Serpo and from many other
sources gives us a few clues on these and other questions. If
Anonymous and his friends and associates continue to provide us
with more information, we can continue to think further about these
kinds of ideas and concepts.
Again, whether true, false or partially true, these accounts of an
alleged program like Project SERPO can help us grow as human
beings and help us gain a better perspective on the dangers of our
own making that we face.
If the stories are true, we could also learn more about the way
physics, time and Nature function. We might learn about
possibilities for further human development, our place in the
Universe, Heaven and the mysteries of a Great Spirit.