by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
DrBoylan Website
It should be noted that virtually all of
the lurid reports being palmed off on the public as examples of
“alien misbehavior” are actually secret psychological warfare
operations by human rogue military-intelligence units.
These renegade military-intelligence units kidnap civilians
without legal authorization or justification. These units drug those
they kidnap, (often experiencers). These renegades deliberately
intimidate, interrogate, physically abuse, and even gang-rape the
civilians they kidnap.
These covert-operations military-intelligence
units then use brainwashing techniques to make the civilians they
kidnap forget about the military kidnapping, while the renegades
hypnotically implant a false memory about the horrific experience as
an alien abduction .
The Councilor For
the Watchers, (a member of the High Council of the
Star Nations), has passed on the information that the Cabal have
appropriated advanced false-image technology, and applied it to
their vile MILABS (Military Mind Control And Alien Abduction
- faked alien abductions) purposes.
Originally, the U.S. military developed advanced holographic
image-projection technology which permits them to create
three-dimensional life-like images of, for example, rows of soldiers
advancing forward for battle. These images are true-to-life, not
like those cheesy holographic images in the earlier Star Wars
movies, glowing with a bluish-white light.
This new advanced
technology allows the Army to create fake battalions on the march,
for Saddam Hussein or whomever to waste their battalions and tank
columns on responding to, while the real U.S. military are actually
conducting battle somewhere else.
True to their duplicitous style, the Cabal let the U.S. taxpayer
foot the enormous bill for DARPA (Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency) and the Department of Defense to
develop this exotic, classified war technology. Then the Cabal stole
this technology.
The Cabal have applied this technology to several dark purposes.
For one,
the Cabal conduct psychological
warfare operations on innocent civilians by projecting and having a
realistic-looking 3-D fake extraterrestrial visit a human person.
This image can be blended with
psychotronic thought-projections
into the head of the civilian victim, so she thinks the
extraterrestrial is communicating with her. This visit is misused to
give the victim menacing messages. And the Cabal can even beam false
emotion-generating waves at the victim to make her think that the
extraterrestrial is emitting cold or menacing vibes.
If an even more intense terrifying experience is desired, the Cabal
can render the victim unconscious by either psychotronics or sleeper
gas, etc...
And then Cabal special operatives invade
her bedroom, haul her aboard one of the XH-75D Stealth antigravity
Shark helicopters, whisk her away to a secure (usually underground)
facility, where she may be interrogated, threatened, abused,
terrorized, gang-raped, drugged, and hypnotically programmed to mis-remember
her ordeal as an alien abduction.
She is then returned home to let
the sleeper drug wear off. Voila... Another duped victim of alien
abductions to go around spreading the word of how terrible they are.
This new unwitting propaganda "agent" costs the Cabal nothing more,
and can mislead the public for years.
For additional impact, in their MILABS, Cabal operatives use high
technology, including antigravity “tractor beams” (to draw persons
up into disguised, silent, hovering antigravity helicopters masked
as “UFOs”, which then take the victim to an installation made to
seem like a UFO base, so that the victim will become confused and
blame “the aliens” for Cabal kidnapping and abuse.
And in other operations Cabal operatives use this technology, plus
hand-held lasers, to lift up livestock, core out the livestock’s
organs, and drop them back on the pasture to create the negative
propaganda impression that “heartless aliens” had been engaged in
“cattle mutilations”.
The Cabal are working on perfecting this holographic technology
This involves not only
projecting high-grade 3-D holography
but also the stimulation of particles in the area of the image to
give weight or substance to the images being projected. This is
extremely difficult technology, and the Cabal are stuck on this
phase of development at the present, and trying to figure out how to
do that.
There is yet another Cabal purpose.
revelations by the late rocket scientist
Werner Von Braun, it
appears that the Cabal wish to create 3-D holographic fake images of
alien spacecraft which are solid enough to actually show up on radar
and appear convincingly solid. Von Braun indicated that the Cabal
plan to stage a fake alien invasion. This would undoubtedly
involve myriad fake UFOs in the skies, potentially coupled with
destructive energy rays hitting Earth targets. These energy blasts
would actually originate from offensive weapons systems emplaced in
orbit, and which the Cabal would control or commandeer.
It appears that the Cabal may be trying to imitate, and misuse,
Star Visitor technology. The Councilor For the Watchers
said that some of the Star Nations' starcraft utilize a much more
advanced form of such technology to create false UFO images, which
throw off missiles fired at them by the military or Cabal rogue
While the missile is headed for the holographic UFO , the
real starcraft can go to invisibility and escape. Once the real
starcraft has made its exit, the illusory UFO is turned off and
disappears from sight or radar screen.
It should be noticed that Star Visitors use such holography
only as a defensive measure if attacked.
This is in sharp contrast to the Cabal, who use their primitive
version of such technology offensively, to create fear, falsehood,
terrorizing incidents, real victims of fake MILABS, and eventually,
faked alien invasions .
The ultimate Cabal objective is to place Earth under martial law,
with Cabal operatives gaining power as the only ones who can save
humanity , once they haul out of the closet their advanced energy
weapons. These weapons systems are built from non-offensive
scientific Star Visitor technology, stolen from government labs, and
weaponized at Cabal labs.
But of course even such advanced Cabal weapons would be neutralized
by the real Star Visitors, who have no intention of invading Earth,
having watched nurturantly over us since before our inception as an
intelligent species.
You are exhorted to spread awareness of the Cabal duplicity and
treachery, which has wreaked much harm and disinformation amidst
the UFO community. And which threatens to try to stampede humanity
towards hysteria and a panic which can be manipulated to support
literal Star Wars.
Forewarned is forearmed. And information is power.