by Ted Twietmeyer
Data4Science Website
In general terminology, a
Vivarium is a place where living plants or
animals are stored. At Vivariums at research centers and
Universities, this is where animals reside most of their waking
In a monkey Vivarium a curious thing
takes place. Monkeys are a social species and develop a social order
in the wild. In these Vivariums they reside separate cages that also
physically separate them from touching each other. Yet they still
manage to create a social order amongst themselves, even when they
can’t see each other in the same room. (Cages typically have solid
walls with a grilled steel wire door.)
Although monkeys may not be able to see each other, they can hear
each other. Sounds without visual cues are apparently enough to
establish an order. Although biology isn’t my line of work, I have
learned these details from Ph.D. researchers who work these animals
every day.
Vivariums are also highly secured areas to protect the animals
against release into the public or kidnapping by animal rights
people. The security also protects animals against disease and
contamination by humans. Anyone who has had TB at some point their
life has an antigen in their blood stream. Although this antigen is
harmless to us, one sneeze from a former TB patient is deadly to a
Rhesus monkey.
Monkeys can carry a form of Herpes that lethally attacks internal
human organs. It ends in death in just three days. There is no
treatment or cure once someone is infected. To prevent this, monkeys
used for research must undergo several months of quarantine and
biological testing before released to a Vivarium for research. To
date, only one female lab technician has died from this.
As upsetting the thought of Vivariums is to many, these facilities
are an essential part of our lives. Without them, life-saving drugs
and medical procedures could never, ever be tried and approved for
use on human beings. But how many animal rights activists who are
suddenly sick and in pain with possible deadly consequences will be
thinking about a monkey in a cage?
I think not – they will be
screaming at the nurses and doctors, “Give me relief, no matter what
it takes!”
Vivariums are expensive to build and maintain, and require that a
veterinarian is available around the clock all year long. Cleaning,
feeding and watering must be done every day of the year without fail
even on holidays. A Rhesus monkey costs about the same to purchase
as a brand new mid-size automobile.
Cryptosporidium is a painful stomach virus human beings can contract
through bad water which will eventually run its course.
Cryptosporidium is one reason monkeys are euthanized, because they
rarely get over the virus.
There is another Vivarium that exists. This one is quite different
from the one previously described. In this one the animals take care
of themselves. When they die in this one, the other animals take
care of the bodies. They also feed and take care of each other as
well. Researchers only take these animals at night while they are
sleeping and return them before dawn.
As you probably surmised, this Vivarium
is known as Earth.
Some people abducted develop the ability to communicate
telepathically with their abductors, even during daylight hours. One
man I’ve been studying recently told me about a dialog he had with
his abductors, when he was concerned they would take him again.
Below is his unedited question and answer dialog with his abductors.
He is asking them the following
questions and the answers he received are included here:
Q: Are you going to take me tonight?
A: Yes
Q: Why are you doing this?
A: Your help is needed.
Q: Why can’t I remember what you do to me?
A: It would interfere with your life reality.
Q: How come you don’t ask my permission?
A: You would not give it.
Q: How long will this go on?
A: Until we are done.
Q: Can I refuse to go?
A: You cannot.
Notice the very short, terse answers he
received to his questions.
The term life reality is interesting,
and appears to refer to our paradigm of normal life as human beings.
It is well known that very horrific examinations and biological
sampling take place at various facilities or aboard spacecraft, but
this isn’t the focus of this essay.
However, those who have full knowledge of what has happened to them
will tell you what it has done to their lives. The effects are deep
and far reaching into anyone’s life.
Precious sleep is lost
resulting in painful physical ailments like fibromyalgia, jobs are
lost from exhaustion, marriages and families destroyed, and an
abductee’s health is damaged along with terrible mental stress from
knowing that the abductions will never end. These are just a few of
the implications to those who obtain full knowledge of their
abduction events.
A 2004 abduction documentary included an interview with Travis
Walton, who was missing for several days and endured a series of
bizarre and painful tests in a large spacecraft. He was missing so
long that his three friends who saw his abduction were accused of
murdering him. They were later cleared with a lie detector test.
Travis Walton stated that,
“The net effect on my life from the movie
(Fire in the Sky) has been negative. And the net effect on my
financial status has been negative.”
In past years people were abducted once or twice a year.
This is no
longer the case for some people. Just two years ago, one couple I’ve
was studying for several years were taken about every week or so,
usually during the very early hours of a Wednesday morning, like
clockwork. Now they are taken 2 to 3 times each week, and on some
occasions twice in one night.
We can do some quick numbers to get a handle on how many people are
available for research and collection in the Earth Vivarium. There
are about 6 billion people on Earth currently (depending on where
you get the numbers from.) Human beings are usually abducted
between12AM to 1AM, and returned just before dawn or about 5AM.
Aliens using this window of opportunity eliminate the evidence of
missing time. Note that it’s always between those hours somewhere on
Earth, all the time.
On the expansive seas that cover most of Earth,
the number of people abducted and returned from ocean-going vessels
is an unknown value and will probably remain as such.
There are places where population density is extremely high on
Earth, and yet in other places almost no one is exists. For purposes
of discussion we can divide the total number of human beings (6
billion) into the 24 time zones. This averages out to 250 million
people in each time zone. During the early morning hours, the actual
reality is that 500 million people or more can be available for
abduction in high population countries like India and China.
Such is the reality of life in our Vivarium. With Earth Vivariums,
one could really view these as a Vivarium inside another Vivarium.
Of course, researchers with doctorates take a dim view of this
concept and laugh…even though it’s actually true.
Stopping abductions is extremely difficult. My research has found
that shortly before any abduction takes place and during the
abduction electronic devices stop functioning. This negates the
effectiveness of virtually all electronic countermeasures such as
strobe lights, loud sound, RF fields etc….
One question always arises from the skeptics like a pre-programmed
statement, “Why isn’t there any evidence!”
Logic shows that if
incontrovertible physical evidence was left behind (such as an
instrument or object made of non-earthly materials, it would cause a
major problem. People would start focusing on fighting aliens,
instead of focusing on earthly arguments. It would become a major
obstacle for the alien agenda.
Ronald Reagan’s statements about an alien force or threat unifying
the world are probably correct.
But who told him?
When someone is confronted with a dangerous situation an instinctive
“fight or flight” response is invoked. But when our entire planet is
confronted with such a terrible truth of everyone being a lab rat
and we decide to flee… the question is flee to where?
This leads us
to the question - why is nothing is being done to stop abductions?
Many theories often include some word of a deal gone bad with one
alien race after 1947. In this popular theory, the deal which the US
government made was to allow limited abductions in exchange for
technology. As the story goes, we really didn’t get the technology
promised but aliens continued to abduct people en masse - for some
60+ years now. I’m not saying I agree with the story, but just
repeating the essence of it here for reference purposes.
Clearly, the military is completely aware of the entire abduction
issue and remain silent about it.
Here are a few possibilities why the
military has not physically started an open battle with alien races
to stop the abductions and the invasion:
Military intelligence has
probably determined our current weapons technology is not
sufficiently advanced to win the battle for Earth’s
Our military leaders have been
taken aboard ships as guests to a distant planet and
witnessed a demonstration of alien war technology. Such a
demonstration would be designed to instill total fear and
submission, when government official watches a planet
quickly destroyed. This would leave an indelible memory, and
surely he would bring back what he witnessed to his
government to set policy.
There are too many
visiting Earth, and we would be overwhelmed by a collective
Our governments have been
infiltrated, and one or more alien races fully control our
planet. They may be leaving current Earth governments as-is
to prevent disturbing the order in our Vivarium.
Telescope video recordings by
John Walson (and probably
others) proved there are numerous vessels in orbit. I personally
know a woman who was recently abducted twice over several days. She
was able to see the Earth below from a vehicle window on both
occasions. Based on the apparent size of the Earth visible in a
window, she felt certain that she was inside a vessel high up in
orbit. The room was well lit but there was no visible light source.
Near the end of a recent abduction an invisible force held her to a
cold metal chair. She was completely worn out from being taken
several times a week, with the resultant extremely unpleasant
physical side effects that last for days. A side effect of
abductions often has her laid out flat out in bed for a day or two.
Then she is taken again. While sitting in the metal chair, the woman
demanded that these beings stop taking her.
In her words:
“I told them I’m sick of this. A man
was present in military uniform with four flipping, wiggling
fingers that didn’t look human.”
He spoke to her saying,
“We won’t take you as often as we
have.” (This later turned out to be yet another lie.)
Suddenly a very large, very ugly
insect-like creature entered the room. She described it as best she
“It stood upright and I could see
through its skin and see the organs inside. It was very ugly and
it smelled terrible.”
She stated it was about as high as the
walls in her home (8 feet tall) and mostly resembled a
Pray Mantis
The Mantis-like being,
“appeared irritated and apparently was in
It flatly told the other beings,
“This is over!”
At that point she was returned to her
home. What makes this particularly important is that no hypnosis was
required to recall this event.
An interesting thing about Earth insects is that at one time on
ancient Earth, many of these creatures grew quite large. Some had
wingspans several feet wide according to fossil records. Science
theories about ancient Earth state that all these large creatures
died off either as the result of a cataclysmic event or through
natural selection.
But is it not possible that somewhere, some place
in the universe or perhaps on another world, Praying Mantis type
insects did not die off but evolved into a higher life form instead?
All things are possible until proven otherwise.
From our youngest years people are programmed by society and the
educational system to scoff at the unexplainable and the bizarre.
But looking out one of the windows down to the Earth below was real.
These vessels appear to be as real as the computer screen on which
you are reading this.
Abductions have taken place in many different places. These include
homes in the country, high-rise apartment buildings in New York
City, people driving down the road in broad daylight or even at
night, from hotels and motels and most likely even from ocean liners
or freighters. In essence, people can be taken anywhere they won’t
be missed for a few hours.
It appears that sleep study labs and hospitals appear to be
off-limits to those taking people.
Taking someone from one of
these locations would result in documented, incontrovertible
evidence that abductions are indeed happening. And there would also
be the unwanted attention that would inevitably take place. Travis
Walton is a good example of what happens when there are witnesses.
If his friends were not there when he was taken, it probably would
never have been made into a movie. But their testimony gave his
abduction great credibility.
A few years ago, I saw a small piece of stretch material probably
used to secure abductees to a table by at least one race. It was
stuck to a man’s arm when he awoke in the morning. Although
carefully saved, the stretchy material had the pink color of
Pepto-Bismol. Over a few days, it evaporated and disappeared. This
man did not have any chewing gum in his home.
The fact that it completely vanished from a hidden location ruled
out chewing gum. I should have taken a photo of it. However, this
occurred before I began to seriously collect data on abductions and
didn’t pay enough attention to it. Oddly enough, it reminded me of
the elastic sheet used on Travis Walton to anchor him to a table for
highly invasive medical procedures.
Why would they use an elastic sheet? The abductee can struggle all
they want but cannot escape, and no marks will be left on their
If ordinary people obtained concrete physical evidence, it could
seriously disrupt life in our Vivarium.
Clearly alien researchers, DNA
collectors and other ET users of Earth resources simply won’t allow
that to happen.