by Ted Twietmeyer
Data4Science Website
Now appears to be the right time to reveal some facts about a
nightmarish portion of the ET situation - at least that’s what
people think it is. This is factual material, and probably not good
bedtime reading material for some people.
With that said, recent data has provided strong evidence that some
of these ruthless creatures may not even be alien at all.
For countless centuries mankind have looked down on insects almost
as though they were invisible. Few people notice more than ants,
houseflies and mosquitoes. Perhaps this is mainly because we are
many times larger than even the largest living insect species? But
we look down on them with a certain casual disdain. In grade school
children are taught that giant insects with six foot wing spans died
eons ago.
Children burn ants with a magnifying glass. Everyone swats flies and
uses bug spray without a second thought to kill termites, ants,
flies, wasps, bees and mosquitoes. Planes buzz over our heads to
destroy the worst of all the countless pest species, such as the
Boll Weevil, Corn Borer, leaf mites and others. Even the smallest
child is more than 100 times the size of the biggest insect.
Since we’re far bigger than the largest
bug, what’s the worst they can do to us? Sting or bite?
There’s a certain, almost unspoken mysticism about insects in
general. We consider them inferior and almost prehistoric with their
primitive thinking. Giant insects have been extinct for millions of
Or so we all thought.
Let’s take a quick look at three interesting insects:

A determined Dung Beetle “bringing
home the bacon” (a ball of dung) walking backwards and rotating
the ball while pushing only with the two front feet. Exactly
what compels these beetles to perform this behavior is unknown.
It could be a form of genetic

A Tarantula known as the Goliath
bird-eating spider is almost as big as a dinner plate.
People usually do not die from a
bite but can become quite sick. (http://www.extremescience.com/BiggestSpider.htm)

A Praying Mantis is among the
largest known flying insects.
This fearless triangular-head insect
will not back down to anything that threatens it.
On a hot summer day a few years ago I drove to my office. On that
day the parking lot was empty. Standing on the very edge of the
sidewalk/curb along the parking lot of the building, out in the open
and all alone, was a single Praying Mantis insect. It was almost the
size of the insect shown above.
It stood upright and motionless facing my direction. It was almost
as though it was waiting for me to arrive. There was nothing in
front of it except an acre of asphalt parking lot. I knew that when
threatened these insects will react. I pulled a pen from my pocket
and very slowly approached it. As the distance closed between my pen
and insect to about 10 inches, its wings began to unfold outward.
This insect’s wings are solid surfaces which fold open like bat
wings. Oddly enough, when I stopped moving the pen closer it held
its wings frozen in position. As I slowly came closer, its wings
spread out even further.
When I was within about 2 inches of the Mantis it gave out an
audible hissing sound while keeping the wings fixed and fully spread
out. It was incredible that something that small could be heard so
loudly. As I slowly withdrew the pen, the wings lowered
proportionately to the distance I moved. If I stopped moving away,
the insect froze the wings at that particular position.
It was an
invisible thread connected my pen to the insect’s wings with an
overhead pulley. That’s how mechanical the response actually was.
This was a fascinating response. Here we have an insect, perhaps
three inches tall being approached by a human being approximately 23
TIMES ITS SIZE, yet it did not fly away or back down. I repeated the
impromptu experiment several times before leaving it alone. Each
time, the very same response was observed.
Imagine if you can, that some creature approaches you 23 times
taller than you are! Even if you’re 6 feet tall – this equates to a
being with a staggering height of 138 feet! At almost 14 stories
tall, it would be the size of an office building.
That would be how a Praying Mantis would
see you through its compound eyes.
Unfortunately, far taller and heavier insect life DOES EXIST.
species don’t knock on your door and ask to come in, or stand on a
curb waiting for you. They simply materialize near you. These
insects can appear indoors or outdoors with little or no warning and
they don’t smell good. Both the seven to nine foot tall praying
mantis beings AND the Grays are actually insects. Both are ruthless
and without emotion.
I have a good friend who has had numerous negative encounters with
Gray beings. (Many people often call them aliens, which is
questionable.) Since he has already gone public with some of this
information, I will provide an excerpt from a discussion with him of
his encounters. He has given me permission to use the following
Since this man is a professional and does not want his career to be
negatively affected by his weekly horror experience, we will just
call him Jim. In the account below I will quote him as accurately as
Jim lives in the southwest and is a
former special ops warrior:
Ted: How have you been
Jim: I’m sick of this place and have to move.
Ted: Why?
Jim: I’m just sick of the Grays. They have been
mutilating and decapitating my horses. I’ve shot them outside
but they keep coming. You don’t want to discharge any firearm
indoors, so I use a machete and simply hack them to pieces.
Ted: So what happens to the bodies after that?
Jim: It makes a mess that I have to clean up.
Ted: What about the bodies and body parts? What do you do
with them?
Jim: They just disappear. You can count to about 20 and
they vanish.
Ted: What about the blood?
Jim: Any blood that leaves their bodies stays behind.
Ted: What does your wife think of all this?
Jim: She’s no longer shocked by it. Often when she comes
home from work I’m mopping blood off the floor.
Ted: Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Jim: I would add that I have always experienced a sudden
awareness of their presence even if I can't see them. The energy
in the area where they appear seems different just before I can
see them. It is the same feeling that I get just the same second
as a large bolt of lighting gives me when there is a really
bright flash near by.
It seems to energize the surrounding
I use it as my cue to get ready to
attack when ever I feel it. It is so strong that it wakes me from
sleep when I feel it. The Rotts [Rottweiler dogs] also feel it
because they immediately tense and begin to growl a deep menacing
growl just before they appear.
At that point it is mere seconds before the first blows are
delivered and the blood begins to flow. I can deliver five to six
killing blows in less then five seconds if I am ready. The entire
exchange is over in less then twenty seconds this way. If I can pin
one against the wall or floor they come apart like cutting modeling
clay and disappear with this funky expression on their face like Uh
Oh I am F..ked.
Only the name of the dogs was added for clarity and the final
expletive modified. No other changes were made to Jim's account.
Note the comment,
“They come apart like cutting modeling clay.”
this sound like the purported demons that some believe they are? I
don’t think anyone else on Earth to date has come forward with the
factual experiences, data and testimony that Jim has.
I salute Jim for allowing me to post his comments.
With that said about at least one known species of Gray, imagine a
lizard which can materialize suddenly right behind you. In another
state, a friend of mine was attacked from behind while he was armed
with a high quality surgical stainless steel knife. He was armed and
prepared because he had previously fought these lizards.
Clearly some of these exo-reptiles have highly acidic blood. In one
case, the blood was so acidic it ate through the surgical stainless
steel blade of a knife.
Ruthless and selfish, many of these beings
treat people as nothing more than livestock and as a resource from
which to take whatever materials they want – including human waste,
urine, reproductive material, possibly blood and extract the
negative energy generated by fear. People often mistake these
painful procedures as “experiments.”
Now think of the height of a lizard creature at between 7 and 9 feet
tall. Look up at the wall behind your computer. If you live in a
typical home in North America built in the last 50 years, your
interior walls are probably eight feet high. Get the idea of how
large these creatures are?
A discussion about various exo-life-forms wouldn’t be complete
without discussing giant Praying Mantis type insects. These insects
have been seen in bedrooms with their necks bent over, when the 8
ft. ceiling wasn’t high enough for them to stand upright.
There are eye-witness accounts in my research from an abducted
couple who have seen these huge Mantis insects giving orders to
Grays, and on more than one occasion. On one occasion, a Mantis-type
being entered the room aboard a space vehicle and told a semi-human
wearing a military uniform to immediately stop the interrogation of
a female human seated naked in a chair. The
abductee could see the
Earth below through a window, apparently in orbit.
Apparently in the exo-bug world, Mantises are at the top of the
flying insect pecking order. Even on Earth, small Mantis insects you
can hold in the palm of your hand (like that shown in the photo
above) are at the top of the insect pecking order.
To many Christians, all these insects and beings are simply a part
of the satanic underworld and are demonic in origin. This is
believed as fact, yet without Biblical scripture to support it. One
must question that as a blanket theory. Rebuking them in the name of
Jesus Christ actually accomplishes nothing. The beings just look at
the abductee or victim saying this and continue what they are doing.
I have had many an argument with people on this subject, but facts
are facts.
For some it provides some comfort to think God will stop them. But I
have yet to run across any accounts in my own non-internet research
where God stepped in and stopped them. It did not matter how much
faith someone exercised. But there are plenty of second hand, third
hand, etc, accounts on the web where this supposedly happened.
Seeing physical signs of abuse and human body material extractions
that occurred after the beings were rebuked in the name of Christ,
seems to tell the real story.
This article is based on the testimony of Jim, and that of another
friend who lives in another state who also fights these things, as
well as other testimony from my own research. It appears that almost
everyone on the Internet who writes or talks about these creatures
has missed the point about their origin. Their possible point of
origin is important in order to understand something about why and
how they get here, and how they can leave just as quickly.
Two of my friends located in two different states separated by more
than 1200 miles, have a unique ability to fight them and prevent
telepathic takeover. This gives them open season on killing these
creatures. There is no known law against killing these life-forms,
since these beings cannot even be remotely considered human.
Various types of these advanced insects and reptiles quickly appear
and disappear.
Grays, Mantises and reptilians are
teleporting to Earth may have the ability to walk between
or walk in time. It may be possible that in another dimension(s)
above or below ours these creatures number in the billions. Perhaps
only some of them have an ability to enter our dimension, or they
would be everywhere.
Does all this fit the Biblical description of a
Can a demon be killed, or only sent back to where it came
If a demon lives in hell, that would seem to imply some form
of immortality.
If Big-foot is discovered to have the ability to walk between
dimensions or walk through time, does that make it a demon too? We
need to be careful about slapping a demon label on something
don’t understand. The name “demon” often imparts a certain sense of
helplessness along with immortality. This would also apply to other
crypto-zoological life-forms such as the elusive creature in Loch
It would be better for anyone trying to get a handle on this bizarre
exo-topic of reptiles and insects to simply consider these beings
for what they are – a big pain in the ass. Forget about labels as
none of that will help anyone to fight them. Good old barbaric
warfare employing machetes and swords is apparently what works. A
sword or knife never jams or runs out of ammunition, and you don’t
need a firearm license.
One friend who fights them provided me with the following advice:
“Sharpen the blade sharp enough to shave with and paint the entire
blade black.”
Apparently he found that they don’t see it coming when
the blade is painted black.
Also worth considering is what effect the “power of attraction” may
have on encouraging the continued appearance of these beings. I
suspect it also plays a role if your mind is preoccupied with the
problem from fighting weekly battles. This may unconsciously send
out a telepathic invitation for them to harass you and your family.
Of course, weekly barbaric battles with strange life-forms would
preoccupy the mind of any sane person.
It is known that
alien abductions (or whomever is doing these, human
or not) can result from someone focusing on meeting alien life.
Some of the oldest fossils on Earth are very large insects from our
prehistoric history. Gnats and mosquitoes with wing spans of several
feet have been found. Perhaps instead of dying out, some or all of
these giant insects left our dimension for another adjacent
alien race may have provided some assistance, education and
technology to ancient insects, possibly as part of an experiment. It
would be prudent to assume that any end result from countless eons
of development and evolution would be possible with most any
Why should ancient insects we know so
little about be an exception?
We know that insects seen everywhere on Earth today are simply the
descendants of ancient life forms dating back millions of years ago,
to the first life on Earth. Communication may exist between certain
everyday insects we see all around us and giant, highly developed
insects we don’t want to see. Perhaps even that Mantis I teased
standing on the edge of the curb was in communication with a Giant
Mantis somewhere else that day. Could the small Mantis have flitted
in from another dimension? Some of the strangest things on Earth are
those which are invisible and remain unknown.
Existing mainly in another dimension safe from human extermination,
these giant insects would have progressed over eons of time and
would have become highly intelligent. These insects may have
developed highly advanced technology (or stolen it?) and developed a
very sophisticated means of communication, even a form of language.
Abductees have witnessed very tall Mantises communicate with
clicking sounds. Sometimes they have overheard telepathic
communication. Whether an abductee was intentionally allowed to hear
it or not is not clear. A good guess would be that it was
intentional, as it would seem statistically highly unlikely that
English would be the very same language these creatures would
develop or adopt.
Grays are fairly agile and have several fingers. They may have been
the real builders whose function was to implement the designs of
more advanced races, including the Mantises or perhaps the
To those that laugh at the concepts and facts postulated in this
report, consider the diverse life-forms at the bottom of the ocean.
Yet these creatures exist at crushing pressures which readily
miniaturize a Styrofoam coffee cup to almost the size of a thimble.
These creatures of the deep generate their own pulsating light
patterns with light shows as though they are digitally controlled.
Therefore, why can’t insects and reptiles develop into a higher
life-form in another dimension, and visit us for their own designs?
It would be a challenge for anyone to
prove this cannot be possible.