Part 2
In Part One of this article, I contemplated a psycho-spiritual disease of the soul that I call malignant egophrenia and indigenous people call wetiko which is undermining the evolutionary development of our species.
Wetiko/malignant egophrenia (heretofore referred to as wetiko) is nonlocal, in that it is an inner disease of the spirit, soul and psyche that explicates itself through the canvas of the outside world. Certain people, groups of people, corporate bodies, or nation-states embody and act out this psychological malady in the world.
Specific situations in the world, such as the destruction of the Amazon rainforest by myriad multi-national corporations, or Monsanto instituting terminator seeds as it tries to gain control of the production of the food supply, are real-life enactments, both literally and symbolically, of this self-destructive, inner process.
Certain potent symbols in our
shared waking dream are literally showing us this inner, vampiric
dynamic, a stupefying process in which we get bled dry of what
really counts.
The global economy (which can appropriately be referred to as the ‘wetikonomy'), displays the fear-based, linear logic of wetiko disease as it reduces everything to the bottom line of dollars and cents.
We are living inside of a horrifying,
abstract economic structure that itself is a living symbol and
re-presentation of the out-of-control insanity of the wetiko virus.
The global financial system is one of the most rapid vectors and
pathways through which the virus of wetiko is going pandemic in our
This results in the drive for acquiring money becoming hardwired into the most primal centers of our lower, animal nature.
This can generate a dependency that can easily lead to a treadmill that spirals downwards towards degeneracy, a true ‘rat race' in which we become addicted to chasing after ‘the buck,' as we increasingly worship Mammon (the God of the love of money; Interestingly, the esteemed economist John Maynard Keynes considered the love of money a form of mental illness).
Our need for money becomes the ‘hook' through which the Big Wetikos, who control the supply and value of money, can ‘yank our leash' and manipulate humanity.
To say it differently, the
economy is engineered by a few, the "Big Wetikos," who then utilize
their creation to manipulate the collective human psyche and in so
doing influence and warp it in a wetiko-like way.
The invention of money was a breakthrough in human affairs, an innovation in which real wealth is allowed to be symbolically re-presented by something else. Money is a construct, something made up, which adds convenience in the trading of goods and services that have value. The wetiko-created fiat money system, however, is the doorway through which a deviant distortion in this co-operative process of exchanging value amongst ourselves emerges.
The wetikonomy's fiat-currency is not backed by real value, but rather, is a system in which, as if by magic, money is created out of thin air. Having fallen through the rabbit hole, we now live in a world where money materializes simply by decree (fiat) of an elite cabal of Big Wetikos, who can exchange the tokens of value they have conjured up for the time and natural resources of everyone else.
The wetiko-economy is basically a legitimized counterfeiting operation.
The Big Wetikos use their military and police state ‘enforcement' resources to ensure that others cannot accumulate and circulate capital outside of their system.
As if that isn't bad enough, in a further diabolic sleight of hand, this virtual fiat currency, backed by nothing real and having no intrinsic value in and of itself, is then equated with debt, thus making it worse than nothing. This total inversion of our concept of value itself is a glaring symbol in our midst primal screaming that there is something terribly amiss with our financial system.
There is indeed something
wrong with a virtual, bubble economy that is decoupled from the real
economy and is dictated and manipulated by the few at the expense of
the many.
Collectively pretending the fiction is real, we have forgotten that we are playing a mass game of ‘make believe.'
The bubble economy of wetiko is a confidence game (a ‘con'
game), a construct of our mind maintained in each moment by the
belief that the system is real, solvent and legitimate.
The agency of
the central bank, in its attempts to interfere with and control a
natural, self-regulating marketplace, is a living symbol of the wetiko pathogen and how it disrupts a living system.
The financial instruments of the wetikonomy are purposely crafted to be incredibly complex and hard to understand so as to hide and obfuscate the theft that is happening. Hiding the reality of what they are doing is one of the ‘chief features' of wetiko finance. Replacing transparency with opacity, it has become standard accounting practice in the wetikonomy to ‘cook the books' so as to avoid being held accountable.
If clearly illuminated and exposed to the light of collective disclosure and transparency, the shell-game and Ponzi scheme that IS the global financial system will be revealed to be the staggering and unlawful deception that it is. In a vast computerized web of electronic transfers and accounting shenanigans, the global economic system has become an insanely desperate pyramid scheme, a high-tech casino-like scam.
A monstrous, planet-wide Madoff-like rip-off done with smoke and mirrors, the wetikonomy is like a massive optical illusion that is projected by the Big Wetikos, a cadre of master spell-casting wizards, who have nearly infinite resources at their disposal to make their illusion seem real.
The wetikonomy, like apparitions of majestic castles in the sky, is a
magical display that captivates and holds spell-bound the credulous,
semi-conscious masses, who are more than willing, based on their
childlike need to hope and believe in an authority outside of
themselves, to give away their power so as to quell their fear. This
is a regressed form of magical thinking writ large on the world
Once the seemingly rock-solid, concrete skyscrapers of the wetikonomy reveal themselves to be a stage set with nothing behind it, built on ever-shifting sand, it is not enough just to realize this and do nothing. It is then our responsibility to re-create and re-dream a different set of agreements regarding how to be in relationship with each other.
This sets the stage to re-engineer the system of wetikoized control mechanisms that, through locked-in contractual relationships, freezes the economy in a corporate, and wetikoized trajectory. The power structure in a wetikoized society is inherently fiscal instead of political, which is why political change doesn't result in economic change. It is the banks that control the government, not the other way around.
As our collective realization gathers
momentum, however, such a process of waking up en masse could
dissolve the wetikonomy to its empty core, bursting the bubble
economy and collapsing the whole artificial edifice - the artifice -
of fake finance, like the house of cards that it is. This
realization lays the groundwork for a more enlightened financial and
investment system grounded in real economics, a healthy environment
and the cultivation of a humane human civilization.
The ability and willingness to kill is not an illusion. This is why many people collude in supporting and perpetuating the illusion, for to not do so inevitably leads to some form of coercion, which is a subtle (or not so subtle) form of violence. In the highly uncivilized world of the wetikonomy, ‘might makes right.'
The nature of the beast that we are dealing with needs
to be factored into the equation of how we creatively and
strategically respond.
This "great vampire squid," to quote Taibbi, is,
Unlike a real economy that creates wealth, the vampire squid wetikonomy, a global, organized crime syndicate, extracts and extorts wealth from the real economy and from real people like you and me.
There is an actual creature called
Vampyroteuthis Infernalis, which literally translates as
Squid from Hell, a living symbol and perfect description of wetikonomics.
They create VSID - ‘Vampire Squid Induced Debt,' whose victims become its slaves and indentured servants.
As it says in Proverbs (22:7),
The modern-day, debt-based wetikonomy is designed to have an exponentially, ever-increasing debt that in principle can never be paid off, analogous to how in wetiko disease there exists an insatiable hunger that can never be satisfied.
The economic system imposed on humanity by the rapacious Big Wetikos is a perversion of the original, wholesome meaning of the word ‘eco-nomy,' which has the same root as the word ‘eco-logy,' and refers to the harmonious management of a household. The wetikonomy, instead of creating value and wealth that can be shared by all, impoverishes and enslaves the vast majority of humanity while simultaneously enriching the Big Wetiko predators. Big Wetikos are the ‘anti-Robin Hoods,' as they rob from the poor to give to the rich (themselves).
The Big Wetikos buy up all of the assets that have tangible, real world value, like land for example, in exchange for their made-up fiat currency.
Once the exchange is made, and they are in possession of the stuff of real value, they then devalue and debase the currency, which becomes ‘worth less' as time passes. The people are left holding an empty bag, while the Big Wetikos are increasingly in possession of everything else of value.
The Big Wetikos are financial terrorists,
actively engaged in warfare against humanity, using weapons of
financial mass destruction (WFMD's).
This is clearly evidenced by President
Obama stacking his
cabinet with the very same people who created the economic crisis in
the first place, all of whom have intimate insider connections with
and allegiance to a corrupt cabal of high financiers.
Think of the bank bailouts, a criminal heist of historical proportions, where the banks blackmailed our nation, putting a metaphorical gun to our government's head, threatening that if we don't give them what they ask for, they will crash the global economy and we will have martial law. We acquiesced at the expense of our national sovereignty.
True to form, there was very little accountability regarding how the banks used this money, and much of what happened to it is still a mystery. In the total opposite of what happens in a ‘real' economy, in the bailout, money was invested and sucked into the least productive aspect of the economy - the financial system - all at the expense of the taxpayers.
The Big Wetikos get the booty, and the risks and liabilities are then dumped onto the general population, increasing our nation's debt, and turning almost everyone else into ‘serfs.'
The inevitable austerity measures, e.g., cuts in retirement benefits and social services, will then be put squarely on the backs of the working people. Taxpaying citizens will be forced to pay off the debt over decades of hard work and toil, as they become indentured servants to the bank.
As it is said,
We live in a ‘klepto-plutocracy':
We need to ‘wake up' to that we are being
taken for all that we are worth.
This transferring of assets from the broad class of working people and entrepreneurs to the super-rich is no accident, but is purposefully being implemented by the cold-blooded, Big Wetiko banksters and power brokers, who operate as a global banking cartel, so as to continually centralize their power and control.
Unfortunately, this isn't some sort of wacky conspiracy theory. The evidence is all around us, fully visible to anyone who has the eyes to see.
A global robbery is in progress; the Big Wetikos are enacting a financial coup d'etat of staggering proportions right in front of our eyes. It is quite symbolic that the one time in the New Testament that Jesus got really pissed was towards the money-changers.
Big Wetikos in positions of power in high finance, manipulating the markets so as to loot the planet's treasuries and precious resources, have become the modern-day pirates, ransacking and pillaging humanity and all living things. This real world process is an externalized reflection of the psychic coup d'etat being perpetrated by the wetiko bug within our own psyche.
This is to say that we can recognize a deep
process within ourselves as it is revealed to us in the seemingly
outside world. Seeing this is to begin to spiritually awaken, as we
aren't just ‘waking up' to the fact that we are being robbed, but
are ‘waking up' to the deeper, dreamlike nature of our overall
One striking symbol of this process is the IMF (International Money Fund), a vampire squid-like entity if there ever was one.
The IMF is essentially a bankrupt institution backed by a cadre of banks that are themselves mostly insolvent. The IMF is constantly on the lookout for real assets to scarf up so as to sate its voracious debt-driven hunger. When a country finds itself in financial dire straits (a crisis oftentimes created by a coordinated, criminal cabal of financial terrorists that are in league with the IMF), the IMF swoops in, and offers a seemingly beneficent, helping hand in the form of bailouts to the ailing country in their time of need.
The IMF, however, effectively loots and pillages the country that it is purportedly aiding, for once the country accepts the IMF's ‘help,' the IMF winds up taking over the country's real assets to pay back the loan, thus turning it into an economic hostage.
Each country that the IMF subjects to its ‘economic shock therapy' becomes a laboratory experiment by which it continually refines and perfects its financial weaponry.
The crisis in Greece is a recent example of this sinister experiment in how to financially take down and extract the wealth from an entire country. The resulting austerity measures imposed upon the now enfeebled and hobbled country are akin to a modern form of feudalism.
Subsequent to
Greece, Ireland was taken down using the same tactics, and other
nations (Portugal, Spain and Italy to name but a few) are in the
cross-hairs of this internationally organized form of financial
Are people aware of this eye-opening and mind-blowing fact?
It is revealing that the very phrases used to describe the grand larceny occurring daily in and as the global financial system are terms that specifically apply to the psycho-pathology of wetiko disease, such as, name but a few.
This is an
externalized reflection of how the wetiko virus within ourselves is
terrified of being seen, for once the bug is seen, it is ‘out of
business.' The global financial system is a symbolic reflection
openly revealing the psycho-spiritual disease of wetiko ‘in
The Big Wetikos give us a tiny, overflow trickle of the over-the-top profits they unjustly reap, in which we gladly share. We then pretend that we are ‘clean,' that we are not complicit in the systematic evil that is playing out. We fall under the self-inflicted illusion that we are not responsible and are merely victims of the system, and yet, we are simultaneously feeding off and supporting the very evil of the system as it kills us.
Energetically, on the level of the deeper, underlying field, we pay a steep price if we are buying into this Faustian pact with the Devil.
We receive what appear to be benefits, wetiko ‘frequent flyer miles,' so to speak, but at the ultimate cost of our own genocide. Similar to accepting candy from a predator, the rush of immediate gratification provides an apparent short-term benefit at the cost of our integrity, our freedom and ultimately, our lives.
Our true power comes when we see our culpability and
complicity in this process and accept our responsibility, thus
enabling our ability to respond, which gives us the power to choose
differently and change things.
When we see the workings of the wetiko virus in any system, be it the financial system, the family system, or within our own selves, we are at the same time generating a living antibody of awareness which neutralizes the virulence of wetiko. Seeing how the global financial system is literally being animated and driven by the wetiko virus is to pop into a heightened state of awareness in which we are seeing a wetiko-ized system from outside of itself.
We could only do this if we are beginning to see
with healthy, wetiko-free eyes, and are thus separating and freeing
ourselves from the toxic system. As we increasingly illumine the
workings of wetiko, we more and more ‘distinguish ourselves' from
The return on our investment of attention will truly stimulate the neglected real economy and further inspire deeper heights of lucidity.
This allows us to tap
into the place within ourselves that is untainted by wetiko, through
which we can consciously leverage and redesign the system to our
collective advantage, which is to say, for the benefit of all.
Herein lies our power to overcome the plague of wetiko, and in so
doing, to build a world that works for everyone.
For an excellent detailed case study of wetikonomics, please go to Catherine's Dillon, Read and Co. Inc. and The Aristocracy of Stock Profits.
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