by Alfred Lambremont Webre
January 20, 2015
NewsInsideOut Website
Spanish version
Where does evil come from?
Is one source of evil the non-local
of wetiko or the archons that can
act a virus enmeshing a collective mind, or individual human minds
and spread through our society?
In his interview with NewsInsideOut's
Alfred Lambremont Webre, Paul Levy, author of 'The
Madness of George Bush - A Reflection of our Collective Psychosis'
and 'Dispelling
Wetiko - Breaking the Curse of Evil', concludes that,
"our species is clearly in the
middle of a mass psychic epidemic, which I call 'malignant
egophrenia' and Native Americans call 'wetiko'. The Gnostic
traditions calls the mass psychic epidemic 'Archonic'."
"Hidden in the evil of wetiko," Paul Levy concludes, "is its own
medicine. Encoded in the darkness is the revelation of the
light. Seeing darkness is a form of illumination."
Paul Levy writes,
"The origin of wetiko disease is to
be discovered within the psyche. The wetiko pathogen manifests
as a disturbance in the field of the collective unconscious of
humanity itself, creating the psychic
ley-lines upon which world
events are erected and energized."
Bringing the Shadow into Consciousness
"The problem of the evil of wetiko
is intimately bound up with the problem of the shadow, both
personal and archetypal. The shadow, a term coined by Jung, is a
living part of the personality…
The figure of the devil is a variant
of the shadow archetype, that is, the dangerous aspect of
the unrecognized dark half of the
personality that represents and embodies the
potentially evil powers of the unconscious," Paul Levy writes.