by Gabriel Chiron
2004 - 2007
MinotaurLabyrinth Website
Spanish version
ETI attitudes toward humanity are not
very flattering.
Humanity of the planet Earth is generally
considered to be an inferior and unworthy species for a variety of
reasons, which we are going to go into, but before we do that, you
should be warned that you are probably going to find the truth of
mankind and your own personal humanity rather upsetting and against
your beliefs.
Human beings cannot easily handle the truth about
humanity because that is an integral part of the human condition.
Ignorant pride cannot handle being told that it is an inferior
individual with learning disabilities.
If it could be shown the truth of
ignorant pride and learning disability, if would no longer
completely be in that state. This is particularly true of human
beings who have risen to positions of relative intellectual
superiority, professional expertise or political authority on the
Earth, for a slight superiority here on Earth is still an
inferiority elsewhere.
Of course there are cosmically adequate individuals within humanity
on the Earth, sometimes called "Ultraterrestrials", but they are
sociologically irrelevant, tend to remain hidden and disguised, and
are statistically next-to-nothing as a social group because of their
So, who is this article for?
It is for any human being who humbly
and sincerely aspires to true learning in spite of the general state
of humanity. Though this article may very well confront your present
cosmogony, worldview or paradigm, your choice is whether to shift
into a higher state of learning or to become resistant and upset.
If you are going to be resistant, upset,
and feel angry or threatened, then you should acknowledge that you
are having a rough ride here and perhaps need to go elsewhere to
other kinds of articles that are more resonant with your present
level and type of knowledge and understanding about ETI (Extraterrestrial
Also, you
should not worry that lots and lots of people are going to take to
my present views in neglect of yours, for most people are too stupid
and silly to embrace my ideas and are more likely to adhere to
yours, which are more their speed.
You should also keep in mind that though
I am your superior, which you will not wish to acknowledge, I do not
feel superior anywhere in the Universe, but only on this, our planet
Earth. And even this feeling here is more like a burden than a
social pleasure. You would have to be in my position, in fact, to
understand it, for I am a kind of Ultraterrestrial and you are not.
And even this you cannot accept very much, even if you are not too
far gone. It is too hard on your intellectual pride, questions your
authority and devastates your present inadequate cosmogony.
If you
are not here to learn, how will you learn?
Which explains why I avoid personal
contacts with people who read my articles, for my students come to
me through other means than responding to publicly produced
My articles are a public service, not an advertisement for
selling things nor an attempt to organize a social movement that
random persons could join and help to promote socially or
politically. I do not care, for instance, who you will vote for in
your nation-state elections because whoever you will vote for will
be an ignorant, proud, silly and deceitful person whose private life
is degenerate and unevolved.
Collective trends of humanity and its
criminally insane leaders will tend to be pretty much the same no
matter which brand of criminally insane leader is put into office.
Now, for anyone capable of learning, here is a breakdown of five (5)
critical zones of evaluation of humanity on the part of ETI (Extraterrestrial
Intelligence) in
general, though emphasis changes somewhat from one ET race to the
next, though all races (and they are uncountable zillions in the
Universe) will tend to more or less agree with this general
1- Stupid Ignorance
ETI regards human beings as the most stupid and ignorant race on
any planet that has written language and technology. Human
beings are seen to be wholly lacking in Cosmic Knowledge, due to
both the isolation-and-quarantine of Earth and the general
tendency of human beings to reject genuine Cosmic Knowledge due
to pride, prejudice and inability to learn.
Earth Science is
seen as crude, primitive and missing several important
dimensions. Earth Theology is seen as a cluster of warring,
pathetic fragments that lack coherence and full-blown mystical
experience even among the best of mystics, who invariably labour
under this or that cultural prejudice. Earth Philosophy is seen
as virtually non-existent with a dreadful lack of genuine
original thinkers.
ETI sees human beings as not just stupid, ignorant and incapable
of learning, but almost wholly blocked by rigid belief and
disbelief cognitive systems. Because of this, they see very few
human beings asking the right questions or becoming receptive to
superior sources of knowledge even when offered such knowledge
or possible connection with the sources of it.
ETI, because of this deplorable cognitive state of humanity,
find virtually all human beings of the planet Earth to be
incredibly boring and pathetic. Intellectually and psychically,
human beings are regarded as dull and undeveloped, lacking
higher psychic functions, and hardly worthy of being called
"human". Humanity is on average subhuman from the standpoint of ETI. When human beings from Earth are occasionally brought to
other star-systems or taken on space voyages, they are treated
more as pets or retarded imbeciles.
This also explains why there cannot be valid political
negotiations of any socio-political group on Earth with any
Extraterrestrial race or governing body of races on any scale of
organization. Human beings are on too low a level of
intelligence and lack psychic development. As an analogy, could
you expect ranchers or farmers to politically negotiate with
herds of cattle or flocks of sheep?
Whatever "deals" the dominant bulls
or rams might make with ranchers or farmers would only be
plausible to herds of cattle or flocks of sheep, but would have
nothing whatsoever to do with the real intentions of the
ranchers or farmers.
This is why, for instance, any
"deals" made with ET's on the part of the secret American
government (or any other Earth grouping, such as
Illuminati or the like) are nothing but a pathetic farce
from the standpoint of any ETI grouping, whatever their remit or
motivation set.
2- Silly Egotism
ETI sees human beings and their leaders as false human beings
easily give to pretending they are something they are not.
beings are invariably self-enclosed, proud, vain, overestimating
of their own importance, conceited, arrogant and ridiculous.
They are not only stupid and boring, but almost always feel
superior to one another, or look up with blind admiration to
highly unworthy persons of religious, cultural or political
They will cast their vote for dull, uneducated and
thoughtless movie-stars while feeling superior to their
neighbors. They will criticize anyone who does not flatter or
favor them, but cannot themselves hear constructive criticism.
ETI sees human beings as sadly out of touch with the truth of
their human condition.
ETI sees that human beings do not
understand or acknowledge their own Souls or higher spiritual
ETI sees human beings as inauthentic people, as virtual
herd animals dwelling each one in their self-styled fog of
arrogant opinions inculcated into them by the leading political,
business and religious leaders. Even the manipulating leaders
are also seen as hypnotized fools carrying on with absurd
beliefs they got from their predecessors.
Take a look at the various Star Trek episodes that portray
humanity of Earth as the leading ethical intelligence of the
Galaxy. They travel about the Galaxy as Lords-of-the-Galaxy
sorting out all the supposedly defective and pathetic
Extraterrestrial races.
From the standpoint of ETI, these
stories the American science fiction experts are telling are
nothing but infantile aberrations of a deluded race of arrogant
morons! A race of actually defective people from Earth traveling
in space if and when the quarantine is lifted will tend more to
be dreaded by ETI than warmly welcomed, even if ETI is in a
compassionate mood.
A group of sex-crazed morons waving
pistols who tend to see Extraterrestrials as Alien Monsters are
just not going to do well.
3- Biological Roboticism
ETI sees human beings of Earth as lacking genuine Free Will.
Though human beings pride themselves on "thinking for
themselves", "not belonging to cults", "making their own
choices" and so on, it is hard to find an authentic human being
who does real thinking, is free from prejudice and possessing an
individual decision-system that acts with a freedom to act
beyond mere habit, conditioning, routine or clinging to familiar
things, people and ideas.
Human beings are seen as something
more like helpless robots running in programmed ruts than actual
free spirits who can understand or do something unusual or "out
of character" for them. Human beings, like herd animals, cling
to conditioned norms and pseudo-moralities (like the "War on
Terror") even when the norms and pseudo-moralities are
destructive to their health and sanity.
They tend to hate anyone
who is "different", so various cultures, subcultures, nations,
languages and peoples are all treated as virtual enemies. In
fact, anyone who is "different" or "foreign" is even called
"alien", as if they might as well be Extraterrestrials, who they
also call Aliens.
All over the globe of Earth, there
are these divisions and conflicts of varying types of
mechanical, conditioned habit-structure of body and mind.
4- Criminal Insanity
ETI sees human beings as mentally disturbed, usually suffering
from unhappiness and negativity with tendencies toward violence
or the support of violence and warfare of various Earth
collectives against other collectives that are regarded as
inferior or threatening.
They also see pervasive dishonesty,
tendency to cheat or steal, and general mistreatment of "loved
ones" with harsh language or occasional blows or slaps of
ETI sees very few of actually kind and loving people who will at
least gently tolerate those who are "different". They see human
beings as tending to be lazy, irresponsible, not doing the work
they should be doing, often not doing the work right when they
have agreed to do the work, and not willing to look at shared
problems of the community or the world.
ETI sees humanity as not
sincerely wanting to solve or correct the destructive actions of
humanity, which means that humanity is seen as generally
self-destructive, suicidal and degenerate, both socially and
ETI sees humanity as so criminally insane that they will on
average vote for and support criminally insane leaders and
follow them. They see that even when the truth of criminally
insane leadership is made publicly available, the majority and
the mass media dilute the truth and carry on as if everything is
OK, trying to believe the lies and cover-ups of the leaders.
Hence they do not see the masses as innocent victims of their
manipulating leaders, but see that those same masses would
personally behave the same as the leaders if given leadership.
They see genuine ethical intelligence as a minority of humanity
at best, with even most of those infected with various kinds of
insanity, neurosis and mental debilitation from simply dwelling
amongst average upset people.
ETI sees the normal humanity as truly paranoid schizophrenic,
not mentally healthy. That is why they see that any individual
on Earth who wants to be mentally healthy will have to go beyond
normal and not "adjust" to it. To be adjusted to the normal on
Earth is to be stupid and mentally ill.
No ETI in his or her right mind
would want to be "normal" on the planet Earth as a member of
5- Physically Impure and Short-lived
ETI sees human beings as self-poisoned from wrong eating and
drinking as well as environmentally poisoned from chemical
pollution, harmful radiation of various kinds, genetically
modified food and harmful bacteria or viruses.
ETI knows that
Extraterrestrials live much longer, healthier lives than the
sick, poisoned and short-lived people of the Earth. Hence, the
Earth is seen as a diseased shithole, a kind of Hell.
It is seen
as a place where only the most hardy Souls might incarnate for a
boost of intense living in a state of dangerous debilitation for
a dubious individual gain, or as a place where Souls might have
to incarnate as a punishment for misbehavior on a normal,
healthy planet of their previous origin.
They are aware that sometimes a
Great Soul will incarnate on Earth out of a Divine Compassion,
like Buddha, Christ or Krishna, but they consider that even that
is generally a rather foolhardy and self-destructive effort
which is not to be recommended.
For the human beings of Earth
tend to mistreat, ignore or otherwise distort the meaning of
Superhuman personages who try to take birth and help out. In
fact, more than one wiseman, sage or mystic has been martyred on
Earth for being unacceptably intelligent or remarkable in some
way, which means "different" to the subhuman collective humanity
of this or that local region and historical time.
ETI sees human beings as living in fear of disease, old age and
death, but of not having the kind of enlightened anxiety that
would give them what Heidegger calls Authenticity and
Resoluteness as a deeply thoughtful existential response to the
inevitability of one's personal death as an individual instead
of a mere member of the family and society.
All of humanity's speculations and plans
for traveling to the stars, meeting other races, attempting to live
in colonies on other worlds and doing "exopolitics" or organized
negotiations with Extraterrestrial races, whether in this Galaxy or
some other, are at present wholly lacking in objectivity of how the
state of the average human being compares to the state of the
average Extraterrestrial Being.
All such speculations and plans are
themselves presently aberrated. Humanity is in deep shit and not
even beginning to solve and resolve self-caused problems,
destructions and conflicts on Earth.
It gets worse. Even if you or others wake up to the truth of all
this, it will not take you long to find out that all of us who are
awake are wholly and decisively outnumbered by those who prefer to
sleep, which means that the coming massive destructions and
megadeaths on the planet cannot be prevented.
We can share the truth of all this among ourselves, but there is no
way we can popularize the real Cosmic Knowledge or make it
acceptable to the masses or their leaders in any country. However it
may help us as individuals in our own self-education and
development, we cannot realistically expect to have a massive
sociological or political effectiveness.
For us, the Earth is a school, not an
opportunity for effective change of humanity and the world. Humanity
is to learn through shock, not through voluntary, innovative
learning. This is not only true in regard to trends on the Earth,
but also in regard to Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
For instance,
the dominant and presently abusive societies and governments such as
America, Britain, Russia and China are exactly those that may be
most subject to a rough takeover by an abusive
Reptilian race, which
has been rightly pointed out by various sources as a real
So, if we do experience shocking results
from Outer Space in the near future, they are not necessarily going
to be of the same character for all regions of the Earth. There may
be a division of responsibilities from a variety of sectors of the
Galaxy or even from beyond the Galaxy.
This is why we should try to avoid the usual simplistic models of
the future that see only a singular invasion, intervention or even
total non-interference of one specific kind. We should look more
deeply into the idea that each society on Earth will get the
invasion, intervention or non-interference from the exact kind of ETI race that is most deserved or necessary.
A uniform response from
Beyond is not very realistic, but simplistic speculations or
expectations are always easier for the posturing dogmatic brain of
most people, which brings us back to the category of Stupid
Ignorance described above.
ETI is a superior and complex presence to humanity that is not easy
to understand even where a human lone individual is willing and able
to process cosmic information to the fullest extent possible.
Various organized social groupings in and around the subject are
invariably too naive or too government manipulated to be of real
service to the sincerely truth-seeking aspiration of a strong and
spiritual intellect armed with genuine humility and learning
In deepest realism it must be said that a Sufi, Yogi or
Zen Master is more likely to truly understand ETI than an American
New Ager caught-up in "crystal healing" or a pseudo-scientific UFO
Investigator caught-up in crying out for an end to government
cover-up and hoping to also be abducted by Aliens (wow!).