by Gabriel Chiron
Spanish version
MinotaurLabirinth Website
Earth Humanity has been kept isolated in
cosmic darkness for so long that it has been rendered intellectually
dysfunctional and unable to process cosmic information.
People are
kept fixated on whether to "believe" or "disbelieve" in
Aliens or
Extraterrestrial Intelligence or even Ultraterrestrial Intelligence.
So, the real question is: Why is humanity kept in this state?
According to the American contactee,
Barbara Marciniak, a large
group of telepaths from
the Pleiades
(normal blond Aryan space
people) told her that they, the Blonds, made a deal with the
Reptilian races of our Galaxy to inhibit the evolutionary
development of the human race in order to bring about a special
genetic splice that would allow races from the Blonds of
to reproduce with the non-Aryans of the Milky Way, which includes
the Reptilians in particular.
In accord with this state of affairs,
two planets were selected for this genetic splice experiment of
closing off of normal evolution for the sake of creating special
breeding races. The Earth was selected for this in the Milky Way
Galaxy and a sister planet, Koldas, was selected in the Andromeda
Let us now take a look at other information sources and see how all
this adds up.
Firstly, a little knowledge of
Astronomy would tell us that the Andromeda Galaxy has been
rushing in space on collision course toward merger with our
Milky Way Galaxy for millions of years. According to one source
article, published over thirty years ago by an untraceable contactee source in Australia, with the title
The Starbridge,
Andromeda is already so close to the Milky Way that a joint,
tenuous arm of stars with their planets is already connecting
both galaxies and that races from both Galaxies have been
migrating back and forth across this "starbridge".
This would explain why the ability
of joint reproduction has become significant. It would also
explain why the ruling elders of both Galaxies would have to
find a way to share power and learn joint governorship.
Secondly, according to the American contactee,
George Hunt Williamson, there was a major attempt at
forming a joint government union approximately one million years
ago. The speciality of the Andromedans was technology; the
speciality of the Orvontans (Milky Way) was psychic development.
So a Pax Galactica was created, as it were, so that the
Orvontans would receive advanced technology and the Andromedans
would receive a boost of psychic development. Unfortunately, the
technology became a kind of Trojan Horse through which the Orvonta Galaxy came under a digital tyranny through a planetary
sized grand computer on a planet called Tyrantor (hence the
origin of terms such as tyrant and tyranny).
Apparently, the Orvontan Elders
agreed with the Andromedan Elders, that all individual members
of the Orvonta Galaxy should receive physical implants to keep
them in the New Galactic Order through being plugged into the
grand all-controlling computer on Tyrantor. At the same time,
the psychic development of the Andromedans was apparently only
partially received, for the Andromedan agenda was that they were
the superior races, the more advanced galaxy due to technology.
Thirdly, a million years ago, the
Earth was nearer to the Sun with a warmer climate, as was the
planet Mars. The hothouse of Earth had two major evolutionary
projects going on. In the oceans was the development of a new dolphin evolution for the development of a new
dolphin phylum
humanity. This was similar to the little greys of the old
defunct lunar evolution while the land masses were developing a
predominantly reptilian phylum humanity. These were race-renewal
projects of tremendous importance to both the
Little Greys and
the local
galactic Reptilians.
Suddenly, due to the Genetic Splice
Agreement, the dolphin and reptilian projects were to be
suspended and not taken to the human individualization stage.
The Earth had been designated as an anthropoid simian
acceleration, for the predominant ruling phylum in Andromeda is
anthropoid simian (monkey based). So it is that Neanderthal man
was planted on the Earth a million years ago with native stock
from within the Orvotan Milky Way systems. This
Second Root Race
was artificial and not natural to the planet Earth.
Also, the deliberate slaughter of
Reptiles was begun to protect the Neanderthals. Until then, the
mammalian evolution on the Earth was to serve as food for the
reptiles, the dinosaurs. As for the Reptilian Humanoids, monkeys
and low-grade humans have always been a food delicacy. The
hungry Reptilians will break open the skull of the monkey or
low-grade human and eat the living brain. Some Japanese people
were taught this culinary pastime by the Reptilians and it is a
known fact that some Japanese people will perform this cruel
rite of eating live monkey brain to this day, though they do not
go out of their way to advertise it! But, it gets better.
We can well imagine that the Little
Greys and the Reptilians were quite distressed and angered that
their particular race-renewal projects were put on ice and
supplanted by the "monkey boys". So, as we go along, we will
take a close look at past and present efforts of the Reptilians
to sabotage the Earth Genetic Splice Project.
Fourthly, on the planet Ba'avi,
there is a
race of Giants or Titans based on the
horse phylum,
sometimes referred to as the Yahoos. Their planet orbits the
nearby star Proxima Centauri. One of their contactees from Earth
was told that when the drive to implant everybody took place,
there were large numbers of their race who rebelled against this
idea. So, a deal was struck, and all those who did not want to
receive implants could avoid them if they would agree to migrate
to the hothouse Earth and have intercourse with Neanderthal
women and create a hybrid accelerated race on the Earth for the
coming splice experiment.
Another group was sent to Mars to
oversee the bringing in of the Green and Red races from Alpha
Centauri A and B to reproduce with Ape races planted on Mars,
but this other group of Giants, horse people, were perhaps
implanted members of the collective who were to also keep an eye
on the non-implanted Giants on the Earth. So the race called Ba'al from
Ba'avi came to the Earth as the Gods, the Elders, the
time-space travelling El's or Al's, a million years ago.
They brought their machines as well,
and legends have it that there are still such equipments of the
Giants deep underground in Peru and greater Mongolia. In fact,
the term
Shambhala is derived from the older term,
which means Spaceport of the Ba'al. It is also stated by the
Theosophists that Shambhala was in fact built by cyclopian
giants, as the Ba'al are both two-eyed and one-eyed or cyclopian.
On Easter Island there are remarkably accurate statues of the Ba'al.
Fifthly, the planet Williamson
called Maldek was intact a million years ago, though now it is
just our Asteroid Belt of our Solar System. This became the new
home planet of a race of Aryan Andromedans who set up there on
the Fourth Planet from the Sun to oversee the Genetic Splice
Experiment, to keep the Little Greys and Reptilians in line and
to make sure the Giants or Ba'al were up to speed on Earth and
Mars. This included the Green and Red reproductions or
hybridization on Mars, and so on.
Sixthly, and the Star Wars movie
series actually reflects all this, the native races of Orvonta,
the Milky Way, went into general rebellion against the Tyrantor
Empire half a million years ago. They removed their implants and
began to fight wars in space against the forces of the Empire
and Andromeda. The Reptilians were natural leaders and
instigators of this rebellion, and their main heroes are the
beings called Lucifer and Satan in the Bible. The Rebellion was
about psychic or spiritual development overcoming technological
dehumanization in general.
At any rate, 500,000 years ago,
approximately, the Rebellion moved in a Death Star and
pulverized Maldek, killing millions of supervisory Aryans of
Andromeda. This was a grievous, horrendous loss for the Aryans,
but they would have a kind of revenge later when they sank
Atlantis on the Earth, also killing millions of mostly Orvontan
Red Hybrids, Atlans, who to this day we call "Red Men" (our
Seventhly, the Rebellion was
successful and the new Space Confederation dismantled the
all-ruling computer on Tyrantor and killed the Emperor and his
associates there. At the same time, a local computer of this
kind has still continued to operate on six planets within the
near-Earth region of space where six colonies of Aryan
Andromedans still have their adopted planets. One of these
apparently is the artificial planetoid moon called Acart that
orbits Saturn, replacing the Maldekians who were blown away
500,000 years ago.
It seems that the Elderhips of both
Galaxies have still maintained some interest in learning to live
together and make the Earth Project somehow work. So, a truce
was called. Our Red-hybrid Race (Amerindians) were thus
transferred to the Earth from Mars after Earth's Orbit was
extended to its present milder position. They were brought down
apparently in the Hopi Indian country in the American Southwest.
According to Williamson, Hopi pottery has the same design as the
canals of Mars traced by the American astronomer, Percival Lowe.
The Hopis also say that when they first arrived on Earth, there
was warm mud everywhere, and that makes sense for a planet whose
orbit has just been changed from a closer, hotter one.
The Green-hybrids were also transferred from Mars to Central
Asia at Shem-Ba-al. They of course are our Oriental Race (Yellow
Race). Now, since they knew Mars under the name Mongol, they
naturally called their new land, Mongol, which for them meant
the same thing as solid land on which to live. Hence, Mongolia
refers to Mars. It is also a fact, that the Hindus call Mars by
the name of Mangalam, for the same reason, for in very ancient
names they knew Mars was "Mongol".
Eighthly, around 50,000 years ago
the Aryans introduced onto the Earth two genetically designed
human beings, Adam and Eve, who would be able to sexually
reproduce with Lemurians (the Negro race of accelerated
Neanderthals) as well as Red and Yellow Atlantian races (Alpha
Centauri hybrids) that were planted on the Earth half a million
years ago. This genetically designed couple was put down in the
Garden of Eden, and were given the names Dawn (the man, Don, Addonis or Adam) and
The Garden of Eden, was, according
to the
Book of Urantia (and rightly so), on what is now the
island of Cyprus, but which was connected to the land before the
Flood as an isthmus, which from the air looked like an erect
penis(!). Extraterrestrial humor may have been somewhat
involved in coming up with that. At any rate, this couple were
produced in a state of child-like innocence and had to be taught
everything from scratch. So, they were trained to believe that
the main purpose of life is to have sex and to teach their
children to have sex (both directly and indirectly) and fill the
island of Cyprus with thousands and thousands of Adamic Aryan
"children of the great gods".
The first great temple was produced
at Jerusalem (root of the sky penis) where Aryans and non-Aryans
(Atlanteans) could meet in joint committees to discuss the Divine Plan for the Earth, which would result eventually in the Adamic Aryans reproducing with Non-Aryans, once the Adamic-Aryan
gene pool was big enough. Well, we all know what generally
The old disgruntled Reptilian Ruler of the Earth
(Satan, Set-An, or
Sanat Kumara) visited Adam and Eve and
initiated them in Yoga, raising their Kundalini (Serpent Power)
and enlightening their consciousness and blowing their minds
with explanations of the real state of affairs with them. He
thus despoiled them and their children in the Garden of Eden as
innocent breeders.
The Kundalini Yoga Cult swept
through Cyprus and there was a great debate among all Adamic
Aryans as to their purpose in life. Naturally, the Pleiadean
Aryan Governor or God, named Van, was also extremely pissed-off
when he realized what the Old Serpent Ruler had pulled off
through premature transmission of psychic ability to the Adamic
Aryans, who were effectively now co-conspirators in the Old
Rebellion against the Borg Empire that wanted to keep everybody
The Adamic Aryans of Eden were given one
of three choices.
They could accept transfer to another planet to
develop their own culture and build up greater numbers of themselves
off the Earth
They could go to a special island in Northern Europe,
which we know as Ireland, which is also known as Thule, which would
be a new Eden for maintaining Aryan purity and building up
sufficient numbers for the future
They could join Adam and Eve,
and travel the Earth having sex with the native peoples and starting
the production of a new hybrid race of Adamic Aryans with Atlanteans,
which hybrids would be special and encouraged to maintain their own
pure bloodlines, which would be the new dominant Sumerian Empire
over time, as we know
Sum-Aryans are of course at the core of
the present ruling classes of
the New World Order who want a global
police state ruled by them after killing off the majority of us
until there is nothing but a couple of billion
implanted slaves,
kept for sacrificial purposes as well as slave labor. Naturally,
the angry old
Reptilian Race wants this arrangement, for they have
the modern Sum-Aryans under control, just as reported by
David Icke
and others, thus making sure that the old Borg Empire will have
their own weapons used against them.
The Reptilians are saying "Be happy, Andromedans, you will have an
Earth filled with mind-controlled implanted slaves just like you
always wanted and we can eat bunches of this monkey food just as we
always wanted. You will have what you wanted and we will have what
we wanted."
And of course, the Humanity of Earth are so unbelievably stupid that
they will happily let all this abuse from the two galaxies destroy
So the White Race went three directions. This is the meaning of
Adam's Trident he carried everywhere, whether as Shiva of the Hindus
or Poseidon of the Greeks.
For a large group of Adamic Aryans did go
to the other planet. Later, some contactees in Southern England were
told by these people that they were from the planet Janos and were
originally Greeks (Cyprus) who wanted to come back to Earth. Of
course, the Aryans of Ireland were called the Tuatha De Danan, the
People of Dan or Adam. Later, Thule was invaded by refugees from
Spain (Mil) due to the Islamic invasion.
These Sons of Mil slowly drove the
Danes, Dens, out of Ireland. They, the Dons, Dans, Danes or Dens,
had to relocate in present day Denmark to maintain their Aryan
purity, which was being lost through intermarriage with the incoming
Spanish people of Mil. Later on, they spread north into Norway and
Sweden, and after an unsuccessful attempt as Vikings to re-conquer
the British Isles, some of them decided to form a new Aryan colony
in Iceland. Beyond that they went to Greenland, still controlled by
Denmark, though the first colony died out due to changing conditions
and insufficient numbers.
Those who went with Adam and Eve, first settled in Mesopotamia,
the Sum-Aryan Empire, as I have said above. Later, Adam and
Eve settled at Mount Kailas in Tibet. Kailas literally means "party"
as with sex orgies and such. The Party Mountain. Aryan pilgrims
would travel on the Silk Road that stretched from Ireland through
Germany and into Russia and down the Volga and across Central Asia
to the Takla Makan and Tibet regions near Kailas.
They formed a great Aryan civilization
that stretched from the Takla Makan region and down through present
Pakistan to Hing Laj on the sea through the length of what was once
the Saraswati Holy River, but now simply the Indus, from which we
get the name Hindus. These regions of settled Aryan pilgrims to
Kailas were all called Ag-Hara-Ta, which means Inner-Hara-Toward
(Inner land of those who go to Hara, Shiva or Adam).
The body of Adam Shiva is preserved in
ice high within Mt. Kailas to this day, and many advanced Yogi
Adepts of India have gone there and seen it. The Non-Aryan pilgrims
formed a culture in the Indian subcontinent called Ba-Hara-Ta, or
Outer-Hara-Toward. Hence, that is why the real name of India is not
after the Indus river, but Bharata. So it is that Agharata and
Baharata were cultures build up around Mt. Kailas over 50,000 years.
And so it is that the old Viking Seidhr religion spoke of Agharata
as Asgaard, a city or community ruled by Odin, who, again is Adam.
Adam/Odin also stayed at one time in Germany in the early days to
have meetings with his children from the Thule colony. It was there,
at a place now called Exterstein, that he invented the Runes for
both writing and oracle purposes. That is why there is a place near
there in the city of Paderborn called the House of Adam and Eve. It
is also interesting that the Gaelic language of Ireland and Scotland
has been called by certain Gaelic historians, "the original language
of Adam and Eve", which is indeed the Western root of the Indo-Aryan
language that stretched through the Sum-Aryan Empire from Ireland to
India, with Sanskrit being the Eastern root of the same language.
A joint study of Gaelic, Sanskrit and Ancient Sumerian would enable
an interesting reconstruction if there were philologists who could
grasp the significance of all this.
So why were the old Vikings from Sweden going down the Volga through
Russia? They were trying to retrace the old Silk Road pilgrimage
route to Asgaard,
Agharta. They wanted to go physically alive to
Asgaard instead of only through going in the spirit with the
Valkyries when killed in battle!
Ninthly, since the Little Greys, the dolphin phylum people of the
old Lunar evolution of the Moon, have been promised a renewal of
their race under the new Intergalactic Agreement or Pax Galactica.
So they were allowed to do forced abduction-cross breeding with
selected American women, and were given a planet on which they could
build up this new Grey + American hybrid race, called
the Essassani.
The American ET revelation TV movie called The Intruders, reveals
this fairly blatantly.
Apparently, this program is virtually complete, though there
continues a tail-end program of extracting semen from American males
that can be utilized for further artificial insemination of Little
Grey women. Little Greys are not however from Zeta Reticulum. The
Zetas are another race, and it is they who
abducted Betty and Barney
Hill. Those who call Zetas the same as Little Greys or vice-versa
are ignorant. Also, the Rigellian Race are neither Zetas nor
Little Greys.
As for those who think the Earth is in some battle between Little
Greys and Tall Blonds, they are also ignorant of the new
Intergalactic Agreement. However, it is also true that the
Reptilians have a natural, original dominion over the Little Greys
and sometimes treat even them as foodstuff, which is an unpleasant
problem the Little Greys continue to have to deal with. But one
thing is for sure, the domed ancient Little Grey cities on the Moon
are no longer operable as such. Also, their Square Flying Saucers
are now antiques, though they have been occasionally still seen by
Earth humans.
The Andromedan warning that they will "tow away the Moon " (to rid
the Earth of the Little Grey abductions and breeding program) is
itself just sour grapes, as that program is already virtually
complete according to other contactee sources.
Tenthly, it was Aryans of the
planet Erra in the Pleiades who
contacted Hitler and set him going on his Aryan Master Race program,
which resulted in the genocide performed on both Jews and Gypsies in
the Second World War. They also promised Hitler military assistance
and Pleiadean technology for
building Flying Saucers and beam
weapons. That is why Americans say German planes were accompanied by
"FOO Fighters" or UFO's. However, Galactic forces did not allow the
Pleiadeans to help the Germans conquer the world, so they had to
stand down and allow the Third Reich to be suspended.
However, a new genocidal Fourth Reich,
apparently entailing Reptilian and Aryan cooperation, is now busy
promoting genocide on the Earth, with Africa being the first target
through injecting AIDS into African populations through UN vaccines
programs. This also explains why the Bush Neocons of the New World
Order want everybody in America and Britain
vaccinated as soon as
possible, if not with ostensible Smallpox vaccine, then probably
with Flu vaccine.
So their latest step is to set loose a
terrible designer superflu in America and Europe that will make
Americans and Europeans cry out for a protective Flu Vaccine against
the new killer flu. So, at first, the new vaccine is in "short
supply", which primes the populace to demand it rather than fighting
against it as they did the Small Pox version of the potentially
lethal vaccination, which will reincarnate as a Flu shot.
Once these bastards can get inside our
bodies with vaccines and/or microchips, it is all over for humanity.
They will have total
New World Order control and all personal
freedom, truth and conscience will be rendered inoperable. With the
controlling forces of two galaxies supporting this outrageous
cruelty to Earth humanity, it is hard to see where rescue might come
Eleventhly, the Pleiadeans sent in a new genetically designed Male
and Female, Jesus and Mary Magdalene, to Israel to assume pro-Aryan
spiritual leadership of the Earth and start a new Edenic colony of
SuperAryan blue-bloods. After the
crucifixion or
pseudo-death of
Jesus, he and Mary Magdalene went on to Andorra in the Pyrenees and
began a new Edenic reproduction episode, thus producing a new race
in Southern France, called the Cathars. But the Sum-Aryan rulers
could not allow this new Aryan breeding stock to survive, as it
would kill their Reptilian controlled elitism and blueblood program,
so they arranged to get
the Cathars slaughtered.
Only a few handfuls of the grandchildren
of Jesus Christ now survive in Andorra, and not in any numbers to
threaten the Sum-Aryan blue-bloods program carried out today by such
families as the
Rothschilds and
Royal Families of
Britain and Europe. All of these families perform rites of human
sacrifice to Lucifer as their Illuminati belief-system refers to.
Sacrifice to Reptilian "gods" of course goes all the way back to
Atlantis and was continuing among the Mayans, Toltecs and
Aztecs in
Mexico until quite recently.
And, of course, you are not a real psychic master in either Mexico
or India unless you are developed enough to be a Nagual or
Naga, an
equivalent to a Reptilian Yogi. This does not mean that higher human
development is intrinsically evil or Reptilian, however, which is an
added dilemma for us human beings. We have other choices beyond
Aryan technological atheism and Reptilian cannibalism or vampirism.
Somewhere between the Borg Empire and Illuminati Vampirism is a path
of viable human evolution, even if ultimately it cannot take place
on this utterly wrecked Earth of non-evolution and anti-evolution.
It should be clear that humanity has been given a great deal of both
information and disinformation from Extraterrestrial sources.
should also be clear that only an isolated individual or small group
of two or three here or there can take on the full story as brought
out in this article. It seems that we live in an immature Universe
where the predominant races of two entire galaxies can behave as mis-guided,
cruel and inhumane decision-makers.
It seems that the local cosmic Gods also
double as local Cosmic Devils on both sides of the Intergalactic
Political Tension as Andromeda or Haton, comes into union with the
Milky Way or Orvonta. One can only hope that Moth Man or the Bird
People, the apparently true Elder Races of Orvonta, will come to
some arrangement with the Andromedan Aryans so as to somehow agree
to stop the ongoing destruction of the Earth and Humanity.
Some may ask where
the Ummos fit into all this. I would say that
they are the local Elder Gods of the nearby planets of Andromedan
stock. They are the Elder Gods who supposedly defeated the Titans or
Giants and had them removed from the Earth. This would have happened
50,000 years ago at the time of the introduction of Adam and Eve.
The Ummos are a scientific, anti-spiritual race who feel themselves
so vastly superior to Earth people that they practically explode
with their puffed-up big brains. Spiritually, they desperately need
Kundalini Yoga and the more gentle, kindly and spiritually mature
Reptilians know this, but cannot reach them with it.
Another race,
the Iargans from the planet Iarga, who in ancient
Egypt were known as the Water Dogs, because they have doglike faces
and are amphibian swimmers with very little solid land on their
planet, have also been trying to help out by contacting and
educating some Dutch people, for the people of Holland live near the
sea and have a big population on very little land, thus slightly
reflecting Iarga.
The Iargans have been trying to promote
more harmonious government and culture in the Netherlands in spite
of the prevailing Illuminati working through the Dutch Royals and
the Shell Group of Companies. The location of the planet of Iarga is
apparently the star Procyon, which is not a directly Aryan location.
Any Aryan establishment there is for keeping an eye on the Iargans
so that the Iargans will not interfere with the plans over the
Another heavily involved Extraterrestrial race is the yellow-eyed,
white skinned "Big Nosed Greys" from Sirius who set up Baba-Lion,
Father Lion, or Babylon in Mesopotamia as a breeding centre for the
Cat People of Sirius to create their own accelerated hybrid race,
one half of which became the Jews and the other half the Arabs.
Arabs have the big crooked noses because of their Siriusian fathers.
That is why ancient Syria was called
Assyria, which meant the Syria on Earth.
The Siriusians do not take lightly to the all-out genocidal attacks
on the Arab peoples by the New World Order, apparently, and have
considered pre-emptive space invasion of America and Britain to stop
this, but apparently, both the Andromedans and the Reptilians, as
well as the Moth Men, will not allow this for reasons of their own
as already described.
So, one would assume that Sirius dwells in a
state of ambiguity and frustration toward the Earth.
As for the people of Sirius B, who are apparently a Fish People,
they have themselves been long overseers and genetic engineers who
originally sponsored the dolphin races development on the Moon (when
it occupied the Earth Orbit alone as a living planet) and later the
implanting of genetically designed Squid people from Sirius B in
Earth's oceans as
the Great Old Ones of the Cthulu Mythos. This
primordial underwater race are what the
Book of Dzyan has called
"Water Men, Terrible and Bad."
There are no human races on this planet who are not from implanted
ape-people from elsewhere combined with cross-breeds from nearby
star systems.
Earth-based Anthropological so-called "scientific
theories of the origins of the human race" are just ignorant crap
with very little going for it. Anyone able to process cosmic
information knows this. Even our Yetis and Big-Foots are lower human
races that resulted from cross breeding of early implanted Ape stock
from elsewhere with the local gorillas or animal apes indigenous to
Earth that were being reared as food for the Reptilians.
Yetis and Big-Foots are thus
evolutionary downgrades, shameful progeny of the Neanderthal Race.
It is also a fact that there is still a surviving colony of actual
Neanderthals in remote regions of Alaska and many people of Alaska
are aware of this, though most others they talk to refuse to
"believe" it, which is probably best for the survival of those poor
Neanderthals. I suppose the Illuminati would like to give them
implants and do blood sacrifices with them too.
Are there secret colonies on Earth of recent Oriental migrants from
the planet Mars as recently reported?
Certainly. Some of them have
even performed as the often reported "Oriental" Men-In-Black. Do you
remember when it was reported in the news that NASA had picked up
television signals from the Face on Mars depicting vast numbers of
Martians freezing and starving to death when Mars was taken out to
its present orbit?
At that time, there was the formation of a
typical Illuminati ruling class of technological bureaucrats who had
built underground survival cities for themselves, just as the same
type on Earth who are now dug into their
underground survival cities
on the Earth they will try to retire to when they begin the horrible
genocidal wars on the surface for killing us all.
Ironically, these same Illuminati of the
Earth also built themselves a visible "alternative three" survival
city on Mars with Martian help!
Thus the bloody-minded bad guys of
Earth are in cahoots with the bloody-minded bad guys of Mars. And
they are all virtual puppets of Reptilian bad guys as depicted by Icke. But, in the end, things may not work out that well for all
these Illuminati necrophiliacs. There is a Law of Karma that says
that everyone in the Universe will sooner or later have done to them
what they have been doing to others, in which case there will be
"nowhere to run to and nowhere to hide".
What is happening on the Earth right now is the endgame of a cruel,
anti-evolutionary genetic project with the best of intentions in its
formulation and the worst of intentions in its joint execution.
This entire phony Apocalypse is nothing but an ugly testimony to
rotten Intergalactic Politics. And as for the vast majority who will
never elect to learn this cosmic information, they will die in
immense numbers as the sacrificial sheep they are.
New World Order
propaganda and police-state "terrorisms" will lead them over the
cliff as planned, and they will even bleat out in offended normalcy
to articles such as this one, which are of course "crank conspiracy
theories". They will all clutch their Crosses or their computers,
shaking their fists at anyone who tries to tell them what is really
going on in regard to the planet Earth.
As for the stupid Muslims, they will
still keep letting themselves be recruited by the CIA through
Qaeda to serve as witless shock troops for acts of American, British
and European self-terrorism to speed-up martial law and police-state
control, just as Vladimir Putin uses Chechnian "rebels" to bomb
Russian apartment complexes and theatres.
Can anyone expect or hope for a rescue from the Universe or a benign
invasion that will take out the bad Reptilians, Illuminati and
Andromedan Aryan Hitler sponsoring manipulators?
Well, there is
always hope of course, however remote and tragically absent it has
been so far. Maybe there is a truly Good God out there somewhere who
has just been asleep at the wheel and will wake up and sort all this
out before it goes too far. Let us pray to an effective Good
All-Powerful Deity to please wake up and do something brilliantly
nice for the Earth.
In the meantime, we have to personally
navigate a predatorial universe and need to learn a certain
proficiency in non-bloodthirsty Nagual Sorcery and Kundalini Yoga,
just as Adam Shiva did thousands of years ago at Mount Kailas.
Perhaps a few lone individuals can learn a balance of technology and
yoga, just as Shankara, the Peacemaker once learned. As for me, I am
still trying to arrange for transport off the planet, for it is a
fact that so far I have not found anyone who can process cosmic
information, so I find it hard to see what my personal presence here
is actually accomplishing. Human beings do not want cosmic truth.
They just want to make points from their little earthbound egos
about their beliefs and disbeliefs, their cognitive madness, their
learning disabilities.
In the meantime, the majority who
entertain this kind of stuff will try to get by with the incomplete
and almost useless revelations of people like
David Icke and
Jeff Rense, who are both performing a great service, but who are still
rather ignorant and haven't got a clue in certain significant areas
of cosmic information. So everything keeps going 'round and 'round
in circles among the pitiful millions who go to the Icke and Rense
As for
the Illuminati, they just lick
their chops at how easy it is to discredit Icke over his Reptilian Shapeshifters theory, which is unfortunately all-too-real in some
aspects. It is easy to keep the hypnotized TV lobotomized people
away from such formulated revelations.
One can easily see the Queen
of England or Prince Charles saying to one of their blood sacrifice
"Now do you believe in David Icke's
Website? Ha, ha, ha - it is indeed too late for you!" Or, "You
should have paid more attention to the movie Eyes Wide Shut or
you would not be here today!"
What? Someone is nervously whimpering
that they want to take all this further?
Well, child, start
meditating on the Big Picture and seek more cosmic information than
you normally do. Stop being so God-damn complacent! Search for Truth
and nothing but Total Truth.
You may have a slight chance of rescue.
Connected reading: