January 10, 2023
GalacticAnthropology Website

On January 7, 2023
Elena Danaan posted a video in which she said
that Thor Han had paid a visit to the Earth Alliance somewhere in
the Blue Ridge Mountains in the United States. (1, 27)
This made me
realize that in all those 200 articles that can be found on this
website I never formally introduced the Earth Alliance.
Who are
What have they done and what are they doing now?

(U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication
Specialist 1st Class Vladimir Ramos/Released)
In The Seeders
(3) we can read that the Earth Alliance was set in
motion by the
Galactic Federation of Worlds:
"Since the 1950s, secretly bypassing the false treaties between the
MJ-12 and the Nebu, the Galactic Federation of Worlds created the
Earth Alliance to help the humans of Earth build their own space
fleet and stand against a spacefaring enemy.
It began with the US
Navy and, with time, extended throughout the entire planet,
culminating with the creation of the Artemis Accords in 2020."
(3, p.56)
In a video from September 2021 Elena talks about the Earth Alliance:
"The earth alliance which is the collaboration of what you call
white hats, different benevolent military forces from different
countries on earth have allied with the forces of the galactic
federation of worlds to fight in the undergrounds and in space this
program has been set up since the 1940s and really really got a jump
start when commander Val Thor (22) arrived in 1957."
So the Earth Alliance,
is a military alliance consisting of military
from Earth and military from the Galactic Federation of Worlds.
One of the reasons for the creation of the Earth Alliance was to
prepare humanity for a future in which they would be able to defend
Earth from malevolent alien invaders.
The Galactic Federation of
Worlds together with the Earth Alliance have fought together to beat
these malevolent extraterrestrial races on various celestial bodies
in our Solar System, if possible in cooperation with the local
Besides Earth, the main focal points were the Moon, Mars
(5) and Ceres. (6)
In July 2021 a meeting was held on Jupiter (7) which led to the
'Jupiter Agreements'.
The participants of this meeting were,
might recognize these councils from the 'Enlil Trial'. (10)
Intergalactic Confederation (11) hadn't arrived in our Solar System
by that time.
Elena writes in 'We Will Never Let you Down':
"These meetings had
the goal to determine the share, use and protection of this star
system, regarding to economic and military domains, in preparation
for the future.
Territories of action have been set. Terran Humans
are officially taking ownership of their star system." (12, p.237)
There would have been harsh battles in the underground bases and
tunnels all across the world with the Earth Alliance doing all the
dirty military work fighting the malevolent forces like the Ciakahrr
(13) and the Nebu (14) and their human allies from the Cabal.
In a video from October 2021 we can hear Ardaana talk about these
fights below the surface of our planet:
"The war fought in the underground was the most despicable war the
federation has fought, as long as soldiers can remember.
Why these
men and women from the Earth alliance both humans of Earth and
humans and beings from other places in the galaxy fighting together,
what they have seen: it's the depth of horror. It is not necessary
to go and try to imagine these things.
We will know one day.
meager idea I have is already unbearable and I cannot even speak it.
So what Ardana says to us, is that the forces in power military able
to get rid of this very powerful extraterrestrial enemy have
accomplished their task and now the Earth is ours." (15)
Ardaana made a few wonderful statements after the wars were finally
over and our Solar System was cleansed of the malevolent ET-forces.
You can read her statement at.

One of the tasks alotted to the Earth Alliance is to supervise the
introduction of new technology, like med-beds.
In October 2021 Elena Danaan explained a bit more:
"Space stations are being built in orbit of earth.
The technology
regarding to medical science, medical technology and a lot of
different things are being built on the moon. There's a lot of work
force going on the moon. Legal paid people for the first time.
era of slavery is over!" (18)
After the Solar System was cleared the Intergalactic Federation
arrived and Enki had taken control of the Nibiru ship and he had
handed over his 'DNA-Grail' for humanity to be used in the med-beds.
(19, 20)
As you may remember Saturn used to be a 'hotbed' for the rogue parts
of the Anunnaki, with people like Enlil and Marduk controlling most
of the planet.
In 2022 the ownership of the planet was transferred
from the Anunnaki to the Earth Alliance, (21) just like Antarctica
was handed over to them a year before. (26)
I started this article with a reference to a visit by Thor Han -
Elena Danaan's main contact in the Galactic Federation of Worlds -
with the Earth Alliance in a military base in the Blue Ridge
Mountains. (1)
He gave them certain directions for disclosure. He
gave it in an oblong device, which had these directives stored on
it, much like an USB-stick.
This military base is considered to be
the head quarters from which the ET-disclosure is managed. In the
video she also mentioned that Val Thor (22) was preparing disclosure
about Solar Warden (23) with the Earth Alliance.
prepared in the Blue Ridge Mountains, US. (Jan 07 2023)
In the midst of Global Pain, Our Star Trek Future is being
(3) Danaan, E.
The Seeders
Q&A Open
Questions, September 28, 2021
The Local Resistance on Mars
The Liberation of Ceres
Secret meetings near Jupiter decide the future of our Solar
The Zenae from the Andromeda Constellation
What Came First? The Lyran or the Orion Wars? - In this
article you can read about the creation of the
Council of Five
Anu, Enlil, Enki and the Meet5ing with the Four Councils
The Intergalactic Confederation
(12) Danaan, E.
We Will Never Let You Down
The Ciakahrr
The Nebu
Q&A –
It is time to Soar as Humanity and Add the Last Stone to the
Havok Journal
Q&A –
what is that? – Oct 5/2021
Ep. 15 ~ Nibiru Technology~ Oct 9 2022
Trying to Understand Enki's Genetic Template Grail
How Marduk became the Ruler of Saturn
(22) Val Thor
plays an important role in Elena Danaan's second book in her
disclosure series (12). He lives below the surface of Venus with
his smashingly beautiful wife Jilyan (24). In
The Ankh as a Powerful High Frequency Tool, Elena describes
a walk with her on Venus. Val Thor would also be the one
responsible for the spreading of the book on Alien Races (see
The Russian Secret Book on Aliens).
Solar Warden and Excelsior
Is this Real or Not?
Disclosure Information
Is the 4th Reich's Dark Fleet abandoning Antarctica?
ET Disclosure being planned now at
an underground Blue Ridge Mountains Complex