by Dr Michael Salla
June 11,
Exopolitics Website

According to
Elena Danaan, a former professional French
archeologist who claims to be a contactee with the 'Galactic
Federation of Worlds', an exodus of a German 4th
Reich controlled "Dark Fleet" is currently underway that is creating
a power vacuum that different nations are trying to fill by building
in Antarctica.
Her information comes
from an extraterrestrial from the
Taygeta star system in the
Pleiades she identifies as 'Thor Han', and a current resident at the
US McMurdo base who goes by the name 'Frank', and whose last name I
will keep private.
On June 6, Elena received an email from Frank informing her of an
unusually high number of people entering and leaving Antarctica
McMurdo, which is the largest base in Antarctica, and
maintains a year-round shipping port through which transport ships
arrive with personnel and supplies bound for the US and other
national bases.
This is what Frank told Elena in an email that was later forwarded
to me:
I want to let you
know that the Chinese have 5 bases here already and are setting
up 4 more immediately during the absolute worst time of year.
There are Chinese everywhere down here and up until a month ago
I never saw even one.
Also of note, now Turkey has been sending in troops
independently and so are quite a few other countries from Africa
and South America all of them want to set up bases here and are
bringing in the infrastructure to do so.
Everybody seems to want to get in on whatever is down here as
soon as possible to not be left out. I am more certain than ever
now that the mad rush is because there is definitely something
I noticed more and more German speaking people coming
through as well.
Numbers have always decreased in the winter
time down here not increased.
What immediately got
Frank's attention was that a significant number of the personnel
leaving Antarctica were German-speaking and they were bound for
South America - Argentina in particular...
This struck Frank as
highly unusual given what Elena and others had said about a
Dark Fleet in Antarctica that was in an escalating
military conflict with an 'Earth Alliance' and the Galactic
Elena passed on to me Frank's information and contact details, and
then communicated with her primary extraterrestrial contact, Thor
Han, asking him what was happening in Antarctica.
This is her
summary of what followed:
I straight away
informed Michael Salla and I put them both in contact.
On that same evening,
I requested a contact with Thor Han, picking his thoughts about
this news. Thor Han confirmed that as a consequence of the Dark
Fleet being harshly hit by the Alliance and the Federation, the
German (4th Reich) presence in Antarctica is abandoning their
He told me that there
was an exodus going on, towards colonies out of this solar
system, through a
portal (jump door as he calls it).
He said that
Reptilians based in Antarctica were leaving too.
Thor Han said that some very secret groups in some governments
know about the existence of such a portal in the South Pole (and
now they want it of course), used to escape to other colonies
such as
Aldebaran, but he said that even Aldebaran, since they
became recently the main Dark Fleet headquarters, is cutting
apart from the Antarctica group.
Thor Han said that it
is in their mentality to cut an "infected limb".
There are now
formidable resources down there, to be taken, if all these
baddies are leaving...
It should be pointed out
that Aldebaran was the original stellar location from which
Maria Orsic made contact with human-looking 'Nordic' extraterrestrials in
the early 1920s.
As a result of these
communications, the first Vril space-time devices were built that
could transport personnel to Aldebaran.
After Hitler came to power in 1933 and coopted
the Vril space
program, he reached agreements with Draco Reptilian
extraterrestrials, and the Nazi SS began building weaponized flying
saucer craft for the war effort.
Meanwhile, the most
advanced aspects of
the Vril and Haunebu space programs were
relocated to Antarctica to continue developing interplanetary and
interstellar craft.
Consequently, it
should come as no great surprise that the Dark Fleet today has a
major base in the Aldebaran star system, in addition to bases in our
solar system such as Mars and the
planetoid Ceres.
This is especially if there is a portal from
Antarctica to a planet in the Aldebaran star system.
Elena continued
her summary of her June 6 communication with Frank as follows:
Of course,
I asked Frank this crucial question:
as he mentioned noticing an
increased presence of German-speaking people at McMurdo, did he
think they could come from inland Antarctica, in the intent to leave
the continent?
If this was verified, it would make tremendous sense.
I believe only the high grades are authorized to leave through the
portal, and the population of this breakaway civilization had no
other option than to leave by regular boats and planes.
And the fact that
everyone wants a part of the cake, now that the baddies are fleeing
away, could also explain the sudden rush of all these countries to
Thor Han also said that the Earth Alliance had been
sending military troops to the South Pole since a while now, to help
kick the baddies out, and this confirmed also that my friend had
noticed these last months a growing activity of US soldiers going to
the South Pole.
If Elena's
information is correct that the Dark Fleet is conducting an exodus
out of Antarctica, then it would not be a great surprise that
German-speaking workers would be among the first to leave.
Presumably, senior scientific personnel would leave through
spacecraft and portals - as Elena described - and low-level
scientific and maintenance personnel would leave via conventional
means such as transport ships out of McMurdo.
This apparently was
what Frank was witnessing just as the Antarctic winter was
On June 8, Frank
emailed both Elena and I and wrote:
many foreign countries are pouring in here right now Elena was
correct these German folks are all leaving.
I want to ask them if
they plan to return in the spring but most of them won't even talk
to me about anything and carry themselves like I am not good enough
to talk to them. Very cold personalities and if they speak English,
they won't around me.
But I do not see any Germans coming in through
McMurdo just leaving.
This is how Elena
summarized her communications from Frank in response to Thor Han's
We received
another message from Frank saying that Thor Han was right, the
Germans were all arriving from inland Antarctica and leaving the
continent on boats to South America.
They were very secretive and
wouldn't talk to anyone.
This was really happening...
The Dark Fleet
was being hammered by the Earth Alliance and
the Galactic
Federation, on Earth, Mars and in this star system, and the
Antarctica exodus was the very proof that all of this was real.
In previous articles and interviews,
I have discussed Elena's information about the Galactic Federation
of Worlds viewing the Earth, Moon and Mars as the epicenters of a
future galactic tyranny, and subsequently wanting to liberate their
respective populations from negative extraterrestrial influences.
In subsequent
updates, Frank has confirmed that the German-speaking people leaving
Antarctica were being shipped out to Argentina, and they continued
being very secretive about their movement.
My own research on
the German breakaway civilization in Antarctica, based on
information provided by,
Corey Goode
Dr. Pete Peterson
Vladimir Terziski,
...and others - has shown that a
significant German 4th Reich presence was established
during World War II, and has been maintained through subsequent
agreements with the US and other major nations.
I provide the
details on these historic processes, agreements and events in my
2018 book,
Antarctica's Hidden History - Corporate Foundations of Secret
Space Programs.
More recently, in May 2021, I updated my
information about the Dark Fleet's history in a four-hour webinar
that is
now available on Vimeo.
The multinational
Antarctic Treaty (1961) was, in fact, a cover for the pacification
of Antarctica in order to protect the German breakaway colony from
any future military attacks similar to the failed
Operation Highjump (1946/1947) and
Operation Taberlan (1944-1946) missions launched by the US and
United Kingdom.
In the subsequent
decades, the German Antarctica bases were greatly expanded with an
influx of personnel and resources from the US and other countries
that developed very large industrial manufacturing facilities for
spacecraft that would be supplied to the "Dark Fleet", a large
corporate-run program Goode called the "Interplanetary Corporate
Conglomerate" (ICC), and a multinational civilian scientific space
program that more recent insiders such as Spartan 1 and 2 -
interviewed by Linda Moulton Howe - have revealed exists in
Antarctica and is run out the National Security Agency (NSA)
headquarters in Fort Mead, Maryland.
many of these 4th Reich/Dark Fleet facilities used slave
labor in clear violation of the Antarctic Treaty, which
Goode was the first to reveal back in October 2017.
In fact, he
says that he was briefed about an
earlier attempted exodus in May 2016 that was neutralized by a
fleet of unknown advanced spacecraft, presumably belonging to the
Earth Alliance that battled Dark Fleet/ICC vessels over Antarctica.
It is, therefore,
very possible that the German-speaking workers that Frank saw
leaving McMurdo in early June 2021 were evacuating the Dark Fleet
bases due to recent setbacks. Indeed, their secretive behavior,
according to Frank, suggests they were leaving highly classified
bases hidden somewhere in the huge Antarctica continent.
In addition to
Frank's information,
is there any other corroboration for Elena's
remarkable revelations of the Dark Fleet leaving Antarctica?
are two distinct bodies of circumstantial evidence that support such
an exodus is indeed taking place.
- The first is
exposure of the Deep State effort to rig the 2020 US Federal
elections so as to implement their
New World Order, which would have
enabled Dark Fleet operations to continue out of Antarctica
The 4th Reich's interest in the US
presidency and its importance for continued Dark Fleet operations
was all but openly revealed when President Obama's then Secretary of
State, John Kerry, visited Antarctica at the height of the November
2016 Presidential election.
It has become
clear given subsequent events that Kerry's real purpose was to brief
the 4th Reich about Trump's looming presidency, and
the Deep State's master plan to neutralize and eventually
remove Trump from power.
Consequently, the 4th Reich was
a key element in the Deep State orchestrated coup to remove
Donald Trump from power through a rigged election.
forensic election audit currently taking place in Maricopa
County is expected to confirm that widespread election fraud did
take place.
This will spark further forensic audits in other US
counties and states, which will reveal the full extent of what had
The scale of the
US election fraud will not only shock the global public and lead to
quick restoration of a Trump administration, but will spark multiple
criminal prosecutions of Deep State figures from around the world
complicit in the botched election rigging effort.
The looming
prosecutions will further identify
the COVID-19 'pandemic' as a key
element in the failed coup attempt.
Deep State figures in the
scientific, political and mainstream media that were involved in
creating and perpetuating the pandemic hoax are similarly expected
to be exposed and prosecuted...
This will only compound the fallout
for the 4th Reich once it is determined that it was
involved in staging the COVID-19 pandemic as part of a plan to
remove Trump.
- The second
political process that is occurring, which Frank identified in the
first email cited above, is the recent influx of countries such as
China and Turkey into Antarctica.
What was very strange was that
this was occurring right now, during the onset of winter, the worst
time of year.
Only a month earlier, there were few Chinese seen at
McMurdo, according to Frank, now they were everywhere. Recent
mainstream media stories do confirm that both China and
Turkey are building new bases in Antarctica, with China aiming
to become the
dominant presence there.
The sudden influx
of personal and resources into Antarctica during the start of the
winter months does point to the different countries trying to fill a
newly created power vacuum.
It would make sense that the 4th
Reich is turning over its Dark Fleet assets in Antarctica to
countries that are most sympathetic to its political agenda and
China, Turkey, and countries from South America and
Africa would be suitable candidates.
The information
from Frank about events that are currently unfolding in Antarctica
is highly unusual and significant.
It corroborates the much more
startling information from Elena Danaan about a Dark Fleet exodus
currently underway in Antarctica.
Consequently, my confidence in the
accuracy of Elena's information from her Galactic Federation of
Worlds contact, Thor Han, has been enhanced from what I have learned
from Frank.
I will seek further independent corroboration for this
incredible information and report on it when it becomes available...