by Noel Huntley
excerpted from
"ETs and Aliens - Who Are They? and
Why Are They Here?"
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Alpha Centauri is a nearby multiple star in the
constellation Centaurus.
It is the name of a binary star system with a small
additional star called
Proxima Centauri.
Extraterrestrials from the Alpha Centauri system are particularly
scientifically and technically advanced, possessing great
theoretical knowledge that they endeavor to instill by inspiration
into Earth scientists. In fact, according to the Explorer volumes
this star system is directly involved as a portal from the Creator -
life in effect comes forth from Alpha Centauri.
They represent the violet band of frequencies - giving scientific
and technical knowledge of the highest quality in the universe. The
violet ray is the highest vibration.
It is through this frequency
that connection to the universal intelligence and the Great Central
Mind is made for all. The Alpha Centaurians do have access to this
channel of information in their natural state - they are
totally empathic and telepathic on their home planet.
Information on an extraterrestrial encounter from the Proxima
Centauri star system is well documented in the late Elizabeth Klarer's book
Beyond the Light Barrier.
This smaller star is the
nearest of any star to Earth and is at a distance of 4.2 light
An ET by the name of Akon visited Mrs. Klarer on several occasions;
she was even taken to his planet, named Meton, in the Proxima
Centauri system for several months.
Now this race of beings from Meton originally came from Venus. They
are human in appearance; slightly taller. Akon, an astrophysicist,
claimed to be several thousands of years old (though this may not
have been translated into our years).
Elizabeth Klarer was born in 1910 in South Africa and was trained as
a meteorologist at Cambridge, England. She later obtained a degree
in music at Trinity College, London.
During WW2 she was employed by
the South Africa Airforce Intelligence, and during operations did
work for the Royal Airforce, decoding German communications. She was
also trained to observe UFOs for the South African Airforce UFO
Telepathic communication occurred between Akon and Elizabeth over a
period of years until finally in 1956 on flying Saucer Hill (as she
named it) at Rosetta, Natal, the crew revealed themselves and she
was taken up into space and into the vintage mothership.
She was
apparently originally from Venus in a previous lifetime and she and Akon were spiritually related (referred to as twin flames or soul
In spite of her popularity and recognition, not surprisingly she
endured harassment from the American intelligence forces, and was
once almost kidnapped by the Russians, who wanted to capture the
future space child that she was then carrying of Akon's.
She was eventually taken to planet Meton in the Proxima Centauri
system where she stayed for four months and gave birth to and reared
her space child, Ayling.
Unfortunately, owing to the vibrations of
the magnetic field being different on Meton, her heart was unable to
adjust to the new pressures, and she was forced to return to Earth.
Contact continued from Akon and her son by holographic projection.
In 1984 particular interest was shown in her experiences by the
British Ministry of Defence, and they announced that UFOs do exist
and are now official (note that this was all soon pushed under the
Her story attracted the attention of many countries, in
particular, America, Britain and Russia.
In 1975 she was given a
standing ovation at the 11th International Congress for UFO Research
in Germany.
She was applauded by a group of
scientists representing twenty-two nations where she gave a speech
about the secrets of light. In 1983 she addressed the House of
Lords, in England, and her paper was also read at the United
Following this she travelled to
Switzerland and appeared in a television show. She wrote the book
'Beyond the Light Barrier' which sold out its first edition in two
weeks (strange events though: the publisher then absconded and her
second book 'The Gravity Files' never appeared in print).
Mrs. Klarer described the spacecraft she flew in as perfectly
circular, about 60 feet in diameter, with a flattish dome in the
centre around which were placed portholes.
The ship's hull had a
silvery sheen, but she stated that it wasn't a reflection from the
sunlight; it was the ship's own natural glow.
It came directly from
the skin of the ship, and when the power was switched on, the whole
ship glowed, developing a field differential around it that it moved
within. Inside it was very beautiful and simple, and the entire
floor was covered in a red-rose type of carpeting - very soft and
She stated Akon's ship carried a crew of two. Both were
astrophysicists but the other was also a great botanist; a needed
ability in understanding the flora and fauna of planets for their
protection and in the preparation of planets for human habitation.
She pointed out that the ship was
created in space from pure light energy into substance and it took
naturally the celestial form. They then would bring the shell of the
craft to the surface of the planet and furnish it with equipment,
The motherships, however, were created in space and assembled
in space; components were ferried up to it.
This civilization goes back more than 65
million years when Venus had a more physical existence on its
surface than would be possible today. It was known that our sun was
a variable star (irregular frequencies) and at certain epochs it
expanded with the release of intensified radiation.
As a safeguard
they built the vast motherships to ferry all the people and as much
as possible of the flora and fauna away from Venus to Earth, which
was the nearest neighbor.
As a result of this activity and Venus being closer to the Sun, the
seas had dried out and what little fauna remained and all flora were
destroyed. Also their dinosaurs were destroyed by the intensified
radiation. Thus the Venusians made an exodus to planet Earth and its
moon for a temporary sojourn.
Following this the Venusian civilization left Earth again owing to
the harsh nature of the Sun and moved to Proxima Centauri, which had
a stable sun. They settled on planet Meton since it was similar in
atmospheric conditions to Venus and most important, of high
They kept
bases on the Moon,
Mars and Earth, which they
still visit.
A section of their civilization remained on Earth to aid its
advancement. A tall, fair-haired race of beings who lived in the
Andes were descendants of the Venusians. Their main work throughout
the galaxy is to prepare star systems for human habitation.
The civilization on Meton has what we would call an ideal society.
No illness, no government, no traffic, pure air, complete harmony,
even harmony with the animals and insects.
It was typical of
advanced races, what can be called a holographic, synchronistic
civilization, similar to
the Pleiadian's existence that we have
There is no monetary or barter system. Everything is
plentiful and free.
Akon's 'flying saucer' fits neatly on top of his spherical house.
One can see out of the house from the inside but not in. There are
no roads. Traffic is merely a monorail winding through the beautiful
countryside. Their foods are natural and not cooked, apart from the
warming of a type of oatmeal bun (to hold it together).
They have
gravity belts, which the children have fun with.
Another civilization from a planet called Selo in the Alpha Centauri
system has been in contact with Hal Wilcox of Los Angeles for
a number of years. Hal Wilcox is a well-known UFO contactee of the
'50s and '60s. He was involved in a mission of soul-memory recovery.
According to Hal this is based on the
information that, whereas
Lemuria and
Atlantis were destroyed, the
civilization Antila had its negative era arrested by the Creator's
decision of occluding full past-life memory.
An obvious purpose of this occlusion would be to protect man from
overwhelming reactivation of his negative past-life incidents, and
then present an opportunity of handling man's problems on a
controlled basis by programming the amount of rebound or karma he
would experience in any one life-time; a procedure carried out by
the Guardians.
Planet Selo is four-and-a-half light years from Earth, and Hal
Wilcox has made several visits - one for three days.
they are about 600 years ahead of us and correspondingly advanced
spiritually, living to much greater ages and retaining youthful
appearance - 25 years of so.
They utilize the universal so-called Ino computers; incredible data-processing units that are a symbiotic
synthesis of mechanisms and creative life or consciousness. (Both
these contactees in this chapter were known by the author.)
The Santinians are another group of ETs from the Alpha Centauri
system. They have been referred to as the most technically and
spiritually advanced humanities in our solar neighborhood.
have followed the evolution of Earth and are aiding mankind in its
next evolutionary step into the Aquarian Age.
The Santinians are from a planet similar
to Earth, named Metharia, one of several planets orbiting Alpha
Centauri. Owing to the binary star the planets do not experience a
period of complete darkness.
Metharia consists of one large continent and many islands. Most of
the surface is covered in water, similar to Earth. Life exists in
the etheric and higher realms, not in the physical. They are on a
similar level to the Venusians and have bases on Venus.
They have nature spirits on Metharia but not stormy weather, due to
the perfect harmony. Vegetation is unusually rich, unknown on Earth,
and production and supplies are provided by
the devas.
The Santinians are as one would expect, vegetarians. Animals have
reached a high level of intelligence and do not require training.
Population is about 3.5 billion inhabitants, and about 5 million
devote themselves to space travel and may spend a significant part
of their life on spaceships. Houses are harmonically designed and
blend into the countryside. There are no cities and crowded areas.
Knowledge and spiritual laws are uniformly accepted throughout the
planet and standards of living and education are consistent. They
recognise the Law of One and there is no selfishness. There is no
electromagnetic pollution, in particular, since it disturbs the
nature spirits.
A typical family on Metharia has two children and marriage
ceremonies are conducted. It is said, however, that divorce is
possible. Spacecraft technology is very advanced. Motherships are
several miles in length and they have interdimensional travel with
dematerialization and materialization.
The Santinians are here to help man but only when man is ready to
accept this; they will not interfere.
Note: There exists a non-profit club in Germany which has the mission to
establish contact with the Santinians for all seeking people. Twice
a week there are meetings, and from time to time there are also
seminars -
shatzer@ubaclu.unibas.ch. This Santinian information is
from a website article, signed Laro Schatzer.
Arcturus is a red-supergiant star in the
constellation Bootes about
36 light years away and is visible in the northern hemisphere.
It is called the 'Guardian of the Bear'
because of its position behind the tail of the constellation Ursa
Major. The Arcturian's planet is also referred to by them as
It has been stated by more than one source, including
Edgar Cayce,
that the Arcturus civilization is one of the most advanced races in
this galaxy.
(Note that this does not just mean third- dimensional
races but ones in embodiment, that is, focused in a particular
In fact Arcturus is in the fifth-dimensional spectrum.
A most revealing contact with
the Arcturians has been made by Dr.
Norma Milanovich, and her book 'We, the Arcturians'' gives a
thorough presentation of these extraterrestrials from Arcturus.
They describe themselves as of a form that wouldn't win a beauty
competition on Earth. They are three to four feet tall; very wispy
and very slender. They all look very much alike. This was chosen
since they are past comparisons and judgment, and being different no
longer appeals to them.
Skin is greenish in color, but strictly
they state they have a color which does not register on our planet.
They have two very large almond-shaped eyes. They have three fingers
on each hand which they call projectiles. These may be used to touch
and guide objects which they normally move psychokinetically. That
is, they can move objects with their mind, and they can float their
own bodies.
Even their 'brains' are not actually brains but complex systems of
fibres and 'neurons' that 'control frequency patterns of our
They think a hundred times faster than humans and they
have an olfactory ability not comprehensible to humans. They can
feel the energy and process it through emotions.
This additional
ability prevents confusion of any messages being received and
increases accuracy. In their learning and education they do not note
the content learned but the energy effects from this, which are
They have
underground bases on Earth and in the mountains, and they
state they are on the same dimensional frequency as
the fairies.
Their starships are propelled by crystals. These are special
crystals which conduct light energy from the Great Central Sun
(centre of the galaxy). Their main source of power is crystals,
which draws energy from the universe.
The Arcturians are beyond computers and utilize other systems. They
do not eat foods, but obtain nourishment by ingesting energy. They
do sleep but only for a short time once a week when they connect to
higher realms.
They state there is no such thing as gravity in the fourth and fifth
dimensions of spacetime. They like to exercise their legs in
addition to the floating, which is accomplished by tapping their
consciousness into liquid Light.
Nourishment is from vital liquids. Their eyes are dark brown to
black in order to shield them from the sun which harms their
telepathic ability.
This latter faculty is their primary way of
seeing; eyes are secondary.
Their eyes can filter out lower
vibrations and are capable of focusing inner and outer vision at the
same time which aids the telepathic abilities.
They state that they do have a heart and that the heart holds the
answers to the universal keys - contains the balancing of the
positive and negative.
They have a sense of hearing which transcends
their telepathic ability; and can hear sounds outside normal range
and from other dimensions.
They can sense with the back of their
The Arcturian's life span is around 350 to 400 years.
There is no
sickness. Clothing when off the planet is functional and can
transcend time and space and manifest in other dimensions. It is
close fitting; it is not necessary or desirable for them for their
skin to breath off planet.
The clothing aids information processing.
It has no openings in it and it is put on by entering via the fifth
and fourth dimensions (presumably they mean a total body-covering
garment with apertures for the head and maybe hands and feet).
At their home planet they wear free-flowing garments which will not
hinder locomotion and they are used merely for adornment and
respect. Clothing is not needed for warmth as temperature is
consistently ideal.
When asked about emotions the response was that in fact they were
more emotional than humans and were the emotional planet of the
universe, but, however, they have mastered the emotions. They add
that humans are the weakest and least disciplined of the species.
Only the wisest are given the position of looking after the young in
what are called unit structures. Qualification is determined by the
color of the person's aura.
They can immediately determine the weather condition they desire.
Even two persons can manifest simultaneously two opposite kinds of
seasons, that is, in the exact moment of time and space.
They refer to Arcturus as the teacher - a conceptualization which
can free humans and other beings from their own entrapment.
power from Arcturus (planet or star) comes from both the direct
energies of Arcturus and also from the instruments aboard their
ships. These two sources of power feed their energy needs while they
are away but they need to return periodically for the nourishment of
their souls.
They consider Arcturus the sister planet to Earth. They are the
caretakers of the fifth-dimensional frequency inhabitants, and
Earthlings are the caretakers of the physical third-dimensional
realities. They are the inner-world of reality; we are the
outer-world of reality.
They were asked about the star ships and told that there were 35
divisions to the starship Athena. Let us describe some of these.
The Remembrance Headquarters reunites them with their home star
system of Arcturus. This is visited when the being feels the need.
These quarters are located far from the other major functional
This function can take the etheric body of the crew member
back home to rejuvenate them. Earth has a harsh frequency; it tends
to affect their consciousness in ways they do not understand. Thus
before using this Remembrance Chamber members must be cleared of all
Another area having the function of 'kitchen' is called the Energy
Transformer Storage and Retrieval Area and is designed to eliminate
waste and energy and has the capability of converting it to light
energy. It can be used to bring in water from outside (Earth is
water-based) and produce pure food supplies.
The ship was specially
designed for Earth's atmosphere.
The Sleeping Quarters are used once every seven days. In this state
they are connected to their higher existence. This keeps them
spiritually balanced and enables them to continue with their highest
Another chamber is for manifestation - the Magnificent Chamber for
Manifestation - and is stated to be the most advanced that could be
The chamber is designed to compliment and support
rearrangement of the molecular structure of the being's central
nervous system to experience fifth-dimensional frequencies and
It is said to be more than joy and happiness, more than
telepathy and being in the etheric form. It is the experience of the
The Learning Facility has a complete data bank and information
retrieval which includes material on every aspect of Earth life.
method of learning is a simple one and occurs through telepathic
abilities and the central nervous system. This is very much like
human's ingest foods. They can absorb concepts one hundred times
faster than humans. Instruments are used to implant the data within
their 'brain' structures.
Another chamber referred to as the Movement Chamber for Locomotion
aids the Arcturians when in Earth's atmosphere. Thought processes of
Earth's inhabitants have created an energy field that is out of
balance - most humans thus can't maintain a state of balance in
their lives.
The chamber keeps the Arcturians at a vibration above
those on Earth. Built into its design is a perfect balance of energy
sources - it supports one's physical emotional and spiritual needs.
All beings entering the ship are required to use this chamber.
Visitors may often be in dream (astral) states, such as humans would
The Chamber for the Captives (meaning those caught in earth's
vibration, such as us) may be visited in the dream and astral state
by even advanced masters who have reincarnated on Earth but are
being caught up in the illusions and negativity. The Arcturians
bring them to this chamber to set them free, to wake up to who they
are and continue their mission.
The Communication Chamber is used like a medical checkup each month.
It supports continued growth and development of telepathic powers.
It is equipped with a mechanism which absorbs mental thoughts and
records their significance and power.
It will identify for the
subject any difficulties in focusing the mind.
One of the most critical support systems
is in the Motivational Storage Motion Area.
It is designed to take
information about Earth and their mission and place the data in a
holistic framework. It will create constructs for operations across
the dimensions third, fourth and fifth.
For example,
distortions when thoughts, words, actions and emotions are
transferred from one dimension to another.
This function keeps the
holistic motivation of plans in focus and stores data, then puts in
motion the integration of it for action and purposes outside the
The Information and Communication Information Area contains the most
powerful information of the universe and is shared only with
appropriate individuals.
The Integrative and Supportive Area is like the 'mess hall' or
'lounge area'.
It is for socializing, rest and relaxation. However,
frequency sensors keep a check on the telepathic transmission of
'non-classified' information which may apply when visitors are
The Mechanism Chamber is a complex area that allows them easy access
to unfamiliar locations.
It replicates a life-form structure and
sends it to the surface of the planet to test it and learn from the
way the replica pattern operates. Adjustments can thus be made
before sending the actual life-form, such as themselves. The area
can also be used 'medically' to detect malfunctions and reprogram
them instantly.
The Engineering Apparatus Area is used to maneuver the ship between
the third, fourth and fifth dimension of time and space. It handles
the magnetic changes in going from visibility to invisibility.
These are a few examples of the amazing technologies present on the
Arcturian ship, Athena.
The Arcturians state that they have been
here with planet Earth since our beginnings and in fact state that
they own the planet, meaning that it is their training ground and
have responsibility for it.
They can exist in the fourth and fifth
dimension but also lower their frequencies to be visible in the
third dimension.
They long since contacted our governments, but as is the case with
all such ET contacts with many governments on Earth they were
Their mission is to educate souls on Earth in preparation for
survival in the fifth-dimensional frequency. The planet is moving
into the New Age, which they referred to as the seventh Golden Age.
It will be a time of balance, harmony, and love, raising the
planet's vibrations to its highest level. Thus each human must raise
his or her vibration accordingly.
In the meantime the planet Earth must
cleanse itself with the inevitable manifestation of upheavals.