by Noel Huntley


excerpted from

"ETs and Aliens - Who Are They? and Why Are They Here?"

from GoogleBooks Website

Spanish version





Scientists continue their age-long quest for the answer to the riddle of whether there is life on Mars.


Even after a concentrated study of the planet over the past two decades or so the answer is still not forthcoming.

Schiaparelli in 1890 found faint linear markings on the Martian surface which he called 'channels.' But Lowell described them as canals and proposed that their extensive and geometric construction implied the existence of 'rare intelligence'. Many further speculations and observations on Mars led scientists to believe that life on Mars was a reality.

Many further contacts have been made with Mars revealing a barren planet with lunar-like craters, huge volcanoes and a Grand Canyon, 3000 miles long and 15-20,000 feet deep. Many geologists are convinced that the 'canals' were formed by giant floods caused either by meteors impacting and melting ice under the surface, or volcanic activity.


Today, scientifically, that is, in terms of controlled orthodox knowledge for the masses, we are little further to understanding Mars and its civilizations in spite of NASA's photographs of the monuments, etc.

Cosmic visionary Ruth Norman of the Unarius Foundation in her book Mars Underground Cities Discovered, has channeled that Mars was the victim of a huge disturbance some 160,000 years ago, described as a nova but involving the entry into our solar system of a body passing close to Mars, colliding with Earth, and destroying the continent of Lemuria.

As a result, Mars' surface was dehydrated and devastated. Nevertheless, the civilization at the time was sufficiently advanced and in communication with the spiritual realms to receive prior information of the intruding body and prepare by building cities underground.

The nova was actually a manifestation in the third dimension resulting from higher-dimensional energies of a positive kind directed at the negativity enshrouding planet Earth in order to cancel it. According to this channeled information the positive and negative energy interaction expressed itself in the apparent event of a so-called planetary body entering the Solar System.

Thus the Mars civilization continued and is still in existence but has now evolved into a higher-frequency spectrum and would not be detectable at the physical 3D level. This is supported by the out-of-body (astral) visits made by the channels of the Unarius foundation.

One of the reasons why Mars is regarded as the war-waging planet is that according to these channelings the spiritual hierarchy directed the massive negative thought forms remaining after the destruction of Maldek - a civilization on a planet beyond Mars of which the fragments now are the scientifically unexplained asteroid belt between Mars, and Jupiter - and attached it to Mars to keep it away from Earth.


If Mars had been inhabited at the physical level this decision would not have been made.


A further event which added to Mars' hostile reputation was one in which the Lemuria race had once attacked Mars, but the Martians were prepared and defeated them. Nevertheless propaganda continued on Earth to the effect that Mars attacked Earth.

The canal markings have now been considered to be due to the underground tunneling between cities creating a characteristic surface effect. A typical city is stated to be about one mile in diameter consisting of beautiful buildings and sculptured gardens, fountains, fruit trees, statues, murals and in general a horticulturist's paradise.


The enclosed roof area of these underground cities appears as a sky with simulated twinkling stars - even a 'moon' is revealed periodically during the night cycle, and for day-time, artificial sunlight is used. Transport is by shuttle craft or moving sidewalks.

These people have developed their consciousness to a high level of sanity, intelligence and love for all creation. Their bodies are described as about an average of 5 feet 6 inches and are similar in appearance to our Chinese race.

Advanced technology enable children to learn mainly by video with the addition of sleep learning in which a ray transfers knowledge subconsciously. Birth has an alternative process to the natural one.


The fetus can be developed externally in special vessels if the mother wishes.


This has advantages by both the presence of visual communication from the mother, and also the enhanced learning process of the infant achieved by scientific means for absorbing information relating to the infant, such as potential abilities, past-life experiences and the present goals for this coming life.

The Martians can travel between galaxies in their spacecrafts but even with their advanced technology enabling them to travel hyperspatially it takes them years. Such ships as theirs may contain as many as 5000 passengers, although they refer to encounters with city ships from other civilizations containing up to one million people.

Martians, it is explained, did visit Earth and set up a colony in the Gobi desert. Nevertheless, primitive species of Earth were present at that time and were hostile, such that the Martian settlement was abandoned. Thus we see then that Mars does have a very advanced civilization but not any longer in this dimension.

Clearly Mars will have had many civilizations both on the surface and within as with most other planets. Another example, channeled by Celeste Korsholm, was of non-humanoid creatures that inhabited Mars, and typically went through the usual conflicts.


These were two species competing for evolution or dominance on the planet. A great diversity of species flourished at this time on Mars leading to two dominant races:

  • an ant form

  • the praying mantis, which today we recognize as the Athiem (mentioned earlier)

The dimensional setting was in the third dimension and the species represented the Light and the Dark forces.


The praying mantis race exhibited the Light qualities. Initially both occupied themselves in controlling the environment.


The ants developed a highly ordered society with a mass-mind ability, giving them great power as a group, but focused on left-brain, logical abilities. The other species, the praying mantis, concentrated on spiritual development, with emphasis on harmony, understanding and perception.

Eventually their expanding evolution began to encroach on one another. Owing to the excessive numbers of the ants and their self-sacrifice for the whole, the praying mantis had no choice but to withdraw.

The ants eventually destroyed their environment but by this time the praying mantis race had withdrawn into higher dimensions. They then existed in a higher-frequency spectrum but still remained on Mars in the same general space. A channeled spokesman for the praying mantis, or Reverend Race (as it was called), states that the pyramids and the 'face on Mars' are remnants of their great civilization.

The ants eventually dominated all other species on Mars and then turned on themselves as they destroyed the environment. They were forced to withdraw underground but survived by locating another planet to inhabit. This was planet Earth.


Their aggression, however, was tempered by higher law and much of it was continued in the tiny bodies of Earth's ants. In effect, the warring consciousness of the Martian ants continues in the Earth ants.

The Reverend Race also came to Earth fourth-dimensionally to aid our planet going through similar struggles to theirs.

As mentioned, all the planets contain spiritual counterparts and parallel dimensions. Let us now give an account of life on Venus.





We mentioned in the chapter about Alpha Centauri civilizations that Akon's race was originally from Venus, but this was at a time when the surface of Venus was more habitable within a more third-dimensional perspective, somewhat commensurate with Earth.


Now of course its third-dimensional atmosphere is harsh, turbulent and hot; not compatible for human life.


Nevertheless it is inhabited within a different frequency spectrum. This would be in a higher range of energies, as is the case with all the planets in our solar system other than Earth.

The surface of the planet has always caused a mystery to astronomers, with its perpetual veil of clouds. The information given in Ernest Norman's book The Voice of Venus is that this blanket of vapor is not a natural occlusion.


The surface has been shielded by Venusians deliberately by means of high-frequency energy, with etheric condensation forming an envelope around the planet; the purpose being to prevent man's confusion in advancing science's possible detection of inexplicable elements and strange radiations.

There are in fact magnificent civilizations on Venus which exist at higher vibrations of the atomic vortex and correspondingly greater dimensions. This places their existence outside the material 3D band of reactionary energies and thus not vulnerable to the severe physical or 3D environmental conditions on planet Venus.


Nevertheless, all levels and dimensions interact and there will be correspondences between the higher level atmosphere and the physical one.


But even at the physical level on Venus there is consistency of weather conditions and no snowy regions, owing to the planet's axis not being tilted, as is Earth's, creating the seasons.

In higher-dimensional worlds such as this, lower forms of life exist but there is no predatory survival or survival of the fittest.


Nourishment is ingested by means of prana (cosmic energy) in respiration in the relatively lower forms, but in the more four-dimensional energy forms beyond the atomic configurations of the upper echelon of the Venusians' development, nourishment is in the oscillatory contact or resonance with the Infinite.

These higher-frequency civilizations on Venus enjoy an environment of iridescent glowing beauty and brilliance of color, indescribable to earthlings:

radiant opalescence of oceans, rich bounteous vegetation, crystal mountains, and harmonious animal, bird, and insect life.

There are societies that express different levels of the scale of consciousness and exist separately in different cities.


In general, however, inhabitants will encounter crystal cities, fairy-like castles, forest glades, environments lighted by the perpetual radiance of the Infinite, kaleidoscopic and multi-variegated forms of birds and butterflies, rainbow hues reflecting sparkling shafts of radiant light, and an invigorating 'atmosphere' free from pollutant energies.

The lowest form of man on Venus is said to correspond to the wise adept or guru on Earth, and even a child's intelligence would outshine any bright human.


To become an inhabitant of Venus - and there is no birth as man understands it - a person will telepathically, and from their standpoint, reach out spiritually to a plane or place harmoniously suitable, then seek out a family and communicate their wishes.


The family group, by means of psychokinesis builds a body for the new individual who enters into it. The participants become the parents who may have to replenish the body structure from time to time until the new spirit makes the necessary adjustments.

Structures such as buildings or one's own home are created by materialization through psychokinetic abilities.


This gives rise to great variations in design or architecture. The more advanced cities are on mountain tops, and the least developed in the valleys or on the flat plains. As we have mentioned, these lower levels of consciousness are well above those of earthlings, but nevertheless many of these beings still have ties with materialistic past existences and feel the need for corresponding experiences, such as eating.

Buildings may be enormous with extremely spacious interiors, although average height of the Venusian is not much greater than Earthman. Cities may present a beautiful array of domes, minarets and spires, thoroughfares adorned with plants, and blossoms befitting a horticulturist's dream.

The construction, positioning and shapes of certain centers are architecturally designed to filter and regulate influx of cosmic energies for meditative purposes and communication with other worlds or universes. In particular, Venus is noted for its dispensation and administration of healing energies, and consequently is referred to as the mother planet for the solar system, and is the most spiritually advanced planet in our system.

Briefly, let us add that the Tibetan Lama, Lobsang Rampa, describes in his book My Visit to Venus a similar experience to the above.


He explains that Venus was covered in 'white fleecy clouds' which could be swept aside as the spacecraft entered, by the touch of a button (indicating artificial force fields) to reveal a glittering world of immense ethereal structures, spires, bulbous cupolas, bridges like networks of webs.


The colors were beautiful and dazzling: reds, mauves, gold, purple, blue, etc. There was light everywhere, no shadows, as though light came from all directions. There was no sun. All the people were beautiful physically and spiritually.

He recounts that he was taken to the Hall of Knowledge in a vehicle which travelled at enormous speed, elevated about 6 feet above ground. He was shown Earth's history.

The Unarius Educational Foundation refer to Venus as the most spiritually advanced planet in our solar system and produced the excellent book The Voice of Venus from which much of this material was taken.

There have been direct contacts by UFO contactees from Venusians, for example, Rolf Telano described in Daniel Fry's book The White Sands Incident that he was given a trip to New York and back travelling at an average speed of 8,000 mph.


He was told that 10,000 years ago their ancestors had lived on Earth on Lemuria. They built a great empire and developed an advanced science and technology but eventually left.


Presumably this was when they went to the Alpha Centauri system.