written by Administrator
18 December 2007
ExopoliticsUK Website
It all began in June 1997 when I awoke in the middle of
the night and found myself encased in a luminous shaft of light,
then involuntarily beamed aboard an alien spacecraft. I learned in
the orientation sessions that
the Verdants have been space explorers
for millions of years. In the beginning, they didn't know if they
were alone in the universe until they began coming across other
Eventually, they joined with a handful of these other
advanced species to form the Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign
Planets (IFSP).
Over the eons, as new civilizations were discovered
and brought into the fold, the organization continued to grow until
it reached its current membership of approximately 27,000 different
species on as many different planets.
When a civilization is on the verge of taking its first preliminary
steps into space, the Verdants determine whether it's suitable for
admission to the IFSP. By this time, of course, the explorers will
have learned everything there is to know about the planet and its
people. If admission is granted, preparations are made for contact.
Each ship monitoring a planet has an ad hoc committee to coordinate
this effort. The observation party will then guide the species
through the final critical stages to ensure a smooth transition into
its new interstellar reality.
In the last decade of the 20th Century, the Verdants concluded that
humankind, having advanced to the point where it was rapidly
developing the technology for entering deep space, was qualified for
membership in the federation. There was, however, one primary
sticking point.
For the crossover to be successful, it was necessary for the 80% of
the human population who have tried to lead decent, thoughtful,
creative lives to gain control over the 20% who are largely
responsible for the planet's ills because of their greed, lack of
ethics, or whatever else makes them a threat to a just and loving
They didn't provide tactics or strategies on just how to achieve
this, asserting instead that our destiny is in our own hands and
they have no intention of interfering. Observation thus continued
through the end of the '90s to monitor the progress of this expected
transformation and plans were laid for contact to take place in the
first decade of the 21st Century.
I don't think it's any secret that certain special interests opposed
to public scrutiny of the UFO phenomenon have planted moles inside
the community to spy, construct dossiers, disrupt, and engage in
other practices that would discredit the entire phenomenon.
Internet is a great way to do this.
Publisher's Preface to the Second Edition
Just before the
terrorist attacks 9/11 -- and only a few months
after the first edition of this book was released - Phillip Krapf
was given permission to release history-making news: The hundreds of
human VIPs involved in the human/alien coalition about which he had
been reporting since 1997 were now prepared to go public.
What had
been presented as a mere possibility in the earlier edition had now
suddenly been authorized to proceed - to my amazement.
As Phil's publisher, I thought it best to focus our publicity
efforts for this momentous announcement on a single event. Toward
that end, we were able to schedule a keynote talk at a major UFO
conference, and this speech was to be delivered on September 16. In
the meantime, the good news was pre-announced in an August 23
release to leaders and journalists in the UFO movement who can
confirm it as a fact.
Of course, this historic communication became obsolete on September
11, as you will learn in this book.
Because of this tragic news, and
in order to fully update our readers on the effect of 9/11 on the
human/alien contact mission, Phil and I have decided to bring out
this new edition of The Challenge of Contact. The book is
extensively revised, featuring new front matter, a lengthy new
chapter, and new appendices. Its main contents remain the story of Krapf's second visit to the alien ship, which was first presented in
the earlier edition.
We thus welcome you to yet another phase in Phillip Krapf's
courageous reporting on the vicissitudes of interspecies diplomacy.
Byron Belitsos
Publisher, Origin Press
Recap of the Initial Contact
Challenge of Contact is the sequel to
The Contact Has Begun, the
story of my initial three-day encounter aboard a starship with a
very advanced race of extraterrestrial beings who come from a planet
whose name would translate into English as "Verdant." For those who
are new to this story, I will use this introduction to provide a
synopsis of my original contact with this species that I call,
naturally, Verdants.
Beginning then in chapter 1, I will launch into the continuing story
of the unusual series of contacts that led up to my second visit to
their ship, which they call the Goodwill, in 1999.
The Challenge of Contact describes my new experiences as reporter
for the Verdants' contact project. It also gives an update on the
Verdants' timetable for formal and public contact with the people of
our planet, which will initially occur through disclosure of contact
with the Verdants by hundreds of world leaders they have recruited
to act as interplanetary ambassadors.
Again, I am simply the
reporter for this unfolding drama - indeed, one whose role was to
come into question, as you will see when you read this book.
It all began in June 1997 when I awoke in the middle of the night
and found myself encased in a luminous shaft of light, then
involuntarily beamed aboard an alien spacecraft. Within a matter of
seconds I was standing before the strangest creatures I had ever
seen, though not so different from depictions of alien beings that
others have given.
They were just over five feet tall, with dark,
narrow eyes, nearly imperceptible noses, no visible body hair, and
skin tones from grayish white to slightly tan. They were wearing
satiny robes of varying muted colors. They even spoke to me in
English, though their thin lips didn't move. What a stunning scene
it was - or at least, one would have thought so. As a lifelong
skeptic and nonbeliever in UFOs and alien-abduction tales, this
experience should have struck me with shocking force, but it wasn't
shock that I felt.
Oddly, I simply felt at peace, and fully alert.
Deep down, I suppose I knew in that instant what had happened to me
- no amount of denial could alter the fact that I had apparently
been abducted, I was on a spacecraft, and I was among
extraterrestrials - but my psyche just wasn't responding as one
might expect.
As I wrote in the first book,
"whenever I had given
even passing attention to these stories, I thought that such an
experience would not be survivable, that the human mind would simply
snap at the shock and immediately plunge into an abyss of insanity."
Previous to this extraordinary experience, I had virtually no
knowledge of UFO phenomenon.
The limited information that I did have
came from the mainstream press. I did know that physical
examinations of some sort was one thread that tied many abduction
stories together (and in fact the room I was first in had scores of
tables with humans on most of them, attended by white-garbed
aliens), and so I quickly concluded that I had been taken aboard for
that same purpose.
Nevertheless, the fact that I was completely at peace, barren of any
fear, seemed to belie the reality.
The strongest emotion I felt at
the time was rather one of intense curiosity. It then occurred to me
that my sensibilities, my consciousness, must have been altered.
Otherwise, how could I reconcile my actual demeanor with the
uncontrolled reaction that, by all human standards, would be normal
under such circumstances? Why was I accepting this unimaginable
scenario with such equanimity? As I would learn later, the beam of
light through which I had I traveled to the ship had somehow
triggered a calming effect that prepared my psyche to accept the
initial contact.
Unlike those on the tables before me, however, I quickly found out
that I was on board this strange ship for another reason.
The Verdants, who claim to have come from a planet some 14 million
light-years from Earth (the name of their planet apparently
translates into "Verdant" in English, which I interpreted to mean
something akin to "garden planet"), said that they had been
recruiting hundreds of humans to serve as liaisons for an impending
summit conference between representatives of our two species.
from all walks of life, from every area of human endeavor - many of
them leaders in their fields - were being enlisted to help lay the
groundwork for the contact between the two species.
Those being recruited for liaison purposes as interplanetary
diplomats, as it were, will perform essential tasks to help prepare
Earth for contact; they were given the title of Ambassador. A
similar number of more anonymous individuals have been invited to
play supporting or secondary roles in the planned contact. They were
given the title of Deputy Envoy. I am a part of this second group,
apparently chosen on the basis of a personal recommendation from a
staff person at the Los Angeles Times who had been recruited as an
Ambassador (referred to in my first book as "X"). The Times is where
the bulk of my newspaper career took place before I retired in 1993.
I spent most of my waking hours on the ship being briefed by the
Verdants in orientation sessions. During my stay, I had a personal
tour guide and attendant who went by the name of Gina. The other key
figure among the Verdants with whom I had contact was using the name
Gus. These names were adopted for my benefit because I was incapable
of addressing them by their real names in their native tongue.
I learned in the orientation sessions that the Verdants have been
space explorers for millions of years. In the beginning, they didn't
know if they were alone in the universe until they began coming
across other civilizations. Eventually, they joined with a handful
of these other advanced species to form the Intergalactic Federation
of Sovereign Planets (IFSP).
Over the eons, as new civilizations
were discovered and brought into the fold, the organization
continued to grow until it reached its current membership of
approximately 27,000 different species on as many different planets.
The Verdants, however, told me that they have "colonized" a great
number of formerly uninhabited planets. ("Colonize" is actually my
word for what I think was closer to something like "terraformed" -
making uninhabited and uninhabitable planets more habitable or more
The Verdants and a number of other species have developed the
technology and the ability to engage in a constant search for life
in the universe, exploring, mapping, and cataloguing as they go.
Planets that contain higher forms of life are classified according
to the inhabitants' level of development; those species with high
intelligence, especially if they have developed complex
civilizations, receive the most scrutiny. Once a planet with higher
life forms is discovered, the Verdants take up positions in that
particular solar system and begin a period of observation and study
that can last anywhere from several weeks to hundreds of years.
The ones requiring the shortest period of study are those that are
still considered to be at least 10,000 years away from developing
the capabilities of space flight. The planet is catalogued and the
exploration party moves on; several thousand years may pass before
it's revisited. Those civilizations that have progressed to the
point where they are within 1,000 years of developing the technology
for space flight are assigned a permanent observation party.
The purpose is to ensure that the species under study does not pose
a threat to any other cosmic civilization once it embarks into
space. (Species that are aggressive and hostile are kept isolated on
their home planets until such time as they may evolve into a
peaceful race and pose no threat to their neighbors. One cardinal,
universal rule is that no weapons are allowed into space.)
observation team will then study and chronicle the history, the
cultures, the technology, the languages, the environment, and the
psychological, physiological and anatomical makeup of the
When a civilization is on the verge of taking its first preliminary
steps into space, the Verdants determine whether it's suitable for
admission to the IFSP. By this time, of course, the explorers will
have learned everything there is to know about the planet and its
people. If admission is granted, preparations are made for contact.
Each ship monitoring a planet has an ad hoc committee to coordinate
this effort. The observation party will then guide the species
through the final critical stages to ensure a smooth transition into
its new interstellar reality.
To the best of my knowledge, Earth is under the Verdants'
jurisdiction - strictly as an object of observation - since it was
a Verdant ship and crew that first discovered it. The Verdants,
however, are not the only ones monitoring emerging civilizations.
Other species are engaged in the same pursuit, a routine part of the
IFSP organizational structure and mission. I do not know if any of
these other species are in Earth's neighborhood because this was
never discussed with me.
In the last decade of the 20th Century, the Verdants concluded that
humankind, having advanced to the point where it was rapidly
developing the technology for entering deep space, was qualified for
membership in the federation.
There was, however, one primary sticking point.
For the crossover to be successful, it was necessary for the 80% of
the human population who have tried to lead decent, thoughtful,
creative lives to gain control over the 20% who are largely
responsible for the planet's ills because of their greed, lack of
ethics, or whatever else makes them a threat to a just and loving
They didn't provide tactics or strategies on just how to achieve
this, asserting instead that our destiny is in our own hands and
they have no intention of interfering.
Observation thus continued
through the end of the '90s to monitor the progress of this expected
transformation and plans were laid for contact to take place in the
first decade of the 21st Century.
The Timetable
In preparation, each Ambassador has been assigned a specific duty
and will be required to draw up and submit to the Verdants a
detailed blueprint that they would use to carry out their varied
assignments. These proposals will form a basic component of the
groundwork upon which the whole operation rests, involving
monumental logistical and planning challenges because of the
importance and critical nature of each step leading up to contact.
Many of the Ambassadors must continue to hold down their full-time
jobs while taking on this arduous and time-consuming task. As a
consequence, the Verdants are allowing as much time as the
Ambassadors need to compile their reports.
(I should mention that initially each Ambassador was going to be
expected to complete his or her report within three years, according
to the person who spelled out the timetable in more detail upon my
return from the ship. However, I have reason to believe that either
that figure was in error or has been revised.)
The Verdants will then spend about six months, perhaps more,
processing and modifying the plans as necessary. The plans will then
be returned to each individual Ambassador for actual implementation.
Over the following year or so, all Ambassadors worldwide will begin
revealing their roles in the planning of the impending summit
meeting and contact with the extraterrestrials.
They will also begin
meeting with and briefing their various Earth contacts: government
officials, leaders in science, technology, law, communications,
education, the arts, medicine, politics, commerce, manufacturing,
and a host of others.
They will be speaking out, granting interviews, explaining their
experiences and employing their credibility and influence to
persuade the masses of Earth inhabitants of the legitimacy of the
story. In the years following, if all goes according to schedule, a
new city, tentatively referred to as Genesis, will be constructed
somewhere in the American Southwest.
The compound will contain
living quarters, recreation areas, meeting rooms, educational
laboratories, public schools for the children of human inhabitants,
libraries, a university, a landing site for alien shuttle craft, a
traditional international airport, commercial establishments,
maintenance facilities, a government center. No need will go unmet.
It will be a completely self-contained community.
It is here that the first formal contact between the two species
will take place as the emissaries of all the nations on Earth and
the delegates of the star travelers convene. After formal
introductions and opening ceremonies, the representatives of both
worlds will interact in both business and social settings, after
which the heads of government will return to their duties in their
respective capitals while their hand-picked emissaries will stay
behind to continue negotiations and planning.
The total process will
take at least a year to complete.
As the temporary residents depart, permanent residents will take
their place and Genesis will continue to function as a modern
international center and the planet's first interstellar city. Each
government will select a number of volunteer representatives from
every imaginable field of human endeavor to participate in an
intensive orientation program. They will live in Genesis for the
duration of the program, which will last for one to three years
depending upon their specialties and field of study. Each morning,
from Monday to Friday, they will board a shuttlecraft and spend the
day in classrooms aboard the Goodwill, the ship I was on.
These are the people who will lead the human race through the
transition from isolated earthling to member of the intergalactic
community of star travelers.
Once humankind's training is complete, the human species will be
formerly inducted into the Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign
Planets. All new members of the IFSP are subject to a probationary
period of 10 Verdant years - about 27 Earth years - under tight
During this time the initiates must operate under a
specific set of restrictions. One of those, for example, is a
limitation on access to other star travelers' technology such as
what the Verdants propulsion system - which I call the Flicker
Drive for lack of a technological name - which allows them to
maneuver around space faster than the speed of light.
The reason for
such a restriction is probably due to security concerns. If we fail
to pass probation and must remain confined to our home planet, we
would in effect be classified as unsuitable for the time being for
space travel. Access to certain "secret technologies" would clearly
violate such a condition.
All of this information was shared over three days of intense
meetings during which the Verdants told me who they are, where they
come from, why they are here, and what the people of Earth can
expect to experience during the next decade or so leading up to the
official meeting between the two species. I was asked to write a
"white paper" outlining in general terms the details of these
I agreed, and the white paper was released as a book
in early 1998 -
The Contact Has Begun. (A revised edition featuring
an extensive new Epilogue came out in mid-1999.)
I never expected to write a sequel, of course, but as improbable as
it seems, I was taken up to the ship again. I am compelled to tell
this story because I feel it's important; there is new information
to share, and much is at stake. I was not prompted by the Verdants
to do this, and in fact I wrote it with mixed feelings.
Even as I was writing the first book, I knew I would pay a price for
going public. It was easy to visualize what my reaction would have
been if someone I knew had written such a book during that part of
my life when I openly scoffed at such tales. But where I expected to
be subjected to some good-natured ribbing, I got a bit of a bloody
nose instead. It really stung, but that's to be expected. I smiled
wryly through it all.
There were severed and strained friendships and relationships. The
local newspaper had a jolly good time lampooning me. Both UFO and
mainstream media, including some book reviewers, threw a few jabs at
my chin and tender nose.
The wildest and most outrageous material - the bulk of it sheer
nonsense - emanated from the Internet, which is not surprising
considering the chaotic nature of that medium. It is a fount of
misinformation and disinformation. I was taken aback when I
discovered that the UFO-alien/abduction community is rife with
strident dissension and personal feuding - where lies, rumors both
founded and unfounded, character assaults, charges and
countercharges, calumny, slander are routinely thrown around.
Compared to how some others in the community are subjected to a
constant pummeling, I have been treated gently.
Before the advent of the Internet, a person who believed that he had
been unfairly portrayed could contact the offending publication and
demand satisfaction in the form of a retraction or correction.
Lacking that, he or she could turn to the courts for redress. But
while most major publications are staffed by professionals who abide
by certain standards of decorum and responsibility, the Internet is
so uncontrolled, so accessible to every malcontent with an ax to
grind that there is no way for a damaged person to fight back.
the element of anonymity and the worldwide nature of the beast - in
which false information picked up and spread by hundreds of others
of like mind can circle the globe in a matter of seconds - and it
is evident that any effort to try to find and hold someone
accountable is an extremely difficult exercise.
Whenever the subject comes up, I tell people to be very judicious
and discriminating in assessing any information they find on the
Internet. To be sure, there are legitimate professional news
organizations that have web sites, and the material on those sites
can be regarded as just as reliable as the information that appears
in the sponsor's publication.
But anything that doesn't emanate from
a reputable and reliable news source - such as a major metropolitan
newspaper, prestigious news magazines, respectable and respected TV
and radio news departments - I view with skepticism. The
information could be true but it also could be as totally unreliable
as the gossip that is created, transmuted, and wantonly spread by
the most scandalous and uninformed elements of society.
Imagine a newspaper or magazine staffed by professional journalists
in which any malcontent or moron were allowed to waltz in off the
street and post any story he wanted in the publication. The reader
wouldn't know what to believe. That is the sorry state of the
internet today. To be on the safe side, I don't believe a word I
read on it unless it comes from a reliable, reputable source and/or
until I can independently verify the information or find reputable
corroboration for it.
I don't think it's any secret that certain special interests opposed
to public scrutiny of the UFO phenomenon have planted moles inside
the community to spy, construct dossiers, disrupt, and engage in
other practices that would discredit the entire phenomenon. The
Internet is a great way to do this.
Although I knew I carried a burden of responsibility for standing up
to the criticism, I would be less than forthright if I didn't admit
that there were periods when the negative reaction raised grave
doubts in my mind about the nature of my experience. It was at those
times that I entertained the possibility that perhaps it was all a
delusion. But almost miraculously, whenever I was feeling at my
lowest, someone who had lived through a similar experience would
contact me and my spirits would soar.
Just knowing that I was not
alone - and being reminded of it - had an invigorating effect and
helped to erase my doubts.
Dozens of people have used the word "courage" to describe my
decision to come forward, but I still take exception to that
characterization. After all, I'm retired and don't have to subject
myself to daily ridicule from colleagues. Nor do I have to worry
about being denied pay increases or promotions. The truth is, if I
were still employed at the time of my first experience, I don't know
that I would have had the courage to do what I did.
But I stand by my story, and am comforted by the hope that I have
played even a small part in bringing our world closer to a future
that will have more good in it for everyone.