Español |
- ¿Acaba
la Federación Galáctica de lanzar su 'Directiva Principal'?
Alien Mind - A Primer - The Verdants
Alien Mind - The Thought and Behavior of
A Message from the Galactic
Federation of Worlds on the Israel-Iran Conflict
An Ancient Astronaut Speaks
- from The RA Material
Ancient Space Arks activate with
Arrival of Intergalactic Confederation Fleet
Español |
Antiguas Arcas Espaciales se
activan con la llegada de la Flota de la Confederación
A Short Overview of The Anchara
Alliance and The Anunnaki
Leaders' go to Antarctica to Surrender to
Extraterrestrials and Earth Alliance
China gives 'Dark Fleet Antarctica
Bases' to Earth Alliance to build Space Fleets
Español |
Confederaciones Alienigenas
- de 'Encuentro en Las Pleyades'
Español |
Confederaciones y Consejos
Español |
Confederación SIOO y
Corporación Annki
- Marielalero
Español |
Conflictos Terrestres y
Main File
Contact with Council of Nine and 24 ET Seeder Races
Controversy over Israeli Scientist
claims of U.S. Alien Agreement and Galactic Federation
Did a 'Galactic Federation' ask
Trump Not to Reveal Extraterrestrials?
Did Bezos, Branson and Musk
secretly Travel to Jupiter for Negotiations with the
Galactic Federation?
Did the Galactic Federation just
Release its 'Prime Directive'?
Does Webb Space Telescope image of
Jupiter show rock debris where 'Giant ET Motherships'
are parked?
Earth Alliance Meetings on
Ganymede with Intergalactic Confederation - Update
Earth Alliance Mission to Ganymede
to greet ET visitors and Inaugurate a Star Trek Future
Earth and Celestial Conflicts
Main File
Ea Staggering Revelations on
Lahaina's Fire - Thor Han speaks about the Dew
Español |
El Compendio de Andromeda
Main File
Español |
El Concejo de Andrómeda
Main File
ET Council - "We Will Increase
UFOs, Address U.N. in 2014, Renew Ecology in 2015"
First Contact' on October 14, 2008?
- The Federation of Light and Blossom Goodchild
E. Stranges and Valiant Thor
French Contactee confirms
Intergalactic Confederation is 'Seeding Human Worlds'
Galactic Federation attacks on
Corporate Satellites and Mars Exodus - Update
Galactic Federation is Helping
Humanity build a 'Starfleet for Planetary Defense'
Galactic Federation Members
Galactic Federations and Councils
Galactic History
Has U.S. Space Command received
Advanced Tech from Galactic Federation?
Have 'Tall Gray Alien Leaders'
just been Captured by the Galactic Federation?
Italiano |
Incontri Segreti vicino a Giove
decidono il Futuro del nostro Sistema Solare?
In the Midst of Global Pain our
'Star Trek Future' is being Birthed
Is Mars in the midst of a
'Planetary Liberation War'
- 'Joint
U.S. China Mission' to Giant ET Space Ark under Atlantic
- 'Jupiter
Meetings' with the Galactic Federation of Worlds -
Español |
La Alianza de La Tierra -
Divulgación Total y la Inminente Revolución Mundial
Español |
La Federación Galáctica inició la
Limpieza Planetaria
Italiano |
La Guerra tra i Laan e gli Anunnaki
Español |
La Misión de la Federación del
Consejo Galáctico Pleyadiano de Taygeta en la Tierra |
Español |
Las Pleyades
Main File
Español |
- 'Líderes
de la Cábala' van a la Antarctica para Rendirse a los
Extraterrestres y a la Alianza de la Tierra
Mente Alienígena - Un Detonador
- Los Verdants
Main File
from the Star Nations for 2023
Español |
Misión de la 'Alianza de la
Tierra' a Ganímedes para Saludar a Visitantes ET e
Inaugurar un Futuro Star Trek
Mission to Ganymede - Interview with U.S. Army
vs. Ciakahrr - Is a Galactic War Brewing? |
On 'Brain Implants' in the Space
Age |
Photo Reveals Star Trek-like Human-posing
Extraterrestrials Who Visited U.S. Capital in 1957
Remote Viewing confirms Ashtar
Command Base hidden in Jupiter's Clouds
Viewing the Galactic Federation of Worlds
Español |
Reuniones de la Alianza de la
Tierra en Ganímedes con la Confederación Intergaláctica
- Actualización
Español |
- 'Reuniones
en Júpiter' con la Federación Galáctica de Mundos -
Secret Meetings near Jupiter
decide the Future of our Solar System?
Secret Underground War reaches its
'Final Countdown'
Spiritual Hierarchy and The Galactic Federation
- Update by Sheldan Nidle
Star Nations
Taygetan Pleiadian Galactic
Council Federation mission to Earth |
The Ancient Draco vs. Negumak
Conflict - Its Impact on Earth Joining the Galactic
Federation |
The Andromeda Council
Main File
The Andromedan Compendium
Main File
Ashtar Command
Main File
The Corporate of Altair
The Earth Alliance
The Earth Alliance - Full
Disclosure and the Coming Global Revolution
The Marcabians
The Pleiades
Main File
The War between the Laan and the
Main File
- The Sirius Insurrection and the End of the Dominion
Years as a 'Cyborg Supersoldier' on Mars and Kuiper Belt |
Español |
Conversación con Thor Han Eredyon - Sobre la Colonización de las
Pléyades y la Liberación de la Tierra
Thor's Visit to Earth
Verdants -
The Contact Has Begun
A Trilogy by Phillip Krapf
Español |
Visualizando Remotamente a la
Federación Galáctica de Mundos
to the Future
Were Facebook and Social Media
Blackouts due to Capture of Tall Gray Aliens?
'Starlink Satellites' destroyed to prevent Emergence of
Quantum Communications?
Were 'Starlink Satellites' shot
down by the Deep State?
Additional Information |
Across the 4D Bridge to the 5D
A Declaration from 'The People of
Planet Earth'
A Human Approach to Galactic
- from 'Cosmic Voyage' by Courtney Brown
Alex Collier on the Andromeda
Council and Human Liberation
Alien Partners tell Putin, "Don't
Worry, We've Got Your Back" - Secret Space War - Part
Are suppressed Healing Technologies being Mass
Produced on the Moon for Public Release?
Blossom Goodchild and The
Federation of Light
Buried Ukraine Space Ark in
Kherson activates so Russia takes Over
Bush Sr. And Aliens?
Charter of Terra Exigo - A Declaration of Earth's
Comet Elenin is A Mother-Ship of
The Galactic Federation
Dark Fleet, Earth, Moon and Mars
Briefings - SSP Alliance Updates Resume
David Icke and the Removal of
Malevolent Extraterrestrials
Español |
De Sheldan Nidle y La Federación
- 25 Enero 2011
Devin -
9D Head of the Nibiruan Council from Pelegai
Did International Space Station
film UFO Armada Coming to Earth?
Dreamland in The Rockies
Earth Cosmic Integration
- From Star Wars to Star Dreams
Español |
El Cambio del Polo Magnético Que
Viene en Este Otoño Como Parte del Proceso de Ascensión
de La Tierra
Español |
El Cometa Elenin Es Una Nave
Nodriza de La Federación Galáctica
Español |
El Concejo Extraterrestre Sembró
al Homo Sapiens Como un Ser Inteligente Con el ADN de 12
Español |
El Efecto Mandela - Fusión de las
Líneas de Tiempo y Alienígenas Ancestrales del Futuro
ET Council Seeded Homo Sapiens as
Intelligent Beings With 12-Strand DNA
ET Disclosure being Planned Now at
an Underground Blue Ridge Mountains Complex
Extraterrestrial Contact as A Prelude to Universal
Finding and Processing Cosmic
- Ongoing Problems of Exopolitics
From Sheldan Nidle and The
Galactic Federation
- January 25, 2011
From Star Wars to Star Dreams
Galactic History According to Alex
Collier and The Andromedans
Global Revolution and SSP/ET
Disclosure - What's Coming in 2023...
Español |
Historia Exopolítica del Siglo 20
Español |
Historia Galáctica según Alex
Collier y Los Andromedanos
Intergalactic Board of Council's
Intergalactic Politics
Español |
- ¡La
Energía Fotónica Libre Está Disponible Para Todos Ahora!
- El Fin de La Esclavitud Económica de La...
Español |
La Separación Ha Comenzado
Italiano |
Le Regole per lo Spazio - Il
Contesto Giuridico per la Colonizzaziones dello Spazio
Italiano |
Perché le Forze Positive non Intervengono?
Español |
Políticas Intergalácticas
Español |
- ¿Por
qué las Fuerzas Positivas No Intervienen?
Predicted Mass UFO Sighting
- Will it Force Disclosure to Occur?
Heating of Neptune linked to activating Space Arks
Rules in Space - A Legal Framework
for Space Colonization
Russian Military Intervention in
Ukraine and Exopolitics
Español |
Se Activa el Arca Espacial
enterrada en Kherson Ucrania por lo que Rusia se hace
Secret Space War
Separation Has Begun
Español |
Sobre Temas Universales y La
Confederación Galáctica
- Aclaraciones de Marielalero
Español |
Socios Alienígenas le dicen a
Putin, "No Te Preocupes, Te Cubriremos las Espaldas"
- Guerra Secreta...
Spectacular January 18, 2011
Moscow UFO Part Fulfillment of ET Council’s Prediction?
The Allegory of The Alien
- Alien Intervention on Earth - from "Matrix
The Allies of Humanity - Los Aliados de la Humanidad
Main File
The Artemis Accords Principles for
Cooperation in the Civil Exploration and Use of the
Moon, Mars, Comets...
Challenge of Contact - Joining the Galactic Federation
The Council of Nine
Main File
The Deep State is Fast-Forwarding
towards its Own Destruction
Holy Brethren of the Unarius Academy of Science
The Master File
Revelation of Awareness with Paul Shockley as the
Main File
The Royal Quarters of the Anunnaki on the Nibiru Ship
The Symbology of the Paris 2024
Olympic Opening and Closing Ceremony - Thor Han
- "Threats
to Human Freedom" - Prepared for All Terrestrial Earth Humanity
Español |
Transmisiones que Contienen Muchos
Detalles Sobre la Situación en la Que Está la Tierra
Transmissions Containing
Many Details About the situation Earth is In
Universe Politics
U.S. Grounds Virgin Galactic after
Space Flight 'Mishap'
U.S. Navy Attacking Earth’s Life Frequency
- Destroying Dolphins and Whales
Español |
Video-Conferencia de La Federación
Galáctica de Luz
- 'We
Will Never Let You Down' - Book Review
Why are
Positive Forces not Intervening?
Winifred Barton And The Holy Cosmic Cube From Outer
Elena Danaan |
A Conversation with Thor Han Eredyon - Elena Danaan and Michael Salla:
A Conversation with Thor Han Eredyon - Part One - On
Colonization of Pleiades and Earth Liberation
A Conversation with Thor Han Eredyon - Part Two - On Earth
Alliance taking Control of our Solar System
Analysis of Information provided
by Elena Danaan - Emissary for the Galactic Federation
of Worlds
Danaan removes Significant Negative Information on Anunnaki
in her New Book
Extraterrestrial Contact and the
Galactic Federation - Interview with Elena Danaan
Español |
La Última Ola de Oscuridad -
Actualización 26 Noviembre 2022 - Elena
Pleiadian Contacts - Galactic
Federation of Worlds -
Elena Danaan
Questions about The (Old) Anunnaki
The Last Wave of Darkness! - The
Galactic Federation - Next 2 Months... -
Elena Danaan
The Return of The Seeders - Q&A
Thor Han's Impersonations -
Galactic Federations
A Gift from The Stars -
Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien races - by
Elena Danaan
Galactic Federation of Worlds - Interstellar
contacts Transcripts
- by Elena Danaan
The Seeders - by
Elena Danaan
Multimedia: |
The Anunnaki, Maui and UFO Disclosure
Initiatives - Update with Elena Danaan
The Return of The Seeders
Books-Treaties |
Cosmic Explorers
- Scientific Remote Viewing, Extraterrestrials, and a
Message for Mankind - by C. Brown
Cosmic Voyage
- A Scientific Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting
- by Courtney Brown
Español |
La Sonda de Arcturo
- Relatos e Informes de Una Investigación en Curso
at the Pentagon
- by
Frank E. Stranges
The Arcturus Probe
- Tales and Reports of an Ongoing Investigation - by
José Argüelles
- The Alien Agenda
Revealed -
by Art Greenfield
Multimedia |
Aliens are HERE! - Exposing the
illuminati Government
Federación Galáctica
Global Reset and Reptilian Overlords -
Rise of the Resistance and Full Disclosure
Great Awakening vs. Global Reset -
How Full Disclosure trumps Transhumanism and Artificial
History of the Extraterrestrial
Agenda and the Coming Global Revolution
Jerry Wills, Council of World's
Extraterrestrial From Tau Ceti, Speaks His Truth on 2012
Jerry Wills y Alfred Webre - 2012
y Futuro Extraterrestre
Related Reports |
Channelers and Channeled
Main File
Contact and Contactees
Main File
Main File
Earth and Celestial Conflicts
Main File
Eisenhower's 1954 Meeting With
Extraterrestrials - The Fiftieth
Anniversary of First Contact?
Main File
Exopolitics and Michael Salla
Main File
Origen de la Vida y del Hombre
Main File
Our Stellar Origins
Main File
The Occult Reptilian Saga
Main File
The Research of Alfred Lambremont
- Main File
Vida en El Universo
- Life in The Universe
Main File