by @FifthElement
August 21,
GalacticAnthropology Website

On the DNA-Soul Connection
I love the way
Alex Collier keeps on sharing new insights and
His fascinating interview
with Dani Henderson from the beginning of August (1) was
filled with it, especially in the first half. I already wrote two
articles based on information from that interview. (2,3)
This current article
presents a concept that, for me, opened up a bigger understanding of,
the possible importance of humanity in the galactic scheme of
I will try to unpack the
various layers of what he said in regard to the abuse of humanity by
regressive extraterrestrials to sneak into other worlds.
Alex has been saying for decades that humanity is considered to be
'genetic royalty'.
Why is that, you might
What is so special
about us?
Isn't this some
narcissistic thing to make us appear special?
For those who are new to
all this, you might want to read up on this idea (4) that
the seeds of who we have become were seeded in a primate being many
millions of years ago by a group of beings who call themselves the
P'Taal (Paa
This group of Seeders
from many galaxies added their own genetics to that primate (5)
and allowed it to slowly evolve.
Later on, all kinds of
other species from within our own cozy little galaxy added their
genetics to us as well, making a total of 22 genetic packages
(including the primate being).
It seems that not every soul is suitable to inhabit just any human
As far as I understand
it, it seems that there at least needs to be a genetic link between
the physical body and the soul, in the sense that a soul that
originated in Erra (a
Taygetan planet) needs a body that has at
least some genomes from the people of Erra.
In Elena Danaan's 'The Seeders' this is well explained:
"Firstly, the hosting
bloodline needs to have a minimum frequency ration matching with
the incarnating beings, and this occurs via DNA.
A minimum percentage
of matching DNA means that for instance, a soul from the Errahel
planetary soul matrix shall incarnate into a biological body
that carries sufficient ration of Ahel genes.
DNA has a frequency,
and if there is no resonance between a flesh vehicle and and
incarnating soul, the alchemy doesn't work...
For example, the
Pleiadean Ahil will incarnate mostly into Scandinavian
bloodlines, Aramani into Indian bloodlines, etc." (6, p.
You can read more about
this phenomenon seen from a (Orion) Council of Five perspective. (7)
If you imagine that certain souls are attracted to certain DNA, you
can imagine that humanity, with their 'royal' DNA which would have
links with 21 star systems, can be regarded as quite valuable.
But why exactly?
Let's first listen to
what Alex had to say on this fascinating aspect:
Alex explains
why our genetics are considered
to be 'royal'
What he is saying is that once a soul has incarnated in a human body
it retains its connection to its soul group who is still living in
the star system of origin.
If you have bad intent,
you could somehow 'trap' this soul, and use this connection to peek
into the associated soul group, and thus in a way 'invade' that home
Since humanity has a lot
genomes from many star systems, we can be considered as a kind of
'portal' into at least 21 star destinations... a portal that can be
abused by regressive beings to spy into other worlds, and possibly
even interact with them in some way.
Alex says that this also was one of the reasons for an intervention
higher densities, because - if I understand it correctly -
these regressives where tapping into their densities, which was of
course far from desirable.
If you are new to all of
this, I recommend reading the introduction to the
modern disclosure
movement. (8)
I really think these are fascinating concepts. It also triggers a
few logical questions.
If we reflect on this
idea that an incoming soul from a particular planetary matrix needs
to have some resonating DNA (or bloodline) to incarnate into a
particular body.
Would that really
imply that a soul from a completely different planetary soul
matrix cannot incarnate into a body that has no resonant DNA...?
For if that were the case
it would make it impossible for people to be a starseed of the
Gemmen (9) people for instance, since the Gemmen are not
one of the Seeder races that added their genomes to our original
Another aspect to wrap our brains around is to which degree the mere
genomes of a particular star system might somehow be enough to also
tune into the corresponding star system's field.
In other words,
could a malevolent
species that has the ability to access our genomes, use that DNA
to also 'spy' and possibly influence the species that originally
donated those genomes to our DNA-template...?
Well, intriguing, but
also a bit mind-boggling.

Illustration of the Gemmen
Elena Danaan,
The Seeders, p.146
Alex Collier shares the horror of Reptilians and Grays
The Farming of Humans in Underground Tunnels
On the Consumption of Humans
Our Galactic and Intergalactic Genomes
On Which Primate Foundation did the Seeders build the
Human Race on Earth?
Danaan, E. (2022)
The Seeders
(7) In
the 'Seeders' (6) we can read about this:
is the reason why, through to this day, there are
very specific bloodlines that have carried these
DNA-strands, whose individuals are abducted
throughout generations, by benevolent organizations
such as the (Orion) Council of Five (Seeders, p.
288) in order to reactivate
their dormant DNA genes to produce body-vessels that
are able to match and receive the intense frequency
of highly-advanced extraterrestrial souls.
DNA emits a clear,
sharp frequency and it needs to be the right
frequency match for welcoming safely an
extraterrestrial soul."
(Seeders, p.
A Short Introduction to the Modern Disclosure Movement
(9) In
an article on the Gemmen (10) the suggestion is raised
that Mélanie Charest would be a Gemmen starseed. This
would logically be impossible if this 'rule' of
resonating soul-genetics would really be a requirement
for any soul to incarnate. There simply would be no one
on this planet with Gemmen genomes, unless somehow the
Council of Alnilam/Five (7) tinkered with her genomes
and added a few Gemmen genomes to her genetic template.
The Gemmen - One of the Seeder Races