2010 Extraterrestrial Disclosure
Wave Surges Around UN, Nuclear Shutdowns, Denver ET/UFO
A.D. - After Disclosure - Living with The Truth of Alien
Español |
Al Final del Engaño - Una Visión
Gnóstica de la Revelación
A Map to Disclosure for President
Obama -
7 Steps to Real Change
An Air Force Intelligence Officer
Reveals that an Extraterrestrial was Shot and Killed
An Extraterrestrial Influence is
Investigating our Planet - Former Senator and
Presidential Candidate Says
Are The UFOs Appearing in Russia
Skies in December 2010 Fulham's Predicted UFO Wave?
As UFOs Overfly New York, UN's Dr.
Othman States, 'ET Life Is a Possibility'
the End of Deception - A Gnostic View of Disclosure
British Ministry of Defense Closes
UFO Desk
- Impact on Extraterrestrial Disclosure
Call for a Framework for Reporting
Evidence for Life Beyond Earth
Español |
Carta de Revelación Extraterrestre
sugerida por asesores de Trump/Putin ¿debería ser
Debatida en la ONU...?
Chinese National TV Reporting
Impending UFO/ET Disclosure by Obama Government
Hearing on UFO Disclosure - Will The U.S. Congress Act?
Citizens Against Unidentified
Flying Objects Secrecy v. National Security Agency |
Contact - Learning From Outer
- Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2011
Global Competitiveness Forum and...
Español |
Contacto ET - Las Implicaciones de
los Avances Post-Contacto en la Ciencia y la Tecnología
Español |
- ¿Cuándo
se Dará a Conocer Públicamente la Información sobre La
'Revelación' o Contacto Extraterrestre?
Defense Minister of Canada Tells
RT about Proof of ET's and UFOs
Disclosure 101
Disclosure Conference
- National Press Club 27 September 2010
- "Disclosure
- Evidence
Disclosures of New Majestic Document
Do You Believe That UFO/ET
Disclosure Is Imminent?
Español |
D.R. - Después de La Revelación -
Viviendo con La Verdad del Contacto Alienígena
Español |
- ¿Es
El Ovni de Jerusalén Sobre El Domo de La Roca Una
Comunicación Contextual por Un Extraterrestre?
ET Contact - The Implications for
Post Contact Advancements in Science and Technology
ET Disclosure being Planned Now at
an Underground Blue Ridge Mountains Complex
ET Disclosure Light -
Wikileaks and Other Admissions that We're Not Alone
- 'ET
Go Home' - Vote Outcome Not Helpful to ET Plan to
Cleanse Earth's Environment
Exopolitics and Global Warming - A
Cosmic Connection
Exopolitics and its Role as a
Catalyst to Space Migration
First Ever "World Disclosure Day"
- July 8, 2011
Gearing Up for "Cosmic
Watergate... The Beginning of ET Disclosure"
Glimpses of Disclosure
Global Fuse is Ignited - A Post
Disclosure World
Global Revolution and SSP/ET
Disclosure - What's Coming in 2023...
God versus Aliens
GOP Debate Evades ET Disclosure
Issue -
Now on Obama White House Website
Hacking Away At
Truth and The Failings of The Disclosure Community?
- Gary McKinnon
Hidden in the 'COVID Relief Bill' is an Order for the Pentagon
to Disclose its UFO Files within 180 Days
Hiding The Truth in
Plain Sight - Hollywood's Coverage of
Extraterrestrial Visitation
Hollywood, UFOs and
Extraterrestrial Disclosure
How Scientists could tell the
World if they 'Find Alien Life'
Interview to Stanley A. Fulham
- Challenges of Change
Is 2010 the Year of Discovery For
Extraterrestrial Life?
Is FAA Covering-Up Flight Delays
Due to New York UFO Sighting?
Is Russia Preparing For
Extraterrestrial Disclosure?
Is UFO Orb Over Dome of the Rock
in Jerusalem a Context Communication by ET?
Key to The Extraterrestrial
- NSA Technical Journal Vol XIV No 1
Knowledge of ET Life Is Maturing
at Warp Speed
- Says Paradigm Activist
Español |
La NASA Reúne a Científicos y
Teólogos para Preparar al Mundo para Contacto
Español |
La NASA se Prepara para el Anuncio
de Vida Extraterrestre
Español |
La Vida Extraterrestre Existe y
Está Aquí
Mystery Behind Initial Report of
UN Liaison for Extraterrestrial First Contact
NASA brings Scientists and
Theologians Together to Prepare World for
Extraterrestrial Contact
Español |
contrata un Sacerdote Británico para preparar a
Religiosos sobre la Existencia de Vida 'Extraterrestre'
Español |
Ocultando La Verdad a Plena Vista
- Encubrimiento de Hollywood de Visita Extraterrestre
Official Disclosure of
Extraterrestrial Life is Imminent
Political Spin and
Extraterrestrial Disclosure
Español |
Radio Mensajes Provenientes del
Espacio Exterior - Documento
Desclasificado de La NSA
Raising The Heat on Disclosure
- The Exopolitical Implications of Night Vision
Technologies on The Extra...
Report on Royal Society Conference
on Extra-Terrestrial Life
Retired NORAD Officer Accurately
Predicts UFO Appearances Over Major Cities
Retired NORAD Officer's New Book
Predicts a Tentative Worldwide UFO Display on October
13, 2010
Español |
- Aliens Entre Nosotros
- Controvertidas Declaraciones de un Ex-Ministro
Canadiense en...
Senate Demands 'UFO Disclosure' from
Intelligence Community as New Reports Surge
Should ET Disclosure Letter suggested by Trump/Putin Advisers be
Debated in UN General Assembly?
Spectacular January 18, 2011
Moscow UFO Part Fulfillment of ET Council's Prediction?
Español |
Televisión Nacional China Informa
Inminente Revelación del Gobierno de Obama Sobre
Extraterrestres y...
The Disclosure Project
- Main File
The UN Is to Appoint An
Astrophysicist to Be The First Contact For Any Aliens
Timing Extraterrestrial Disclosure
UFO - The Race to Disclosure
Vatican, England and France
Pressure The US for UFO Disclosure
Unacknowledged Special Access
Projects - Uncovering the Global UFO 'Hidden in Plain
Sight' - Steven Greer
United Nations to Appoint Official
For First Contact With Extraterrestrial Life
U.S. Congress Discusses
Extraterrestrial Life
U.S. to Create Exopolitics
Department to Run Alien Affairs According to Insiders
Vatican Prepares For
Extraterrestrial Disclosure
'What if We're the Ants in this
Network of Civilizations?' - UFO Expert says we should
Prepare for Imminent ET...
What is this UNICEF Commercial
Really Trying to Tell Us?
When Will Extraterrestrial
"Disclosure" or Contact in The Public Domain Happen?
Will Trump Be the Disclosure
World Religions Unite as Prelude
to Extraterrestrial Disclosure
Additional Information |
Abductions and Abductees
- Main File
Archaeology, Anthropology and Interstellar Communication
Assange Arrest Impacts on
Impending Release of Classified UFO Cables
Assange Reveals Significance of
Wikileaks UFO Cables
Barack Obama Not Disclosing
Extraterrestrial Presence is Top ET/UFO Story of 2009
Barack Obama to Make UFO
Announcement in Coming Weeks
Bassett, Huneeus and Greer's
Brain-Mind Entrainment by Manipulatory Extraterrestrials
China Central Television Covers
Disclosure of UFO Official Documents
Contact and Contactees
- Main File
Curbing Close Encounters - The
Smear Campaign Against Extraterrestrials
DEW - Directed Energy Weapons
causing Blindness and Paralysis
Do Moscow UFOs Fulfill NORAD
Officer Predictions?
Español |
El Vaticano está Preparando
Declaración sobre la Vida Extraterrestre
ET's and Shadow Governments - What
Else does This Astronaut Know? - Edgar Mitchell, Apollo
Expert Predicts End to Hierarchies
and Value of Money, More ET/UFO Disclosure Starting
July-Nov 2010
Extraterrestrial False Flag
- Main File
Extraterrestrial Technology And
Reverse Engineering
- Main File
Facebook at 517 Million Users
Suppresses ET/UFO Disclosure With Cointelpro Spying,
Members of Congress will Investigate Extraterrestrial
Giant ET UFOs Near Sun Now Visible
With Close-Up Image Technology
- Exposing Possible NASA Cover...
Giant UFOs Around The Sun?
- NASA Claims Malfunction, Physicist Says Giant ET UFOs
Use Sun's...
Hacking Away at Truth and The
Failings of The Disclosure Community?
- Gary McKinnon
Hawking - A UK Psyops to Promote
Space Weaponization and A False War Against
Is ET Disclosure More Important
Than Exposing Our "Physics Truth Embargo"?
Is Historic Meeting of 260 U.S.
Ambassadors Related to UFOs and ET Life?
Laura Eisenhower - Unity
Consciousness Will Collapse Military-Industrial Complex
Español |
Los Seres del Espacio - O Un Boicot
Muy Explicable
Mars' Bases and Colonies
- Main File
Español |
Mecanismos de la Ocultación Extraterrestre
Moon Anomalies And Moon Bases
- Main File
NASA and Library of Congress
Prepare for Discovery of ET and Alien 'Baptism'
NASA is Getting Ready to
Communicate with Aliens
National Geographic Promotes Alien
Invasion Scenario
New January 2011 UFO Display
Obama Response to White House ET Disclosure Petition
Continues Mars Cover-Up
Español |
Orden Ejecutiva de Trump tiene como
Objetivo al 'Estado Profundo' y Abre la Puerta a completa
Our Finest Hour... - Secrets
Revealed by John Lear
- Planet-Sized
UFOs In Our Sun -
Part 1
Part 2
Predicting What Extra-Terrestrials
Will Be Like
- And Preparing for The
Project Camelot Interviews Dr.
Pete Peterson
Proposed White House
'Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission' Puts Denver UFO
Examiner's on Hold
Russian Prime Minister Claims
Extraterrestrials Live Among Us
Scientists Endorse Study of
Societal Consequences of Extraterrestrial Life
Shocking Alien Fears, Force Pope from Office
The Detection of Extra-Terrestrial
Life and The Consequences for Science and Society
The Disclosure Movement and Donald
The Disclosure of Extraterrestrial
Life and Visitation - Any Day Now?
The Hero Within
The Implications of The Discovery
of Extra-Terrestrial Life for Religion
The UFO Briefing Document
- The Best Available Evidence/The Rockefeller UFO Report
The United Nations and Other
Governances are Preparing for An Alien Invasion
Trump Executive Order targets Deep State and Opens Door
to Full Disclosure
- "UFO
Disclosure" - A Covert Op to Discredit Real Disclosure
UFO Disclosure - The Insider Game
of "Reliable Sources"
UFOs, Aliens, and The Question of
Contact - A Report
UFOs Predicted Over Moscow and
London in January 2011
UFOs, Tesla, DeLonge, ETs and
Covert Ops
UFOs - The SpaceGoatFarts Entity
- Predictions
UFO Wave Over Moscow is 3rd
Independent Confirmation of ET Council
Vatican Preparing Statement on
Extraterrestrial Life
Vatican to E.T. - Hello, Brother...
Veteran China Astronomer Claims UFOs Are
Extraterrestrial Space Craft
Whistleblowers' Evidence of NASA
UFO Fraud Might Kill UK Hacker Case
Will Extraterrestrial “Disclosure”
or Contact Happen in 2012?
NSA leak Bring Disclosure of Alien Life without Official
Will Obama-China Meeting Usher in
World Government and Alien Disclosure?
World Business Leaders Told Flying
Saucers Are Real and Extraterrestrials Exist
World Changes
- Project Camelot Interviews
Multimedia |
Conversation With Andrew D. Basiago About The Hidden History of
His Discovery of Life on Mars
- Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking
Councilor Adrian Hicks Demands to
Hear Truth Over Extraterrestrials
Disclosure 101
Disclosure - A Message From Miriam
- A Project Camelot Interview
Disclosure Conference
- National Press Club 27 September 2010
Disclosure, Truth Embargo and
Stephen Bassett in 2014 - UFOC Researcher of the
Dr. Carol Rosin - Veritas Show
Extraterrestres Caminan Entre
- Nueva Declaración 2014 del Ex-Ministro Paul Hellyer
Extraterrestres Trabajan con el
Gobierno de Estados Unidos
- Paul Hellyer Ex-Ministro de Defensa del Canadá
Extraterrestrial Presence - Citizen Hearing on
Disclosure 2013 - Steven Greer
Extraterrestrials are Working with
The American Government
- Paul Hellyer, Former Minister of Defense...
Fastwalkers Files Disclosure -
Ellos Están Aquí
God versus Aliens
La Salud del Futuro
- Entrevista de Project Camelot a Pete Peterson
Leaders Share Real UFO Sightings
on CNN Broadcast
in The Universe
- Are We Alone?
Lost Walt Disney UFO Documentary! - Alien Encounters: From
New Tomorrowland
OVNIs, Aliens y La Cuestion de Contacto
Presencia Extraterrestre
- Fundación Audiencia Ciudadana - Abril-Mayo 2013
President Eisenhower's Historic Farewell
Address to the Nation
Project Sirius
Robert Salas - A Question of
National Security
Se Confirma Presencia de
Extraterrestres en la Tierra
- Washington 2013
T-Files: The Last Card - The Political Agenda Behind
Alien Disclosure
The Day Before Disclosure
The Secret - Evidence We Are Not Alone
- "Towards
a Scientific and Societal Agenda on Extraterrestrial
Life" -
Royal Society
UFOs, Aliens, and The Question of Contact
UFOs And Nukes
- Exopolitik-NPC Press Conference - September 27, 2010
What Is Coming to Earth?
Have Portals Begun to Open
World UFO-OVNI Disclosure Day Tribute
Yemen Stargate Opening 1/5/2010
- World Forcing UFO Disclosure
Related Reports |
Clifford Stone - and Alien Races
- Main File
Carol Rosin and The Late Werner
Von Braun
- Main File
Earth and Celestial Conflicts
- Main File
Exopolitica y Michael E. Salla
- Main File
Extraterrestrial False Flag
- Main File
Extraterrestrial Technology And
Reverse Engineering
- Main File
Project Paperclip
- Main File
The Majestic
Project / MJ-12
- Main File
- The Super Secret National Security Agency
- Main File
The Research of Alfred Lambremont
- Main File
The Saga of Flying Objects
Present and Past
- Main File
UFO Secret Meetings at The United
- Main File