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TransformationTeam Website
Once upon a time in a far away corner of
the universe in the outer reaches of a medium-sized spiral galaxy,
there was a beautiful blue-green planet whose inquisitive
inhabitants named their world Earth.
Many different peoples
inhabited this planet teeming with abundant lifeforms. They had come
to learn the many difficult, yet rewarding lessons of exploring in
physical bodies what it is like to feel separate and disconnected
from their own divine essence and from all around them.
The collective consciousness of all people on Earth greatly affected
everything that happened on this revolving planet. Yet because of
their explorations into separateness, the vast majority of these
people – or humans as they called themselves – were unaware of how
their collective will formed their world. In order to learn the deep
wisdom of this Earth school or Univers-city, these humans had chosen
to forget how in their deepest essence they were all interconnected
and how every individual played an essential role in what happened
on their planet and to their people as a whole.
Over the ages and through thousands upon thousands of revolutions of
this jewel of a planet around its shining golden sun, the people of
Earth explored, developed, and expanded their awareness through many
rich, beautiful, and sometimes even painful experiences. Through the
rich drama and challenging lessons of many ages and lifetimes, they
several times grew close to the point of feeling again their deep
interconnectedness with all beings. Yet each time they came close,
that awareness then contracted and was eventually shut down by their
collective fear of losing individuality and uniqueness.
After several cycles of this expansion and contraction, at one point
in a new expansion phase, the collective mind grew so intelligent as
to permit humankind for the first time to soar beyond the
gravitational confines of Earth in shiny, metallic spaceships. The
collective knowledge of the physical world in which they lived grew
so deep that certain individuals began to see visions of a major
transformation leading to physical paradise on Earth. At the same
time, many others greatly feared that these new mental abilities and
sophisticated technologies would be used by the militaries and
greedy elite to destroy the very life and world in which they lived.
As their collective hopes and fears grew like never before, many
humans dedicated to global transformation joined together in a deep
prayer about their lives and world.
So for the first time in the planet's
history, a powerful collective call was sent out to the universe
requesting help and guidance for the struggling planet and its
people to move beyond separation, selfishness, and greed towards
loving, empowering transformation and integration.
For the first
time, humanity as a whole opened to connection and help from the
great universe beyond the physical confines of their world.
Their prayer was heard.

In the vast and varied collection of
civilizations and species spread throughout the infinite universe,
the call for help from this small, beautiful planet was heard.
Unbeknownst to the people of Earth, there existed in the universe a
special team made up of millions of caring souls from various
planets, galaxies, and even dimensions. This loving team had
dedicated themselves specifically to serve and support the
inhabitants of developing planets who requested help in times of
crisis and transition.
The vibrant souls of this intergalactic transformation team were
committed to work together with the local transformation team of any
planet that called for help in creating more nurturing,
life-enhancing ways of living and growing. This loving team was
activated by the collective call from Earth.
Feeling the call for help almost like a fireman on Earth responding
to an alarm, the excited souls of the transformation team came
together to focus their attention on this beautiful world in crisis.
They opened their hearts and souls to
the people there. They learned of the ways of humankind and became
familiar with the challenges the people of Earth found themselves
facing. While some agreed to observe and provide guidance from a
distance, millions of these souls agreed to be born in human bodies
and – like other humans – to forget where they came from, so that
they might fully experience being human and more effectively provide
help and guidance to humankind.
Being born into human bodies and human families without memory of
their origin, almost all of these transformation team members felt
the many pains and joys of growing up while often feeling separate
and isolated from those around them. Some even chose to go through
serious traumas with their human families in order to develop deeper
Others simply felt alone and bewildered,
unable to comprehend why those around them couldn't see that love
interconnects us all. At times, all of them felt they didn't belong
and sensed an inner calling to some greater purpose.
As these dedicated transformation team members grew spiritually and
the crisis facing the planet intensified, magical things began to
happen. Key writings, dreams, mystical experiences, and even
inspiring fables began to awaken members of the transformation team
to their deeper purpose.
For some the awakening was gradual, while for others a powerful,
unexpected single event lifted the veil. Collectively, members of
the transformation team began to remember why they came to Earth.
They found themselves spontaneously connecting with other wise
humans who were part of the transformation team and who further
helped to awaken and inspire them. Their fears and feeling of
separation gradually faded as they became increasingly excited to
remember their deeper purpose, and to find themselves now playing an
integral role in this empowering planetary transition.
Eventually, all members of the transformation team awoke. Upon
awakening, a new, bright sparkle danced from their eyes.
It was a
sparkle of knowingness.
Knowing that all of us are already
interconnected in a divine cosmic dance.
Knowing that the joy of
love is always there inside when any soul truly opens to it.
Knowing that the team's purpose is not
to save anyone, but rather to simply be a loving invitation and
inspiration to all around them.
Knowing that uniqueness and
individuality are welcome even in the interconnectedness of all
Knowing that when the people of a planet send out a
collective call for help, the transformation team always answers.
Knowing that the team never fails to give powerful, inspiring
guidance to help make it through even the most daunting crisis.
Once upon a time, the transformation team came to Earth to remind
humankind – and even to remind themselves – that we are not alone,
that we are all equally important actors intimately interconnected
in the divine unfolding of the universe. The team came to remind us
that fear is but an invitation to growth, and that in the end, there
is no end. There is only this sacred moment in which to open to all
the richness that we are ready to receive. There is only the eternal
here and now.
And so to bring this transformation fable to a close (or is it an
opening?), the transformation team found and continues to find ever
more joyful, meaningful ways to love, explore, play, and grow
together with all people of Earth, as they live happily ever after
in the ever present here and now.
Transformation and Fluid Intelligence
TransformationTeam Website
If you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always
In exploring personal and global transformation as you prepare for
your journey through the transformation course, it is important to
talk about the concept of fluid intelligence in relation to the
ability to grow and expand our awareness. Fluid intelligence has
little to do with IQ or "book" intelligence.
It is rather the
ability to step outside of our beliefs and consider information
which does not fit into our previously accepted view of reality.
Our deepest beliefs and conceptions about life and the world are to
some degree conditioned by our childhood experiences, our education,
the mass media, and various other external influences. An
individual's level of fluid intelligence can be determined based on
the degree to which he or she is able to let go of previously held
conceptions on encountering reliable information or experiences
which show these conceptions to be mistaken or overly simplistic.
At the other end of the spectrum from fluid intelligence is static
intelligence. When those with a high degree of static intelligence
encounter information which seriously questions the established
paradigm, they attempt to discredit the new information using laws
and principles previously agreed upon under the old paradigm. If
they fail at this, the new information is then deemed not worthy of
study and discarded. At worst, the new evidence is actively attacked
as being irrational or unscientific, even though it may be easily
Scientists with a high degree of fluid intelligence who are
attracted to study matters outside the current paradigm are often
labeled kooks or wacky by those operating with static intelligence.
Yet history shows us that it is often these "kooky" scientists who
go on to make the most astonishing discoveries which pave the way
for entire new areas of study which were once considered nonsense.
Einstein, Galileo, and Pasteur were all
ridiculed at times by adherents to the old paradigm of their day for
their amazing discoveries which ushered in entire new branches of
All of us are sometimes resistant to letting go of old beliefs,
while at other times we are excited to explore new ways of thinking
and being. Static intelligence and fluid intelligence are but two
ends of a continuum, and each of us may shift to varying points on
that continuum over time.
As an example of this, please watch the
three-minute video clip below which will test the sharpness of your
perceptual abilities:

to see video, click
above image
We encourage you as much as possible
while reading through the materials on our website to prepare
yourself for the unexpected and to choose the more fluid end of this
spectrum. Consider asking for guidance and support in exploring
areas where you might feel stuck in old belief patterns.
In recent years, many key pioneers have been successful in operating
within the modern scientific paradigm with a very high degree of
fluid intelligence. These courageous individuals have used accepted
scientific principles and careful research to challenge old paradigm
Below are a few shining examples of this
pioneering group:
Two classics which challenge static
scientific paradigms using reliable, verifiable research from
hundreds of scientific studies are
The Holographic
Universe by Michael Talbot and
The Field by Lynne McTaggart.
paradigm-busting film
What the Bleep!?
covers similar territory in a
very fun way.
We highly recommend these engaging books and film for
those who are interested in exploring the work of scientists who are
promoting greater awareness of ourselves and our universe, and
helping people to develop more fluidity in consciousness.
In the old paradigm, static intelligence generally does not
acknowledge the existence of a non-physical consciousness apart from
a brain. In the new paradigm,
quantum physics is increasingly
recognizing that consciousness may be a critical factor in what
determines reality.
The materials presented on this website are designed both to inspire
fluidity and to challenge rigid beliefs of the old paradigm. In
moving through the transformation course, you may find some of your
beliefs about the world challenged. Please understand that we have
no desire in this material to make you believe anything. Yet we are
interested in challenging all of us to open to more expanded levels
of belief and experience in all aspects of our lives so that we can
become more powerful generators of love and catalysts for a new
paradigm in our lives and world.
The transformation course provides an abundance of rich material
challenging us to explore more expansive and integrated ways of
living together through stretching beyond our old beliefs and
conceptions. It invites us to explore reliable, verifiable
information suggesting that the commonly held view of the way things
work in our world may be overly simplistic and distorted.
The course
also encourages us to move toward less secrecy and greater
transparency as we work together to support what's best for all who
share our world.
Transparency and Dynamic Fields of Energy and Consciousness
There are many levels of consciousness within each one of us. It is
not uncommon for us to have beliefs or knowledge at one level of
consciousness which are in complete opposition to that of another
level. On one level we may know, as Galileo once contended, that the
Earth is the third planet from the sun. We also know that our solar
system is located in one arm of a spiral galaxy far from its center,
which is far from the location of the Big Bang which allegedly
formed the universe.
Yet on another level, the Earth is for us in
our lives the very center of our universe, as the church once argued
against Galileo.
On an expanded level of consciousness, we may know that each of us
and all of humanity is meant to find ways to let go of anger and to
live in peace and harmony with each other. Yet on a more contracted
level, we may feel fully justified in being quite angry and upset at
someone in our family or at some politician or powerful group.
Something that very much makes sense on one level may appear quite
"illogical" on another. Though our minds might like to convince us
otherwise, most of us walk through life with many contradictions
within our consciousness.
As we become increasingly transparent to ourselves and others, we
naturally become more open and better able to interpret what is
happening both in ourselves and others. We become more intuitive or
even psychic. By choosing to be transparent, the inconsistencies
within us and in the world become increasingly apparent, thus
allowing us greater choice in how we deal with them. Through
choosing to identify, understand, and transform the inconsistencies
within ourselves, they can actually become potent teachers inviting
us to deepen our spirituality, if we allow them to.
The more coherently we believe something on all levels of
consciousness, the more the universe tends to shape itself around
those beliefs. The more deeply we know something to be true, the
more likely it is to manifest in our lives. This however, does not
necessarily mean that it will be true for others. Each
person—through their interpretation of what happens to them
throughout life—develops their own version of reality, which has
varying amounts of overlap with those who share this physical world
with them.
Yet some have a greater ability to influence the beliefs of those
around them than others. Those who have a very strong, coherent
energy field that is directed outwards generally appear dynamic and
charismatic to others. They are thus more easily able to convince
those around them of what they believe or know to be true. They are
often considered to be great communicators and influential people.
This does not necessarily mean, however, that they know "The Truth."
On the other hand, a more "shy" person or one who keeps their energy
more contained or directed inward may have a knowingness about
something just as strong as an outgoing charismatic person, but
because of their shyness or inwardness, they are much less likely
(or may not even want) to persuade others to believe as they do.
There is no ultimate right or wrong here. Whether we choose to
direct our energy more outward or inward, each of us is doing what
we believe to be right in each moment. Yet the more transparent we
are to ourselves and to the world around us, the more consciously we
can make choices. And the more fluid we are in expanding our
intelligence and beliefs, the more powerfully we can adapt to and
make good use of the changes that occur in our lives and world.
As we choose both fluidity of intelligence and transparency,
we increasingly invite learning, growth, and expansion on many
levels in our lives. This further enables us to better make choices
which serve the highest good of all of us. Let us then choose to be
open, transparent, and fluid both with ourselves and with each
other, and to offer support for the limitless possibilities of
growth and expansion which lie within each one of us. The materials
in the transformation course are designed to assist us
in this worthy purpose.
We especially invite you to open to your fluid intelligence and to
ever greater expansion of your awareness as you now begin your
journey through the course. All of us on the Transformation Team
support you on this empowering journey and excitedly await your warm
presence with open arms in the community portal of our website,
which you will enter once you've completed the course.
We wish for
you all the very best in your time with this course and in all
aspects of your life.
It is our emotional attachment to certain beliefs
that limits us and keeps us from seeing greater realities.
Link to Lesson One
To now begin your journey through the empowering
transformation course, please click the link below to enter lesson
one. As you move through the course, we invite you to remember the
importance of keeping an open mind and fostering fluid intelligence.
And have fun!