by Vidya Frazier
January 1, 2011
VidyaFrazier Website
Spanish version
For thousands of years, humanity has inched its way toward greater
spiritual maturity.
Most human beings have been caught in
the dense karmic energies of the earth plane, lifetime after
lifetime, and have made very slow progress. Only a few lone
individuals from time to time have reached what's been called
or liberation from suffering.
Although some of these individuals have stepped forward, bringing
significant spiritual teachings to the planet, these teachings have
inevitably been watered down into what have become
religions - a process which has in many ways
distorted and diluted the teachings.
A growing number of individuals in recent years have begun a
conscious process of awakening.
This has been significant in beginning to shift the consciousness of
the planet.
Yet, still these numbers have been
relatively small, considering the billions of people now alive on
the earth.
A Great Shift
toward Spiritual Awakening

However, a huge change is now underway,
according to many visionaries, teachers and indigenous elders.
They're saying that for the first time ever on the earth, something
monumental is shifting in the human experience as a whole: a shift
of consciousness toward greater spiritual awakening.
Indeed, some are saying a new species of human being is
emerging, and a new earth is being born.
This can be hard to believe if we simply focus on what's happening
the mainstream news: the same
tired, negative scenarios that have always plagued the human race
continue to play out over and over again.
And yet, there is something else
happening, as well, if you look closely.
The Outer
Read alternative and international news sources and you can see
clearly, for example, that unprecedented disclosure of corruption,
greed and exploitation is occurring within a wide range of
institutions in society.
In the last year, literally hundreds of top officials in financial
institutions and governments the world over have been resigning,
mysteriously disappearing, getting fired, being fined or taken to

the Internet is empowering and
uniting people across the globe like never before in history.
Millions are experiencing a sense of oneness - and the power of this
There's a new kind of joy and sense of jubilant freedom that people
around the world are beginning to express.
At the same time,
communities everywhere are creating positive
changes in their local areas, over-turning old corrupt
systems that no longer work. Women across the world are asserting
their rights like never before in history.
And science is
discovering cheap, clean energy, as
well as ways to feed everyone in the world and create drinking water
from the ocean.
"In-Between Times"
It's clear that old societal structures and paradigms based on
greed, competition and patriarchal ideals are at long last
collapsing - while new structures and paradigms based on justice,
love and equality are arising in their place.
But what we're experiencing at this point is what has been called
the "In-Between Times" - times of chaos, confusion and rapid,
intense changes - while one age dies and another is born.
These tumultuous times will likely continue for a while, as the new
positive energies interact with the old energies on their way out.
But eventually a new earth will inevitably emerge out of the chaos.
What an exciting time to be alive!
The Inner

The same intense shifts happening in the
world are also showing up in many of our personal lives.
At times, we're being shaken to our
core, as we experience old negative patterns arising with a
vengeance, finally demanding resolution.
Loss assails us on many levels:
in our relationships
in ur home life
in our work
Old identities are disintegrating, and
once-comfortable situations are becoming unbearable. We're stepping
into unknown territory where nothing is predictable or certain.
It's disorienting and at times downright scary. And yet, along with
all this confusion and loss, many of us are also experiencing
profound spiritual awakenings like never before.
Deep joy arises within us at the
strangest times.
Synchronicity abounds in our lives.
An exquisite and all-embracing love is blossoming in our hearts for
all of life. At times, profound peace steals over us for no apparent
We feel the presence of a magnificent
divine Self arising within us, gently nudging the ego aside.
We know we're witnessing something new
and ever so precious being born within us.
There are some people who experience the shift as something so
monumental that it feels like a dimensional shift - one the earth
and all its inhabitants are making from
the Third Dimension into the Fifth Dimension.
Read below, more on the Fifth Dimension...
What is The Fifth
by Vidya Frazier
January 1, 2011
VidyaFrazier Website

Whatever we may call it or whatever
paradigm we may hold it in, if we tune in, it's indisputable
that something big is happening. Something new, something that
has never before in history happened.
Some people are feeling it now;
others will eventually feel it. But there's no stopping it.
The sooner we can get on board and
see it happening in our lives and align with the new energies
coming in, the easier it's going to be to make the shift.
Much has been written, spoken and channeled about the Fifth
Dimension and
humanity's ascension into
this new realm of existence. In addition, many "ordinary" people
are now having their own experiences, visions and inner
"downloads" about the Fifth Dimension.
Not every source agrees on details about the Fifth Dimension,
but most describe similar major characteristics, which are
described below.
Ascension into the Fifth Dimension
According to ascension teachings, the earth and all beings
living on the earth are in the process of shifting into a whole
new level of reality in which a consciousness of love,
compassion, peace and spiritual wisdom prevails.
This has been called the Fifth
Some say this shift will probably be complete within the next
couple of decades; others give no date. But all seem to agree it
will be complete sometime in the near future, although
individuals will be each moving into the Fifth Dimension at
their own rate when their frequency is high enough to match the
vibration of the higher dimension.
Most teachings state that the shift the earth and humanity are
taking into the Fifth Dimension has been "planned" for eons.
Also that it has already been happening in the last few decades.
December 21, 2012 was a date that was given as the
mid-point of the shift taking place, and that it will
continue to unfold in more and more obvious ways,
picking up speed, as time goes on.
A Fairy Tale?
Much of what has been described about the Fifth Dimension can
sound like a fairy tale:
All people living in peace and harmony, experiencing oneness
with all of life, fully respecting all people and the earth
itself - love and compassion flowing through all communications
Equality, justice and respect for all human beings reigning on
earth - no more hunger, poverty or crime - abundance
available to all. Everyone living without fear - with complete
trust in the Divine Everyone awake to the majestic, divine
inter-dimensional beings they truly are
Some of the descriptions can sound even more "out there" - such
as people freely communicating with beings
from other planets and galaxies
and traveling to distant parts of the universe with these
Imagination, Memory or Intuition?
And yet,
Haven't we all had dreams
of living in a world like this?
Are these dreams just figments
of our imagination?
Or are they memories of what we, thousands and thousands of
years ago, once experienced - and at some point lost, as we
descended into the kind of world we know of today, filled with
struggle and suffering and lack of direct connection with the
Or do these dreams perhaps come from intuitions about
the future that is in store for us?
Many of us are having these
intuitive feelings; some are having clear visions; others are
inwardly hearing about the reality of humanity's future will be.
Some of us feel we have been waiting thousands of years for
these times we are now entering.
If we seek deeply within ourselves, we may find that these
dreams of an ideal and peaceful world are actually both a
distant memory of what we once experienced eons ago and an
intuitive glimpse into what is now beginning to happen on earth.
And our longing to return to this ideal world is simply a
yearning to finally return Home to this beautiful world ahead of
How Can it Happen so Quickly?
The question might arise:
There is still so much darkness on
the planet - wars, hatred, prejudice and injustice.
The answer is two-fold:
First, thousands of people
on the planet are now experiencing an awakening of the
heart at an unprecedented rate - and this awakening
appears to be speeding up, as time goes by. At some
point, the hundredth monkey phenomenon will
inevitably take hold.
And secondly, not everyone
on the planet at this time is making the choice
(consciously or unconsciously) to make the shift into
the Fifth Dimension.
All souls have the choice to enter
5D, given they have assimilated sufficient light to hold the
energy levels that exist in that higher vibration.
But many will be choosing to
leave the earth within the next couple of decades to move
on to other third dimensional experiences in other parts of
the universe. They will not have finished with what
third-dimensional reality has still to teach them.
Those who are choosing to stay and make the shift with the
earth will be going through some intense and rapid changes,
as their bodies and minds make the radical changes needed to
shift into the higher consciousness requisite for moving into
the Fifth Dimension.
Exactly What are Dimensions?

First of all,
dimensions are not places or
locations; they're levels of consciousness that vibrate at a
certain rate.
There exist numerous dimensions; the
fourth and fifth are simply higher than the one we've been
living in. Ascension into even higher dimensions will continue
even after we've reached the fifth.
Each dimension vibrates at a higher rate than the one below. In
each higher dimension, there exists a clearer, wider perspective
of reality, a greater level of knowing. We experience more
freedom, greater power, and more opportunity to create reality.
In order for a higher dimension to be available to us, we need
to vibrate in resonance with it. Shifting from one level of
consciousness to the next higher one means becoming established
on it,
so we don't get pulled back.
The Third Dimension
It's important to understand, first off, that the Third
Dimension is not the things you see: the table, the tree, the
earth. These are form.
All things in form are still present
in the Fourth Dimension (and to some degree in the 5th);
they're simply more light-filled, not as dense.
The Third Dimension is a state of consciousness that is very
limited and restricted. Because we've been living in this 3rd
dimensional reality for so many lifetimes, we tend to assume
that this is the only reality available to live in.
We think this is simply how
"reality" is, not realizing it's a very limited experience of
The Third Dimensional "operating system" runs on rigid beliefs
and a fairly inflexible set of rules and limitations.
For example, in the Third Dimension,
we learn to believe that bodies are solid; they can't merge with
each other or walk through walls. Everything is subject to
gravity, physical objects cannot disappear, and we cannot read
another person's mind.
There's a solid belief in duality,
and judgment and fear are pervasive.
The Fourth Dimension

This is the "bridge" we're all
pretty much on now, and will be for a relatively short period of
In traveling through the Fourth Dimension, we are
preparing ourselves for the Fifth.
Many of us have had experiences of the Fourth Dimension for a
number of years now without realizing it.
We can know we're experiencing the Fourth Dimension when we have
moments of spiritual awakening and experiences of heart opening.
Other times, it can happen when we're simply feeling clear and
quiet inside. Everything within and around us feels lighter,
less rigid. There's a sense of spaciousness and upliftment.
Time is no longer linear in the Fourth Dimension - there's an
ongoing sense of being in present time, with no interest or even
awareness of past and future. And we can discover that time is
malleable - it can actually stretch and condense, much to our
third dimensional surprise.
Manifestation is much faster in the Fourth Dimension.
Something we simply think about can
show up very quickly. In general, when we're experiencing joy,
love and gratitude, we're experiencing fourth dimensional
The Fifth Dimension

The Fifth Dimension has been described as the dimension of Love,
of living totally from the Heart.
In order to enter into the Fifth Dimension and stay there, all
mental and emotional baggage must be left at the door. No fear,
anger, hostility, guilt exists there - no suffering or sense of
separation. Mastery over thought is a prerequisite.
Manifestation in the Fifth Dimension is instantaneous. You think
about something - it comes present.
People generally communicate
through telepathy and have the ability to read each other's
thoughts and feelings with ease. The experience of time is
radically different: some describe it as "everything happening
at once." There is no distinction between past, present or
Many of us are having experiences (or "dreams") that feel like
visits to the Fifth Dimension. These are exhilarating -
tremendously exciting and hopeful.
They keep us moving on through the
difficulties that sometimes arise as we travel through the
Fourth Dimension and into the Fifth.
Transitional Times
We are currently in what's been called "transitional times" or
the "end times".
These are the times in which we are
experiencing the death of third-dimensional reality, while at
the same time beginning to travel through new and unknown
landscapes of the 4th Dimension.
In essence, one whole structure of reality is collapsing, while
a new one is emerging. It's to be expected that some chaos,
confusion and disorientation will reign both within and around
us, as we attempt to adapt to a whole new way of experiencing
Many of us are beginning to experience radical changes in our
lives, as we enter into these times. Whatever does not serve us
in shifting into a higher dimension has to fall away.
This can include,
old relationships
lifetime careers
approaches to life we've
traditionally taken
an out-dated sense of
any limited or negative
thoughts and emotions that holds us in a lower vibration

Fortunately, we can now get a great
deal of help in making the transition to a higher vibration.
Beings from higher dimensional
realms are more and more present to assist us; we simply need to
ask for their help. We can also become aware of the flooding of
divine light that's currently arriving from the higher
So releasing old patterns and
negative emotions is getting easier and easier, if we have the
clear intention of letting them go.
We Can take our Bodies with Us
Many sources tell us we can take our physical bodies with us, if
we choose, into the Fifth Dimension.
Some say that although other planets and galaxies have shifted
into higher dimensions before in the history of the universe,
this is the first time that souls in incarnation on a planet are
going to be taking their physical vehicles with them into the
higher dimension.
Doing this is seen as the next step
in humanity's evolution. Given this, it seems important for us
to really take care of our bodies at this time.
Radical transformation can be hard
on the body, causing,
flu-like symptoms
It's Up to You
If you feel a resonance with the information in this article,
it's likely you've decided - either consciously or unconsciously
- to shift with the earth into the Fifth Dimension in this
If so, you have the choice to simply
allow life to transform you - sometimes in uncomfortable ways,
if you have any resistance to change. Life will do the job for
you. Or you can choose to actively cooperate with the shifts
taking place inside you.
You can consciously let go of old
patterns, release negative emotions, judgments and thoughts, and
work on keeping your vibration high at all times. This effort
will likely ensure that your journey through the Fourth
Dimension will be a lot smoother and even perhaps more rapid.
But there's no right way to make this journey. We each have to
do it the way that's best for us. One way or another, we will
make it into the new reality that lies before us.
What an exciting time to alive!