A Manual for a New Existence
A New Vision for the Advancement of Humanity
A Project for The Very Near Future
- Sanctuary Retreat and Survival Center
Banana Peels Remove Toxins
City Living Intensifies Brain
Stress Response and Increases Mental Illness Risk
Español |
Comedores de Basura Flotante en
Baltimore que Devoran Toneladas de Basura
Designing The Future
Español |
Diseñando El Futuro
Education After The Collapse
Education After The Collapse
- A Journey Back - Free
Español |
El Futuro y Más Allá
Español |
Estos Puentes demuestran que Sí es
posible Convivir en Armonía con la Naturaleza
Fifty Ways to Starve The Beast
Gold - Only Food, Tools and Resourcefulness Will Matter
in A Mad Max Scenario
From Extortion to Generosity, Evolution in
the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma
- A Project Camelot Conversation With Michael St Clair
How Can we Make a More Sustainable
How to Change the World
How to Eat Animals and Respect
Them, Too
Key Facets to a World Where
Humanity can Thrive
Español |
La Biotecnología y la Información
darán la Posibilidad de Ingeniar la Vida de Nuevo -
Yuval Noah Harari
Español |
Las Cáscaras de Banana Remueven
Español |
La Vida en La Ciudad Intensifica
Respuesta de Estrés Cerebral e Incrementa Riesgo de
Through a Great Shift of the Ages
Español |
Llegan a China las Bicicletas que
Comen Contaminación
Español |
Los Científicos Plantean Nuevos
Términos a la Ecuación Humana
Español |
Manual de Transición
- De la Dependencia del Petróleo a La Resiliencia Local
Español |
Mirando Hacia Adelante
One of Many Examples Showing how
Transitioning to A New World has Already Begun!
Open-Sourced Technology Blueprints
for Any New Civilization
Español |
Porqué Pronto No Poseerás Nada y
porqué eso Es Bueno
Positively Thriving Through the
Collapse of Civilization
Proof that Cooperative, Forgiving
and Generous Populations Succeed in The Long-Term while
Español |
Prosperando Positivamente a Través
de el Colapso de la Civilización
Sanctuary Retreat and Survival
Saudi Arabia is Building a
$500-Billion New Territory Based on Tech and Liberal
Español |
Sobreviviendo La Sobrevivencia
- Tratando con Los Efectos Posteriores de Desastres
Survival and Austere
Survivalist Time Management
Surviving The Survival
- Coping With The Aftereffects of Natural Disaster
- Main File
Ten Ways that Minimalism
can Change Your Life
The Adam and Eve Story - CIA
Classified Document
Adam and Eve Story - by Chan Thomas
The Big Blackout - Why I'm Going
Low-Tech to Prepare for an EMP
The Construction of
Crossbows and Other Weapons
The Free World Charter
Future and Beyond
The Future Called - We're
Disgusting and Barbaric
The Mechanics of a Free Society
Obsession with 'Rewriting the Past' is Highly Destructive
for Civilization
Español |
Uno de los Muchos Ejemplos que
Muestran cómo la Transición a Un Nuevo Mundo ¡ya ha
What is A Tribe and Why Would you Want One?
Where are We Going? - Dystopian
Futures and the Work of Philip K. Dick
Why soon You Won't Own Anything
and Why that's a Good Thing
You Can Survive The Coming
Economic Nightmare
- One Family in California Grows 6,000 Pounds of...
Additional Information |
14 Signs that The Collapse of Our
Modern World has Already Begun
3D Printing Guns and Bitcoin, Show
Power of Technology to Create Change
A Healthier Medical and
Environmental Industry
- Main File
Español |
Algo Extraordinario Está
Ocurriendo en El Mundo
Español |
Ataque Electromagnético y
Tormentas Solares
- Una Guía
Best Countries to Escape America's
Build Your Own Complete
Non-Invasive Anti-Viral System - Towards Healthcare
Caging Humanity... And How to
Rica's Payment for Environmental ServicesProgram - Intention,
Implementation, and Impact
Electrical Device Plugs Directly Into Trees for Power
Español |
El Mapa del Mundo Paralelo -
Conozca Países que no Existen para la ONU
Español |
El Próximo Pánico Sobre El Planeta
X -
Extracto del "Pronóstico del Planeta X y Guía Supervivencia 2012"
EMP Attack and Solar Storms - A
Engaging Community for Sustainable Revitalization
- Key Trends,
Strategies and Recommendations
Español |
- ¿Es
nuestra 'Realidad' creada por Humanos del Futuro...?
Everything Petroleum Does, Hemp Does Better
Fighting Radiation Damage The
Natural Way
Free Energy
- Main File
Getting Prepared for An
Electromagnetic Pulse Attack or Severe Solar Storm
Globe Over Nation - World's Future
- The Beginning!
How a Tiny Central American
Country is Getting Richer and Saving the Environment
How the
Third Industrial Revolution Will Create a Green Economy
How to Avoid Second Passport Scams
and Traps |
How to Naturally Deter Insects
With Herbs Instead of Chemicals
How to Return to a Simple Time and
Indian Man Single-Handedly Plants
a 1,360 Acre Forest
Inspiration for Starting a Hackerspace
In this City People Live without
Politics, Religion and without Money
Jungle Fungus Eats Plastic and
Beats Cancer
Italiano |
La Mappa del Mondo Parallelo - Per
farvi Conoscere Paesi che per l'ONU Non Esistono
Español |
Los Mejores Países Para Escapar de
La Decadencia Estadounidense
Low Salt Diet Does Not Reduce
Heart Disease
- Study Finds
Mediterranean Diet and Reduced
Calorie Intake Promote Brain Health and Longevity
Meet The Innovative Hearthmaster
Not Quite Ready to Leave (your
Only Globalization Will 'Save' The
Future - National Intelligence
Council Report
Policies for A Positive Future
Español |
Políticas para Un Futuro Positivo
Yourself From Electro-Magnetic Pulse
Español |
- ¿Qué
nos Depara el Futuro?
Español |
- ¿'Quien'
o 'Que Cosa' Está Matando a Las Abejas?
- Main File
Some Glimpses of the
Something Extraordinary is
Happening in The World
Sunlight Plus Lime Juice Makes
Drinking Water Safer
Survival and The Survival Knife - Everything You Need to
Know and More
Sweden Recycling 99 Percent of
Garbage, Edging Closer to Zero-Waste
The 5 Most Blatantly Corrupt
Industries in The World
- And What You Can Do About It
The 5 Most Surprisingly Corrupt
Industries in The World - And What You Can Do
About It
The Coming
Planet X Panic
- Excerpt From 'Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival
The Easiest Way to a Second
The First Earth Battalion
- Dare to Think the
Unthinkable, Ideas and Ideals for Soldiers Everywhere |
The Future of Passports and
Citizenship by Investment |
Zeitgeist Movement
- Observations and Responses
Thought Vibrations - Practical
Time to
Change the Road You Are On
The Balance of Power - How to Really Change The World - And
It's Easier Than You Think
Español |
Todo lo Que Hace El Petróleo, El
Cáñamo Lo Hace Mejor
Towards Healthcare Emancipation
U.S. Army Survival Field
Español |
Vibraciónes del Pensamiento -
Espiritualidad Práctica
Italiano |
Vibrazioni del Pensiero -
Spiritualità Pratica
We Want to Live in
a World That Is...
When We Grow Up, We Will Fall in Love with Earth
or 'What' is Killing The Bees?
- Main File
Why the Modern Day View of Wild
Animals is Wrong
Why we Need to Leave Earth...
while Making Sure we Don't Leave Earth Behind
Why You Should Consider Ham Radio
for Communications - Resistance 101
Youth and Satisfaction with
Air and Plants - Aire y Plantas |
A Dozen
Plants that Naturally Remove Toxins and Purify Your Air
Español |
- Como Fabricarlo con Plantas
Español |
Biourban - Tecnología 100%
Mexicana para Purificar el Aire con Microalgas
CO² Myth Busted - Why We Need More
Carbon Dioxide to Grow Food and Forests
CO² -
One of Life's Most Essential
Detox Your Dwelling and Purify
Your Indoor Air with Plants
of Volatile Formaldehyde Removal by Indoor Plants
- Contribution of Aerial Plant Parts versus...
Español |
En un Futuro las Criaturas de la
Tierra se Asfixiarán por Falta de Oxígeno
Four Powerful Air Purifying Plants
to Clean the Air in Your Home
Growing Fresh Air with Common
House Plants
If Carbon Dioxide is So Bad for
The Planet, Why do Greenhouse Growers buy CO² Generators
Interior Landscape Plants for
Indoor Air Pollution Abatement - NASA Final Report
Paharpur Business Centre and
Software Technology Incubator Park
Italiano |
Piante che Riempiono di Energia
Positiva la tua Casa o l'Ufficio
Español |
Plantas que Llenan de Energía
Positiva tu Hogar y Oficina
Español |
Quince Razones para Cultivar
Caléndulas-Margaritas en el Huerto o Jardín
Español |
Seis Plantas Ideales para un
Some 15 House Plants You Can Use
as Air Purifiers
Ten Plants that can Absorb
Electromagnetic Radiation
The Future Lifespan of Earth's
Oxygenated Atmosphere
These Plants are Oxygen
Bombs and they Clean the Air in Your Home
Want Cleaner and Purer Air? - Try
Air-Cleaning Plants, NASA Says
Wind Turbine Trees Generate Renewable Energy for Urban
Multimedia: |
How to Grow Fresh Air |
Banking-Commerce-Economics |
40 Items to Barter in A
Post-Collapse World
Alternative Economics
Bank of North Dakota Outperforms
Wall Street - WSJ Reports
Debt = Serfdom
Eudaimonics - The Art of Realizing
Genuinely Good Lives
Italiano |
Eudemonia - L'Arte di Creare una
Vita Veramente Bella
Español |
La Economía del Futuro No
Dependerá del Dinero
Italiano |
L'Economia del Futuro Non si
Baserà sul Denaro
More Americans Opting Out of
Banking System
Español |
Porqué es Vital Cambiar del
Paradigma Económico que Rige el Mundo a un Paradigma
The Economy of the Future Won't Rely on Money
The Post-Capitalist Society is
Already Emerging in Denmark
Transforming Banking for the Poor - Q&A with Jonathan
Why is George Soros Selling Gold
and Buying Farmland?
WikiLeaks Bypasses Financial
Blockade With Bitcoin
Earth and Food - Tierra y Comida |
Español |
- ¿Agricultura
Industrial para Alimentar al Mundo?
Español |
Algunas Plantas que nos Ayudan a
Controlar Plagas de forma Ecológica
Español |
AquaWeb - Nuevo Sistema para
Captar y Gestionar el Agua inspirado en Abejas, Arañas,
Hongos y Plantas
Architecture of the Wood-Wide Web
- Rhizopogon spp. Genets link Multiple Douglas-fir
Are Edible Organic Gardens the Key
to Food Sustainability?
- Victory Gardens to Save Us from GMO
Español |
- 'Baterías
Tesla' y 'Energía Eólica' para la Primera Granja
Hidropónica Autosuficiente del Mundo en Australia
Bhutan to Be First Country to Go 100% Organic
Bhutan - Transforming an Entire
Nation to 100% Organic - A Possible Scenario or an
Butterflies and Plants - A Study
in Coevolution
Can Russia's Garden Plot Model
Feed the World, Organically?
Español |
China anuncia que Cubrirá de
Bosques casi Un Cuarto del País para 2020
Climate and Agricultural News
Español |
Comienze Una Granja en La Ciudad
Español |
Cómo Cultivar más de 2700 Kg. de
Alimentos en 400 m² |
Español |
Cómo hacer un Invernadero Paso a
Paso |
Español |
Cómo Transformar Trozos
de sus Vegetales Nuevamente en Verduras |
Consciousness and
- Main File |
Español |
Cuatro Súper Alimentos Ancestrales
y Sus Beneficios
Ecuador Sets Tree Planting World
Record in One Day with 647,250 Trees Planted
Español |
El Ganadero Desobediente - Agua de
Mar y MMS
Español |
El Gran Avance Agrícola de China -
Menos Fertilizantes, Mayor Rendimiento de Cultivos y más
Español |
El Invernadero del Futuro - Tu Propia
Comida para Todo el Año
Español |
El Proyecto de los Mil Millones de Árboles
en Pakistán es un Éxito
Español |
Cartelera en Perú Absorbe Agua del Aire para Cultivar Hortalizas
Farmer Converts 40,000 Acres into Largest
Organic Farm in Canada
Food and Permaculture
Food Security and Biodiversity -
Can We Have Both?
- An Agroecological Analysis
Food Waste - The Next Food
- Regrowing in Size
Former WW-II Bomb Shelter Now
World's First Underground Farm
Four Ancient Superfoods and Their
Timeless Benefits
Four Best Methods for Off-the-Grid
Food Production
Four Ways to Creatively Grow Your
Own Fruits and Vegetables Using Principles of
Garden as If Your Life Depended on
It, Because It Does
Geodesic Aquaponics Greenhouse
Network - Providing the Basic
Necessities of Life
Food Waste - Half of the World's Food Is Thrown Away
Green is Gold - The Strategy and
Actions to China's Ecological Civilization
Grow Food, Not Lawns - Future
Growing Your Own Food is a Must
for Our Future
Grow Your Own Spirulina
How to Make Your Own Vegetable
Garden Box
How to Start Practicing Permaculture Right Now
How to Turn your
Vegetable Scraps into Vegetables Again
Hugelkultur - Natural Permaculture Gardening
Italiano |
Il Grande Progresso Agricolo della
Cina - Meno Fertilizzanti, Maggior Rendimento delle
Coltivazioni e più...
Urban Beekeeping Better Than Rural?
Español |
La Reforestación en China está
fomentando la Vuelta de Animales Exóticos
Chinese land Carbon sink estimated from Atmospheric Carbon
Dioxide Data
Italiano |
La Russia Rimpiazza gli 'Alimenti
Frankenstein' dell'Occidente
Español |
Las Gallinas Sustituyen a los
Pesticidas en el Campo Francés
Español |
Las Ciudades deben Pensar en los
Árboles como una Infraestructura de Salud Pública
Points for Improving Global Food Security
and The Environment
Mapping Tree Density at a Global Scale
Italiano |
Monta la tua Serra Economica Passo
dopo Passo
Español |
Monta tu propio Invernadero Casero
barato Paso a Paso
Networks of Power and Influence -
The Role of Mycorrhizal Mycelium in Controlling Plant
New Automation
Technologies are Revolutionizing Farming
New Study Shows How Existing
Crop-Land Could Feed Billions More
Español |
Nueva tecnología 'Agua en Polvo' para Combatir las Sequías
Organic Gardening for Beginners
Organic Farming CAN Feed The World
- Don't Believe 'The Incapability of Producing Enough
Food for...
Organic Rice Farmer in India Yields Over 22 Tons of Crop
on Only Two Acres - Proving
The Fraud of...
Español |
Permacultura - Proceso de Diseño
Holístico Para Crear Hábitats Humanos Sostenibles
- Pueblos en...
Pioneering Grandma
Building Tiny Sustainable Homes Out of Hemp
Plants 'Talk' to Each Other Using Nanoscale Sound Waves
to Help Them Grow - Study
Italiano |
Quattro Super Alimenti Ancestrali
ed I Loro Benefici
Quietly U.S. Cities Spend your
Money Preparing for Climate Change
Español |
Rusia Reemplaza a los 'Alimentos
Frankenstein' de Occidente
Español |
Sahara Forest - O cómo Producir
130.000 Kg. Anuales de Alimentos de Forma Sostenible en
el Desierto
Español |
- Alimento No Perecedero en Caso de Crisis Alimentaria
Seven Things to Know About The
Freeze-Dried Food Craze
- Not Just For Survivalists?
Six Steps to Create Your Own
Organic Permaculture Garden
Small Farms May Be Better for Food
Security and Biodiversity
Space Farming - The Final Frontier
Start a Farm in The City
The Astonishing Success of Fleet
Farming - Breaking New Ground in the "Food Not Lawns"
The Cutting Edge Method for
Producing Food just Might Be the Old Method for
Producing Food
The Health of Trees and The Natural World is Closely
Linked to Our Own State of Health
The Post-GMO Economy
- One Mainstream Farmer is Returning to Conventional
Seed - and He's Not Alone
The Relationship Between Trees and
Human Health
The Russians Prove Small Scale
Organic CAN Feed The World
The Surprising Healing
Qualities... of Dirt
The Whispering World of Plants -
"The Wood Wide Web"
The World's Largest Vertical Farm
will Produce 2 Million Pounds of Produce
This Billboard in Peru Sucks Water
Out of the Air to Grow Vegetables
This Street Grows its Own
Food for the Entire Neighborhood
Three Friends Built a Greenhouse
on a Roof and Got 625 Tons of Produce
Town in England Transforms
Landscape into Giant Food-Producing Edible Garden
Tree and Human Health May Be
Español |
Tres Amigos Construyeron un
Invernadero en una Azotea y Obtuvieron 625 Toneladas de
Español |
Vivienda Ecologica, Vivienda Libre
Watercress - A Garnishing Green
That Provides Bountiful Health Benefits
We Don't Need Genetically
Engineered Food, Just Biodiverse Farms
- Don't Buy The False Promise of...
We Have Enough Land to Feed our
Growing Population - We Just Have to Use it Right - Study Finds
Why You Should Plant More Trees -
Research Shows Trees Grow Happier People
Wild Mammals are making a Comeback in Europe thanks to
Conservation Efforts
With huge new Vertical Farm
Plenty's Produce could hit more Shelves
Your Guide to Eating Alkaline
- What Are The Top Alkaline-Forming Foods?
Fungi - Hongos: |
Are Fungi The Earth's Natural
Edible Mushrooms - Nature's Most
Researched Anti-Cancer Agent
Español |
El Reino de Los Hongos
- Los Hongos No Son ni Plantas ni Animales
Mycelium Running - How Mushrooms
Can Help Save the World - Book Review
Kingdom of Fungi - Mushrooms Are Neither Plants Nor
Multimedia: |
Inhabit - A Permaculture
Perspective |
Español |
La Historia del Suelo |
Italiano |
La Storia del Suolo |
The Rise of Vertical Farming |
The Soil Story |
Housing - Vivienda |
Affordable and Earth-Friendly
Alternatives to Living in a Traditional House
Español |
Alternativas Asequibles y
Ecológicas para Vivir en una Casa Tradicional
America's Eco-Cities - Sustainable
Prisons of The Future
Español |
Artisanópolis - La Polinesia Francesa Albergará en 2020 la
Primera Ciudad Flotante Sostenible del Mundo
Buildings Made from Fungi? - Meet
London’s pop-up Bio-Lab Innovators
Español |
Casa del Futuro - Piramidal,
Antisísmica, Eficiente y Autosuficiente gracias a las
Energías Renovables
Español |
China creará una Impresionante
Ciudad-Bosque para Combatir la Contaminación
City 2.0 Already Obsolete - City
3.0 Already Up and Running
Español |
Ciudades Privadas - "La Prioridad
no es la Necesidad de los Ciudadanos"
Collapsing Cities
- The First Wave of World's Collapsing Cities
Español |
Cómo Construir de forma Sostenible
con Superadobe
Earthships Provide Path to Future
Self-Sustaining Homes
Español |
- ¿Edificios
hechos de Hongos? - Conozca a los Innovadores del Bio-Laboratorio
surgido en Londres
Español |
Dinamarca inaugura la Primera Casa
Biológica del Mundo
Dystopia or Utopia - Google's City
of the Future in Toronto
Español |
- ¿Es
la Arquitectura Modular el Futuro de la Arquitectura
Español |
Esta Casa Australiana
Autosuficiente Cosecha sus Propios Alimentos, Energía y
Five Ways Buildings of the Future
will use Biotech to become Living Things
Floating Cities - The Future or a
Washed-up Idea?
Handbook for Building Homes
of Earth
could Change the Way we Build Everything
How to Build With Cob
How will We Live in the
Year 2065? - Cities, Cyborgs and Social Science
Español |
Ingeniero brasileño Diseña la
Primera Teja Hidropónica del Mundo
Español |
La Cina creerà una Impressionante Città-Bosco per Combattere
la Contaminazione
Español |
La NASA busca Construir 'Casas a
base de Hongos' que se mantienen "Vivos" y se Regeneran
si se daña...
Español |
La Pequeña Casa Prefabricada
argentina diseñada para ser "Indestructible"
Español |
La Pequeña Casa Prefabricada de
Elon Musk es una casita Boxabl
Italiano |
La Piccola Casa Prefabbricata
argentina disegnata per essere "Indistruttibile"
Español |
La Propiedad Privada y Las Mafias
de La Privatización ante El Cambio de Ciclo y El Nuevo
Italiano |
La Proprietà Privata e Le Mafie
della Privatizzazione di fronte al Cambiamento del Ciclo
e il Nuovo Para...
Español |
Las Casas Bajo Tierra más
Impresionantes del Mundo
Español |
Las Ciudades Internas del Futuro
Living Close to Trees Comes with a
Number of Health Benefits
Español |
Planes de la Élite Global para Buscar Refugio
Español |
Manual de Bio-Construcción a Base
de Costales de Tierra y Pacas de Paja
Español |
Muchas Razones Para Considerar Una
Vida Independiente Fuera-de-la-Red
Español |
Mujer de 88 Años Vive Fuera del
Sistema de Forma Autosuficiente desde 1960
Español |
NexusHaus - Casa que Genera su
Propia Energía y Reutiliza el Agua para Producir
Español |
OAS1S "TreeScrapers" -
Arquitectura Futurista Inspirada en los Árboles
Peter Thiel Bankrolls Floating
Startup Nation in South Pacific
Español |
Pozos Canadienses - Tecnología
Natural de Bajo Coste para Climatizar tu Casa Ahorrando
Español |
Sistema de Refrigeración Pasiva
sin Electricidad - Con Materiales de Bajo Coste, capaz
de Enfriar nuestras...
Español |
Tejas Solares Fotovoltaicas - El
Futuro de la Energía Solar en Viviendas
The Case for Young People and
- A Path to a Healthy, Natural, Prosperous Future
The Magical Hobbit-Like Eco Cave
The Many Reasons to Consider
Off-The-Grid Independent Living
The Really Creepy People Behind
the Libertarian-Inspired Billionaire Sea Castles
The Technologies Building the
Smart Cities of the Future
The World's First Floating Nation
to Launch in Pacific Ocean in 2022 - With Own Government
and Crypto...
This House Was 3D-Printed in Under
24 Hours at a Cost of Just $10,000
Español |
Una Cabaña de Campo en Forma de
Arco por Menos de 1.000 $
Español |
Una Ciudad Flotante de 10.000
Habitantes anticipa el Futuro Urbano
Italiano |
Una Donna di 88 Anni Vive fuori del Sistema in modo
Autosufficiente dal 1960
- "Unavoidable"
Dystopian Future for World's Biggest Cities
- Pentagon Video Warns
Fake Islands Might Be a Real Boon for Science
Politics - Política |
Español |
Algunos Hechos Chocantes Sobre la
Sociedad, que Absurdamente Aceptamos como Normales
Español |
Así se Prepara el 1% para el 'Apocalipsis'
Boomers, Gen 'X', Gen 'Y' and Gen
'Z' Explained
Español |
De Cómo la Generación del
Milenio se Desenamoró de Sus Posesiones
Direct Democracy is the Future of
Human Governance |
Like The Government? Make Your Own, on International
Español |
El Futuro de la Tecnología - ¿Sólo
los Más Ricos Sobrevivirán y Trascenderán la Condición
Español |
El Líder del Futuro será una Persona muy Diferente al del
Español |
Estados Unidos - La Rebelión de la
"Generación Y (millennials)" y la "Generación Z
Evo Morales - An Indian Out of
How Millennials Fell Out
of Love with Their Possessions
Is Holacracy the New "Operating
System" of Conscious Capitalism?
Español |
La Alternativa a la Economía
Capitalista - Christian Felber
Español |
La Ley del Almirantazgo y
la Esclavitud a Través del Lenguaje
Español |
La Mecánica de Una Sociedad Libre
Español |
La Revolución Femenina
Italiano |
La Strategia della Resilienza -
Soluzione o Legittimazione del Nuovo Apartheid
Español |
Menos de la Mitad de los 'Milenials'
apoyan la Democracia - Dice un Estudio de la Universidad
de Cambridge
Millennials are Homesteading,
Buying Affordable Homes and Building Community
Español |
Nueva Tendencia en China
- Millennials que se Van a las Montañas a Vivir como
Protest has helped Define the
First Two Decades of the 21st Century - Here's what's
Self-Sufficiency - A Universal
Solution to The Globalist Problem - The Globalists' Worst
Español |
Sí Es Posible Otro Mundo
- Con Formas Diferentes de Gobernar y Ser Gobernados -
CRÓNICA Desde...
Shocking Facts About Society that We Absurdly Accept as
The Benefits of an Inefficient
The Biggest Lie 'Tech People' tell
Themselves - And the Rest of Us...
The Venus Project and the New World Order - A Critical
The World's Tiniest Countries and
the Eccentrics Who Rule Them
Español |
Un Partido Mundial |
Possible Future
Earth' Maps |
Amasia, 'Pangaea Proxima' - Next
Supercontinent will appear and form One Continent on our
Atlas of Earth History
- by Christopher R. Scotese
Español |
La Carta del Mundo Libre
Español |
Los Cambios Terrestres del 2012
Hasta el 2016 Están Acercándose Rápidamente
Possible Maps of The Future
Español |
Posibles Mapas Continentales Posteriores a La 'Transición'
Possible 'Post-Transition' Continental Maps
The Earth Changes of 2012 Through
2016 Are Fast Approaching
- Agua |
Advance Water Storage - The Facts
Español |
de Mar - Un Plasma Marino al Alcance de Todos
Español |
Agua Limpia para El Mundo - Un
Simple Horno Solar hace Potable el Agua Salada
Español |
AquaWeb - Nuevo Sistema para
Captar y Gestionar el Agua inspirado en Abejas, Arañas,
Hongos y Plantas
Español |
Biodisponibilidad de los Elementos y Agua de Mar - Sal de Mar
vs. Agua de Mar
Bolivia to Expel Coca-Cola in Wake
of 2012 Mayan 'Apocalypse'
- 'End of Capitalism'
Can Ocean Farms Actually Be More
Sustainable Than Even The Most Environmentally Sensitive...
Clean Water for The World - Simple
Solar Oven Makes Salt Water Drinkable
Español |
Generador Portátil de Aire a Agua
- Hasta 20 litros al día de Agua Potable en cualquier
momento y lugar
Graphene May Be the Key to
Drinkable Ocean Water
Español |
HELIO - Agua Potable en Cualquier
parte del Mundo y a un Coste Mínimo
HELIO - When the Sun creates Water...
Español |
La "Bomba de Agua Barsha" es capaz
de Bombear 45.000 litros de Agua al Día sin Combustible
Español |
Los Minerales en El Agua de Mar y La Próxima Revolución
Español |
Microcentral Eléctrica que se
Monta Fácilmente en cualquier Río - Para Casas...
Español |
Mini Hidroeléctrica con el Tanque de Agua de Tu Casa
Tree' Substance Produces Clean Drinking Water
Inexpensively and Sustainably
Español |
Plasma Marino Programado - Ibiza y
Formentera Agua de Mar
Scientists Develop 'Nanopores'
that Inexpensively Filter the Salt out of Seawater
Seasteading - A Practical Guide to
Homesteading The High Seas
Seawater Minerals and The Coming
Agricultural Revolution
Some Tips to Help You Get Started
with Aquaponics
The Imploder - Water Energizer
Sieving of Ions using Graphene Oxide Membranes
Español |
Una Máquina Israelita produce 900
Litros Diarios de Agua a partir del Aire
Desalination with a Single-Layer MoS² Nanopore
Español |
WaterSeer consigue Agua Potable 24
horas al día con Energía Eólica
Español |
Yakka - El Atrapanieblas capaz de
Capturar 10 Litros de Agua al Día
Books-Treatises |
Español |
Manifiesto para Una Vida Libre de
- por Mark Boyle
Multimedia |
A Farm for The Future
A Glimpse Ahead
Español |
Dulce -
La Tierra Vista Desde El Cielo
A Simpler Way - Crisis as
Battery Powered Homes
Beyond 2012 - Evolving Perspectives on The Next Age
Dirt! The Movie
Earthships -
Self-Sustaining Homes
Future by Design
- The Venus Project
Garbage Warrior
Homegrown Revolution - The Urban
- The Dervaes Family
How The Elite Stay In Power
How to Neutralize Radiation and
Chemtrails from The Sky, Your Garden, and Your Body
- Ken Rohla
Grave Danger of Falling Food - Bill
Mollison and Permaculture
Libertopia - A Documentary About
Finding Freedom
Español |
Los Nuevos Experimentos en
- Sugata Mitra
Español |
Mañana - Un Film de Mélanie
Laurent y Cyril Dion
Paradise or Oblivion
Español |
Peligro de Escasez de Comida
- Bill
Mollison y La Permacultura
Español |
Peligro Urbano - Salgan de Las
Permaculture Principles at Work
Political Risk
- Casey Research on "Going Global"
Six Ways Mushrooms Can Save The
World - Paul Stamets
Strategic Relocation
- The Film
The 3 Minute Video that Explains
why 100 Years Ago People were Eating Food Most of Us
will Never Taste
The Child-Driven Education
- Sugata Mitra
The Future of Food and Seed
- Vandana Shiva
The Imploder Videos
- The Imploder - Water Energizer
The Indoor Generation
Tomorrow - A Film by Mélanie
Laurent and Cyril Dion
Urban Danger - Leave The Cities
Voyage to The Edge of Space - Your View of the World is
About to Change
What Plants Talk About
- Documentary
Related Reports |
A Healthy
Way to Food
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Cannabinoids - The Secret Cure to
Help Heal Many Chronic Diseases
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EndGame - JuegoFinal
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Mushrooms - Fungi
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Genetically Engineered Organisms - Foods and Others
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Global Food Control
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Solar Storms and Earth's Electric
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The Theory of Gaia
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