It’s not as hopeless as you might think – in fact, it might just be perfect.
You are about to read an organized collection of thoughts that you may have
had at various times in your life, but perhaps could never quite fully
integrate. Chances are, you will also find many things in this book that you
have never seen before, and which will utterly dazzle you. Hence, you can
step out of the waiting room, as this next phase of your own personal
initiation has just begun. The scroll that is about to unfold before you
will resonate deep within, triggering ancient memories from before the time
that you were born, giving you the keys to regaining your own freedom in a
world that is increasingly becoming a perceptual prison of fear and anxiety.
We live in an age where tiny snippets of information perpetually rise and
fall in everyone’s life, blowing about with the futility of a rain of
confetti – and without the proper context to put them into a framework of
some kind, they are simply swept away on the winds of tomorrow. And then, if
they are remembered, the specific references are generally sacrificed to
dim, murky hearsay, through toxic words like “They” or “that study” or “I
read,” which then emerge as, “Did you hear about that study where they found
that the light speed barrier was broken? I read about it a while ago.” We
have been conditioned to automatically nod our heads in agreement when the
almighty “They” are invoked. “Oh wow… I didn’t know that they had done
Well, who is “They?” What study? Read it where? This fast-and-loose
information game works temporarily with an open-minded person when hearing
new concepts similar to what we shall be presenting in this book series, but
we must remember that there is a far mightier “They” that has enslaved the
minds of most people – the consensus of mainstream thought. If you are
reading these words slowly enough, then you’ll probably end up thinking
about this concept, and how it has affected you and those around you, for
days. Which is good.
(Sometimes we will still need to use the word “they” to define a certain
subset of people, such as the alternative science community, or a particular
group of non-physical beings once named, or in discussing a particular study
once the names have been given. We will capitalize the word “They” and
surround it with quotation marks when using it in the context we have just
Ultimately, it appears that the subconscious gravitates towards the word
“They” as it is a soft, comfortable substitute for God; deep inside, every
person longs to be connected to the source of their being, and therefore
wishes to have a source of omniscience to draw from that he or she “knows is
right.” However, let us recognize the paradoxical mind-split that this
situation has created, once and for all. We ultimately want to use the word
“They” to invoke God’s presence, but since the Renaissance, science has
boldly attempted to remove God from all “rational thinking” through
Simon de Laplace’s concept of “logical positivism.” This is how “They” of
Science have come to automatically assume that God is irrelevant to the
quest for truth. Scientists believe that this quest for truth is best
accomplished by the collection and synthesis of observable data, nothing
The collection and synthesis of things that we can study and measure is the
scientific process – and there is nothing intrinsically wrong with it.
However, the opinions of mainstream Science are not objective. “Science” is
not a fair game. Untold numbers of data points are rejected by nothing more
than an emotional decision that the data doesn’t “feel” right, with the
belief in an empty, Godless universe as the motivating backdrop. This is
then further bolstered by the heavy opposition of those who have strong
media / political influence and who would stand to lose all of their funding
if their prized theories turned out to be incorrect.
Thus, planets are just
“rocks in the sky” that churn about in a purposeless idiot dance, in a
Universe that is slowly dying away by the “law of entropy,” eventually
collapsing back into the nothingness from which it is believed to have
originated. Perhaps a wandering space rock will happen to veer into Earth’s
gravity and kill us all, since in this Godless universe there is no
“Scientific” reason to assume that we will be protected. To suggest
otherwise is to suddenly discover that you have “stormed the machine-gun
nest” of those who will accuse you being a “ridiculous religious
fundamentalist crackpot” with no respect for Science.
Hence, any invocation of the word “They” is almost entirely pointless when
you’re trying to tell another human being that almost every major aspect of
conventional scientific thought is either flawed or incomplete, from the
tiniest to the most massive levels of size, both organic and “inorganic,”
and that a hidden, grandiose model exists that can integrate everything into
a fantastic spiritual vision heretofore unimagined by most. The “scientific
priesthood” does not want to give up its quasi-Divine claim to the power of
the word “They”, but with the rise of the Internet, many people are
beginning to open their minds and open the books that might have otherwise
just sat on the shelf. So do try to remember the specific names of the
people who made important discoveries, as with that knowledge comes power –
the power to free the human mind from a subtle, unspoken and persistent
Normal, clear, rational thinking is beginning to overtake the infantile
desire to blindly accept what “They” want you to think and believe about
Universe. And generally, when the truth is presented in its purest form, it
is not difficult for a regular person to understand – they simply may never
have thought of it before.
Once we move out of the scientific arena into what Carl Sagan patronizingly
described as “the demon-haunted world,” we enter into a completely different
playing field with new rules. Many of these new rules are issued on-the-fly
by the continual rise and fall of those who claim to be “channeling”
information about how the concept of God integrates with our physical
A surprising number of people will grab onto a certain set of
teachings and will practically fight you to the death if you are not willing
to believe everything that their chosen channel said. Hence, there is a new
crop of folks in town who are embittered by the old atheists, but end up
repeating their same mistakes in the desire to harness the Hammer of the
Gods and wield the almighty power of the word “They.” Everyone seems to want
to be the Messiah these days, and claim an exclusive gateway to the truth
that only “They” can provide.
I do believe that intuition and higher consciousness have a valuable place
in the research process, but to say that you simply “channeled” a major
chunk of new, otherwise unverifiable specific information is, to me, a
distracting shortcut to doing this research “homework.” Specific information
is not the main purpose of channeling, as I understand it. The spiritual
sources I have studied with tell us that all research, all science is
ultimately of small importance, and eventually falls away as we move farther
and farther along on the path to true Oneness.
What does matter the most is the general material that can help us in the
evolution of mind, body and spirit.
I have no objections to the channels who focus on this type of material.
Every person has a unique and precious gift to give in helping all of us
evolve – and you give them a microphone and some freedom from fear, and if
they are honest enough, they can move the entire room to tears. Too often
this only happens at funerals, if a bereaved family member decides to speak.
Perhaps for the first time they are truly feeling the gifts of God that were
reflected through that person, and are more honest about their own feelings
of separation from God than they ever normally allow themselves to be. (Most
people do not realize this as the true source of their pain.)
Actors who can
cry on demand in front of a camera and can bring this same response out of
us are seen to be dazzling. We know when they are faking or not, and often
the movies where it is clearly real will enjoy great success. At the time of
this writing, “Spider Man” is the best-selling movie of all time – and when
his father died and you saw that scared little boy crying close-up, you
either melted into it and totally identified with his character or you had
to force that clamp down on your heart once more and drive away the pain.
The authenticity of Tobey Maguire’s tears made that scene far more than a
typical “Hollywood death” – as suddenly it became our father down there, and
we were the ones longing for his loving presence to return.
Some information can dry our tears, make us feel whole, and renew the sense
that we are One. Most of this philosophical information can never be
“proven” and does not involve specific “facts,” but simply appeals to a
philosophical sense of reason, wisdom and loving-kindness. This type of
material does not require any outside references or validation – it just
speaks to the timeless self within all of us, and thus is definitely not
“scientific.” Specific information can easily draw us away from our own
spiritual path if it invokes fear or does not ultimately relate to our own
evolution as conscious beings who are One. Even if we could prove that we’re
all going to die tomorrow, next week, next month or next year, knowing that
will do nothing to help us grow and evolve today.
And if our body drops,
there it will lie. We will still be ourselves, wondering what just happened
to us as we look down at it, and where to go next. What matters most is love
and wisdom, female and male, meshing together into the Unity of
compassionate wisdom and the sacramental nature of all things. And
ultimately, I must admit that even the concept of a dimensional shift in our
imminent future matters little, as the true work to be done is inside of
A strict reading of “The Law of One” would say that most specific
information is “transient,” meaning that it is of little importance.
However, certain concepts of cosmology and physics were answered in quite
exquisite and revealing detail. So in this case, it appears that we are
being told that it is important for us to remember if the concepts of
“reality” that are automatically believed in the mainstream are really
truthful or not. What do you think about when you see the world around you?
What do you think about when you see the stars? What implicit assumptions
have you consciously made about “physical matter”? Do you think this way
because you automatically believe that “They” are right?
Do you feel you
must fawn at the feet of the scientific priesthood and request oblations
from the TV, magazine, newspaper and Internet because you were “Bad” in math
and science? Might you run to speculative tabloid nonsense because it
doesn’t really challenge you to think? Can you free yourself to embrace
Oneness when the rational mind constantly gets in the way with an atheistic
science as its backdrop? Do you dare to “storm the machine gun nest” of
alleged Fact, knowing that you may incur the disfavor of others in order to
arrive at greater self-integration?
This is where certain forms of specific information become important. We
need some sort of a foundation to work off of if we truly want to make
progress. It is a heck of a lot to ask an uninitiated person to believe that
this current dimensional shift, now nearing completion, is scientifically
“real.” Yet, once we find out that the world around us is truly Divine,
fully interconnected and part of an Ultimate Being that is One, then certain
specific information becomes a shuttle that quickly allows us to merge the
small “I” with the large “I AM” that we are all ultimately a part of. We are
again led to remember who we really are, as the secrets of the Universe
become our teacher. And once we can reflect that realization of oneness with
the Creator to others, we don’t need to tell them anything. They’ll feel it
right away.
So, if higher beings do exist, and if they respect us, then they should be
able to give us a blend of relevant information about the universe that is
both spiritual and physical, forming a bridge between these worlds. If we
are indeed living in a Divine Cosmos, then let’s see it! If there is a
higher order to the events that we are now seeing unfold in the world, then
let’s find it! If these beings’ intelligence is truly higher than our own,
then they should already know the answers to the largest problems that
perplex the scientific community, such as the solution to the “Unified Field
Theory.” Furthermore, in knowing the answers, they should then be able to
see what we are missing and give us a road map to follow for our scientific
research so we can fill in the missing pieces. Figuring out how we prove
these concepts is the truly marvelous game of the scientific researcher on
the endless quest for Truth – and the three “P’s” of
Patience, Persistence
and Psychic Insight are all very helpful, though frequently lacking.
So, as you may be aware, the predominant goal of this entire series of books
is to rebuild a complete, Unified model of a Divine Cosmos that will prove
to the rational mind that the Shift of the Ages is already underway, and
will reach Convergence in the near future. However, this is far from a
situation where we are all magically transformed on the striking of the
clock. There is work to do, and some of it is occurring collectively and
some of it is occurring individually.
By the time you have finished the
series, you will understand exactly what I am about to write:
Energetic conditions are now being created in our
Solar System that
accelerate both physical and conscious processes at the same time. The
physical processes, such as the “Earth changes” that are actually occurring
throughout the entire Solar System, aren’t hard to see. They can easily be
measured with our instruments and studied scientifically. We can and will
nail down the cycles of time that drive these events, and how they work. The
conscious processes that occur in the collective body of human thought can
also be measured with the blunt movements of financial markets between the
extremes of joy and fear, buying and selling – which will prove to be
remarkably in tune with outside astrophysical factors.
We will also see
historical events that repeat themselves in remarkably similar fashions over
certain cycles of time, such as 2160 years. In addition, certain cycles
perfectly connect physical and conscious processes together – such as
finding an outside energetic cause that simultaneously creates massive
earthquakes, explosions of nearby stars, collapsing of bloated empires,
formation of new societies from the ashes, relatively exact increases in the
size of the world’s population by a simple mathematical function, the
development of new calendar systems for measuring time and the arrival of
great spiritual teachers for humanity.
This can be thought of as a spiraling
energetic structure of time that is imploding into a point of “singularity”
in our near future – a point of final spiritual transformation, if you will,
the shedding of the old ways and the adaptation of the New Heaven and
Earth. Better yet, this cycle was found in a very ancient source, more than
three thousand years before the birth of Jesus.
The conscious processes in our own lives are much more subtle, and that is
where we firmly enter the arena of choice.
We can either choose to move
through the often-shattering experiences of love and trust, or shut them
down in fear and hate to avoid any further (apparent) damage. We have every
right to continue to be blind to the suffering of others, and focus only on
our own needs, attempting to manipulate and control others for our own gain.
However, if we make this choice, the energetic conditions that surround us
at this time will make our lives harder and harder and harder. We get to
learn by experience that we will keep getting smacked around until we
surrender to love for others and for ourselves.
Elaborate plans for an
imperial “New World Order” will crumble into dust, the funding for these
initiatives completely evaporated as a byproduct of these changes, as have
all previous empires collapsed as each notch of this “imploding spiral of
time” is reached. At the time of this writing, the next two notches will hit
at 2003 and 2008, as we increasingly implode towards a moment of
singularity. The most difficult aspect of this personal / global growth
process is to be willing to accept what you will “lose” along the way, and
not get upset about it. It feels like a form of spiritually-invoked abuse at
first, but it is the simple byproduct of the law of cause and effect, once
properly understood – and all is happening for a Divine purpose.
As these energetic conditions continue to increase, they will indeed reach a
final “point of no return,” a moment of spontaneous quantum evolution. As I
said, this point ultimately does not matter, even though we do have a
“smoking gun” that can nail it down to within about a two-year window. We
have been told by sources such as The Law of One that if we have not done
the work on ourselves that these current energetic conditions can produce,
we will simply be transported to a new and different Earth to pick up where
we left off once the “shift” happens. If we do choose to shift, and cry, and
grow, and love, we shall live to see the day when every tear that we have
shed is an investment in the new being that we shall metamorphosize into, as
the Earth completes its own conscious evolution.
There are definite
dividends to these investments, as what we will have is a world that will
apparently be 100 times more harmonious than what we are living in now, with
the abilities of the greatest masters at our fingertips. There will still be
plenty of work to do, but we will have crossed a major hurdle and will
actually live in this “dream world.” For now, we can choose today to make
shifts in ourselves that bring Heaven to Earth, and allow us to live in the
glory, grace and trust that has been prepared for us since time immemorial,
on the inevitable spiraling path back into Oneness.
This series could not have been possible without the diligent work of many
thousands of highly intelligent visionary thinkers. They may not be aware of
it, but their waking and dreaming lives are usually being guided by Divine
beings who are completely willing to forego any credit for their subtle
efforts. Hence, these researchers ultimately do speak as the Creator. For
years they have worked in isolation, never able to share the same stage with
others like themselves and come together with a common vision. They are
often genius-level people. Others often steal their ideas without credit.
They are often poor. They may have worked for years on one particular
problem, feeling that the final answer will surely shake the Universe, only
to solve it – and then find out that no one seems to care. Doors have
slammed in their faces.
They have continued their quest for the ultimate
truth of our Being despite formidable odds, lack of proper funding and scorn
from their peers, and thus are unable to get published in “accepted”
journals. They may actually decide to give up eventually if they continue to
be unappreciated, and focus on more profitable endeavors. A great many of
them do have Ph.D. degrees – but the scientific priesthood simply banishes
them as “lost souls” and more heads nod unquestioningly as “They” issue
forth the official decree. Some of these visionaries live in foreign
countries, such as Russia, and their results are thus immediately discarded
as being “unverifiable,” even if they have been duplicated in the West.
These avant-garde thinkers have discovered many pieces of data that are
quite mind-blowing, but which almost never get discussed, even in the “New
Age” movement, usually due to the difficulty of fully understanding the
work. They often do not make the time to read each other’s material, as they
tend to be totally focused on their own projects. They will talk to you for
hours, hardly pausing to breathe, and go way over your head if you let them,
as they are so desperate to have their voices heard. You might see the
simultaneous pain and joy in their eyes when they finally get the chance to
speak – a look that says, “Please don’t walk away.”
They may have hair loss
from many sleepless nights of furious concentration. They may have enormous
social ineptitudes and awkward, nervous, eccentric behaviors, being much
more comfortable with work than with people. They may have bad breath from
being so in their minds that they fail to drink enough water to support the
physical body. Their clothes may have been out of style for years. They
often develop elaborate personal systems of jargon in order to explain the
breakthrough concepts that they have discovered, which can be very confusing
to a newcomer. You may often need to read through their papers knowing that
you can only expect to understand 60 percent of it, at best, while digging
for the “meat” of their findings. I love and respect these people, and have
been blessed to meet many of them in person, triggering waves of scientific
and spiritual ecstasy in their minds as I demonstrate how their prized
concepts fit into a wider overall model of a Divine Cosmos, and thus
removing their feelings of aloneness. Everyone who has inspired a concept
gets full credit in this series.
With a few exceptions, such as this book series, no one seems to have been
willing enough to try to unify their concepts into a single overall model.
It can be a huge burden to go through stacks and stacks of books and website
printouts. Most channelers don’t bother to read these materials, as they may
tell you that they were “never any good at math or science.” Some people
have thrown this book down – right in front of me – as soon as they see
pictures of geometric objects inside, for that very reason. Anything that
looks like “work” is often avoided. Furthermore, I believe that many people
have never even imagined that these types of concepts could actually be
explored with the scientific process.
Nevertheless, consider the following
quote from the most well-documented “channeler” of all time,
Edgar Cayce:
When there is the same interest or study given to things or phases of mental
and spiritual phenomena as has been and is given to the materialized or
material phenomena, then it will become just as practical, as measurable, as
meter-able as any other phase of human experience. [2012-1, yr. 1939]
That’s it right there. It is interesting that this reading was the first to
be performed for client number 2012, as many people are already aware that
the year 2012 is one of special importance in this dimensional shift process
that is now underway, since it represents the ending date of a unique system
for counting time devised by the ancient Mayans of Mesoamerica and the
Yucatan. The Mayas equate the ending of their own time system with the
arrival of a Golden Age for humanity, a time of dramatic spiritual renewal.
So, there is a subtle suggestion in the above Cayce reading that if we make
a scientific study of the information surrounding the “phase of spiritual
phenomena” that is the alleged dimensional shift in 2012, we very well may
be able to establish a good case.
I receive two or three emails a month from people who tell me that they
would have written this book series themselves, but they didn’t have enough
of the specific data to do it. However, specific data is exactly what we
need if we really want to enact social changes by convincing the rational
mind that this is a genuine phenomenon that is occurring.
Furthermore, we
also run into the problem that the first “entrance requirement” of this text
is simply having a large enough imagination to take in the concepts
intellectually, emotionally and spiritually, whether or not you actually
even agree with them. Some people physically cannot make “room” for this
data in their minds to even decide whether they agree with it or not.
I am often told that the books are ‘hard to read.’ There is nothing in these
books that is intrinsically difficult to understand for a person with a
basic education, but if the person has a closed mind, the skeptical
rationalizations and head-in-the-sand ostrich behavior might get so vast and
labyrinthine that the book must be tossed aside to again regain the comfort
of the status quo, so “They” can grab you by the skin on the back of your
neck and “rescue” you once you have dared to wander from the box.
So, I am one who likes to gather up this rain of information “confetti” with
big bags, and then lovingly examine each square over years and years of
time, memorizing and documenting all the specific references, seeing how
they fit together into a beautiful mosaic and knowing that eventually the
information will be assimilated into coherent, digestible new thoughts. Thanks to the Internet, the walls are finally coming down, with an infinity
of available research to be conducted – but only a finite number of relevant
topics, with a finite number of linked pages that can be printed, bound,
studied and underlined. Since I became completely self-employed as an
intuitive counselor in 1998, I have made it my full-time job to literally
search “the ends of the earth” and turn over as many of these stones as I
possibly can.
The stack of Internet-printed research books that have gone into the
Convergence series is now about four or five feet tall – and you will not
have to repeat these steps yourself, as herein you will find the distilled
end-product of these labors, an entirely new view of the Cosmos that may
well “hurt your brain” as you try to assimilate all the new – and deeply
truthful – concepts.
However, if you can just take your time the second time
through (most blast through it the first time like weary, makeup-clad
trick-or-treaters with a big bag of Halloween candy,) you should be able to
fundamentally reconstruct a whole new vision of reality for yourself that is
in harmony with “true reality,” not the illusion of the mainstream
consensus. I hope you like the way that I have sculpted these facts together
for you. The “they” I work with seem to think I’ve done a good job. So do I.
And when “They” becomes “I”, then outside opinions no longer matter, do
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