How are you?

Look around. Look at the people in your life. Look at the changes in yourself. It is not the same world as it was just a few years, few months, even a few weeks ago. Everything seems to be going so fast that it is hard to keep up with it. Something is definitely going on in the world, something mysterious and inexplicable. You might even be scared to death about it. You see the weather disasters, ecological destruction, the violence in society, the ridiculousness of the media. You also are aware of more than a few convincing prophets who have spelled certain doom for this period, and continue to do so. If not the y2k, then it was May 5, 2000. And when the huge catastrophes don't come to pass in one sudden moment, they simply push them further ahead. The more lip service you pay to them, the more hopeless you feel, since there is no pot of gold at the end of their "rainbow." So, in order to maintain your sanity, you naturally discredit and ignore what is being said, continuing to plan for the future as if nothing is going to happen. It's really the only way to function in daily life.

So here we are at the dawn of the new millennium. Big deal. The y2k "computer crash" came and went, with a "whole lot of nothing" to show for it. Why all the attention, we ask? Did we all fall for it? Yep, we did, at least on some level. We all know that the Earth has now revolved around the Sun more than 2000 times since the year that we declared as the birth of Christ. Prior to the y2k rollover itself, we couldn't help but think that the world might very well have taken a crash course in a technology and electricity-free, pioneering lifestyle, for an unknown length of time. It was a HUGE heads-up for humanity, a wake-up call that forced us to ask some very serious questions. We all had to look directly at the possible future ahead of us, and think about what life would be like without all the creature comforts that society has afforded us. We also realized that our ecosystem is very delicate, and without some serious changes, there will be further problems to contend with. We cannot go on destroying ourselves and our planet forever.

So was it all doom and gloom? Do we still believe every computer guru, stock trader, metaphysician or prophet who comes along and tells us, "Well, this is it?" And now that y2k is history, do we simply relax and think that "business as usual" will now continue on indefinitely? Or could there be another side to the story as well?

All of us need to be very honest with ourselves about what is already happening right now. The UFO sightings are now on an all-time high level of intensity, never before seen in recorded history. All over the world, economies are collapsing from within, with the US barely holding its ground as the last bastion of "economic growth and well-being." At the time of this rewrite, April 2000, the stock market has been showing unbelievable instability with the breakup of Microsoft in the works. On April 4, 2000, the NASDAQ index lost 11 percent of its entire worth in a single morning, only to be bought back by the Federal Reserve, ostensibly, to keep the economy from collapsing. Then, the next day the London markets shut down completely, theoretically due to a computer glitch but more realistically in an outrageous attempt to check further losses. And on the weekend when this book was finished, the market as of April 15 had experienced its single greatest crash since 1987. These types of economic contortions have been serious enough that even the major brokerage houses have been closing down due to the extreme volatility of the markets and their complete inability to make sense out of it.

And in a relatively similar fashion, the weather is behaving in extremely erratic ways that obey the prophecies while stumping any rational explanations. At the time of this rewrite, the two volcanoes in Edgar Cayce's well known earth-change formula, Etna and Montserrat, right near Vesuvius, are erupting. As of early April 2000, Antarctica lost two more icebergs of simply colossal size, threatening shipping in that area. All over the world, the environment is collapsing at a very real and very horrifying rate, and you don't have to be a "tree-hugger" to see it. There is an endless stream of information every week in the world media that points towards the reality of these circumstances.

Indeed, if we are able to step away from our own denial and look at things from the perspective of clean, unfiltered truth, it isn't hard to see that we are on the verge of permanently destroying ourselves and our planet. Everyone knows this on some level, some more consciously than others. The y2k period made humanity much more aware of this, because even if we didn't believe anything would happen, the idea of a social collapse was still being discussed on a worldwide level. The truth of the degree of problems that exist is much too hard for most of us to accept, because of the feeling of utter futility that it naturally creates. Species are going extinct at a rate that is faster than we can measure. The oceans are heating so rapidly that huge pieces of Antarctica are continuing to drop off into the ocean. The ozone layer is being destroyed, the oil is being pumped out of Mother Earth until none remains, and it doesn't seem as though any one person or group of people could do anything to stop these things from occurring.


Our society has grown essentially out of control, tearing down trees for development all over the world at a rate that is much faster than they can be replaced. And therefore, once stripped of all barriers and boundaries of denial and ignorance, our collective Ego mind must conclude that it is faced with the scientific fact of its own imminent destruction; if not in our generation, then certainly in future generations, unless something very drastic is done to stop it. Whether any of these systems would change from within, regardless of external threats, is certainly a question of serious debate. And even if we did collapse the industrial economy as it now stands, could we really change the weather patterns that are already in place?

But what about our collective subconscious? Even though you will never see this in the mainstream media, it is not difficult to observe that a massive movement is occurring within the populace at large; a movement towards the "basic Christ principles" of love and acceptance for self and for others. Faced with the impossible task of changing the world, we must turn within and seek to find the ways we can change ourselves. Massive metaphors play themselves out in the public consciousness that lead to our own personal realizations of wrongdoing. The impeachment trials of President Clinton in 1998, for example, served as a metaphor for each individual, leading them to a profound inner question:

What if that was me up there in the Presidency? How would my own life look if every possible secret and embarrassing detail of my life was revealed, literally, to the entire world? Would I also be deemed unfit to be President and threatened with impeachment?

The questions that all of us are asking ourselves these days are very deep, very profound and very meaningful. Without a full awareness of what we are heading into, we might not realize how important these questions really are. That is where this book, and the information contained within it, comes into play.

At first glance, this book appears to simply contain a scientific thesis, describing a new and comprehensive, harmonic model of the Big Universe Out There. But the question it proposes is very spiritual, very real, very important. Are we all "getting the message?" Are we all trying to align with what we understand the nebulous term of "spirituality" to mean? Or, are we continuing to protect and preserve our own self-interests at the expense of others?

When we really look at the problems that we are encountering as a human entity, is it not difficult to see the truth? Can we not see that the entire gamut of problems we now face are inherently caused by our own self-serving actions? Our companies continue to measure their success solely on the basis of how much profit they produce. If the company makes money, then the company is a success. If the company goes broke, the company is no good. The more money the company makes, the more of a success it is. This can apply equally well to our own self-conceptions. The materialism of our society, "programmed" into us day after day from a dancing colored box, teaches us to think the same way. Any of us with this "programming," when we rise to levels where we can actually have access to such wealth, must fight a very natural predisposition to hoard it, to treasure it, to want it all for ourselves and to never, never, never be happy unless we have more, more, more. And even once we have more, we still feel empty. Something, somewhere, somehow is still missing -- even if we have the white picket fence, two point-five children, beautiful spouse and great job. Many of our lives just seem to be empty, and the former definitions of success in our society no longer seem to hold weight.

Along these same lines, our spiritual institutions are changing dramatically. Rigid dogmas have given way to a new set of questions, where many of us no longer feel that we have a clear or organized idea of what, or who, God really is. Much to the chagrin of avid church supporters and Fundamentalists, Christianity is like a withering fruit, clinging to the dying vine of its past and fearing the inevitable plummet to the Earth. This collapse of religion is being openly acknowledged more so in England than in America, where the organized churches are at such desperate points that they are telling their remaining congregations that they will either have to raise a certain amount of money or start firing vicars, closing churches and even consolidating different denominations together in order to survive!

As numerous surveys report that well over 50 percent of all Americans are actively involved in New Age studies, including chakras, crystals, colors and channeling, it is not hard to see that religion is no longer answering our own "big questions." And now, with the presence of extraterrestrials as an increasingly real proposition, we can no longer be content with the old answers. Something real is going on, and those who refuse to acknowledge that fact are looking more and more ridiculous with each new television special, movie, filmstrip, photograph, mass sighting and ex-government "whistle-blower" that comes forward.

So most of us can now safely say that "we are not alone," since it is virtually impossible that every single report and sighting is a figment of the imagination. But where does God fit in to all of this? Most professional UFOlogists are disgusted by the slightest mention of a spiritual meaning to the UFO phenomenon, and anyone trying to assert such a connection is shunned. When asked why 'they' are here, all too often we hear fear-based statements about how some form of looming invasion could be in the works, or that they are simply studying us to see what we are going to do in these troubled times, or even more nefarious hypotheses about how they are simply using us for "parts." Few UFOlogists want to humble themselves enough to admit that 'they' just might be here to help us. God might very well have a lot of help, and once help has arrived, do we choose to accept it or continue to ignore its essential mission and purpose?

And so, regardless of where we look for it, if we have not made a place for God and / or God's helpers in our lives, then indeed there must not appear to be any hope for getting through the future unscathed. As the corporations continue to rake in the dough, the Earth inexorably moves towards death and sterility. Without the notion and presence of God's forces as a tangible, real thing, there literally could seem to be no hope. No one can honestly accept that our social structures will change quick enough to avert catastrophe on their own, after reading a healthy dose of articles describing the incredible acceleration of Earth Changes that we are witnessing. We have made our bed, and now we have to lie in it. To many of us, a fat wallet provides a high that leads to myopic blindness, and we will simply refuse to change until it is already far, far too late.

But getting back to our discussion involving the extraterrestrials, what if everything that we are discussing is going exactly the way that it is supposed to happen? Should we have the audacity to be fearful when such miraculous visitations are showing up all around us? Can we honestly think that we understand the Universe when everything we see is telling us that the dreams might be even more real than the reality? Will we also one day have anti-gravity propulsion, limitless free energy sources, super-light-speed travel and cooperation with a whole galaxy worth of intelligent beings? With the technology that our visitors display and the messages that they seem to be giving us in greater and greater numbers, in our dreams and through dedicated channels including the author of this book, can we deny that 'they' are here on a spiritual mission, supervising an imminent renaissance and rebirth of the human spirit? Could we just possibly be on time, going through a process already well scripted and rehearsed throughout the entire universe? And is time truly nothing more than a straight-line path, or are we indeed subject to other, more mysterious cycles of human civilization, based upon a hidden harmonic structure in the Universe?

Our media seems to have a complete blindness to the amazing spiritual events that are occurring in many of our lives, as well as the unbelievably bizarre collapses and physical / emotional catastrophes that are occurring in the lives of individuals all around us. If we sit down and think about it from an expansive spiritual perspective, it would seem that the "law of Karma" is indeed real. Our thoughts create our experiences, and we attract exactly what we have asked for. If we live in fear, then fearful events happen to us. If we live in trust, then somehow everything always works out. And now more than ever, anything in our lives that holds us back from making positive and loving choices is being burned off. We can look at those around us who seem to be the most deeply lost in self and see the personal apocalypse already occurring. The events on the planet seem to be no different.

As we unquestionably move closer and closer to some sort of event of major proportions, or what the Ancients referred to as the Shift of the Ages, do we really know what we are moving towards? Indeed, why is it that the entire "outside world" of extraterrestrial intelligence seems to be doing everything within their power to alert us of their presence now? Have we ever before had so much convincing evidence that there were previous advanced civilizations on Earth, and that they may well have been in contact with these same extraterrestrials before? Why is it that almost every person knows deep down inside that our own military / corporate / government / media hierarchy is practically bashing us over the head with the reality of extraterrestrial life, just so that they don't have to "officially" declare it? Why do we all keep waiting for "them" to release the secrets, when we already know the truth but just don't want to make that dizzying step of really, really believing it? And with incredibly accurate psychics in history such as Edgar Cayce, can we really deny that precise telepathic communication with this higher intelligence is possible?

Why do so many of us feel that something wonderful is about to happen? Are we expecting the truth of open contact with these extraterrestrials, of becoming a member of an interplanetary conclave of intelligent life? Are we paying attention to the fact that the more we try to "do good," the more our lives seem to flow in unpredictable and beautiful ways, answering all of our prayers? Do we notice the presence of synchronicity in our lives, how so many strange things seem to be happening that suggest that a higher spiritual force is at work, that we just happen to be at the right place at the right time?

Why are there increasing numbers of people out there, such as the author of this book, who are clearly able to contact these higher intelligences, and repeatedly produce results including accurate future prophecies that would be otherwise impossible to attain? Why are our dreams so filled with wonder that we awaken with awe and reverence, longing to return to wherever we had just been? Why, indeed, do we "just trust" that even in the midst of all the seemingly depressing and terrifying collapse occurring all around us that there is also new life, new wonder, new beauty and love? Why do we somehow know that we are, indeed, about to experience something so fantastic as to be the Single Greatest Moment of All Time?

In our minds, in our hearts and in our souls, often beneath our direct conscious awareness, we know: we remember: we understand. We are all aware, in some inconceivably vast way, that a fantastic event is about to occur on Earth. The Christians would have it as the Second Coming. The UFO buffs would have it as either the "big government disclosure," the "landing on the White House lawn" or both, as one may well trigger the other. The doomsayers might choose to see that we are about to be vomited off the surface of the earth by volcanoes, hurricanes and tidal waves in an epic pole shift, asteroid collision or coronal mass ejection from the Sun, and insist that "it's all over." Others of us are much less certain about what it is, and therefore we can continue to keep it at arm's length and try to go on like nothing is going to happen.

Indeed, we might never truly understand this event, or even believe that something is really going to change, until it already has. And at that point, whenever "it" happens, everything that happened before that moment will seem to be nothing more than a faded chapter of life in dull monochrome. Our new lives will burst with color in a way that we could never have possibly understood. It is quite hard to imagine, for example, the day when every TV station, every newspaper and magazine headline, every government leader and every thinking person on the entire planet finally says in unison: "We are not alone." Or even better yet: the day of world peace, when every person, every nation and every race looks at each other, at the earth and at all other forms of intelligent life in the universe and says,

"I love you and I respect you for who and what you are, as I love and respect myself for who and what I am. I am sorry for anything that I have ever done to hurt you and I hope you can forgive me. Let's work together to create a new world - a world without hurt, a world without pain, a world without crying children rotting away in festering starvation, a world where we are truly One with each other, with our earth and with the One Creator. So be it."

Our collective feminine Lunar self, symbolized by the number 1080 in ancient teachings, must overthrow the stranglehold that the masculine Solar self known as 666 now has over the planet. (And yes, it is this dominance of the masculine archetype on Earth that is behind the metaphorical Biblical prophecies for this period.) Both ourselves and our society must again embrace the Universal Feminine in love, thus giving us unity, as the ancient number 1746 represents. Our numerous creative works prepare us for this 'fusion' event on the subconscious level. In the 1998 movie Pleasantville, a world of black-and-white turns to color as people learn to leave behind their outmoded, 1950's-style beliefs and achieve true personal, emotional and intellectual freedom. In The Truman Show, a man symbolizing the collective mind of humanity comes to the stunning realization that the entire world around him is constructed as a giant illusion, where he is the star that millions of people in the outside world watch on their television screens.

In Close Encounters of the Third Kind, the lead character is driven by an arresting series of visions to finally board a gigantic extraterrestrial spacecraft, forever leaving behind his Earth life for the promise of something far greater. In the JRR Tolkien Lord of the Rings series, the entire world is preparing to undergo an incredible, multidimensional shift never before known in history. In 2001, a Monolith is found that seems to alert an extraterrestrial presence of our own "coming of age." Guided by this force, spaceship commander David Bowman eventually enters into a vortex of spiraling light that first ages him and then returns him to a fetal state, indicating new life in a mysterious higher realm. In 2010, the metaphor expands even more: Bowman returns as a multi-dimensional entity, telling us of an imminent, unbelievable transformation. "What is going to happen?" they ask him. "Something wonderful," he whispers, shaking his head gently from side to side with reverent, loving awe. Jupiter eventually explodes and becomes a star, creating an entire new solar system for us to use within our own. On every television screen on Earth, the spiritual forces write,

"All these worlds are yours… Use them together… Use them in peace."

In James Cameron's movie The Abyss, a fantastic and unspeakably beautiful extraterrestrial world is found in our own oceans, and after we achieve contact with it, it rises to the surface of the sea of our consciousness. In Ghost, our lead character is a spiritual being that says goodbye to the pottery-throwing woman symbolizing Mother Earth to enter into a vortex of pure light. In Cocoon, the old folks go off with the luminous extraterrestrials to a place where they "won't get sick, won't get any older and won't ever die." In E.T., a fallen alien being, representing ourselves, finally gets to return home after nearly dying from living on Earth with "the children."

In the Star Wars trilogy, Darth Vader, as the symbol of the crushing weight of male-driven corporate America, is overthrown by the heroic power of love, and we realize that he is our own father, our own family, and he is welcomed back, newly transformed. In Titanic, as the ship representing our modern world sinks, throngs of people surround a minister who boldly and solemnly reads the scripture, saying, "And there will be a new heaven, and a new earth…And there shall be no more death, for we will have everlasting life… " People go to bed and peacefully prepare for what is going to come. Then, people from "the future" come with exotic space-age undersea equipment to try to reconstruct the past events that had happened there, and these people include one of the original participants.

In Contact, we achieve communication with an extraterrestrial race, and this leads us to build a machine that enables us to journey to their own level. It is an exhilarating journey of light, sound and color, rocketing through unspeakably vast wormholes to a realm of pure, luminescent peace and beauty, where the angelic entities present themselves as members of our own family. In Mission to Mars, the beings responsible for building the "Face" reveal to us that "They are us: we are them," and one of the best "Ascension" finales on film occurs in the last two minutes. And in The Matrix, lead character Neo finally believes in himself enough that he gains complete control over the illusion of the physical world itself, defeating the negative forces that were trying to destroy him and acquiring Christlike abilities. Time after time, as we see these beautiful movies, tears stream down our faces as a part of us, somehow, some way, knows and believes that something as fantastic as this is going to happen to us in our own lifetimes. But it seems to be so far away, so far away, beyond our grasp or comprehension.

The ultimate conclusion of this book is that the event commonly known as "The Shift of the Ages" or "Ascension" is indeed going to occur, and it is indeed unspeakably fantastic. The chances are that we will never truly understand exactly what this means or how we will personally experience it until we are actually going through it. The truth of its imminent arrival is practically exploding out at us from all directions, both positively and negatively. Perhaps this is why it is so amazing that almost no one in the prominent UFO/metaphysics field is talking about it at all. Everyone seems to gather information that will get quite close to describing it, without ever actually identifying The Big Picture as it really is. Nor can we simply ascribe this transformation to a tired old Christian prophecy, as it was indeed forecasted long before Christianity ever came onto the scene.

But what exactly is this event going to be, you say? Sure, we all have an idea, but each idea can be different from the others. Some people familiar with these ideas feel that it simply represents a shift in consciousness that will occur here on the planet, with everyone making sudden strides in their awareness and the dawning of a new day, a new consciousness. Some people feel that it has to do with the moment when we achieve open contact with the "visitors" and become a member of a group of planetary societies with technology far vaster than ours, which could certainly create the previous scenario as well. Some others, such as James Redfield in The Celestine Prophecy, take the opinion that the body itself will actually disappear from view in a flash of light, or that some sort of spontaneous, holographic mutation of our DNA is going to happen at this moment.

The author of this book wondered about these questions just like everyone else. Before he ever started doing psychic readings, he had been fastidiously recording his dreams for over five years. It was through this medium that he was first exposed to the notion of Ascension, and of what it might actually involve - or at least a healthy, inspiring metaphor for it, in order to make the subconscious understand its impact. What follows is a transcript of the Aug. 1, 1996 dream that first gave him a direct metaphor to convey the wonder of what this experience might feel like when it actually comes.

I was standing in a clearing where I could see a large image of the moon against a bluish sky. During this time, I noticed that there was a round circle of glowing light on the surface. I got excited as I realized that others reported seeing this same thing before, and that it was basically supposed to be a reflection from an extraterrestrial "base" on the Moon. As I watched it, it expanded into a fireball that was 1/3 of the width of the Moon in the middle. Then, it shrank back down to a point and expanded several more times, in a fluid expansion-contraction mode.

It eventually overtook the whole moon and shone brilliantly in white, with a bluish tinge. Energy seemed to be coming in from the sides, and I was privy to the most fantastic special effects ever seen - reminiscent of what happened to Jupiter in Arthur C. Clarke's 2010, but even more incredible. The energy assembled itself into the form of a blue-white torus, like an inner tube. There was black in it as well. It seemed to roll off of the Moon while spinning around its internal center, moving closer towards me on Earth.

I noticed about five thin circular bands of energy that were spinning around the torus faster than it was spinning itself. They had these sparkling "stars" that seemed to be of a luminescent, shimmering black orbit in the circle. The stars were black, the rest of the circle much lighter colored. It was all spinning and spiraling as it headed down towards me. All of the differing motions made for quite an impressive spectacle. It threatened to draw in everything that it contacted like some giant, living black hole.

By this time, I was utterly and completely awestruck like never before. I felt like this was the most fantastic thing that had ever happened to me in my entire life. I began to fly up into the vortex, noticing that there was a blue ray on about a 45-degree angle that was connecting me back to the Earth somehow. It was at this time that I had realized that this had to be it - the big moment - the Ascension. I was so excited that I could hardly even believe it.

As I flew up into it, it became a gigantic, 300-foot wide tunnel of swirling, blue-white light. It was very bright, but cool and not unpleasant. It appeared as though I were wrapped in the middle of an endless tunnel composed of galactic arms, spinning and turning. I seemed to be hardly more than a speck compared to the epic size and vastness of the vortex I was traveling through. Part of what made it so incredible was that there was absolutely no sound, except for the incredible shouts of ecstasy in my own mind. I could tell that I was rapidly moving closer towards a sparkling wall of this luminescent blue light at the end of the swirling cylinder. Once I passed through it, I would never be the same again.

As all of this was happening, I felt an emotion not unlike fear. I thought to myself, "Now? What will happen? A higher dimension? I can't believe it!" I had a dim idea of what to expect there, but I felt that thought as just a remote patch in a corner of my mind. It was too indistinct. I really didn't know what to expect, but I didn't resist it. I basically was welcoming the experience. As my hands plunged into the blue light, it dissipated around them like water and vanished; I was on solid ground again…




After an experience of this magnitude, he obviously yearned to know more. He had already become familiar with the idea of Ascension as a possibility, but it was the sheer epic quality of this dream that made him ask even deeper questions. This dream directly led to a renewed interest in studying a series of books called the Ra Material and/or the Law of One, which were allegedly extraterrestrial communications. In these books, a Ph.D. physicist, university professor and airline pilot by the name of Don Elkins found the apex of his lifetime of research into the UFO phenomenon through telepathic contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. For twenty years he had been working with various gifted individuals who would go into trance and speak on behalf of these higher intelligences. And time after time, Dr. Elkins would ask them the most difficult, challenging questions coming from the forefront of his research into advanced physics, and he would get the answers. These answers were repeatedly coming from those who had no knowledge of these things while awake.

It was at the end of this twenty-year period that Elkins' work with Carla Rueckert, a very successful channel, broke through to a much more substantial level. This breakthrough was directly precipitated by the arrival of Jim Mc Carty, who thought that he was coming to help Don and Carla catalog, categorize and organize the volumes of material that they had already produced. Instead, something totally unexpected happened. They attracted a true heavy-hitter of the higher realms, perhaps the main group responsible for our care: a huge spiritual group of entities that had apparently fused themselves into one single mind that called itself Ra, and said that they were from the sixth dimension, millions of years more advanced than modern humanity.


The words and concepts were highly sophisticated and precise, unlike any other type of channeled material ever seen, and were referred to by one professor as "akin to a Ph.D. dissertation on epistemology." As soon as Ra began speaking, they made it clear that this was the first time that they had been able to get through an undistorted series of messages in thousands of years of human history. Carla was brought to the complete unconscious state and taken out of her body for the Ra contact to occur, and had no knowledge whatsoever of what had occurred while she was away.

This contact occurred in 1981, well before the field of channeling had reached such a huge surge of rather repetitive, simplistic and contradictory information that is often seen on the Internet and in certain magazines and books today. For whatever reason, the work has never become very well-known, but this certainly is no fault of the material itself. The quality and gravity of the information that Ra presents is unlike any other that this author has ever seen. As David continued reading this material, he came to a greater and greater realization that what Ra was truly trying to convey to Dr. Elkins was a completely new view of physics as we now know it. In this new view, there are multiple dimensions, each one capable of sustaining intelligent lifeforms in time and space. Each dimensional level is higher or closer to Oneness than the one before it.

Ra explained that those on Earth were on the third dimension, and that there were a full four dimensions of higher experience that we would go through before returning to the One Creator. At the point that this total reunion is accomplished, there would be no consciousness of any separation, only a consciousness of unity and Oneness. Ra also explained that each dimension gave different levels of teaching along the path to this Oneness, and that our own level was called "The Choice." According to Ra, all that we have to do is choose whether we are going to be of service to self or service to others. The realization of the importance of serving others is our first step towards re-aligning with the Oneness that they so often spoke of. If we only think of ourselves as separate beings and do not choose to love and to help others, then we are forgetting that we are truly only One Being, and that therefore serving others is serving our own True Self. What this Oneness wants for us, says Ra, is to simply love and get along with each other, to spread harmony and truth.

Obviously, this is an identical message to that which is spoken by most channelers now in the New Millennium. However, there were some very large differences between what Ra was saying and what the average channeler usually speaks in more recent times. We must remember that Ra was being interviewed by a very gifted physicist, and Dr. Elkins was often completely befuddled in his attempts to understand Ra's words. In the five books of the Law of One series, Ra lays out a comprehensive cosmology that is extremely internally consistent. David tried over and over again to find even one time when Ra contradicted themselves or appeared to falter, but could not.

Even more importantly, this cosmology was not simply all in the realm of lofty speculation -- for all intents and purposes, Ra was systematically teaching Dr. Elkins about a whole new form of physics, a new form of understanding the way that the Universe functions, rooted in compassion, harmony and wisdom. Ra was pleased that Dr. Elkins was familiar with the work of physicist Dewey Larson, who proposed that space and time were in a reciprocal relationship -- meaning that for every dimension of space, there was a corresponding dimension of time. They also mentioned that there was a lot more to understand than what Larson had come up with, but that it was a good start. And as their words in the five books continued, they gave many very precise statements that indicated exactly what this system of physics was, and its impressive spiritual implications.

As David read through the Law of One books and studied them in greater and greater detail, he realized that the systems that Ra were discussing were already becoming more and more visible in the scientific literature just since 1981, when the book was first published. The more he read, the more shocked he was to realize that apparently no one else had ever seen how many connections there really were, or that they even existed in the first place. Having already read and digested some 300 metaphysical titles by this point, David realized that the wisdom of Ra had now become a vast umbrella of truth that tied together many, many separate areas of study, providing answers where many other researchers had to work it out on their own.

As time has progressed into the present, while this book is being rewritten, David has continued to find more and more scientific evidence to back up Ra's assertions. Earlier versions of this book were made available on the Internet as early as spring of 1998, but the amount of new information has significantly been enhanced since the book's inception. The version that you now hold in your hands is specifically designed to upgrade the existing body of information before launching into a three-book series that will retain the original name Convergence and will be investigating these same topics with even more depth than before.

The crowning achievement of truly being able to decode the physics systems that Ra has described is the knowledge that the Earth is going to undergo a dimensional shift. Ra explains that there is a natural structure to the galaxy that we are all passing through at this time, a structure where certain portions of the galaxy have a higher concentration of "energy" than others. As we naturally pass into these areas of higher frequency, there are changes visible in our Sun as well as in the Earth itself. And even more importantly, there are changes in each one of us as well. Although we cannot know for sure how or when this event will actually occur in our own personal experience, we know that Ra tells us that at the conclusion of this shift, life on Earth will be fully 100 times more harmonious than it is now. All of the abilities that were demonstrated by Jesus and much more will be readily available to everyone. This is apparently not a gradual transition by any means, but an epic change that occurs in a very brief period of time, when the critical threshold in consciousness is finally reached.

Quite significantly, our latest research has revealed that Ra was right about there being an underlying energy to the Universe that has fluidlike properties of vibration. Modern scientists call this "zero-point energy" or the "virtual particle flux." We now know that there are 'virtual' counterparts to all the basic components of the atom, (such as protons, neutrons and electrons), which appear to be exactly the same except that they continually "wink" in and out of existence. The discussions of zero-point energy have captivated the world of quantum mechanics as well as many other aspects of physics, as we now must conclude that all of reality that we see is fundamentally built up from an energy that remains hidden to us. And for many, this is not a very comfortable concept, as we like to "get our hands" on the world around us, not be confronted with a mysterious energy that we cannot directly measure. And yet, experiments and prototypes such as the Casimir effect, sonoluminescence, and anti-gravity / free energy devices have already proven that this energy must exist.

In the future editions of this body of research, now in progress, we will cover the study of zero-point energy in far more detail. Modern researchers have brought back the forgotten term "aether" for this energy, as up until the beginning of the 20th century, scientists believed that it was there. As just indicated, those who now work with the concepts of the 'aether' have discovered that it can indeed be harnessed to produce all of the basic effects seen in the UFO, including anti-gravity, limitless generation of energy from "empty space" as well as the possible travel through higher-dimensional spaces. Clearly, our understandings about reality are changing very quickly, and David has continued to be impressed as each new finding only helps him to greater understand what Ra had already been saying all along in the Law of One series.

Most of this book is dedicated to giving us a good, general overview for how this system of "aether" energy works, and how it is related to the dimensional shift that we are now approaching. We will see that the principles of vibration are the most fundamental in understanding the behavior of the aether, or what we might simply want to call spiritual energy. Part One of this book, The Harmonic, Multidimensional Universe, explains in the next chapter that the master organization of this energy is in an Octave of dimensions. Ra referred to the different levels as "densities," as what we actually have is one unified energy that simply exists in different levels of concentration.


It is the relative speed of vibration that determines each level of concentration, and we will show that there are three levels to this vibration that must be considered equally: light, sound and geometry. When we look at the aether itself, we see that it is comprised of a vast sea of energy "units" that we will refer to as Consciousness Units. Due to the basic laws of harmony and vibration, these units will always maintain a spherical field, but the characteristic vibrations of each "density" or dimension will give them a different "color", "sound" and geometric structure. We will take a look at the exact numbers that are involved in these harmonics, and see how much they reveal when studied more closely. More importantly, we will see that these consciousness units are not bound by space or time as we know it- they can be tinier than the tiniest subatomic particle or as large as the entire Universe itself.

In Chapter Three we explain how the Ancients knew of this system of three-dimensional geometric vibrations, and built structures such as the pyramids to harness these forces. We will also look into the idea that very similar structures known as the Martian Monuments fit this pattern as well. We also will take a look at the amazing structure and complexity of the Great Pyramid itself, especially at the time that it was first built, and with our understandings of this universal energy source it becomes quite easy to see that it truly is an artifact of a higher level of technology than we now possess. In Chapter Four we explain how modern physics is beginning to catch up to this ancient knowledge through such things as "Superstring Theory." Then, we bring in a quote from the well-known entity Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts in the late 60's and for years afterwards, which reveals that almost identical information to this advanced theoretical physics concept had been given well before Superstring Theory or the Ra books ever came about.

In Chapter Five we begin looking at the true father of all current multi-dimensional physics models, an Indian mathematician known as Srinivasa Ramanujan. We will clearly see that Ramanujan's information was acquired through a mystic process that bears remarkable similarity to channeling. Furthermore, we will see that the key number of dimensions in Ramanujan's models was always eight, thus lending further support to Ra's model of an Octave. In Chapter Six we devote a great deal of space to an exploration of a passage dictated by Seth in 1971, which gives us a much greater understanding of how the sphere-based "consciousness units" of aether energy function in our Universe.


Then, in Chapter Seven we will see that the extraterrestrial forces are continuing to try to teach us this information through the "crop circle" phenomenon. In these pictograms which emerge overnight in various crops, often accompanied by anomalous sightings and inexplicable heating and bending of the crops themselves, we find all the blueprints for this model of harmonic aether geometry in place. We specifically zero in on a formation known as Barbury Castle 1991, and show how precisely it displays this complex three-dimensional information, both literally and symbolically as well. We also investigate the work of Gerald Hawkins, who proved that the most common formations that were seen in the crops were directly related to musical proportions, in a perfect harmonic relationship.

With this knowledge in place we open up Part Two of the book, Planetary Grids and Ancient Knowledge. In this section, we explore how these geometries directly affect the fundamentals of the Earth itself. Science is now catching up with Ra in revealing that these aetheric energies or "consciousness units" are constantly streaming in and out of all physical objects in the Universe, continually forming them moment by moment. We remember that size does not affect these units, and that the sphere of the planet itself can resonate as one massive "unit" in its own right. Once we know that such behavior is expected of the Earth in the new physics, all we have to do is start looking for it. We then begin Chapter Nine by discussing the work of Bruce Cathie in this regard. Cathie gave clear evidence that extraterrestrial beings were navigating the earth using a geometric "grid" that consists of the simple cube and octahedron geometries, crisscrossing over the Earth's surface. Cathie made incredible strides in decoding the harmonic structures of these energies, all of which ties in very neatly with the models that Ra espoused in the Law of One series. Furthermore, Cathie's model does indeed provide a harmonic basis for the Unified Field Theory of physics, which may well prove to be his most lasting accomplishment. We also include some of Ra's quotes in this chapter to help the reader see the connections that are involved.

In Chapter 10, we discuss the Philadelphia Experiment as one of a number of examples that help to show us that a simple magnetic field, when used to create the proper harmonic and geometric vibrational frequencies, can actually concentrate aetheric energy in a local area and cause a dimensional shift to occur. This well-known experiment supposedly was the result of a Navy experiment in radar invisibility that went awry. In the future, it may well be a usable "teleport" technology. We also remind ourselves that the far greater aspect to this energetic change is occurring in our Solar System as a whole, relative to our placement to the center of the galaxy and aided by the harmonic cycles that we will find in the Sun.

Then, in Chapter 11 we continue our exploration of the Global Grid with this knowledge of the energies involved as being very real, and quite possibly engineerable. The work of Richard Hoagland and the Enterprise Mission is cited as a means of showing us how the geometry of the "aether" emerges in planets. Through an analysis of the Martian Monuments, Hoagland's team discovered that an encoded message was set forth which gave precise information for future visitors to decode the basics of the aetheric physics discussed by Ra. This fundamentally comes about through the observation of a tetrahedron inside a sphere, which we will have already seen in Chapter Seven.


Hoagland's team went on to show this tetrahedron as an underlying energy structure in almost every planet in our Solar System, responsible for cloud bands, giant volcanoes, sunspots and giant swirling vortices such as Jupiter's Great Red Spot.

Then, after establishing the placement of the tetrahedron with the cube and octahedron that we had already been investigating from Bruce Cathie, we begin investigating the work of Carl Munck, who showed us how these energetic forces on Earth were precisely harnessed by the Ancients. Through Munck's work, known as "The Code," we see that almost every single pyramid, sacred site and earthwork from ancient times on the planet is part of a vast, planet-wide matrix of coordinates, centered at the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. We bring in an excerpt from the Wilcock Readings as he struggled to understand how to unify the work of Munck with Bruce Cathie, Richard Hoagland and other "Grid" researchers we will meet in the next chapter.

In Chapter 12 we complete our geometric mapping of the higher dimensions on Earth through the investigation of the work of Ivan P. Sanderson, then Goncharov, Morozov and Makarov and culminating with professors William Becker and Bethe Hagens. The only two of the five basic "Platonic" geometries left undiscovered at this point were the icosahedron and dodecahedron, as Cathie showed us the cube and octahedron and Hoagland showed us the tetrahedron. We see that Sanderson discovered the presence of the icosahedron through a careful study of worldwide "trouble spots" for marine and air travel such as the Bermuda Triangle. His exhaustive efforts came up with twelve fundamental "Devil's Graveyards," all of which were spaced in perfect harmonic proportions from each other. When these spots are connected together, an icosahedron is formed. The Russian scientists Goncharov, Morozov and Makarov expanded on this idea by including the dodecahedron in the Grid model as well, and they suddenly realized that the combined icosahedron / dodecahedron grid appeared to be directly responsible for the positioning of continents, mountain ranges and undersea ridges, as well as weather and population centers, animal migration patterns and anomalous distortions in space and time as first cataloged by Sanderson. Furthermore, they realized that almost every sacred site or monument on Earth was fundamentally connected to this Grid.

When the work of Becker and Hagens is then added in, we find that they provide a Grid model of 120 interconnecting triangles that unifies all five of the Platonic Solids as one, and also reveals even more detailed results about how these energies are operating on the Earth. We also introduce our own independent research, which shows that various island chains on the Earth's surface form precise "grid circles" that are clearly related to the structure of the Becker/Hagens grid itself. We also investigate a series of reports regarding the mysterious disappearances and time-warping effects seen at various points on this Grid.


Then, in Chapter 13, we introduce information from Dr. Lefors Clark regarding the behavior of magnetism, and how it can form "diamagnetic vortices" as it travels. These vortices help explain exactly what we are seeing in the Grid Circles, and how the natural aetheric forces in the Grid brought them about. We then give a much closer look to the five Platonic Solids themselves, in order to see more clearly how they are directly related to the interconnecting system of harmonics that we have been discussing. Then, we again bring in the work of Carl Munck, who revealed a very fundamental connection between the Speed of Light and the harmonic numbers of sound which suggest that they are actually functions of the same unified energy source. Although Bruce Cathie revealed the same thing in his own harmonic system, the connection discovered by Munck is arrived at in a totally different way, but with the same conclusions.

Then, in Chapter 14 we suggest that those who built this Grid never really faded out of view, they simply went into secrecy. We show the clear connections between modern "secret societies" such as the Freemasons and these ancient truths, including photographs of the mural that was erected in the UN, which clearly show us that its builders were well aware of sacred geometry and "consciousness units" in some form, and hence a working knowledge of the entire system of harmonic physics in general. We also see similar coded information emerging in the Great Seal of the United States. We then discuss the idea that a "Hall of Records" preserved from Atlantean times exists under the Giza plateau in Egypt, and cite the controversial research of Aaron Du Val who apparently worked with one Dr. Scott who claims to have found identical records in other areas, beginning with the alleged Atlantean ruins off the Florida coast near Bimini.

Then, having completed our investigation of the Global Grid, we move into Part Three and expand the window of understanding this system of physics to larger-scale harmonic events occurring in time. The main time cycle that we will be investigating is that of our Sun, hence the title for Part Three: The Great Solar Cycle. In Chapter 15, we again return to the words of Ra to discuss this cycle, what it is and how it functions. We introduce the idea of the Earth's precession, a long-term wobble that takes 25,920 years to complete and is precisely mirrored in Ra's discussion of the Solar Cycle. We also correlate this with the well-known trance writings of Edgar Cayce, as few realize that he also spoke of a Solar Cycle as well.


Excerpts from Ra explain exactly what we can look forward to as we approach this event, which they refer to as "harvest." In Chapter 16, we bring in the work of Maurice Cotterell, who has made discoveries that completely bolster the findings in the Ra books, but were not even begun until years after the contact had ended. Through long-term mapping of the Sun's counter-opposing speeds of rotation, he came out with a series of graphs that predicted very long-term cycles in its activity -- cycles far longer than modern science would want to accept. We then see that identical numbers as seen in Cotterell's work were actually known and recorded by the Maya thousands of years ago. Part of this study involves the Mayan Calendar, a complex instrument for measuring the passage of time in roughly 5,125-year increments.

In Chapter 17 we discuss the work of ex-NASA astrophysicist Maurice Chatelain, who further enhanced humanity's understanding of the Mayan Calendar. Although Chatelain's ultimate hypothesis about the dating of the Calendar can be proven incorrect, his insights regarding the importance of Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions are crucial in understanding how this system of physics operates in our Solar System. We continue our discussion of Chatelain's work in Chapter 18, where we bring in his discoveries of even longer-term cycles in our Solar System through the Constant of Nineveh.


This constant is an harmonic expression of all the orbits of our Solar System down to the second, and every time that it completes a cycle we could think of it as being a time when all the planets would be in a perfectly straight line. We will also show that this number was charted by the Sumerians thousands of years ago. Even more importantly, the entire number can be built up by multiplying 70 seven times by 60, thus giving us a valuable clue to the ultimate harmonic simplicity of the cycles that are at work.

This is followed by Chapter 19, which starts off with the work of Bradley Cowan, who has shown clear evidence of geometric structures in time that directly affect human behavior in stock trading, thus giving us a clearer picture of the underlying nature of all the cycles we have been looking at. We then detail Wilcock's own discoveries that neatly expand the Nineveh Constant out to a galactic level, revealing it to be a precise harmonic of the time that it takes the galaxy to complete one rotation. This discovery lends even more credibility to Ra's ideas about there being different areas of harmonic energy concentration in the galaxy, areas that we may well be moving into at this time.


Our own Earth's precession is also very fundamentally related to this Constant through simple harmonic proportions as well, thus showing us the true Galactic scope of the Solar Cycle. We then go further to reveal that Cotterell's work reveals that three Earth precessional cycles must be included in order to make a perfect fit with the cycles that are seen in the Sun, and again this information is precisely mirrored in the statements from the Ra Material. Viewing all of this information together, and reviewing all the changes that are occurring around us now, we can certainly see how far the validity of Ra's statements really goes.

In Chapter 20 we conclude our mission by looking at the work of "cyclology" which shows historic events repeating in harmonic time intervals. We return to the Great Pyramid to reveal that the crown jewel of its hidden message is a timeline that relates to our present point in history very directly. Clear evidence of this elaborate system is presented, along with a powerful suggestion -- that the conclusion of the timeline itself is now, and is associated with a passage to the stars and / or those from the stars coming to us.


As this event in the Timeline occurs in our near future, we are again convinced that our Atlantean / extraterrestrial brothers were very well aware of what we would be going through at this point in our history, and were intent on giving us a valuable means of predicting it in advance. Once we see the reality of this massive "prophecy in stone," it becomes quite difficult to deny the message. We then follow with our conclusion in Chapter 21, where we will review all of the material and reveal a few more surprises as well.

And so, without further adieu, let us begin. Even if we choose not to believe that every portion of the research is valid, we will clearly be able to see the connections, and this will greatly assist us in trusting that we are indeed going through a process that is for our highest and best good. It is a process that might just have a fantastic "surprise ending" that none of us could have ever expected until it actually happens.


If Ra's statements are accurate, no one person could ever possibly fathom the incredible joy and bliss that awaits us as we transfer into this higher realm of being, where a Utopian world of science fantasy and pure love becomes the reality of each and every "day."


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