Now, as previously said herein, there are indeed beings here from other planets.
Indeed, it seems, in these coteries, as though few wish to belong to this Earth. Some “New Agers” and many of the intelligentsia are purveying the idea that mankind may have descended here from Sirius, the Pleiades, or elsewhere. This idea is especially attractive to those who have problems fitting in here on planet Earth. One finds relief and hope in stargazing, peering into the nether and aspiring, if the chance arose to shake off the dust of this habitat and ascend out into the abyss in a search for their “true home.” This desire is understandable given the relative horror of life here and predictable given the number of films produced that feature and promote this theme.
But is there anything rational in it?
Perhaps the reality is that today the
ones who are spiritually despondent and filled with the sense of
futility are actually the true children of the Earth, while those
who appear content and adjusted are from “out there,” transplanted
centuries ago to exploit the Earth and its indigenous inhabitants.
These “adjusted” ones must be those who align with their alien DNA
and who police those who have a problem with the present conditions
of the planet.
These ancient stories are extremely pertinent to the condition of the present. Genesis means the “Genes of Isis.” Isis is the Queen of the Earth, and we of the Earth are Her offspring, suffering from amnesia about our Earth-connection, convinced that the black void above is the real home we have lost. So our perception is in total reverse. Nothing measures the loss of reason more than the pervasiveness of this outlandish, incongruent notion.
It is consistent only with the duped and
controlled masses who are now psychologically identifying with the
desires of the alien oppressors, instead of affirming with pride and
love that they are children of this perfumed garden Earth.
Is it unreasonable to see something more than creative license in this?
Even presidents get in on the game:
The “Serpent Masters,” who visited our planet ages ago, arrived and took over without permission. They literally invaded our sovereign planet and interfered with the destiny and evolution of the native inhabitants while possessing no “legal” status, so to speak. Like many terrestrial illegal immigrants, these aliens had, and their progeny have, no love for the world they occupy.
Their treatment of the Earth tells us as much. Their plundering of nations, their decimation of indigenous peoples and their violation of nature, should be taken as ample evidence for their origins. The human victims of Earth must, therefore, remedy the injustices perpetrated against them by assertively taking back their power and exercising their birthrights as “Earth Citizens.”
Men and women, as their own “Immigration Officers,” so to speak, have the right to bring to justice, and even expunge, those who have violated universal law, human sovereignty, and who have themselves no rights, status, jurisdiction or authority. The so-called Controllers, or Hidden Masters, the Secret Chiefs, those descendants of the alien conquerors, whose influence and machinations have wrought untold horrors on Earth have absolutely no legal right to hold their offices, to pass their laws, to exercise command, to create wars, or to slaughter, impoverish, enslave, divide, and mislead mankind.
They have no right to interfere, in any
way, with the destiny and evolution of the Earth. Since they have
appropriated these rights, they must be held totally accountable.
The destruction they engage in is done to satisfy their vast cravings and mollify their “Dark Archons” from other dimensions. The decadence, debauchery, and nihilism infecting everything today is sadly a replay of the past.
Due to adroit historical tampering and befuddling by ecclesiastical clerics and priests, we have been prevented from either understanding or heeding the Prophets of old: