Children of God Man, and Watchers
Ancient Biotech Create "Nephilim"?
Will Modern Science Bring Them Again?
Español |
Antiguo Texto que describe cómo los Nefilim fueron
Exterminados de la Faz de la Tierra
Español |
Golem - La Leyenda Talmúdica
Español |
Legado Prohibido de Una Raza Caída
Español |
Misterio de los Vigilantes y el Libro de Enoc - Los
Ángeles Caídos y su Conocimiento Secreto
And The Nephilim
Enoch And The Watchers
Enoch and The Watchers - The Real Story of Angels and
Español |
Enoc y los Vigilantes -
La Verdadera Historia de los Ángeles y los Demonios
Fallen Angels, Nephilim and Aliens
- Forbidden Book of Enoch
From "Ethiopian Enoch" or "1
Enoch" - Watchers
From Godspell to God
From "The Ashes Of Angels" - The Forbidden Legacy of a
Fallen Race
"The Pseudepigraphical Book of Enoch"
Giants - A Result of Genetic
Giants in The Middle East
Giants Nephilim and Anakim
Giants on The Earth
Español |
Gigantes, ¿Dioses o
Español |
Gigantes - Resultado de Una
Guerra Genética
Göbekli Tepe - Eden, Home of The
Español |
Gente Azul
- Antiguas Razas, Ángeles e Infierno
Español |
Metalogica de Los Amos - Arcontes, Reptilianos,
Italiano |
Le Basi Biologiche dell'Elitismo e del "Diritto
Divino" di Governare
Lemuria and The Nephilim
Español |
Ángeles Caídos y los Nefilim - Explicado en el Libro
escrito por el Abuelo de Noé
Español |
Los Anunnaki
Main File
Español |
Los Arcontes
- Main File
Español |
Los Gigantes - Mitos y Leyendas
Main File
Español |
Los Hacedores de Alas - The Wingmakers
Main File
Español |
Los Nefilim eran Reales - Según un Manuscrito de 2000 años
de Antigüedad
Español |
Nefilim - Gigantes Bíblicos Hijos de los Ángeles Caídos
Meaning and Etymology of The Name 'Nephilim'
Merovingians - The Lost Kings
- Main File
Mystery of The Watchers and Book of Enoch - Fallen
Angels and their Secret Knowledge
Neanderthal = Nephilim?
Español |
Nefilim - Los Ángeles Caídos
Nephilim - From Wikipedia, the free
Nephilim Stargates and The Return of The Watchers
Nephilim - The Fallen Angels
Noah - The Bloodline of The 'Watchers' and the Beginning
of The 'End'
Español |
- ¿Qué
Es Un Egregor y Cómo Se Lo Puede Identificar?
Rulers of the Earth - Secrets of
the Sons of God
Saddam Hussein, The Stairway To
Heaven And The Return Of Planet X
- Based on 'Ark of the Christos'
The Anunnaki
Main File
The Anunnaki and Nephilim
The Anunnaki-Nephilim - from 'ETs and Aliens: Who are they? and,
Why are they here?' by Noel Huntley
- Main File
The Biological Basis of Elitism
and "The Divine Right" Rule
Blue People - Ancient Races, Angels and
Book of Enoch and UFOs
The Book
of Enoch, Celestials and Extraterrestrials
Fallen Angels and the Nephilim - Explained in the Book
written by Noah's Grandfather
Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race
The Giants (Nephilim) in The
The Nefilim Maya
The Nefilim - Sex and Demigods
- from 'Divine Encounters' by Z.Sitchin
The Nephilim
and The Pyramid of The Apocalypse
Nephilim - Kings of an Epic Age - Secrets and Enigmas of the
Sumerians and Akkadians
The Nephilim - Their Origins and
Patriarchs, Demi-Gods of The Antediluvian Period
The Rise of The Watchers
The Sons of The Serpent Tribe -
Legacy of The Nephilim
The Tuatha de Danaan
- Main File
- from "The Forbidden Knowledge of Secret Societies"
The Wingmakers - Los Hacedores de Alas
- Main File
Watchers, Elohim and Egregors
- Abridged from 'Forbidden Knowledge: Secret Societies'
Watchers/Nephilim (Naphidim)
Watchers - The Other Gods
- by H. P. Lovecraft
Additional Information |
5D Shift - Dealing with the
Influence of Ancient Entities in the Field
Aliens, Lies and Religions
- An Interview With Paul Von Ward
Español |
Ángeles - Una Historia de Ángeles en el Pensamiento
Angels - A History Of Angels In Western Thought
Anunnaki Revealed
Español |
Calaveras y Huesos - El Cuento No-Narrado
de Los Templarios Resplandecientes
de Mer - The
Triple World System 'Sophia' Originally Intended to
Divine Encounters - A Guide
to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries - by Zecharia
ELs, Atlantis, Scotland and Egypt - Biblical History and
Prophesies of The Els
Enki - Satan
Español |
Entrevista con Zecharia Sitchin - Crónicas de La Tierra
Español |
Extraterrestres, Apócrifos Varios y Los Manuscritos del
Mar Muerto
Gnostic Parallels in the Writings
of Carlos Castaneda
Español |
Göbekli Tepe - The World's First
- Main File
Español |
- ¿Hubo
Una Raza de Gente Que Tenía Cuernos?
Italiano |
Figli di Dio
Lake Van Details
Español |
La Verdad Acerca de un Pueblo
Living in the Light - 'Believe in
the Magic'
Español |
Mastema - El Perseguidor de ''Dios''
New (Reptilian) World Order
Nostradamus - a Monstrous Comet Will
Pass Near The Earth...
Español |
Nuevo Orden Mundial (Reptiliano)
Español |
Orden Simulado -
True Ancestors
Español |
Paralelos Gnósticos en Los
Escritos de Carlos Castañeda
Español |
Posesión y Depredación - Alienígenas, Predadores, Clones
y Reptiles
- El Enigma de Los Parásitos...
Possession and Predation - Aliens,
Flyers, Clones, and Reptilians - The Enigma of
Extraterrestrial Parasites
Español |
Sanajt - El Faraón Gigante "Nephilim" del antiguo Egipto
Italiano |
Sanakht - Il Faraone Gigante "Nefilim" dell'Antico Egitto
Simulated Order - Jehovah -
Soul Technology
Español |
Tecnología de Almas
Testament of Amram
- (4Q543, 545-548)
The Anthills of Orion
- Ancient Star Beings of the Hopi
The Global Elite
- Main File
The Magan Text
The Nag Hammadi Codices and the Dead Sea Scrolls
- 1947 Nexus
The Reptilian Appearance of The
Ancient Ones
The Reptilians - Humanity's Historical
Link To The Serpent Race
The Sabbatical Goat
- from 'The Origin of The Dragon Lords of the Rings'
The Skull and Crossbones - The
Untold Tale of the Templar Shining Ones
Sons of God
The Truth About A Semitic People...
The Second Book of Adam and Eve
Español |
Un Libro Apocrifo
There a Race of People that Had Horns?
What Makes an Extraterrestrial
Ethical versus Manipulative?
Book-Treatises |
Children of The Matrix
- by David Icke
Español |
El Genesis Revisado
- por Zecharia Sitchin
Español |
ETs y La Atlántida
- Manipulación Genética
Genesis Revisited
- by Zecharia Sitchin
Genetic Manipulation
- ETs and Atlantis
Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse
- by Dean Henderson
On the Trail of the Nephilim -
Giant Skeletons and Megalithic Structures
- by L.A. Marzulli
The Curse of
Canaan - A Demonology of History
- by Eustace Mullins
The Forbidden Knowledge of Secret
Societies - by Philip Gardiner
The Nephilim - Kings of an Epic Age
- by Willem McLoud
The Omega Conspiracy -
by I.D.E. Thomas
The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim
- by Scott Alan Roberts
Thirty Thousand Gods Before
- Henry Binkley Stein
Multimedia |
Giant Skulls Found
Genetic Manipulation - ETs and Atlantis
Giant Alien Humanoids Evidence
Modern Evidence of Giants and
Extraterrestrials in Ancient History - Its Relevance
Reptilianos - La Hermandad de La Serpiente: |
The Book of Enoch banned from the
Bible tells the 'True Story of Humanity'
Mighty Ones of Old
- The True Story of The Nephilim and Giborim
True Legends of the Giants
- The UnHoly See
Related Reports |
About Credo Mutwa
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Baalbek - A Colossal Enigma
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Brotherhoods-Secret Societies
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Ciencia Real
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Gods and Religions on Planet Earth
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Jehovah - Yahweh - YHWH - Adonai
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La Verdadera Historia del
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Sumer and The Anunnaki
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The Council Of Nine
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The Dead Sea Scrolls - Los Papiros
del Mar Muerto
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The Enoch Book
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The Occult Reptilian Saga
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The Orion Zone
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The Nag Hammadi Library
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The Way - DOMA Daughters
of Ma
Zecharia Sitchin and His Work
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Zeta Reticuli Interaction With
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