Chapter VII - The Sun

From a very ancient Hindu writing
Scientists who have made a study of the sun tell us
that the diameter of the sun is 832,000 miles, and her circumference
is 2,773,000 miles.
How can the actual size of the sun be stated when it is taken into
consideration that the actual body of the sun has never been seen ?
All that can be seen of the sun is the double layer of opaque,
impenetrable specialized clouds. The actual thickness of these
clouds is unknown. They cannot be measured, their thickness can
only be guessed at.
Then, beyond these clouds, there is a space
between them and the sun filled with dark impenetrable parent rays.
The thickness or diameter of this space is immeasurable. Beyond
these parent rays comes the sun. On what basis, with the foregoing
facts before me, the sun's size can be measured, I cannot conceive.
It has been advanced by some scientists that sun spots are visions
of the actual body of the sun. I do not think so. My belief is that
a sun spot is a rift in the clouds, disclosing the dark parent rays
coming from the sun before they arrive at the double layer of clouds
to be divided and filtered out.
During the passage of the parent rays through the sun's double layer
of specialized clouds and the specialized atmosphere, the parent
rays are first divided and then filtered out into the separate rays,
and then shot through space. Some of these filtered-out rays are of
the light variety, others are of the dark ultra-invisible kind of
which there are over 90 per cent.
This percentage is higher than
given in our scientific works, but then, there is a division of
these dark rays, so ultra as to become extremes to any possible
measurement. I speak of that section of the sun's rays which carry
the affinitive forces, affinitive to the forces of her controlling
sun, but not affinitive to the forces emanating from the various
bodies forming the solar system.
Hershel, the great scientist, who probably made a deeper and more
exhaustive study of the sun than any other man, wrote:
"Sun spots
are the actual body of the sun showing through a rift in the double
layer of clouds which surround its body."
I shall now draw a comparison between the sun and the planet Saturn.
Saturn has a ring surrounding her body. If this ring was extended in
such a manner as to cover her whole body like the specialized clouds
cover the sun's body, then Saturn would appear to be many times
larger than her actual size.
How much greater is the diameter of the sun's double layer of clouds
than her actual body? Has this ever been determined and by what
I am impressed with the facts that as the actual body of the sun has
never been seen, the thickness of the double layer of opaque clouds
surrounding her has never been determined, and the distance between
these clouds and the sun's body is unknown, that all conclusions
that have been arrived at regarding the size of the sun are subject
to correction.
Scientists have computed and published the weight
of the sun, saying,
"The weight of the sun is 730 times the weight
of the earth and all the planets combined."
How any scientist can
associate weight with any celestial body, I cannot comprehend,
because in space a body has no weight. In space the largest
celestial body has not the weight of a thistledown.
Weight, as it is known, is the measurement of the draw or pull of a
cold magnetic force on elements. The force emanates from the body
itself. This cold magnetic force attracts and draws the elements of
the body toward the magnet from which the force emanates. The power
of this attraction represents weight.
As an example we will take the earth.
Eliminate the cold magnetic
force, and then, regardless of the size or density of the matter, it
would have no weight. Walking off the roof of a house, you would
float in the air and be incapable of coming to the ground; all loose
matter which might leave the surface of the earth would float off
and become lost in space until it came into the atmosphere of a
revolving body having a cold magnetic force. Then it would be drawn
to its surface. Meteorites are an example of this phenomenon.
It is possible that the cold magnetic force of the sun is 730
times stronger than those of the earth and planets combined, but
weight? No!
Scientific works that are orthodox tell us
that the sun is "an exceedingly hot, super-heated body."
Herschel did not agree with the orthodox.
He wrote:
"The sun may be
a cool body."
From the various works written about the sun which I have studied,
the impression is left that scientists have based their opinions
that the sun's body has a very high temperature from readings of the
spectrum and on the erroneous belief that:
"The sun disperses her heat throughout the solar system." and "The earth's heat comes directly from the sun."
They have made no study to determine what heat is, nor its manner of
Their writings must therefore be what they are, mere
guesses, and very erroneous at that. I have heretofore devoted a
section to heat, showing what it is, whence it emanates, and how it
works. We meet phenomena at every step showing most conclusively
that our heat docs not come from the sun but is an earthly force.
Another phenomenon which confirms the fact that we do not derive our
heat directly from the sun, and that the sun docs not distribute its
heat throughout the solar system, as is being taught today in our
educational establishments, is shown during the earth's elliptical
I will take the northern hemisphere as an example. Twice during the
year the sun is millions of miles nearer the earth than at other
times. During the fall and spring the sun is millions of miles
nearer the earth than in the summer. If the sun is 'he source of
heat, when the earth is millions of miles nearer the source we ought
to experience a higher temperature during the spring and fall, but do we? We do not!
experience a middle temperature, clearly proving that our heat does
not come directly from the sun, thus bearing out the writings that
have been handed down to us from the first
great civilization.
The deduction that the sun is an exceedingly hot superheated body
has been determined by the spectroscope. This in itself is the
greatest absurdity because the spectroscope docs not register
temperatures. It cannot, because it does not register the rays
which carry the heat force. This I personally have proved in a court
of law as an expert witness. Our scientists in their writings about
the sun have totally ignored the natural workings of the forces.
Nature's tools and means have
been cast to the winds.
I have made many interesting experiments with the optical pyrometer,
which is a form of spectroscope, the foundation of both being a
prism. Some of these were given in the
on heat - chapter 3.
I could go on almost indefinitely with similar demonstrations. The
chemical tag CiťHiŤ is not in it with the prism.
I must reiterate to
impress my readers thoroughly that:
It is absolutely impossible to measure temperature with a prism of
any form, for this reason: the prism docs not record heat-carrying
rays. On the other hand, it repels them, because the prism is clear
white, the heat-carrying rays are dark; white repels dark as was
shown in Tyndall's experiment.
The prism records light rays only which carry no heat. Basing mine
on Tyndall's, I made the following experiment:
First I took a cell
filled with a clear solution of alum water, which allowed the free
transmission of the light rays with their forces.
After passing
through the solution with the aid of a lens, I focused them
with an optical pyrometer I measured the temperature of the bright
spot at the focus point.
The pyrometer said it was 2500° F to 2600°
I then put an ordinary thermometer at the focus point, letting
the focus fall on the bulb of the thermometer. The temperature
remained stationary at atmospheric, which was 68° F.
I then changed the cell, using the iodine solution, which allowed
the dark rays with their forces free transmission. There was no
bright spot at the focus point, and the pyrometer registered no
rise over atmospheric. I then placed the bulb of the thermometer at
the focus point. The mercury climbed rapidly to the top, then the
thermometer burst. And the prism or optical pyrometer is what our
scientists have been measuring the temperature of our and other suns
The halo of clouds which surround the sun are said to contain
elements with which we are acquainted, but with us they are in a
solid state. This phenomenon appears to be another reason for our
scientists to say the sun is a hot superheated body.
phenomenon is no criterion whatever. Many of our solid elements can
be turned into gaseous clouds without involving high temperatures.
Release the oxygen from the oxide and it becomes very simple. Many
examples will be found in books on chemistry.
Have we not many of
the so-called solid elements permeating our atmosphere?
Now comes the question,
This is a very open question. I will start
by assuming that the spectroscope does actually register these
If so, it is by colors naturally. Between the sun's
clouds and atmosphere and the spectroscope, the earth's atmosphere
intervenes - it comes between the two.
All these elements claimed to
be in the sun's clouds and atmosphere, analysis tells us exist in
the earth's atmosphere. May it not be that the spectroscope is
registering that which is in the earth's atmosphere and not anything
in the
A ray partakes of the color of any substance which it passes
through. The proofs are: take an incandescent lamp, and let it fall
on a sheet of white paper. No color appears. But place colored
glasses between the lamp and the paper, red, blue, yellow, green,
orange, mauve, or any other color.
Directly the colored glass
intervenes between the lamp and the paper, the paper changes to the
color of the glass, whatever it may be. Apply a similar test with
the spectroscope of the sun's clouds and atmosphere, using the
earth's atmosphere to represent the colored glass.
What will be the
result ?
Various scientific works state that:
sun is constantly sending forth flames hundreds of thousands of
miles long." and "The heat of the solar system is derived directly from the sun."
These two assertions are absolutely untenable. Records show that the
ancients of the motherland and the Hindus 25,000 years ago knew
better, and their knowledge was confirmed by the Mayas, Nahuatls,
and Egyptians of later date.
The sun's so-called flames are rays - rays without heat. They are
without heat because they are of the light visible kind which carry
no heat.
As the sun's rays which we see are of the light variety and as light
rays do not carry heat, it is proof positive that the sun's
flashings which we see are cold and therefore not flames.
The sun's body lies within an envelope of specialized clouds,
impenetrable by human vision or by present man's devices.
Rays leave the sun's body in the form of dark ultra-invisible parent
rays. These rays are the carriers of the sun's forces, which forces
have been drawn from its body by the affinitive magnetic forces of
its superior or governing sun. On passing through the sun's double
layer of clouds and atmosphere, these parent rays are divided and
filtered out into single rays.
Then in the sun's atmosphere, the
light division becomes visible to the human eye. Beyond the sun's
atmosphere, they cannot be seen, because rays have to pass through
an atmosphere to become visible. Atmosphere is composed of
elements. Beyond the sun's atmosphere there are no elements, until
the atmosphere of the next celestial body is met.
As soon as the sun's rays with their forces arrive at the earth's
atmosphere, those forces affinitive to earthly forces-commence
their work. Thus the sun's rays which are affinitive to the earth's
light force set it in motion, and the phenomenon of "daylight" or
"sunlight" is the result.
Flames result from the combustion of elements. Flames of the
magnitude of the sun's flashings would have consumed the body of the
sun many millions of years ago, notwithstanding it may be 832,000
miles in diameter. Then today there would be no sun, and all of the
members of the solar system, including the earth, would be
dead - aimless wanderers in space.
Flames are super-heated elementary gases coming from a combustion.
Combustion is a thermo-analysis of a substance whereby the solid is
transformed into elementary gases. Thus, if the scientists are
correct, the sun has been deliberately trying to commit suicide for
the past millions upon millions of years. The sun is not so foolish
as to attempt such a thing.
Such a contention therefore cannot be
maintained for a moment on either a scientific or any reasonable
The sun does not emit huge flames of fire. I have often
wondered whether the scientist who invented "the sun's flames" and
those who believe in the invention ever stopped to consider that
they are advocating the possibility of elements traveling thousands
of times faster than lightning.
For, if it is flames that die sun is
sending forth, then it must be elements.
Some very interesting
question could be put to the inventor of the "sun's flames"
regarding velocity and resistance, when he asserts that elements
can be made to travel faster than forces. That is, elements can be
made to travel thousands of times faster than lightning. Earthly
examples of the sun's flashings are the Borealis and an ordinary
searchlight. Both are cold. There is no heat in either of them.
Combustion is unnecessary to produce visible rays, for visible rays
emanate from our radio-active elements when they are cold, such as
radium, uranium, and thorium, also from fireflies, glowworms, and
some fishes.
It is impossible that the bodies of the solar system can obtain
their heat from the sun, because heat is a force that requires room
space in elements, and without elements heat cannot exist; between
the sun and the various bodies of the solar system, there are tens
of millions of miles of space without elementary matter, simply an
essence. Over these gulfs there are no bridges.
How is heat going to
get across?
All creations are duplications. It would therefore appear to be a
fact beyond controversy that the great rays and their forces are
drawn from the sun by the governing sun, and in a manner similar to
that in which the electro-magnetic division of the earth's primary
force are drawn from her body by the affinitive forces of the sun.
Of the fact that the sun's forces are being drawn from its body by
the affinitive magnetic forces of its governing sun there is proof
positive in the fact that the sun's poles oscillate and the sun
revolves on her axis.
The sun's polar regions must be regularly magnetized and
de-magnetized, otherwise the poles could not oscillate. This
phenomenon is explained in section, "The Earth's Pendulum."
Earthly forces are constantly being drawn from the earth's body out
into the atmosphere by affinitive forces of the sun. We can neither
see these forces leave the earth's body, nor can we see them when
out in the atmosphere. The effects of the sun's forces are seen in
her atmosphere. This may be due to either the specialized character
of her atmosphere or to her volume or both.
Although volumes of
forces constantly leave the earth's body, we do not see their effect
because the volume is too low to cause incandescence in the
atmosphere. It is only when the atmosphere becomes overcharged and
the surplus aggregates, concentrates, and returns to the earth, that
we see any effect.
There is the possibility that the sun's flashings which we see may
be the incandescence of her atmosphere caused by a sufficient volume
of forces passing through it at a sufficient velocity to cause its
It is quite reasonable to assume that the sun
has a very much specialized atmosphere, in many respects similar to
the earth's atmosphere, only much more highly specialized.
Again, without question the sun's atmosphere extends an immense
distance from her double layer of clouds. Her atmosphere no doubt
extends out far beyond the limit of her flashings, because it
requires a certain amount of density to become incandescent.
I do not think anything of a definite nature is known about the
sun's atmosphere. There have been many scientific guesses, but when
analyzed, they all show that they are guesses and speculations pure
and simple.
All lack a foundation.
Drayson, writing, says:
'The sun is revolving around a center and is traveling at the rate
of 40 miles per second, 3456,000 miles per hour, and 1,264,440,000
miles during one of our years."
"The sun's orbit is 33,000,000,000,000,000 miles."
"Our sun takes 71,000 years to make her orbit around her governing
Proctor, writing, says:
"The sun revolves on her axis once in 16 days of our time."
sun's poles oscillate once in every 11 years of our time."
The foregoing from noted scientists gives all of the essential
points for argument and demonstration that I require.
Proctor states that 11 years of our time constitutes one sun's year.
Some scientists may object to my interpretation of Proctor's
writings and say that one sun's year constitutes a complete orbit
around her governing sun. Against this is a complete oscillation of
the sun's poles, thereby giving the four seasons if she has seasons.
If Drayson's figures are correct and Proctor's as well, then it
takes the sun 6500 of her own years to make her orbit around her
governing sun.
The poles of a sphere might oscillate any number of times during a
circuit around her governing sun, and each complete oscillation
would constitute a year. I have been unable to find any scientist
stating the number of degrees the sun's poles travel from their mean
Virtually all scientists agree on the following:
In these two facts is a foundation to
"work upon to show and determine beyond all doubt and controversy
the actual temperature of the sun.
First we must see what conditions are necessary to enable a sphere
to revolve on its axis where magnetic forces are the agents
A spherical body to revolve on its axis through the agency of forces
must be governed by a superior body.
The superior body must also be revolving on its axis to generate
controlling forces. To enable a sphere to revolve on her axis, it
must be generating affinitive magnetic forces.
Some, at least, of the magnetic forces emanating from each of the
bodies must be affinitive to each other.
For a sphere to generate magnetic forces by revolving, the sphere
must have a hard outside crust and a soft center. Otherwise no
frictional line could be established, and without a frictional line,
no forces could be generated or regenerated. The sun revolves on her
axis, therefore
The sun has a hard crust and a soft center. As the crust of the sun
is hard, it is impossible that she can be the hot super-heated body
claimed by scientists, because, if she were, her elementary body
would be quickly turned into gases, and she would become a nebula,
without a frictional line and generating no forces of any
A nebula has no poles, therefore she could not spin on
her axis. Revolving gases do not produce governing forces.
was right when he wrote,
"The sun may be a cool body."
It is. His
only error was he did not bring forth reasonable proofs to uphold
his theory. His was an omission and not a scientific sin.
Forces cannot exist in a super-heated body. They require a cool
storehouse. Neither can they be generated or regenerated
in anything but a super-heated frictional line. I think the
foregoing is supplying reasonable proofs that The sun is a cool
Therefore she is not an exceedingly hot super-heated body. Being a
cool body, she does not disperse heat throughout the solar system.
All revolving bodies throughout the universe are cool bodies.
By cool I do not mean frigid. I mean that their surface temperatures
are not sufficiently high to melt elements, turning them into
gases, but low enough for generated forces to be stored in.
If further proof is wanted that the sun is a cool body, it will be
found above.
There I have shown that heat is an earthly force. This is not a new
discovery. It is only a re-discovery, being well known to our
forefathers, the scientists of the earth's first great civilization,
tens of thousands of years ago.
Our sun's governing sun has never been seen, and probably never will
be for the following reasons:
First, according to Drayson it would
be 12,000,000,000,000,000 miles away, which is beyond the reach of
our telescopes. If Drayson is right, then all of the celestial
bodies which we see are under this superior sun's control.
Second, to control such a system, forces would be generated so
intense as to be beyond all of our imagination, and such forces
could only be carried in the intense invisible dark rays.
Thus a
black halo would surround her body, making her body invisible.
being invisible, her rays would pass through space unseen and
unknown except for their effect on the celestial bodies which we can
As the sun has a hard crust and a soft or
center, and is revolving on its axis, it no doubt is generating
forces somewhat similar to those generated by the earth.
On account
of the sun's size and velocity, the forces generated by her must
necessarily be far more intense and powerful than the forces
generated by the earth.
Magnetic forces are being generated, since the sun has a central
frictional line.
Light forces are being generated, because they show in her
atmosphere; also she has light forces, which are affinitive to the
earth's light force.
Heat forces are being generated, because she has heat forces which
are affinitive to the earth's heat force.
A centrifugal force is being generated, because she is a revolving
A gyroscopical force is being generated, as shown by the oscillation
of her poles.
Her crust is hard and cool, because she stores magnetic forces in it
for her superior sun to draw on and revolve her, and because her
polar regions are being super-magnetized and dc-magnetized, as shown
by the oscillation of her poles.
As our sun revolves on her axis, she has a governing sun, whose
forces are infinitely stronger than the forces of our sun.
The forces of the governing sun must be affinitive to some of the
forces of our sun, but not to all, because if the forces of the
governing sun were affinitive to all of our sun's forces, then the
governing sun's forces would be affinitive to earthly forces.
the forces of the governing sun being so much more powerful than
those of our sun, the governing sun's forces would draw the earth
and all the planets out of the solar system and bring them under her
own direct control. We should then revolve around the governing sun
instead of our own.
As we are not under the direct control of the
governing sun, it shows that the earth's forces are neutral to
those of the governing sun. It also shows that our sun is generating
intense forces which are neutral to the earth's, but affinitive to
those of the governing sun. It is the dark, ultra-invisible rays
which carry these intense forces of the sun, which I have referred
to when I said the dark radiation from our sun was over 90 per cent
of her total radiation.
A celestial body which does not revolve on her axis cannot possibly
be generating any forces. She is a dead one. The body will have
forces, but, like her elements, they will be latent and inactive.
All elements are associated with forces, and all forces are
associated with elements.
Even a non-revolving body has forces, but
they are inactive, bottled up, so to speak.

Proctor, writing, says:
"The sun is a
Of course the sun is a magnet. How could it be otherwise? For all
of the forces which the sun is sending through the solar system are
magnetic, with one exception - her centrifugal force.
Proctor quotes the variations of the magnetic needle during the
hours of sunlight by saying:
"The magnetic needle makes an effort during the hours of sunlight to
turn towards the sun. When the sun is at its meridian, the magnetic
needle has its mean position."
"There is an extreme and a minimum variation of the magnetic needle
during a period of 11 years."
During the morning hours, the needle is drawn towards the east.
noon it points due north, and in the afternoon it dips towards the
west, as shown in my cut. In this cut the movements of the needle
are very much exaggerated, so the picture must be looked upon as
typical rather than actual. It is thus drawn so that the movements
of the needle may be thoroughly understood.
On above image I showed what the magnetic needle was and that it
contained a super-volume of a magnetic force coming out of the
electro-magnetic division of the primary force. All forces in this
division are extremely affinitive to certain of the sun's forces - so
that the force in the magnetic needle was attracted and drawn by all
of the sun's affinitive forces. While the effect of the sun's forces
on the needle shows affinity, it does not show the actual reason why
the needle moves towards the sun.
All affinitive forces and all single forces, when scattered,
endeavor on all occasions to join and aggregate. This is especially
noticeable in a single scattered force, and is demonstrated when
two bodies, each containing a volume of the same force, apparently
unaided by anything tangible, draw together and attach themselves to
one another.
With the magnetic needle, the force in it is
attempting to leave the needle to join and aggregate with the sun's
affinitive force.
This it is unable to do because the elements
composing the needle have a greater power over it than the sun's
affinitive force. The needle being balanced on the fine point of a
thin pillar reduces the friction caused by its swing to the
minimum. Although the sun's force cannot overcome the resistance of
the elements, it can and does overcome the friction.
Like the magnetic needle, an ordinary magnet has a super-volume of
the same magnetic force as the needle. If, as I said, a scattered
force always attempts to join and aggregate, the magnet should be
enabled to affect the needle. Let us see by making the magnet a
little sun. As the magnet is brought towards the needle, the needle
swings and points towards the magnet.
The force in the needle is
endeavoring to join the force in the magnet. If the magnet is swung
to and fro, the needle follows the movement of the magnet. Take the
magnet completely around the box and the needle will follow it,
making a complete circle. The magnet is controlling the movements of
the needle, but is incapable of drawing the force out of it.
Proctor mentions:
"The discovery that the periodical changes of the sun's appearance
are associated with the periodic change in the character of the
earth's magnetism..."
Proctor here has undoubtedly inadvertently used a wrong word by
saying "character" of magnetism. What he undoubtedly meant was
Magnetism is a force. There are various magnetic forces. The
character of a force never changes, but various magnetic forces have
various characteristics; some are affinitive to other forces only,
while others are also affinitive to elements; so that if "character"
stands, it would mean one class of magnetic forces would supplant
and take the place of others.
In my mind Proctor certainly meant
degree and used "character" in error, which would be quite easy to
do if one allows the theme to be in any way broken in a line of
The phenomenon which Proctor speaks of is that the earth's
magnetism varies in degree.
"The deviation of the magnetic needle is greatest during the period
of n years at the time when sun spots are most numerous and of the
greatest area."
Here we have an exceedingly interesting phenomenon upon which many a
theory could be advanced.
First, it would be necessary to know the
positions of the sun's poles when "sun spots are most numerous and
of the greatest area." As the sun oscillates her poles once in u
years, and the sun spots occur during one particular period in these
n years, it is self-evident that they either occur when the sun's
pole is dipped towards the earth, when it is pointing away from the
earth, or when it is in its mean position.
Basing a theory that "sun spots are most numerous and of the
greatest area" when the sun's pole is dipped towards the earth, many
phenomena are apparently accounted for.
The sun's polar regions like the earth's are super-magnetized; when
the pole is dipped towards the earth, it would bring a greater
surface of the sun's super-magnetized area exposed to the earth.
Consequently a greater volume of super-magnetized rays and forces.
This is one possibility.
The sun's double layer of clouds may be more dense around her
equatorial regions than in her polar regions. In other words, they
may taper in density from the equatorial regions to the poles. Then
when the pole is at its extreme dip towards the earth, rifts or
openings may appear in the thinner and less dense polar clouds.
These rifts or openings would appear black and be what is called sun
These openings would not expose the body of the sun, as
suggested by Herschel, but the dark invisible parent rays which
surround and envelop her body, making the body unseen to the human
eye. Through such rifts or openings, we should therefore receive
direct the parent rays of the sun unfiltered or undiluted. These
rays would be more intense than what we ordinarily receive,
consequently would have greater power to affect the magnetic
Then, once in every 11 years, the magnetic needle would be
subject to a greater deviation.
An interesting experiment to make, if it were possible, would be to
test the rays coming from sun spots, without involving the other
rays coming from the sun, and see whether rays coming from sun spots
only are capable of affecting the earth's light force.
If the rays
from sun spots are incapable of doing so, then we know at once that
the sun's specialized clouds and atmosphere are necessary to the
production of light on earth.

By a diagram I will now show how and why the magnetic needle is
deflected by the sun's magnetic affinitive forces.
To obtain the force represented by A as being anchored in the
compass, the weight D must break it away from its fastening. This
it cannot do. It does, however, pull the line down and deflects it
from a straight line to B. The deflection in the cord represents the
deflection of the magnetic needle.
The variation of the magnetic needle caused by the sun's affinitive
magnetic force is a convincing natural phenomenon that:
The sun has powerful magnetic forces, The earth has powerful
magnetic forces; and That some of the sun's magnetic forces are
affinitive to some of the earth's magnetic forces.
I have taken the solar system as an example of how
all systems throughout the universe probably work.
In fact they must
cither work in the same manner or very like it to avoid collisions
among the celestial bodies.
The distance from the earth to the sun has been calculated to be
about 91430,000 miles. The length of her annual circuit around the
sun is stated to be about 609,553,000 miles. The earth is traveling
in this circuit at a rate of about 1,670,000 miles per day. The
earth makes her orbit around the sun in the form of an ellipse.
There is no visible connection between the earth and the sun whereby
the earth is being held in given distances from the sun. This being
the case, it demonstrates that unseen forces are the agents and that
these forces emanate from the sun.
To accomplish this orbit by the agency of forces, more than one
force is required. It is also shown that all forces are working in
harmony and unison. I shall now attempt to show what the forces are,
how they are generated, and how they work, - a stupendous attempt, but
after over 50 years' study of the subject, I think I can accomplish
For the sun to carry the earth around herself in an orbit, four
separate and distinct forces are required.
Three of these must emanate from the sun, and
One from the earth.
The four forces are:
A sun's propellant force to carry the earth along in her orbit.
A sun's repellent force to prevent the earth from being
drawn into the sun.
A sun's magnetic force to prevent the repellent force from carrying
the earth out into space.
An earthly magnetic force or forces that are affinitive to
the sun's propellant and magnetic forces. It may involve two earthly
magnetic forces or only one, I
cannot say.
I have heretofore shown that all these forces exist. Two of the
sun's forces, the magnetic and repellent, must form a neutral zone.
The repellent force at the sun's surface must be stronger than the
magnetic force, and from the sun's surface must diminish in strength
as it works out into space. The magnetic must be weaker at the sun's
surface than the repellent and also diminish in strength as it
moves out into space, but the rate at which its power diminishes
must be much slower than that of the repellent; then, at a given
point, dependent on the magnetic capacity of the planet, a neutral
zone will be formed, from which she cannot stray.
Each of the planets has a different magnetic capacity. Therefore,
as their magnetism differs, so must their neutral zones differ in
distance from the sun. Thus it is shown why Mercury is so close to
the sun and Neptune so far away as to be out of sight.
Apparently, I cannot say it authoritatively, the magnetic capacity
is governed by density.
If our scientists are correct in their
assertions about the densities of the planets, the planet nearest to
the sun is the densest and the farthest one away the least dense of

This is a conventional diagram.
Distances and sizes are not
Curved lines radiating from the sun. The centrifugal force.
Straight and wavy lines. The sun's forces, including magnetic.
Black circles. The neutral zones of the planets.
The planets.
I shall now show how the various forces must work.
The propellant force is achieved by the attraction
and holding power, one to the other, of certain of the sun's
magnetic forces and certain of the earth's magnetic forces belonging
to the electro-magnetic division.
The sun's rays with their forces
follow the spinning movement of the sun, like spokes in a wheel when
it revolves, following the hub. The sun is the hub, and the rays
with their forces are the spokes. It is also illustrated by changing
the angle of a searchlight; the rays from the searchlight follow
the change of angle.
The forces in the sun's rays attach themselves to the earth's
affinitive forces in a manner to the various illustrations already
given. The strength of this magnetic bond is sufficient to hold the
earth in touch and carry her around in her orbit. Neither the earth
or any of the planets travel forward as fast as the sun's rays. If
they did, they would make their orbits in 16 days.
The magnetic grip, however, is not sufficient to hold either the
earth or any of the planets rigid. There is what is termed in
mechanical machinery a slippage. This so-called slippage is due to
two facts: actual slippage and the actual breakage of connections.
As the earth or a planet revolves, as the area passes on from sight
of the sun, the actual contact is broken, as one surface disappears
from the sun another surface comes forward in view, so that as one
connection is broken another one is made.
A magnetic slippage can be demonstrated by passing a magnet around
the box of a magnetic needle swiftly. The needle will follow the
magnet but lose ground all the time, and eventually go out of
control entirely unless another magnet follows the first. Then the
forward movement of the needle will he continued, corresponding to
new areas being brought forward, to be brought under the magnetic
A phenomenon in connection with the magnetic needle is that the
further away from the needle the magnet is, the slower will be the
movements of the needle. So it is with the planets and the sun, the
farther away from the sun the planet is, the slower her movements
are found to be.
The momentum of the earth must also be taken into consideration,
although almost infinitesimal, as she has no weight in space.
The moon and the planet Mercury are examples of pure magnetic
slippage. As neither revolves on her axis and as neither travels at
the rate of the forces controlling their orbits, pure slippage
accounts for their tardiness. The sun's principal magnetic hold on
the earth is the area of the polar regions, which are
The sun has no hold whatever on a de-magnetized
The repellent force is the sun's centrifugal force,
which is always casting off, throwing outwards and away from the
place of generation; it endeavors to throw everything within its
reach out into space, and to throw all of the sun's satellites off
beyond her reach and control.
This, however, it cannot do because
there is another force working against it.
This force tries to draw
every satellite into the sun; to avoid either catastrophe, the Great
Designer instituted neural zones, where the forces are equal in
power, so that the repellent force cannot throw the earth and
planets out into space.
The magnetic force is one of the sun's magnetic
forces. I say one because the sun has ultra and intense-magnetic
forces, which are affinitive to the forces of her governing sun,
and which are not affinitive to earthly forces. This I have
previously shown.
Whether it is the sun's magnetic force which is carrying the earth
in her orbit, the magnetic force which turns the earth on her axis,
or a totally different one that is antagonistic to the repellent
force, I am not prepared to say.
The sun's magnetic forces undoubtedly reach beyond the outermost
satellite, whatever that may be. Neptune may or may not be the last
out. The recently discovered Pluto may or may not be a member of our
solar system.
From the movements shown by the bodies comprising the solar system,
it is self-evident that the repellent force is much stronger at the
sun's surface than the magnetic force, and that as they both work
out into space the repellent loses its power much faster than the
The neutral zones of the earth and planets are shown
in the diagram of the solar system, page 188 as circles parallel to
the sun with a planet on each circle.
The neutral zone of a
satellite is governed by her magnetic capacity. Her magnetic
capacity in turn is governed by the elements composing the body,
the thickness of the crust, and the general density. This is fully
verified by the bodies composing the solar system.
The higher or greater the magnetic capacity of a planet is, the
nearer will be her neutral zone to the sun, and the body with the
lowest magnetic capacity will have its neutral zone the farthest
away from the sun.
A body, when given an impetus by a temporary force, flies forward,
commencing in a straight line, and continues on in this straight
line until some magnetic force attracts it, and eventually stops it
having overcome a temporary force. Then the magnetic force claims
the body.
If, however, the propellant force is not of a temporary character,
and of a circular movement, with sufficiently strong centrifugal and
magnetic forces governing it, so as to form a neutral zone, then the
flight must be everlasting.
As this is the condition in which the earth and planets are placed,
their flights around the sun must continue on to the end of time.
As an example showing the difference between a temporary and an
everlasting force, I will take a grindstone with its underside in a
trough of water.
As the grindstone revolves, the water in the trough is picked up by
it, carried a little distance, and then thrown off by the
grindstone's centrifugal temporary force. The water, as it leaves
the wheel, starts off in a straight line, but soon commences to
curve towards the earth. This curve is an indication that the
earth's everlasting cold magnetic force is claiming the water and
is overcoming the grindstone's centrifugal force. At last the water
strikes the earth.
A weakened temporary force has succumbed to a
strong everlasting force.
Neither the earth or any of the planets can be carried out into
space any more than the water could be carried out into space by the
grindstone's centrifugal force.
The earth and planets can be carried out by the sun's centrifugal
force just so far and no further. They are compelled each and all to
remain in their neutral zones.
For at the distance from the sun at
which they are placed, the sun's magnetic force is holding them
against the sun's centrifugal force. Neither the earth or any of the
planets can be drawn into the sun, for, within their neutral zones,
the sun's repellent force is stronger than the magnetic, and
prevents their nearer approach to the sun.
The earth and each of the planets have their own separate degrees of
magnetic capacity, and all being different, no two have the same
neutral zone. Therefore they cannot collide
with each other.
To have two planets occupying the same neutral
zone, it
would be necessary to have the two bodies of identically the same
size, composed of identically the same element, and in the same
exact proportion one to the other, and with identically the same
thickness of crust. Otherwise, their magnetic capacity would not be
the same; not being the same, it is impossible for them to have the
same neutral zone.
I have often been asked,
"What would be the result if a planet
through some unaccountable cause strayed out of her neutral zone?"
Nothing serious could happen. I shall give a diagram showing how the
forces would work in such a case and what would eventually become of
I have given two full erroneous circuits and a
part of a third before the planet finally settles back again to her
neutral zone.
As a matter of fact, she might correct her error on
the first circuit or it might take many. The whole thing is merely a
problem of what would happen if such an error did actually occur.
At the outer circle C the magnetic force would be so much more
powerful than the repellent, that the outward progress of the planet
would be checked, and she would be brought back with great impetus.
This would result in her being brought within the neutral zone at
about the center of her orbit. Here the repellent force would gain
the ascendancy, resulting in sending her out again beyond the
neutral zone, but not so far as in her first error, and so it would
go on, each time reducing the ellipse until finally she settled down
again in her neutral zone.
As an example, take a swinging pendulum; the impetus given at the
start keeps the pendulum swinging, but each swing becomes shorter
and shorter, until it finally stops.
is then in a neutral zone between the bar on which it swings and the
cold magnetic force.

The movements of the various bodies
throughout the universe clearly show that the solar system is a
duplication of the many other systems throughout the universe. Our
sun with her satellites is moving around a superior sun.
This superior sun, with her various
systems, is moving around some greater sun, and so on to the center
of the universe.
All forces connected with the earth's circuit around the
sun are even and everlasting.
The earth cannot stop her flight around the sun as long as the sun
continues to be a living body.
The earth cannot be drawn into the sun.
The earth cannot be hurled off into space.
The earth cannot collide with any other body.
Each body in the solar system has its neutral zone.
Each body in the universe has its neutral zone.
No two neutral zones cross each other.
No body can be drawn out of its neutral zone.
The sun has a hard crust and a soft center.
The sun is not committing slow suicide by burning up.
The sun is a cool body.
The sun supplies no heat beyond her atmosphere.
A pole may be magnetized and de-magnetized many times during a
circuit around the governing body.
I have very inadequately shown what the great Cosmic Forces are and
their manner of working, but trust that at least some who read this
work will find it sufficiently explicit to understand what I wish to
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