Analysis finds Solar Activity
'Controls Climate Change'
Español |
Así se Ve la Superficie del Sol
A Solar Siesta
Español |
Cabalgando la Tormenta - ¿Es el
Sol el Iniciador de Huracanes y Malestar Social?
Carbon Dioxide does Not cause 'Global Warming' - Top
Climate expert Blows Whistle
Celestial Sound Waves reveal
Surprising Solar Changes
Español |
Científicos Rusos Reportan Perturbador
Climate Cooling? -
Weakest Solar Cycle in Over 100 Years says Otherwise
Crop Circles and Solar Storms
Español |
Descubren Cómo se Calienta el Sol
Español |
Detectan Estructuras Nunca Antes
Vistas en la Corona del Sol
Discovering Structure in the Sun's
Outer Corona
Discovering The Electric Sun
Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Changes
in Our Sun
Español |
El Campo Magnético Solar Cambiará
la Polaridad en Unos Meses
- Dice la NASA
Español |
El Frío del Mínimo Solar
Español |
El Sol
- El Desarrollo de La Luz
Español |
El Sol está Vivo - Por qué esto es
Español |
El Sol se Queda 'en
Blanco' - ¿Qué Está Ocurriendo?
Español |
El Sol Tiene Efectos Regionales en
El Clima de La Tierra
EMP Spikes From Increased Solar
- Solar Cycle 24
Español |
Enfriamiento Global -
Main File
Español |
Extrañas Emisiones del Sol Están
Repentinamente Mutando la Materia
- Descubrimiento Científico
Gigantic Solar Tornado Is 5 Times
The Size of Earth
Glimpses Into The Structure of The
Global Cooling
Main File
Global Cooling Straight
Ahead - Says Solar Physicist
Global Warming - An Official
- Main File
Global Warming vs. Solar Cooling -
The Showdown Begins in 2020
Holes in Earth's Magnetic Cloak
Let The Sun In
How Oblate is The Sun
In 20 Years Solar
Activity is Predicted to Fall to 60% leading to a
Massive Drop in Temperature
Lack of Sunspots to Bring Record
Cold - NASA Scientists
Español |
LASCO Detecta un Objeto de Grandes Proporciones en El Espacio
Español |
La Teoría
de un Sol Termonuclear Falsada
Español |
Lo Oscuro
del Sol
Español |
Los Dictados del Cambio Climático
son Autodestructivos - Pero también forman Parte de una
Agenda Mayor
Magnetic Portals Connect Sun and
Español |
Solar' - Científicos se Preparan para Un Gran Apagón de
La Comunicación Satelital
Researcher Finds Hidden Portals in Earth's Magnetosphere
Español |
Nuestro Sol es menos Pesado que
Nunca - Y el Problema se está poniendo Peor
Español |
Ondas de Sonidos Celestiales
revelan sorprendentes Cambios Solares
Our Sun is Lighter than Ever - And
the Problem is Getting Worse
- Planet-Sized
UFOs In Our Sun -
Part 1
Part 2
Español |
Plasma - Materia Prima de la Realidad
Español |
- ¿Podría
una Tormenta Solar dejar a la Tierra sin Conexión a
Español |
Por primera Vez hemos 'Rozado' el
Record Heat and Drought Signs of
Solar Catastrophe?
the Storm - Does the Sun Trigger Hurricanes and Social
Scientists found Something
Surprising in 'Closest-Ever Photos' of the Sun
Español |
Se Viene un Enfriamiento
Global - Dice Físico Solar
Solar Activity Intensifies
- May 2012
Solar Cycle and Wars
Solar Magnetic Polarity Reversal
Solar Numerics
- Warning for Indonesia (SE Asia Plate - SW Pacific
Plate Boundary Region), and...
Solar Ropes Writhe on the Sun in
First Hi-Def Pictures
Storms and Earth's Electric Grid
- Main File
Solar Variability and
Terrestrial Climate
Solar Weather
Strange Emissions by Sun are
Suddenly Mutating Matter
- Scientific Discovery
and Earth 2012 Polar Shifts
Sun's Magnetic Field to Reverse
- What It Means
Sun Stroke
Español |
Temperaturas Récord y Señales de
Sequía... ¿Señales de Una Catástrofe Solar?
The Climate Role of our Sun
The Dark of The Sun
The Effects of Solar Variability
on Earth's Climate -
A Workshop Report
The Electric Sun
- Main File
Energetic Transformation of The Solar System
"Iron Sun" Debate
There Are Two Paths Ahead - Each
Marked With a “Danger” Signpost
The Safire Project - Testing The
Electric Sun
- Main File
The Sun - Cloudy With a Chance of
The Sun-Earth Connection
The Sun
- from "Cosmic Forces of Mu"
The Sun Goes Haywire
The Sun in Transition? -
Persistence of Near-Surface Structural Changes through
Cycle 24
The Sun is
Freaking Out
The Sun is so Blank that it Looks
Like a Billiard Ball
The Sun is the Biggest Player in Climate Change
The Sun's Magnetic Effect on
Weather and Humans
Sun's Magnetic Field
The Sun's Magnetic Field is About
to Flip
The Sun's Magnetic Field is Poised
to Reverse its Polarity
- Stanford Physicists Monitoring Huge Solar Event
This is what 'They Don't Want You
to Know' about the Climate Agenda - Dr. W. Soon's
interview by T. Carlson
Twist and Shout - Massive Solar
Italiano |
Una Mini Era Glaciale? - Perché il
Sole perderà il 7% del suo Potere in circa 30 anni
Weather Changes in The Sun
What is
Going on With Our Sun?
What is the Sun Made of and When
will it Die?
When Sun Cools, So Does Earth's
Temperature - Scientists say
Information |
Español |
Actividad Solar Afecta el Estado
Mental y Físico Humano
A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic
A Higher-than-predicted
Measurement of Iron Opacity at Solar Interior
Alpha and Omega
- How The Sun's Interior Generates Its Magnetic Field Is
a Long-Standing Mystery for...
A Mystery Revolves Around the Sun
Perfect Storm of Cosmic Rays
A Puzzling Collapse of Earth's
Upper Atmosphere
Astronomers Discover that Our Sun
Likely had an "Evil" Twin that Killed the Dinosaurs
Stars - Does our Sun have a Dark Companion?
Crop Circles and Solar Storms
Español |
Desde 1983, NASA Sabe Que Nuestro
Sistema Solar es Binario
- Evidencias Científicas - Batalla Por La...
Do "Outside Forces" Affect Our
Español |
Dos nuevos Artículos Científicos
arrojan más Dudas sobre la Contribución Humana al 'Calentamiento
Español |
El Anatema Solar
Español |
El Antiguo 'Disco de La Vida'
Español |
El Factor de la Vitamina D -
Evidencia de la Relación Inversa de Exposición al Sol y
Causas de Mortalidad
Español |
- ¿El
Verdadero Día del Juicio Final?
Embedded Binaries and Their Dense
Español |
- ¿Está
Consciente Nuestro Sol?
Español |
Estado Planetofisico de La Tierra y La Vida
Español |
Estrellas Binarias - ¿Nuestro Sol tiene un
Compañero Oscuro?
Warming in a Climate of Ignorance
Italiano |
Il Fattore Vitamina D - Evidenze
della Relazione Inversa tra l’Esposizione al Sole e le
Cause della Mortalità
Is Our Sun Conscious?
Jellyfish Crop Circle Accurately
Predict A Solar Storm?
Español |
La Ciencia Dice que La Luz Solar
Podría Reducir la Tasa de Muertes Debido a Todas las
Español |
Revela porqué Desapareció la Atmósfera de Marte
Español |
La 'Piedra de Rök' - Inscripción
de hace más de Mil Años que alude al Temor a una
Catástrofe Medioambiental
Living With a Star: Targeted
Research and Technology Program - NASA
Italiano |
L'Uovo Oceanico e La Gallina
- Variabilità Climatica Atlantica
'Major Discovery' Primed to
Unleash Solar Revolution
- Scientists Mimic Essence Of Plants' Energy...
Maurice Cotterell on Great Solar
NASA Study Acknowledges Solar
Cycle, Not Man, Responsible for Past Warming
Nemesis - Does the Sun Have a 'Companion'?
Neutrinos and 2012
New Solar Research Reinforces Key
Aspects of Hyperdimensional Physics
Release of UFO Files Will Prepare Humanity For 2012
Solar Waves
One of Our Sun's Long-lost Sister
Stars has finally Been Found, and She's Pretty Close By
Our Busy Solar System - What is
NASA Hiding?
- Get Ready for Whast's Coming!
Planetophysical State of The Earth and
Plasma Physics, Space Research and The Origin of The
Solar System
Polar Bears, Sun Spots and Rising
Sea Levels - Dr. Willie Soon
Quantifying the Solar Cycle
Modulation of Extreme Space Weather
Science says Sunlight Could Reduce
Death Rate from All Causes
Science's Looming 'Tipping Point
Solar Activity Affects Human's
Physical and Mental State
- New Scientific Study Shows
Solar Analemma 2015 - A Year-Long Picture
Solaria Binaria - Origins and
History of The Solar System - by
Alfred de Grazia and Earl R. Milton
Solar Physics - Swirls in The
Solar Power Without Solar Cells
- A Hidden Magnetic Effect of Light Could Make it
Spacequakes Rumble Near Earth
Gazing - Why I Stare At The Sun
Sun Warms and Cools The Earth
- Opinion Piece by Dr. Zbigniew Jaworowski
Evidence for a Brown Dwarf Solar Companion
- by
John J. Matese
Ancient Disc of Life
The Extreme Magnetic Storm of 1-2 September 1859
The Global Warming Scare
The Highly Structured Outer Solar
The Real
- December 2012
The Space Phenomenon of The Great Ribbon
The Sun is Stranger than
Astrophysicists Imagined
The Variable Sun
The Vitamin D Factor - Evidence of
Inverse Relationship between Sun Exposure and All-Cause
The World Won't End The Way You've Been
Español |
Una 'Mini Edad de Hielo' Llegará
dentro los Próximos 15 Años
Español |
Un Cuerpo Sano y lo
suficientemente Alcalinizado no debería Enfermarse al
estar en Contacto con el Sol
Español |
Día en la Tierra solía Durar sólo 19 Horas |
Venus Will Transit The Sun
Witnessing Magnetic Twist with
High-resolution Observation from the 1.6-m New Solar
Solar Flares and
Solar Wind - Llamaradas Solares
y Viento Solar |
A Crack just Opened in Earth's
Magnetic Field
Astronomers Find Clues to
Decades-long Coronal Heating Mystery
Español |
De Cómo Las Recientes Llamaradas
Solares Están Afectando a Los Seres Humanos
Español |
- ¿Descubierta
La Fuente de Energía de Los Vientos Solares?
Español |
Descubren que la Tierra está
cubierta por un Manto de Ondas que No se Mueven
Español |
Detectan una Super-Erupción Solar
- Una de las más Grandes jamás vistas
of Gamma Rays from the Quiescent Sun with HAWC
Flashes from Normal Stars
Heating The Solar Wind
How Recent Solar Flares are
Affecting Humans
Magnetopause Ripples going Against the
Flow form Azimuthally Stationary surface Waves
Mechanics of Coronal Mass
Ejections Revealed
Observational Quantification of
the Energy Dissipated by Alfvén Waves in a Polar Coronal
Hole -
Solar Wind Energy Source
Sun Blasts Out highest-energy
Radiation ever recorded - Raising Questions for Solar
Sun Goes Wild - NOAA Issues Alert - Earth Directed X-Class
Flare is on Its Way with Chance of More
The Solar Flare that Wouldn't End
The Strange Case of Solar Flares
and Radioactive Elements
The Sun has been 'Erupting
Non-Stop this Month'
Two Explosions on the Sun -
January 2021
Solar Minimum -
Cycle 25 |
A 'Mini Ice Age' is Coming in the
Next 15 Years
Asymmetric Solar Maximum Suggests
Sun Headed for Hibernation
- Possible Ice Age
Español |
y Efectos de un Gran Mínimo Solar
Climatologist warns 'Next 20-30
Years will be Cold' - Sun much less Active
Cosmic Rays up 12% in just 3 Years - Implications
Cosmic Ray Update - New Results from the Moon
Cycle 25
Earth is about to Enter a 30-Year
'Mini Ice Age' as the Sun Hibernates - Scientist Warns...
Español |
El 'Evento Terminación' ha Llegado
- Ciclo Solar 25
Experts Predict a Long and Deep
Solar Minimum
Forecast for Solar Cycle 25
Global Warming, Carbon Dioxide and
the Solar Minimum
Goodbye Global Warming
- Deepest Solar Minimum in Nearly a Century
Grand Solar Minimum and the Swing Between
Incredible 'North America Snow
Extent' - Grand Solar Minimum
It's Official - Sunspot 'Cycle 25'
is Beginning...
Español |
La NOAA confirma que el Pico del
Ciclo Solar 25 llegará pronto, antes y más fuerte de lo
Español |
La Tierra está a punto de entrar en una 'Mini Edad de Hielo'
de 30 años al Hibernar el Sol - Advierte Científico
Low Solar Activity to cause
'Temperatures to Plummet' - Say Scientists
Mini Ice Age? - Why the Sun will
Lose 7% of its Power in about 30 Years
NASA predicts Next Solar Cycle
will be Lowest in 200 Years - Dalton Minimum Levels and
the Implications...
New Study shows that a Four-fold
Increase in CO² will have No Effect on "Warming" over
the North Atlantic
of the baseline of solar magnetic field and solar irradiance on a
millennial timescale - by Zharkova
Overlapping Magnetic Activity
Cycles and the Sunspot Number - Forecasting Sunspot
Cycle 25 Amplitude
Regional Atmospheric Circulation
Shifts induced by a Grand Solar Minimum
Researchers Predict that a "Mini
Ice Age" is Coming Very Soon
Russian Scientists
Predict Ice Age within 15 Years Because Sun is 'Cooling'
Scientists warn of Freezing
Weather, Famine and Earthquakes as Sun goes into
Several 'Bullet Points' proving
the Sun causes Global Warming - Not CO²...
Solar Activity just reached a 'New
Space Age Low'
Solar Cycle 25 - Is a 'Termination
Event' Imminent?
Submerged Sources of Transient
Acoustic Emission from Solar Flares
- "The
Approaching Grand Solar Minimum and Little Ice Age
Conditions" - Prof. Nils-Axel Mörner
The Approaching New Grand Solar Minimum and
Little Ice Age Climate Conditions
The Chill of Solar Minimum
The Cold is Getting Colder
The First Sunquake of Solar Cycle
The Little Ice Age which has
Already Started - The Sun drives the Climate Change -
Valentina Zharkova
The Maunder Minimum
The Next Grand Solar Minimum,
Cosmic Rays and Earth Changes
The Starlink Incident - Revisited
The Sun is Asleep - Deep 'Solar
Minimum' feared as 2020 sees Record-Setting 100-Day
'Termination Event' has Arrived - Solar Cycle 25
The Thermosphere is Warming Up
Flux Decrease Under a Grand Minimum from IUE Short-wavelength
Observation of Solar Analogs
Uncertainty in the Response of
Sudden Stratospheric Warmings and
Stratosphere-troposphere Coupling...
What Climate Crisis...?
Sunspots |
A Dark Region is Growing
Eerily on the Sun's Surface
Explosions and Sunspots Caused by Sungrazer Comets
Sunspots and Climate
and Human Behavior
Sunspots and Planetary Alignments
Sunspots Vanishing faster than
The Emerging 'Sunspot Cycle 24'
and A Weakening Magnetic Field
- What Does This Mean For Our Planet...
The Sunspot Enigma
- The Sun is “Dead” - What Does it Mean for Earth?
The Vanishing Sunspot Mystery
- What Does it Mean for Earth's Climate? - A Galaxy
Zero Sunspots - Global
Consciousness, Solar Activity and 2012
Massive Solar Eruption - Sunspot 1092
The Sun and Misticism |
Español |
El Culto al Sol y Otros Atajos
Hacia Ninguna Parte
Italiano |
Il Sole Nero e la Società Vril
Jesus as The Sun Throughout History
Revealed Secret Mysteries of The
Español |
Revelados los Misterios Secretos del
Sol |
Scorched by The Sun
- Solar Signs, Circles,
and Serpents
Worship and Other Shortcuts to Nowhere
The Black Sun and The Vril Society
The Son
of God is The Sun of God
White (Solar) Brotherhood
- Main File
Multimedia: |
- "Sun of God?"
Suns of God - Acharya S
The Pharmacratic Inquisition 2007
The Sun and Cosmic
Wars |
Big UFOs
Battle Around The Sun
Earth Sized Spherical Objects
Inside Corona of SUN
- NASA Images
Evidence of Intelligent
Manipulation of The Sun
Giant ET UFOs Near Sun Now Visible
With Close-Up Image Technology
- Exposing Possible NASA Cover...
Giant UFOs Around The Sun?
- NASA Claims Malfunction, Physicist Says Giant ET UFOs
Use Sun's...
Station SouthEast - We Are Not Alone!
Books-Treatises |
Español |
El Cataclismo Mundial de 2012 - por Patrick Geryl
Multimedia |
Another Huge Cube on SOHO
- 27 December 2010
Biggest Sun Eruption This
Year 20th June 2010
Changing Vibrations
- David Icke Talking to Meria Heller
Did Ancient Man See a Different
Earth Sized UFO's Using the Sun as
a Stargate
Español |
El Gran Fraude del Calentamiento
Huge UFOs Around The Sun
Is Our Sun a Massive UFO Stargate?
Formación del Sistema Solar
LASCO Detecta un Objeto de Grandes
Proporciones en El Espacio
SOHO - Nuevas Vistas del Sol
Space-Time and Cosmology
- Nassim Haramein - Coast to Coast AM - February 3, 2010
Solar System Shift
Sun Cycles - The ESA-NASA Ulysses
Robotic Space Probe
Sun's Effects on Life on Earth -
Geomagnetic Effects and Electricity of Life
The Sun as Art
UFO Disclosure
- Huge UFOs Orbiting The Sun
- "UFO
Sized Earth" on Sun 2011
- Nassim Haramein
Unstoppable Solar Cycles
- The Real Story of Greenland
What Are These Objects Near Our
Related Reports |
- Main File
Astrosciences - Exploring The Mysteries Of
The Universe
Consciousness and Human Energy
External Link
Current Solar Data
- from NOAA
External Link
Earth Changes
- Main File
El Cinturon de Fotones
- The Photon Belt
Main File
Free Energy
- Hi-Tech/Top Secret Projects
- Main File
Las Ondas Shumann
- Main File
Sylphs & Chemtrails
- Main File
The Divine Cosmos - A Breathtaking New
View of Reality
The Electric Universe
- Main File